Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 15, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin ~ Byines Whoever you are, whatever age you are, there is bound to be something going on in this north ward / Brooklin aiea of interest to you this nonth. Most of the local groups have really begun their fait activities in earnest. There'is absolutely no reason for you to be sitting around coin- plaining that there is nothing to do - read on, and yoLI will see what 1I mean. Registration for boys in Scouting programis is currently in progress. Boys aged five to seven years are invited to join the Beavers. Information about the Beavers may be obtained fromi Mrs. Phyllis Webb, 655-3745. Boys aged seven to eleven are eligible for Cubs and boys fromi eleven to fourteen years of age rnay wish to join Scouts. 2nd Brooklin cubs are under the capable, experienced leadership of Mrs. Shepard, 655-3675. Mr. Doug Brooks, 668-1026 is the man to cail regarding the Scouts. The 2nd Brookln Croup Comimittee is hosting a community cornroast on Thursday, September 23rd, fromi 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Fanijlies of Cubs, Scouts and Beavers and ail interested persons xill meet at Camp Batty, Iocatcd 2 miles north of Brooklin on the west side of lliglhway No. I12. It would help if each famiîly attending could contri bute one dollar to help defray expenses. Sounds like a good evcning, BROWN'FS BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS AWEEK 8:30 a.rn. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. inexpensive and fun for'the whole family. Try to attend! Looks like you may have a chance to find a good bargain at a garage sale being held aI 27 Duke St. in Brooklin on Saturday, September i8th from 10:00 a.m. 10 2:00 p.m. In the event of rain, this sale wilI be hield the, following Saturday. Thcrc wiIl be.an interesting assortm-ent of goods frorn various contributors available. For infor- miation, please caîl 655-4536. A rerninder to Legion memibers that Sunday, September i9th thiere will bc a gencral meeting of Legion inembers in the north roomi of the llrooklm'L-egion at 9:30. Thc Board of Directors of the Brooklin Horticultural Society wilnicet at thc Brooklin United Churcli on Monday September 20th lfor ils miontlîy meeting. The Brooklin Horticultural Socicty wil II h2e its regular general meeting on Wednesday September 22nd. Thiis evening wiII feature Mr. Gordon Wick and a demionstration of how to force buîbs for earîy Ilowering. A workshop session on terrariums wilI ensue. There wili also be a faîl flower show. This is a good opportunity for anyonc interestcd to corne out and sec whiat this group has to offer. Questions may be dirccted to the Society's president Mrs. Davis, at 655-4825. Ashburn is again wilîing to prom-ote a Pre-school Pîaytinie program. This is an amibitions pro.iect.even if on a srnall scale. It is hoped that sufficient interest can be crcatcd to see this project continue. Thiis is a wortliwhile e!ldeavour that could grcatly cnrich the ciîldren's lives. A fulI-titme assistant is needcd -- if you thiink it sounds like a good opportunfity to use soi-c of your skills picase caîl Mrs. Marion Dickhoff at 655-4770. This group wiII ofer two mornings of' playtimc a weck, on Tucsday and Thursday fromn 9:30 toI11:30 a.m. Mothers miust contri- bute one reguîarîy sclicduîed morning hcelpîng with the cliildren. Thurs. Sept. 16 to Sat. Sept. 18 ]: [1IT ME! ATS U l14~ I~LI BEEF PATIESý na. 198< I_1.09L TENDR PORK HOCKS 55 lé' Sch.,.,d.,. Coorry MapI. RINDLESS BACON 1.78 tL SCNNEIOIRts SKIULSS WIENERS 88 ib MAPLE LEAF av -THE »PIECE .6 9GN Aylnwr Pectin STRAWBERRY or RASPRERRY JAM Betty Crocker HAMRGER end TUNA HELPER P59C Golden Ripe Large Size Bananas 19< lb. Bradford Morsh No. 1 Carrots 2IL b bag25't Golden Fresh Ontario Corn Large Cobs 61494 SCMN ESIER MUT SPEUD ROLLS R2/88 c B3EEF LIVER 59 POLISH LOOPS lb. 1.09 