Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1976, p. 7

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by Norm Mealing Last week, 1 conîmented on the dangerous nature of certain of the phua ground equipment in Central Park, and suggested that the Recreation Departinert mighit look into the situation. Imagine rny embarassment when 1 was advised that safety bars had been installed on most of the equipm-ent. So, just as I have donc many limes before, 1 publichy apologize for my çomments, and appl-4ud the Recreation people for taking this niecessary first slep in making the playgro)iim.d safer for our children. West Lynde Calendar: September 8th: Registration for the Ladies SportsNight, 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. ut \West Lynde Public School. September 11lth: Boy Scout Paper Drive Day. September l4th: WXest Lynde Mixed Bowling League open- ing. Caîl Don Short ut 668-7644 for- information. Registra- tion - Cubs "A" Pack at St. John's School, Giffard Street ai 6:30 p.m. Seplemnber I Sth: Registration - Cuibs "B" Pack ut West Lynde Public School at 6:30 p.nîi. September l8th: W.L.C.A. Bicycle Rodeo. beginning ut 9:00 a.m. at West Lynde Public School. Items of Interest: The West Lynde Conînîunity Association is looking for someone to run the Men's Sport Nighit. - If you are iuterested ini taking on tibis task. culi Joan Luiik ut 668-3545. The first Scout Paper Dr-ive o' the year lukes place tliis coming Stuirday. The paper the Scouts colleci is recycled ut a local plant. ind the Scouts are paiid lu hit'i SIR JOHN A'S VISIT In the Uitcd tates onu oft.e.ilîeprc of- a buiilding, with a sign in front of il whicli reads: "George Wmsingion slept here". Athough no such claini can be ruade regarding the father of Canadian Confederation, as fan as Wblitby is concerned, Sir John A. Macdonald did, ou one occasion, do honor 10 the Royal Hotel by making a speech there. proportion to the amount QI paper they collect. So, get, your summer's supply of newspapers bundled up and out early, and in this way support your local scouting program. Comment: t 15 110W fully 15 mont1ýs since the W.L.C.A., led by Bill l-loffrnani and Ed Dawson, fought and lost the battie of the highrises. It was a bitter fight, and 1 ani sure vnany of those involved are like myseif,, and resent the two towering structures that are going uipon at the enitrance to this subdivisioni. Their prcsence is a continuing reminder of the powerlcssness of citizen action. It is not rny intention to rekindie the old flames today. We fought and and we lost and that was that. But, pause for a moment, and consider, if you will, the article which appeared in this paper hast week announcing the opening of the Lynde Village apartnîents. Re§idents of these two towers are rnoving into something closely akin to Shangri-la. Oversized apartments, garbage compactors, Somtmer vacation is over, and our colurun wihl be back for the upcoming season. Hope you enjoyed our school break. Let's jusi recap a littie. The Whitby Town Carnival \vas is uisual success. On behiaîf of the Corridor rcsidents, 1 wotuld li'ie to co(,ngratulute Mrs. pat Wlcox, who wus îthe winner of' the 'Peter Perry Award'. The judges maude a very excellent chioce. Pat lhas excelled lun('omrnunity service. Many îhings wvill be comling uip in C('oucil ibis fail. Qne thai coceruis me most is somie torm otassistance in tranispiortaitÎi for the senior cit r/ens and handicapped. 1 understand thec tial bus ser-vice \vas a financial disaster . but surely ou r Town Fatbers can corne up \î h oi1e imans of' transportation for ibose wvlo require it mosi . 1, for one. h lhappened on NIay 2, 1877 he Sir Johin A. acconîpaniîed bv t wo proetinit Oshawa cit ieus, ite lion. T. N. Giîbs N 1. and W. F. Cowun, passed througli Wîitby on bis \vav freruiOntawa ie Teronte. Sitîce news of Sir Johîns ititended visit was received oit I an hou r etr wo ie fore bis art ivu I, liii mie d prep:îratilots vere tiade te neceive ini. A large body of ci tizens lieaded by thie Oddlellows Baud me t thelie ienleader of"uitheopposi tien atI lle ailway station anid esconted hlmii uptewn to the Royal h letel, wliene lic was presented witlî an address by h)r. Robent J. Gutii, a former inayor of Whitby and a nieniber of' the Conservative hParty. Thie address read as follows: "4Wc feel great pleusure iii aviilfig ounscîves of' thc occasioni of your presence to bld you a cordial weîcetiie tote lcTown of Wliiby. "'Thie great tîajor îty of te people of' Wliîtîy ,us is the case A over te Domnion, have ever feli great pride hii aîîd attaclinieît te Canada's foremiost statesîîian. "Thlat atuchnietît lias lot beeti weakeued by the change of