Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free Press Emnporiu Autos 1976 DOOGE VAN 318 automnatic, chrome wheels, completely done up, sink, frïidge, etc. Cati 655-3149 after 6 p.m. 1967 PONTIAC - two door hardtop, body in good condition, speciat price Cali 668-7299 after 5 p.ni.Price $300. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, ý owver steering, power brakcs, 400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Call 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON - excellent condition, will certify, 36,000 miles, $1,650 or best offcr. Call -668-0307. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8- automatic, body good, certified, $695. Cati 579-3648. 1969' \METIEOR RIDEAU - 500, V-8 autoniatie, Pl/1s, p/b, recent engine tuncup, and brake overliaul. $350. Cati 668-7314. 1967 PONTIAC BEUMONT - two dojor, 283 motor, pmnd rimis & air shocks, 20,000 miles on miotor and transmission, needs brakes and body work ta be certificd, $300 or bcst offer. Cali o55-3481. 1971 TOYOTA 1200 $650 as is or bcst offier. 'al 579-1888. 1964 CHEVELLE cylinder, stamndard, iin condition, tuncertitied. CatI 655-4498. running $ 150. 1966 (-ORDI) convertible, recent pain t and body 'v,.ork, ne'.' top). runs good. askimie $651) or best offer. ('ail 668-ý485 after 6 p.nm. 197OPONTilACI>-\,ýRISIIFNN - ts'o oor hardtop. V-8S. po\.'er steemîîîg. poswe r brakt's. radio, certified. $ I .(10or be St offer. Cati 66 8-0 272) ýor7 2 8- 25I19, 1972 OLDSMOIIILt- 88$ tood condition. Sý1750: 1972 1-ORD. $750: 1966 EOiun Van. $551). Il579-0233 or 725-7449- 1966 I ORI) VAN -me'.'.tic rod ends, Iront amîd rear cylimiders. fron t and rear brake slioc s, ernergency brake, front end -~aignrent, compîcte lune-up, amr-fnî tape player, very good unning, conditioni, certified, 5700. Cail 668-016il. 1968 ('11-V 1IM PA1LA recent paint and body %v'ork,good family- car, low v nilcage, asking $851) certificd. ('aIl 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1972; N TORINO SI>ORT - paower stceea..ag. power brakes, 35 1 V-8, ani-fmn radio, askiîg $1.975. C'ait 668-9805. 1964 -'/4 TRUCK - miles, good be scen at Whithy-. TON GM(' PI('K UP' nesv rotor, 6,000 for parts, $250. Can' 1201 Brock St. S., 1965 1 0RI1) MER*ICURY VAN- as is, $350 or best offer. Cal Tom at 668-9860. 1973 PONTIAC LFIMANS - autamatie, power steering and brakes, radio, snowv tires, very low mileage, $2.900. Cali 668-1134. 1949 CHIEV '/2 TON PANEL - anc owner, 44,000 originat miles, needs some body work, $400; Vaîkswagan VW TR A1LE R HITCl-I $20. Cati 668-8376. 1965 RAM BLEÎR CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $100. Cali 623-2043- '~1971 FORD -- power stecring & brakes, radial, good condition, $400. Cali 668-5318. 1975 BUI('K SKYLARK - 15,000 miles, hiatchback, power steering. power brakes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Cati ..668-5767. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. Cati 655-3406. 1967 DODUE POLARIS - 2 door hardtop, very clean, in good run niflg ondition, $450 as !S. Cali 668-9870 afler 5 p.m. S 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4:.oar sedan, 289 V-8S m",tor, ,n fair. running condition,, uncortilfed, $175, or best otier. -- Cali 668-9167. - 1974 BUICk APOLLO - power steering, power brakcs, low mileage sith safety check i asking $3,200, owner selling because he necds a 12 ton truck. Cal 985-3393. 