Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1976, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1976, WFITB Y FREE PRESS i - ý e ý - on m omm ""Very strong" Warriors teaàm ope ns training camp Sept. 20 1350 Listen 1350 for Details THE OSHAWA STATION AI Arnîstrong, Generai Manager of the Whitby Warriors, is optimistie about theotupcomiing Ontariol Hockey Association Senior 'A' season. Z"ýThe tearn is very. very strong thiis year", says Mr. Arist rong. [le and the other members of' the Warriors' executive wilI get an opportunity to sec just hiow strong the teamn is Mhen 30 players report to training camp September '20. Severai players frorn the 1 975-76 squad have indicated thiey will attend training camip. Anmong thie returnees arc goal- tender Mike Laing; defence- nien Bob Edwards, Bihl Lastic anîd Calvin Pettit; and forwards Greg Bodnar, Mike Keenan, Gary Miiroy, Mike Noonan and Pc te. Vipond. Otlier players who began the scason witlh the Warriors but Jeft for various reasons vii i be bac k. De fecnman Ken Desjardine, xvlio piaycd a \viice for the Worid Ihockey Associt;on Calgary ('ow boys and Sait Lake Ci ty of die Centila Pro i iockcy League; Ivan M cariane. xvhioliîad a - sîtitIn ttue Noitlti Amecrican i iocke%, Leaigrie andi Pa il R<avinerî, \w ito xas 1< rced by sVikcoitnnitîîîcîîîts to icave [lie scinad : îniay lie on tu)e l") ';t e 1' Severiai niexcoinîers Couid lie in the liinp xvhein Whli tb )egîis Ilhe 76-77 Iiinny Season . Anliong Illce \[mît'ces aI Camp xviii be 'o:,itcndcr Steve Rexe \vho piayed withi the Napanec (omets last VeaI l def'cncemîin Brianl Cougi in f roni I lie Na panie Com1e Is, La rry 1aver1yv [r> nî thle toron b Toros, Waynle Mlorecey lfromouiceAjax Kniob Iil ii arnîls andi John Sauniders f'ron rl'î Cornieil Uniive rsiîy ; aif f'or wards Tcrry Angel froin thle Napanice Coniet s. Cita ic ('onivcrvfl'ronî' fie Napane Cornets anid John Precious f'roin Ille Univcrsity of Toron k>o. llite reason i iatI lie re larc seve rai for me r Napance Conîcîts Coliîîing <) Camp is f la t filicteam ni bide da f c t ic pasl Scasonl. Oîîc of'ltebigcst acquisi- tilis [rofm hfic('omlets couid lic forxvard Cliarlie Convcry whd in l'iislîed seven thii iiscor- ig las t ycar, belli ' md tive Barrie Fiycrs atîd Warri ors' Pete \'ipoind. Therec have been severai changes made to the manage- nienit of thie teami as welh. Mike Keenan and Gary Miiroy, who have piayed with the Warriors since the teai's birlh two years ago, have beeti appointed player- coaches, replacing Dave Nichohishen wh o resigned after being advised ihat the severe leg injury lie received hast year would keep hiïîî out of action this season. Mr. Nichohishen had a hand in picking the new phayer- coache s. The iwo coach systen "is very effective", according 10 Mr. Armstrong. Mike Gray, an executive memiber of the Brooklin Redmen of tue Onitario Lacrosse Association Major Series, takes ovér the duties of Presideuit of fic Warriors, replacing Tomn Fitzsimîniions, who wihh serve as Vice- Presidcîît this season. Bill McKniglit, also of the Redmen, takes over as Treasurer [rom Ah Armîstrong. Dave Godfrey, who served 0o1 the execuitive of the Ajax Knob Hlili Farnis of the Provinciaý Junior 'A' League last year, hias been named Secretary, a position hieid iast season by AI Armnstrong. The Warriors also have 1 5 new directors. Not only Whitby, but the entire league lias taken on a new look as it is divided into two divisions this season. The Warriors wiil play in a division with Lindsay Lancers, Mississauga Golden Arrows and Thunder Bay Twins. The other division is made up of teamns fromn Barrie, Orillia, Cam bridge and Bran t- ,o)rd. In addition, the Warriors bave affiiiated with the Ajax Knob Hiliers and can tbus elevate Juniors when necessary. l3eginning September 20, the Warriors train fromn 8:30 t(> 1O p.mi. Sunday through Thursday at Iroquois Park Arena except on evenings of exhibit ion gaines. The first homec exhibition contest is Seplemiber 29 at 7:30 p.mi. when Whitby plays Bramptîon hosted the final gaie of