Whitby D'istrict Boy Scouts and Malta Social Club Propose to develop five-acre parcels of Camp X By BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer Developmnent of Camp X near Corbett Creek would have to be planned and implemiented very carefully as tlçe areaiÎs envi ronmientally sensitive, according to Larry Windover of Totten Sîims Hubicki Associates. Mr. Windover nmade the statement during a Thursday nieeting, with Whitby Council's operations corn- nÉttee and two groups which plan to develop portions of the camp, near Lake Ontario on the Whitby side of the Oshawa-Whiitby boundary. However, Mr. Windover pointed out, Camip X land fu rthe r east o f Cort-ett Creek hias a higher tolerance for development. The two interested groups - Whitby District Boy Scouts and Malta Social. Club - plan rnost of their development for the more tolerant land. Each group presented proposais fo r three-stage developments of five-acre parcels of land which they plan to lease from the town. Both organizations said their developments could be undertaken "at no expense to the taxpayers. Russ Wilde of the Boy Scouts told the conîmittee that his group hopes to one day establish their head- quarters and an all-year campground, complete with a winterized cabin and suitable for canoeing and nature studies by members of the Scouting and Guiding movements and the general public. Malta Social Club spokes- man Larry Sacchett said that his' club envisions a Whitby International Cultural Centre which would in,,tude a hall for social fuic tions, facilities fé r recreational use and space for offices when completed in approximately eight years. It would also be made available for use by the public. Both proposais seemed favourable to the committee members and to representa- tives of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates which is studying the effects which deveiop- ment would have on Camp X and surrounding property. First 40 familles begin thei move to Lynde- Village Appr -ximately 40 familles wiltoday begin to move mbto Lynde Village, the twin high rise apartment buildings, being constructed on Dundas Street West by Donbill Holdings Limited. The first group of tenants will occupy the bottomi four floors of the taller bulding. The rernaining 304 units will bc occupied in stages as finishing construction on die 1 9 and 20-storey buildings progresses skyward. See Page 1Il. $5-million hotel to be constructec on Thickson South Construction is to begin this faîl million, Six-storey, expected on a S5- I 20-room restaurant and motor hotel on Thickson Road South The project is being uinder- taken by three Toronto-based companies - Alpha Forming Corporation Limited, Bayside lnvestment Corporation Province to subsidize road work Widening ofUBrock Street North from Mary Street tu Maple Street froni two to four lanes is expected' 10 begin towards the end of October. The Town recently received a letter fromi the Mistry of Transportation and Communications, say- ing that the province would provide funds'- for the project. It is expected the p ro uince will. subsidize approxlmately $550,000 for the $835 ,000 project. Liitcd and Rosswood Properties Liiînited as a joint venture under tlhe naine of Greater Whitby Properties. The hotel will be built on property once destined as the site of' a Howard iohinson's Hotel before the developer ran out of money during con- struction over two years ago. The developers may build the hote] on the foundation of the abandoncd project providing an engineer's report says it is possible to do so. The Town and the developers, after five weeks of negotiations, came to an agreement lastTuesday which in effect, gives Greater Whitby Properties the green light 10 begin prelirninary work on the project. According 10 Mayor Jirn Gartshore, the developers have the financial backing to complete the project and not abandon it in midstream. Councillor Gerry Emin feels that "thie hotel site is in the heart of theindustrial and commnercial hub of the region, making il attractive to visiting conventioners and executives". There is a possibility, that a mnajor hotel chain miiy somehow becomne involvcd Whitby Towne Esta tes Ratepayers, ta d iscuss Members of Whitby Counicil's administrative comi- nittece and lawyers met in a private session Monday 10 discuss the Town's legal position withi regard to lot coverae c i Whitby Towne, Esta tes, a 654-uni t subdivision planned for, an areabouhded hy Kendalwood Roadonthie lot coverage east, Nichol Avenue onl the north anid Burcis Street oni the south. One month ago, counicil passed a bylaw to'zone the property 10 permnit thle rnixed resid 'ential dlevclo)p- ment. Counicillor Gerr.y QEiii., was the oilly opponent. comm ittee on The Corridor Area Rate- payers Association contends thuitIthe by-law permits lot coverage over 25 per cent, gene rally accepted by council as thie maximumi. According tu CARA,thie pr.ovince luis asked tlhe town i o ci thler cuange tlhe official Tuesday plani 10 allow greaiter lot coverage or inisure thiat all pl ans of' subdivision are restrictcd Io generally 25 per cent lot Coverage. CARA will meet withi the adiinistra tive commiiit tee on Tticsckiy (o dîscuss the quesi ion ol.loi coverage once, THE OLD AND THE NEW The old and the new got together on the weekend for drew plenty of attention. At Ief t is a 1976 Buick, used as the f ifth annual outing of the McLauglilin-Buick Club of the pace car of Indianapolis. Not legal for use on the Oshawa. street, the car, with a turbo-charged alumninumn V-6 motor, At one time during the outing, 22 cars sat in the parking was. flown in fromn the States for this special occasion. lot of Iroquois Park Arena for passersby to admire. The At right is a 1910 Model 8 .. r touring car. It was buit cars' proud owners and drivers, in the meantime, were in Oshawa two ydars after the introduction of McLaughlin- admiring the workW in the Whitby Arts Station. Buicks £0 Canada. The two cars in the foreground of the above photo Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess administr'ative