1972 TRIUMPH r igr 650 cc, $825. Cati 728-I 930I after 5 pa. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techone ter, $500 or best offer. Cati 668-0463. 1964 CHEVELLE SS- six cylinder, bucket seats, fl.,or con.sole, good tires, body and initerior in f'air condition, $200 firmi as is. Cal 728-3992. 1961 FORD FALCON - 2 door, automatic, 6 cylinde:r, good running order, 31,000 original miles, $500. Cal 668-5815. INTE-RNAT'IONAL SCO UT Il -- 1973, 34,000 ile.s, pienty '-of' optiotns, Iour-\whleel drive. powe r stcering, power brakes. au tomnatic transmission, positraction rear end, air catidi tioner, ridio, radial5, locko- niiiiic frce-whiecî bu bs, roof' rac k, S4,695. ('aIl 723-9)113 artytimie. 1967 VW BE-1*",I-'--$30 as is. Cal Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 miotor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4.500 Cal 668-0705. 1972 RENAULT 12 excellent condition. certitied, comipletcly overiiauled. radio, cass.et te deck, radial tires, $ 1,40(1. ('al 723-0985. 1967 Nil--IlOR IFORD)rie w parirîiaud body ssork. nais good, .îskiïng $4001. (Cali 668-2485 aîter 6 pin. 1965 PONIAC ('WAGdON au tona tic, 283, powsercqipd $250. ('*aillie seen at 1 201 Brock St S.. Wiîby. 1967 VOIKS\vA(ON F'AST- BACK - as is S$200. Cali 576-6592. 197 0>IlLYM ( UI 1IISATl 1-F.L- four door sedan>, six cS-inder, iin rtininiri-w ordcr, a,, k $300. C.ii 668-87Il 2 or 008-026( after 6). 1968 I0>IlA( ' S\IA IN- WAGON 396 cnigîýite.caii bc sýeen at Lamlx'rt Oîil 1>.12. 5 niiies îiortiî of, Wiitbs. RFAR BUMIIER -fIor 1975 Chev Van, paintcd, excellent condlition, $30;>AI NTIEDGCI ILL, for 1975 ('lîv Van, $30: 4 chromei TRIM .\INGS, fît 14" whiecls, îîess'condition, $20. (Calil 655-31 83. IIREI-S- 650-13, 2 l'or $15: ('atalytic .5TE, 8; holding tank for boat, $30: table top IRA N G L'r $21): (ooking su rfacc uiit, $1 20. ('al 5 76-6 59 2. -lî R1;S 4 i'.. Goodyear, D)70-14,' blackw'aii. SI120. tor conîpac t or iiternuediatc car. Cal 668-8544. Ilil-AfERS- for 68-74 Nova, $61):'9 s 12 TENT, oultsidc t'raine, $65: SI'WING MACHIINE-, $60: BIC'YC'-, 2 wlvhecler, $1I0; (Calil723-0)855. -' 'Iwo SNOW 'TIRES w'1vil rims, Uniroyal Winter P ide, OZ78-l4, ncw. $55. Caîl 655-3879. i-ou r L7 8x 15S onT-Ford five-s tu d RIMS- $20 each: anc Cooper MS GET IN ON THE WHITBY MARKETPLACE CA LL 668-6l11 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel Therc will. not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advcrtised is sold. When thc advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on TuIE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertiscments must be placd on an exclusive basis with the WIITBY FREE PRESS ':.rrl run at Icast anc mianth if not sold. RATE S (if article is soid): 5% of advertised pricc up to $4 00.00 2% of balance ovcr $4 00.