thle îxvo serniî-finais be îwcen \Vhîitby and Bramîp- ton and the Whiîb.y Novice Lacrosse teanm came home I n thle two-ganme total-goai series, Whitby trounced Ilîcir oppo0fiCt s 26-i15. The first ganie w,?.. played August 3 i ai Peel Park in Whitby. and ýýrampton took the head xih a 9-8 vic 1<y On Tbursday, Septenîber 2. the second ganie saw Whi tby corne back xih an i8-6 win thus capturing the total series. Whiîby xvas ied by Joe Nieuwendyk wtlh h12 goals The end of the '76 season came for the Wlîitby Dune- dins oui Labour Day afterîîooîî at E.A. Fairnian wMien thie hitby club bowed out of furthier contentionî dropping tlîe third and deciding ganie of tlîeir series 7-5. They lost thie opener 5-4, camne back to square il up h2-3 but camne up with sone aîrocious basebahi to almnosi give the series 10 the Listowel club in the finals. Ten errors made the ganie alnmost a give- away as thîey hîanded runafter run to the opporîents, inuati- whihe failing to capitalize on sorne great scoring chances tiîemsehves, leaving men on whîen ihîey slîould have conie oui of the inîîing with runs. John i leaslip started on the rnound for thie Dunedins anîd took the hoss but really de- served a better fate. It was flot pitclîing thîat ]ed to the Wlîitby defeat but soi-e totallv inepi fielding. Typicah of tiîeir play xvas thie second inning wMien two successive errors 0o1 routinîe piays put two Listowei ruîîners onl base wiîlî nonle out, instead of a nouie-on, two--out situation. To get out of thec inning, the Whiiby soutipaw Ahad ho hosi to the Dallasý Black< Hawks. of, the Central Pro Hockey League. On October 4, the Warriors entertain the, Barrie Flyers at 8:30 p.m. The Uiniversity of Toronto Blues are in town October 7 for a 7:30 game. Whitby opens its 34-game regular season- schedule on Saturday, October 9, at 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Park Arena. The Thunder Bay Twins will provide the opposition. Rooty the Root Bear of A & W fame* will lend a hand (a paw) at the opening ceremonies. Ail bu t the first home garne will be played Sundays at 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Park Arena. Season tickets are S60 per family, $50 a pair and $25 for singles and are available from Tom Fitzsimmnons by mnail at 107 Burns Street [ast or by phone at 668-951 2. in the îwo gaules, Bill Calian (cot seven, Dave McWhirter fired home four, and Bill Keiiistiïîe and Jeff Haley each go t Singles. An outStanciing series by Whitby's bard working novice teami sends themn on to the [inais vhich began yesterday and then to the AI] Ontario Tournamiett on Septemnber 17. Praise musi go to Whitby's coach, Paul Ravary. and manager Don Ailain without whose persistence and training Whiîby's lO-mian team vould îîot have had ti1.e determina- tion and nerve to push on. sîrike out the side because ie xvas getting little help froni liis mates. In the fourth, with the score 4-0, Cam Murkar who hiad pitched nine innings thie day before, camne on in relief' and the club played no better behind himi than they did fo r starter Heaslîp. Murkar held Listowel to two Iiits and struck out 10 batters in the final five innings. In the six th the Dunedins finally cracked the goose-egg with a pair of runs and hiad a big chance to turn things around i the eighth wlîen they loaded thie bases with none out but failed to score. In the ninth they set the stage for some last minute heroics when they got the first two men on base with walks, scored three runs but couhdn't produce the equali. zer. Thiis last ditch effort liad the park in an uproar but it was too ittle and t00 late. Don Clarke, 011 the mnound f'or Listoweh, hîeid the Dunedins 10 flîre hits but issued 10 frec bases wvlich shtîuld îlot be a winning per- forman ce a ny finlie outf lit! t lie c.1111e up witlt thie viii, Pete Forain, Paul Cluigstonl, utid Johîî h-easlip ývere the Wiîtby bit.ters. lacrosse Whitby Novice' team moves on to finals Deciding game lost 7-5 Baseb ail season ends for Whitby Dunedins q

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