politicul circunîstances wîîicîî have macle yoôu the leader of*1lier Majesty's Loyal Opposition. We bave curct'ully wutclîed your course iii Purliatiient andinl o pposition us welI as Mlienî occupyiig tlic tinst place iii I 1er Majesty's counrsels; oui- con fidenîce lu youn ubility, patniotisii atd integni ty rntiains unal tered. "Nisliing you extetided duys of liappiîiess anid useful- ness to Catiada and respectfuîiy cesiring thiat yon willibc pleased to convey our sincere setn tients cof respect to Lady Macdonald". XVe reitiain, W. 1H. I liggitis R. J. GutîtiI Secre tary -Chairmiui Sir Jolînti harîked the Wliiîby represcutatives for ilîcir greetiugs, anid conîmented tliat the life of a public man Mu n DY FREE PRESS', WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8,-1976, PAGE 7 suana baths, tennis courts, and a lake for skating -and boating are but few of the attractions awaiting those fortunate enough to qualify for an apartment. 1t say qualify, because lest we ail forget, the buildings are being built under the aegis ofthe Ontario Housing Action Program in order t0 provide rentai housing for Iow and middle irîcome familles. This has to constitute the best all-round shaft we will ever see. Our tax money builds apartruents we didn't want and provides accommodation that by any standard is luxurious. Our tax money will continue to support these buildings, and we will have* to forego the suana baths, and garbage compactors and things. It boggles the mind! Well that takes cure of the column for this week. See you next week, same lime, same place. would gladly paya tèw tax dollars more if h knew it would be used 10 aid our handicapped and seniors. How about il Town Fathers (and nîothien)????????? Whitby Towne'Estates by-law was brought forward this sumnmer, and 10 our astonishment contained lot coverages of up 10 40 per cent. Many citizens from ail over Town objecied 10 itie by-Iaw. On close examination, the entire by-Iaw is a 'total disaster. Just one instance, semi-detached hiomes wQuld have oven 50 pensons per net acre, placing them in a high density category. Now thal the objections have been bnoughit to Council's attention, we hope the pnobîeîîi will lbe connected to everyone's satisfaction. Ouir iexi CORRIDOR CAPERS dance will be held aI -lcydenshore on Friday, Octoben 22nd. The previous cances have beeu a roaîing success, so nesenve your tickets eanly. Caîl Lynu Miajoros, ut 7*23- 1680, for reservations. Mutiicipul electious wilh be ini Decernber. Any bets yel as te who wihî bc ruinniug. If you are considering enlering thie race, now is tlie lime te declare you intentions. Thai's ail for luis week, caîl 725-8967 wiih any special evetît yen w\islî te have puper covenuge. Mary McE;7cIîern lu aîîy country was net a bcd of roses. It wvas not a bcd of roses for irnl for lie wvas stîlîl recovering froin the effecîs o!' the Pacific ScandaI of I1873, and would not beconie Prime M inister again f'or another year. île reluted how lie and Mr. Gibbs, the local nieniber of Parlianieut, hiad just returned froni a session of three înonths in Ottawa fighiting their Parliumientary batlles. lie believcd that they had ighit on thieir side and hud Ithe best of it, lie said. Like any politician lu opposition, Sir John predicted uin early election, possibly as early us six uîonths, when the voters would again be calhed upon t0 judge who was best for the country. .He paid Iligh tribute 10 Mr. Gibbs, the representative for South Ontario, whouî lie said was a good conimitîce man, a mi whîo did not spure hiniseîf, and a working man. Although none could be more cloquent whien he pleasecl, lie was a nman who had the earnest good of the country ai hieurt, said Sir John A. "Thîal's what we sent ihl there for", cried a voice from the crowd. Sir John concluded by stuting thiat afler his long experience lie wvus a pretty good judge of what a representative should be and thut for au honest, sound, working represeniative' South Ontario could have, no beiter mianrilian T. N4. Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs, wlîo had introduced Sir Johnti 1 the crowd lu ittenchance, apologized for the briefness of the visit, as îbey werc on thein way to îhe station 10 deparl for Toronto. Tbey wene loudly cheered, anîd the band escorted Sir Jolin and his punîy 10 the station, where hie vas presented witlî a bouquet of flo wers by a 11111e girl, a daugliter of a Mr. Addison of Whiiby. Thus Sir John A. Macdonald, the fallier of Confedera- tion lîonoured tlie Royal Hotel anîd Whitby with his presence, however bnief, on a lonîg go day in May. Editor's luote ok Desire is half of lii e; death. 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