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advcrtiscd for $50.00 - commission duc $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.5(» Private advertising only! Pîcase notil'y us if you find a retaîler listed as a privatc advcrtiser. Pllease notify the Whitby Frce Press immediately wiîcn iteni is sold so that we may dcletc it fromn the f'ollosving issues. Services, help wantcd, clothing, real estate and 1personal message type ads cati only bc handled on a prcpaid basis. If iin dou bt, calI 66 8-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: fr-kEE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby rite dcadlinc for emporium ads ks the Monday at noon. Furniture ('01(11 ry, 1%%o seat. very ,good Loilditidt, S 75. (an bhe scenl a t 114 C irecio St. or ('.ll 668-554 1I itetr 4-i .m. UIIlNSIO\ TABILE - walinut. clos,. dl 37- \20", open 37" 40- ' tulîs e'tuîldcd witîit tlrcc lcaves, 17 sN76". $75; chlild's bed, loîdî e e 27" \ 52" sith ma rc oud condition. $30: rullav.av bcd. 30- \%idec, S8: four ki tclîcnt or bar stools,, 24" higli. Orne nîctal. 57 . bc igc rug. Il '4" 10 I>' ncds dcdan îni!. $3 5: is5ý ohburer stove. clec trie. 22(0 volt lîcas.s dntý,. 25" hîeh ss itlb shil'. t. ino oven . S 15. aI I 655--3860>. R tJ CI acrilan 1lar t st. 1 2' bs 18'. ljoncs eold. c \ccll.'ti't con)Iditlion.V>)O. t'il 05-7 21. ý9" HI . \\ i tIi .îc soOdcn iicjad & fo ot board, spriie i'Lna t trcN, iin ludcd. S$25: cbicNt drassc rs. S 30: dreoe\c s th inîrror. N 35. s ado for -'iînele pcr'oliî or cliilds room. $ 45: tsso lîvi ucrmolli or reccmollior cvc n bedroorti chiairsý, 'SI &$1 .(I 6 6 8-)(Mt9, Sn~ow mobiles, Trailers, etc. TRAI LER '.vbeels, $75. aftem 6 pi. (BON) 16", (ail668-6779 21' CAIIIN CRUISER 4 cylinder, 60) lorsepasser. ilii ou id - complc tely medonc iimsîde & ou tsid(l, rcady l'or iauinciuing. $35111)or >est al'er. ('att 668-1252. 0OUT 13)A R 1) Johnson 3 - horse. condition, $ 125. -aftem 5 p.nî. ,M0Oi O ilood rumînfing ('att 668-5060 16)' Libregias'. covered RUN- ABOUT 25 lit) QU'IBOARI) gas tank, battemy electmic stant,- as is, best offer oser $350. C- 1 668-8957. 1973 R UPPII11U STLEER 12" whecels, gaod condition, asking '.250; I12' plywood boat, made last year, semi-V bottoin, askîng $100. Caîl 655-4616. 15 foot IJOUSE TRAILER 1968, comupîcte with rec.se hitch, sleep:.-6, lots of storage, portabte toilet, propane fridgc tl slave, anc 12 x 9 kitchen tent included, $1,500. Cati 1-705-277-2790. GO-KART - 1973 But Sidewindem, duel engines, fuel injection, $600 or best offer. Caîl 668-5432 ask for Rab. ROW BOAT - square Sternwaod, suitable for smalt mntor, $50 or best offer. CatI 668-2253. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 feet, $2,800. Can be seen aI 385 Lorindale Dr., Oshawa. fSOLDIII16 D EL 0XI- BATII/CII'1ANGE TAB13 $411: decorated luasine ttc. $25: Pllay tensiîiaîs, original box, $21):iolIy iumnpcr, original box, $5: huisy gytîi. original box, $4: I-t>K ap appile, originial bo X. $2.511: koruier busv lace, originaltbo-s. $3:. aitiqlUe sxoodem craldle. $ 125., Oval îbv a i tii ttb, $2: Sintaîl diaper pail. S4: raggecdy -\ti & Ai.dy lbunîiper pads. $ I 1> I-.>. ttîli trai., orîei.i-'l box.- $2: IF.11. puli itouncinti:-buggy. originaîl box.S52.5(0: bot tic %v anneîr, tbos>ed, $ 2: plastic fccding chiair, 52: l & \V îîort,îbîc IV. $25:, 4 Rcnîiington radial tires 1-AR0-lt4, tb 0's pIy dyn:icor rayon, $81>: ne%%' pak'dck ski carrier, lpad -c 1 d top) bar. ttubtlar alurnir- i, carrnes 0 pairs of skis, $12: colonial cei Iimg lighi t lUtturc. $S25: ('al<083-693(). So.iveî RO('KE-R green-blie colour. $55:;amie buecket (CHAIR, Icatiier, orange colouir, $20, anc sec tional kitclem SUITE, leatiierette, onc ycar aId, $155. (:alI 668-9520. BI) CIII- 511-ERI-E1-LI)--3 monthls aId, Iîeverley mîattress, plus chrome frane, tiîîted glass end table, bouiglit for $50. wilI sedI tor $ 311(1.