Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1976, p. 16

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PA"Ifq 16 WFNtwFSAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Fre Autos 1976 DODGE VAN 3 18 autornatic, chrome wheels, comnpletely donc up, sink, ffidge, etc. Cal) 655-3149 after 6 p.ni. 1967 PONTIAC - two door hardtop, body in good condition, c. ial Caît 668-7279 after 5 p - r ee-$ 3 00. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully cquipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, power steering, power brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXIIALL. PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Cati 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON - excellent condition, wiit certîfy, 36,000 mites, $ 1,650 or best offer. Cati 668-0307. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automaic, body good, certified, $695. Cati 1969 METEOR RIDE AU - 500, V-8 automnatie, pis, p/b. recent engine tuneup, and brake overbaul, $350. Cali 668-7314. 1974 DODGE CUSTOM VAN - many extras, S2,750. Cati 683-2968. 1971 TOYOTA 1200 $650 as is or best offer. Cati 579-1888. 1964 CHEVELLE cytinder, standard, in condition, uncertitied, Caît 655-4498. six running $150. 1966 FORD - convertible, recent pain t and body %vork, nesw top, runs good, askiîîg $650 or best offer . Cati 668-2485 afte r 6 p.m. 1967 DCDGE PALARA - two door bard top. very dlean, in goodruntîing condition, $250 as is. Cati 668-9870 aftcr S pinî. 1972 OLDSMIOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econol1ine Van, $550. Cati 579-0233 or 1966 F~ORD VAN - new tic rod ends, Iront and rear cylinders, fron t and rear brake shoes, emergency brake, front end alignment, comple te (une-up, am-fmn tape player, very good running condition, certified, 5. 700. Cal! 668-0610. 1968 CI-EV EMPALA recent paint and body work,good famiîy car, low miteage, asking $850 certified. Cati 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1972 GRAN TORINO SPORT - power stecring, power brakes, 351 V-8, am-fmn radio, asking $1,975. Cati 668-9805. 1964 3/ TON GMC PICK UP TRUCK - new motor, 6,000 miles, good for parts, $250. Can* be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. Cali Tom at 668-9860. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatic, power stcering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very 10w mileage, $2,900. Cal 668-1134. 1949 CIIEV /2 TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original mites, needs sonie body work, $400; Volkswagon VWTI*RAILER 1-ITCH, $20. Cali 668-8376. 1965 RAM BLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $1l00. Cati 6 23-2043. 1971 FORD - power steertng -~& brakes, radial, good condition, $400. Cati1668-531I8. 1975 13UICK SKYLARK 15,000 miles, hatctîback, power steering, power brakes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Cali 668-.5767. 1972 GRAN TORINO --V-8 engine, green with "black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. Cal 655-3406. 1967 DODUE tPOLARIS - 2 door hardtop, verv decan, in good running condition, $450 as is. Cali 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 .,,oor sedan, 289 V-8 mý4or, in faix runnintg condition, uncertified, $175 or best offer, Call,<668-9167<. 1970 OLDS DELTA 88 - p/s, p/b, ccrtil'icd, jusi like new, $180or best offer. Cati 655-3887. 1974 BUICK APOLLO- power steering, po\ver brakes, tow milcage \with safety clîeck asking $ 3,200, owner selng because lie nceds a 1/2 ton truck. Call 985-3393. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, teciiometer, $500 or best offer. Cati 668-0463.. 1964 CHEVELLE SS- six cytinder, bueket scats, flaor console, good tires, body and interior in fair condition, $200. firin as is. Cali 728-3992. 1961 FORD FALCON - 2 door, auitomatie, 6 cylindcr, good running order, 31,000 original miles, $500. Cati 668-5815. INTE RNATIONAL SCOUT Il -.1973, 34,000) miles, plenty of options, four-wtîeel drive, power stcering, puwer brakes, au toiniatic transnmission, positraction rear end. air cunditioner, r-iditi, radiais, lueko- matie frce-c-eel lîubs, rouf' rack. $4,695. Cail 723-91t13 anytimie. 1967 VXV E -T i $300 a s is. Cal Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 66 8-4 185. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 Cali 668-0705. 1972 R EN A ULUr 12 excellent condition, ccrtified, conîpîetety overhauledse radio, cassette dcck, radial tires, $ 1,400. Calil723-0985. 1967 METE'ýýOR 1FORt) -new paint aud body work, runs good, asking $400. Cail 668-2485 after 6 pin. 1965 PONTIAC WAGON - automatic, 283, posvcr cquipped, $250. Can t>- seen at I1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1967 VOLKSWAGON l:,AST- BACK - as is $200. Cati 576-6592. 1968 VOI.KSWAGON VAN 12,00 cc duiuuîcbugv. îicdcts 50111e \1ork. $201) or liesI oller. (t 655-3756. -Two SNOW TIRES - vîth rims, l3niroyat Wintcr P ide, 1--78-14,ý new, $55. Cal 655-3879. REAR BUMPER -- for 1975 Chcv Van, painted, excellent condition, S$3 0;PAINTED GRI LL, for 1975 Chev Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM .INGS, fit 14" wtîeels, new condition, $20. Cali 655-3183. TIRES -- 650-13, 2 for $15; Catatytie HIEATER, $8; holding tank for boat, $30; table top RANGETTE, $20; Cooking "fIrit, $120. Cati 576-6592. TIRES-- 4 new, Goodyear, D70-14,' blackwalt, $120, for compact or intermediate car. Cati 668-8544. 