Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1976,, WHITIIY FREE PRESS ERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS w hitby ' v.>p Voice of the Cou nty Town Mike Fhe only Whitby newspaper independlently owned and operated Burgess, Publisher-Managing EditorL by Whitby residents for Whitby resident Publshodevéy Wenfldâyý^,ý Assistant Editor -,BlakeP urdy Pubishd ce'r Wen~say Conmunit'y Edit'or - Bria'n Wlnter Contributing Editor - Jim Qu-kUî Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - by M.B.M. Publishing' Robin Lyon -and Photography Inc. classified Ad Manager Maln- yo Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whitby. The Free Press Building Mailin~g Permit No. 460 121 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario Phione 668-6111I. Good luck Kevi*n! It's a tough *jo-b. We wislh Kevin Tunney all the best iii his new position as the towvn's Director of During his tenuire as Acting Director of Planning, a position more or less forced uipon im iiwhen Keith Birchi resigned June 5, we have haci the opportunity to see Mr. Tunney iii action and feel hie passed the test' witli flying colo ors. Mr. Tunney kept his cool when others mnigit lhave wilted,iniost inotably itlh regard to the contr(>vcrsial issue of lot coverage in the Wlitby Townle Esta tes suib- division. As a result, wve believe Mr. Tunney can hlandie the pr~es- sure wvhich accompanies this position. And. if you don't believe there is plentv eofîpre ýkuic. jilst ask N'lr. Bit ch. Congratulations to our a.thi etes We woulcl like this wcek te send o or congra toltions ou t to a pair of Whitby vouths. Ken Graharn and Neil Stirling, for their fine per- formnances at the recent Ontario 9Sommer Gamles ini tie Ottawa-Carleton region. The twvo, botli 17 vears old, returned fromn the Labour Day weekènd gamnes withi medals to show for tlicir outstanding efforts. These two youths set highi goals for themnselves and %vo rked lhard tIo .ach icve theln. %Ve hope t ha t Ken a nd Neil both [ccl that the tont, and liardl hours ef*l)ractic'e wvhicl htlev 1pu1t in vere %vorth- %wiile a nd t tat tIllc nieclals %vhich they wvon as a resuilt are sLfficiCIi tivards. VVe ontlv %vîsl that more peoplle cisplaved simn ilia r decication %vhien it caile te setting their sites on a1 goal, be il a simple niundLane clore or a seemningtv im possible tzisk. Wiîat (odc is a btind wa tchldog?' That qutestîin corneis te minci after an incident last week involviîîg the Anti- Inflation Board and Day ton Tire office worker-s. The Dayton Tire office workers walked off thie job) Friday morning t o protest AID inaction ln reviewing Local 743 United Rubber Workers' contract ratified iin April and sent to the board shortly thereafter. Sorne timne ago, Local 743 was totd that the AIB had gone over the contracet and would make a ruting iin the future, but, lu a pJhone Cali Thursday, spokesperson for the bo-ird totd union officiais that AID was unýaware 'of the Dayton situation. While the Friday walkout' wvas in prouress, the b)oardt apparenitlv founid hie Dayvton file a il CI iniformied 1 lie conipaiy thiat a ruting vo-2l(tl be forthlce ming. Wl ti that, hie %vorkers retu 'mied t() hie job, a lit île happier than Mvicen (bey lcft bu t w'i tlic saine bitter taste ilu ilîir mouhhis. The incident leaves a bitter- taste in our n1oAlîts as wetl because AIB, liy comnîitting this vaudevilliain bitiuider, is delayiiig the increases granhed the Q(pyton w(rkers ln the contract whiclh took long hiours of liard work te finalize. The incident makes us wonder hiow rnany other workers are being victirnized by such acts of inexcusable stupidity 011 the part of the board, which in this case, re.sembles a blind watchidog. 'fWEf CA/V A~FA r-EtV-J t//N T/IJO BtUCI<e 7ô- F/X &P 2 Benefits of Confederation whittled away since Newfoundland joined Canada ini 1949 l)ear Sir: On April 1001 l) ay 19L49, thie late 1Iltin. Louiis St. Lauirent anneunced. witli great eclat . that Newfeundi(land h ad joî ned Ithe (alnad ian ('on fed- eracv. O'lv a -short timie beft're, ini a N ationiial1 Referetndmui. the peoeple ef' Newi*oundiland hl ad x«ted by a iniargin eof a bouit 4 lier cent te jein C(aniada. Blclre the Reed uini was* lhel. MMr. St. Laurent said lie wmutd accept t he decisien of' the Relfet-end uî ni il' t here was a 'ïsignil'icaInt najority in laveur of- tie ieve. Approx- inîately 48 lier cent of New- 1(ticliidlers clainied thiat jeîîîing (aaawas a t raudc, a deluisien and a snare and tlhey, were being led dowin the gardent path by a demagogue. Now is thie time te p)rove thein liars. Mucli was niacleef' the benlefîts that wotîld accrue te Newfeuindlanid by lumping its fortunes with Canada. Litie was said of the assets Newfoeundlanid was bringing to the Confederacy. Th ese have ail been whittled away in the interventing years, much after the same manner in which Hitler whittled away at Europe until he carne to Poland. The reason the whit- tling has been so successful ithe iack of interest and' tunderstandinc, by Ottawva and the Canadian Public. No oee woulcl listen to our side etf any controversy or dispute. Poland in our case is Churchill Falls. \Ve produce nearly 5,600 miegawatts of electric energy tiiere and the bUlk of it is seld te Quebec. Now we are ask ing foer the re tLîrn of 800 of' those miegawatts but Quiehec wotild sooner selI thieni te NNew York. Otieetoftute claîis ot' those wvhe supperted our entry into Ilie (eîîtederacy was that we would neyer be able te support ourselves. Tlîey t'orgot thiat iîever" is a long dlay. The pow~er generated at Churchill Falls seld at curre nt rates wouIld cerne se close te pay- Boys' Brigade former leaders Dear Editor: In 1983, The Boys' Brigade will celebrate 10OO years of service to Boys around the World. In this connection, the Boys' Brigade in Canada are rnost anxious te contact ahl former B.B. Officers, Lead- ers, Boys, and friends of The Boys' Brigade. .Therefore would anyone withi any past connection with The, -Boys' Brigade in any part Îinc' Our wvay that we weuld be able te do away with qUite a few of the taxes with, which we are saddled teday. Inistead, we are tied te a bad con tract tiat still lias 65 years te run. Quebec is payinigLis some- thiing ini the erder of 3 mills per niegawatt l'er this power and selling-it at forty odd. Thiat, il' there is any justice ii r'anada, is barefaced rob- bery. W'e are neot denîanding the retur'n cf ail t lie pewer. We are ,iskinig fer enough te develep eur- petenitial, but Quebec wî'll neot accede te our req uest. lnstead that Province wants te sdil it abroad at a great er lprotit. Well, Canada, what about it? Sincerely yours, T.E. FuÈlong. is seeking and members of the world, please write te Ille.1 Thanik you for your assistance with this request. Yours sincerely, Robert Carr Centennial Preparations Commiittee The Boys' Brigade in Canada, mec. 6, Angus Drive, WILLOWDALE, Oâtario M2J 2X1 r Anti Inflat~ion Board is a blind watchdog

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