(alil655-4 I1)0i. I)R -SSER Z ýwithî six ilrawers, and nirors. $45; tfour RAWE--R CIIElS'I, $35: cotîtinen.A BEI), 54,, conipîcte witbh leadboard, boxspming. nîattress, $60:;'auto- iniatic radio cotîî binatioti radio 8-track car sterco, $45; ('aIl 723-7147. (R IA.(IIANI)I1- [1ER1 s'ithi 24 lîglîts. $ 100;): ANTERN, S2 5: GI.O l I , $21), ail good condiion, ('ail 668-0)524. Kimgsize I l " ) & STEF t; I-AI inattrcss, $175: gais primîlas 3 bur- 'r stase, f'or camnping $50- (ail 579-0757. UJpbalstered (lIAI R umîfimised, $ 25; CatI 7 25-12 11. Beatit antiquéc tatI ('HINA BUF-FET- large glass f'ront, mnedium bioneysvood svould match colonial, $500 firmi. Cal 668-9792 after 2:30 p.n. Victorian CHAIR - set of 6, in gaad condition, asking $70 eacli, waoden slave, $50. Cal 668-8376. 9 pce. DI NiNG ROOM SU ITE - needs refinishing, $150; Stove, 30", $50; alsa miscectancous articles. Caîl 655-3724. CANE BOTTOM CHAIR- refinished, $35; atsoa snialt cane bottom chair, $25. Cal 655-3768S. Junior BED - with mattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, everything included but Iining, $300 or best offer. Caîl 655-3583. RUG - 9 x 12, gatd perfect condition, $100. 668-1618 after 6 p.m. shag, Cal, Set of lilrce liur BUNK BEDS - with 31, fouMi maÎtmrse,, ideat ,,'or cottage, $45. Cai668-8,114. ~-y.--- $25;ingw washiîîg MACHINE - $5 anmowers, $10 & $15; room divider, large, brand ncw, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25: Cali 725-1211. REFI-RIGE-RATOR - Large frost-free fridgc, $ 15 0; 3 0" stase, $95, bath in excellent condition, CatI 668-3889. WASI-ER & DRYER - aparîment size, $100; cement taundry tubs with stand, $45; delîumidifier, $75. Cal 668-1134 cvcnings. TELEVISION - B & W, 19", $35; RADIO, AM-FM, record player, TV, combination, 21" sereen, $50. Cait 668-6260. WASI IER, DRY ER, FRIDGE, STOVE - almost ncsv, asking $1.100. CatI1668-4652.j ADMIRAL BLACK & WHITE TV - loor mode], excellent receptian, pficture tube & perfor- miance. Ideal l'or rec room, bcdl- roomn, second TV etc., $50. CalI 668-9771. AUTOMATIC WASIER $250; Frigidaire, $250, botlh are iin excellent- condition. Cal 668-0270. SCMEETR' BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. ('aIl 723-0855. Bi & W TV - Console, $65; Oshawva (atholic ligli Sehool skirt, like nesv, $ 10. ('alil 725-1211. Singer SEWING MACHIINE wtih stool, $165; STEREO èomponent set, sith wooden 1stand. $210. Cal 985-3393. III;AVY I)L'T y SPACE II A'I 1-1<ý - S45. Cai 579-0757. Westinghouse DRYER - electrie, recently recondition cnly i$8(f Calil723-0722. STOVE- 30 inch, good ct:t- dition $75; space [IEATER S 60. CaJi1668-6750. EMI-RS0*ý TV SET - ".iîtiî radio, record plaver, iin good condition, $80 or nearest offer- Caîl 668-7446. -Dual 1218 TURNTABLE - base & dust caver iîîcluded, lias autornatie stîutoff & antiskatc, audio technica cartridge, onîy used for tw..o months, $230 firni. ('ail 668-3015 after 5:30 in. CONSOLE B&W TV- good condition, $60. Caîl 668-9095 IMINI WASIIER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass bath sides, $80. Cali 668-6078 or 668-4377. STE' Rl-IO Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEA(' 160, cassette deck, pioncer turntable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cali 723-2351 anytiiiie. White SEWING MACFT-UNE - zig-zag, buttonlioler, like ncw, $70 firm. ('ail1723-1P802. Airwvay sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER -ditft'reîît attacli- nîints for polishing, shampooing, vacuiuming, etc. 