COTTAGE ROLLS IL 1.39 - JELL-O J.Uy Powders TASTER'S CHOICE FREEZE DRIEO INSTANT COFFEE _0ZIJ79 Tomato KETCHUP HERSHEY'S INSTANT Chocolate MaCAIN DELUXE PIZZA Red Brand No. J Steer Beef SIDES m m 240-m 270 lb average Store cut and wrapped 954 lbo IECRSIM PLE ,ue SIa ÀÀ OR OING-3ti3*LàA. CrackREAM 79c DOG FOOD 499'O'ow SALTINES cokr 69c ARCTIC Power s2.19 (TENDERLOIN PORTION) KIPPERED Sncks 2c. IDE lOi ,-ZA 9 FI Os TM 79c 1.29 Ils. GEM RICE 1b bol 59c 1EARTHBORN $1.39 _______ A15iope ic M 0mm iRna FAMILY PAIE- R to Il CItOP ROBIN-O Cereals 49c KOTEX Napkins 85cPO K ROBIN HOOD 89C AIM Toothpaste 99C HONEY Crecmed sl.69 TOOTH PASTE 3Si~CH OP S MARGARINE I b.-ko 43c BANDAGES P5R 25 59C EO n ETE IE COLGATE 100 59C J*394 SUIKN'ONf Sîo 8 î 59c lis. _WILKINSON_5_t-____I.5 9 H4EREFORD CORNED BEEF 99< Omstend Smelts 69C Home Style Fish Cakeq I2loi. 040. 69c Sb s Di Nabisco Loin Pork Chops CereddiesTENDER i 9 lb 79c Wondems.ft 79_ Bathroonu ONRC avrn Tissue, FLOU,,R inners 4.ROLL PKG l C 919D AIIIT OZS lS Z ! c $1 . 0 9 white Swan Kleenex TA N Ça HOUSENOLO PAPER Towels TissueEFSORCYTL 2roiI 2l0 l Community euchres in Ashbuxn have âlready..ý-lbogunl. The next one is slated for Friday, September 24tW:at.800 p.m. Everyone is welcomne - corne out and meet ýold friends - make new friends- have a good time! The Myrtie United Church Women had their -first meeting last Tuesday, September 14th. They have asked that this column announce a very special AnniverSary service that the Myrtie United Church will be having on Sunday, October 3rd aI 2:30 p.m. The guest speeaker will be the Very Reverend Mr. Arthur B. Moore, former Moderator of the United Church of Canada, and'recently named Officer of Canada. A program of speciai music wiii be provided by the St. Marks United Church choir of Whitby. Corne out and hielp celebrate the anniversary of this. fine church. A coffee hour wiil foilow the service, everyone can expect a friendly welcome. It is exciting to see the great burst of activity in evidence this month in and around Brooklin. Cali and let me know if your group is planning something special. If you have a compiaini. or need sorne information give me a cali. This column is here to air your news and views. Val 655-4317 Thursday, September l6th - "Beavers" resumne their activities - Community Centre in Brookiin, upsîairs, from 6:3010o 7:30. Saturday, September l8th - Garage Sale, 27 Duke St., in Brooklin, froin 10:00 a.m. 1<) 2:00 p.m. FOODMASTER PHONE 655-4521 3BIG DAYS DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE SatisfactiOn Sunday, September Brooklin Legion meeting - Brookiin 9:30. 19th - generai Legion, Monday, September 2Oth - Board of Directors of the Brooklin Horticultural Society meet at Brooklin United Church Hall. Tuesday, September 2lst - Ashburn Pre-school Piaytirne progranis, begin 9:30 a.m. aI the Ashburn Community Cen tre. Wednesday, Septem ber 22nd - Brooklin Horticulturai Society general meeting 8:00 p.rn. at the Brookiin United Church. Thursday, September 23rd - 2nd Brooklin Group Com- mittee hiosts a comirnunity cornroast at Camp Batty, 6:30 to 9:30. Friday, September 24th- Euchire night at Ashburn Connunity Centre, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, October 3rd - Special- Anniversary Service at the Myrtie United Chirch, 2:30 p.m. C of fée hour afterward, ail welcomne. Review your R.R.S.P. now Now is a good time 10 compare your Registered Retiremnent Savings Plan wîh the G.l.C. Plan available from V and G. Currently each $1,000 invested is guaranteed to be worth $1,648.40 five years hence under our plan. How does this compare with your present plan? Discuss R.R.S.P.'s today at Victoria and Grey. Mem ber Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORL4n [EGREY TRUST COMPANY SINGE 1889 KEITH LAWES Manager ..2i11 IED&AWHITm~ E NO LONG r<zECKOUT UNE i ERi -0UR SHOPPING TRIPe 1

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