'l'lie cos i 'vs $399.50) '.ill seli for $200. CalI 668-8957. TV CONSOLE -- good condition, Adniiraî, B & W, $50. Cati 668-8580. 36-0t0 BTUJ 3 toi>,-ddr TV - 23" Admirai B&W,- $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dustcover,' $30; men's blue sptit leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN4. PORT, brand new tuxedo style' in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, must seît.' best offer accepted, eaul 668-0856. Kenm ore au tomatic WASHER - in gaod condition, moving ta an. apartment, $125. Cail 668-5745. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years aId, in wooden cabinet, excellent condition, $125. Cati 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cal 668-1297. WHIITE SYLVANIA STOVE - four burners, good condition, $60 or best offer. Cali 668-7546. DRAPES - 150 x 90, newîy eancd, orange, gold & black nîulticoîaurs, $40; bedroamn drapes, 72 x 63, lilac, mauve, green, floral, fully iined, 2 years aid, .Cv.y cteaned, $30. Cal 839-7774- BALL BQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25.- Caît 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. 1Italian STROLLER CatI 683-1574. Perrigo ,twin navy blue, $70. Consîder Effect When ordering new drapes for your home, con- sider their potential effect on your comfort, especialîy in winter. Drapes that block your warmn air register wiII prevent sufficient heat from entering the room. Each time the heat comres up, the drapes wilI bilîow out and dance around, instead of staying in place, whiîe your thermostat keeps "caîîing" for heat. If there are electric heaters along the outside waIl, drapes must be cut to hang about six inches a- bove the heater. Otherwise, tliere is the risk of charring certain fabrics. Instruments SPEAKEýRS- 8" with vizzer canc, 8 ohms, brand new, actua, pricC, $18 only $10; BOW & ARROW SET, AI condition, re tail $15 only $8. Cati 668-6790 after 4 pi. GUIITAR - Like new, vinyl case and Ipicks ineluded, $40. Caîl 668-3447. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER - Guitar is a copy of Lasp.'il custom. Amplifier is a Sonax 720G witil two 10"' speakers, asking $225 for pair. Cal 668-4730. PORTABLE STEREO COM- PONENT -- on.casters, $10. Cal 655-3167. F'ar Fisa ELECTRIC ORGAN with music stool, double key- boards, pedals, etc. like -ncw, $700 or nearcst offer. CalI 668-2969. TRAINER GUITAR MADE AMPLIFIER - in good condi- tion, $200. Caîl 655-4120 ask for Dave. SPEAKERS - two larg(,e 16", approximately 312 higli, contain in black leather casing, $45 or best offer. Caîl 668-2860. OIL SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drum, $50; fruit IFrench Rivicra four piece juicer, nearly now, $15; two bear DR UM SET -- blue sparkle fInish, tré.$10. Call 73j314,eonditlon,415O. Cali 655-3205. --- -Appliances uail ubemb 111

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