1973 BACK condition, 725-1174 5 p.m. VEGA G'1 IIAFCi- - autoinatie, good asking $1,495. Cati or 668-8928 after Four L7 8xl15 on Ford fivc-s tud RI MS -$20 cach; une Cooper MS 'offroad tire on a whîite mag irn $50; one Myers plow mouniting 'kit for 1100, $100). Cali 668-6080, Tour-a-Home 1972CAMIIER for pick-up truck, steeps 4, lots of cupboards, sink, place for fridgc, no stove, very good condition, $950; 2 JACKS, $100 or best offer. Cati 655-3006. 1969 MARQý,UIS cati bu certified, good condition, $5111; 1975 I17'"(Glendale Trailer, equiippcd, $3,OO); K iîîgelectronic scope, $ 1,800. (ail 668-81 25. 1976 (11EV IMPALA twuo duor liard topi, vins' ti), I10,000 miles, tinder -warratity, $4,800). Cai 576-285 1. 197(0 DODG;I('JIALLI;ýN(;I-R - certified, $895 or best otier. C~ali 668-5745. GET UN ON THE WHITBY MARKETPLACE CALL 668-611Y Emporium Cou 668-8 11 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in tîîe FEE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY svhen you seli! There wiît flot be any charge to advertisers in tîîe FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Whemî tle advertisecl item is sold, you pay a conmmission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustratcd below. AIl advertisements must bc placed on an exclusive basis witlî the WI-IITBY FREE PRESS ;r- un at teast one mý)ntih if not soid. RATES (if article is sold); 5% of advertiscd price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE; Sotd item advertiscd for $50.00 - comnmission due $250 (nmiinium commission is $1.501 Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listcd as ai private advertiser. Pîcase notify Ithe Whitby F-ree lPress inmecliatcly svlen item is sold su tlîat we tnay delele it from the folowing issues. Services, lîelp wantcd, ctothîing, -real estate and persotial niessaîge type ads can only bc Iîandied on a prepaid liasis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO; TREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Wlitby The (ieadîine l'or emiporium ads is tlhe Monday Furnitur ('OU('l-i-irey, twu seat. very goud condition. $75. ('an. bc seen at 114 Green St. or ('ai 668-554 1 aftcr 4 p.m. EXTENSION TABLE - walnut, cioscd. 37" x 20". open 37" x 40",' luly' c \knded with threc teaves, 37" \ 76"*, $75: child'% bcd, I'otding type, 2 7"' \ 52" \vitii inattress, giood condition, $.30; rollaway bed. 30" w~ide, $8; four kitchen or bar 'sîools, 24" high, one mietal. $7; beige rug. 11 '4- x 10', necds cleaning,ý$-35; îwo burner stuve, electric. 220 volt heavy du ty, 25" litil Nith shelf. nu uveni. $ 15. Cait1 655-3860). R UG acritan liard tsý it, 12' by 19', Ioney eoid, c\cell - lt condition, $90). Cal 6.S5-3721. 39" B 1I) ssitli larcy woudeni Ie;îd & toot huard. sýpring & mattress inciudcd, $25; chest daseS,30; dresser swith riirror. $35; s'wardruîx. for single persoti or chids roorni,$45; two living room or rec room or even bedroom chairs, $S10 & $ 15. ('ail 668-900(9. Snow'mobiles, Trczlers, etc. 1M;NI BUGGY 36 111. sw tht tenders, $ 150. ('ail 668-1623. 21' CABIN CRUISER 4 cytindcr, 6(0 lîorscpower, inbound, conpletely redone inside & oulside, rcady for launciîing, $3500 or best offer. Cal668-1252. OUTBOARD MOTOR Johnson 3 horse, good running condition, $125. Cali 668-5060 after 5 p.m. 16' 1-ibreglass covercd RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD, gas tank, battery electric start, as is, best offer over $350. C'i' 668-8957. 1973 RUPP FIUSTLER - 12" wheels, good condition, asking £»250; 1 2' plywood boat, made tast ycar, semni-V bottom, asking $100. Calil65'5-4616. 15 foot HOUSII'FRAILIR - 1968, coinplete with reese hitch, sleep, .6, lots of storage, portable toile t, propane fridge & stove, one- 12 x 9 kitctîen (cn t includcd, $1 ,50(). Cali 1-705-277-2790. 1974 AMX 364 1 2,000( iis. $ 3,950). 668-37001. speed, Cati Woods 1971 TENT TRAI LIR - sîcelîs six, $310;', rigidaire dryer, good cundi tioti, $50; 1971) Tempest, 2 speed au touîa tic transmissioni. $50; Volkssvagoni, good for dlune buggy, $75. (Cal 655-4788. 1974 RAMBLERTRAILER -R 17', toilet facility. stove, fridge, Sîeeps si X, like new. Cati 668-8937. $41); decorated basinette, $25; playteuîtials, original box. $20; antique svooden cradie. $125; eiectric log & grate, $25; orange & gutld soven drapes, 8' s 7', $60: red & guld custoni miade Iiîîed drapes, Il ' x 8', SI1(00; uval lîabyv baitl tub, $2; snîiaii diapier pail, $2J; large dialier pli.S2; raîggedy ai & andy Iîunipcr pads, $10; plastic f'eeding chair, $2:. B & W portable I' V. $25; fou r remiîigton radiaîl tire%, lR70-14 tubcless - 6 pty dynacor rayon. $60; new pak-dck ski carrier, padtuocked loti bar, tubular aliiiiiuii, carnies 0 hpair skis, $12;. colonial ceiliîîg ligli t fix turc, $25. (Call 668-I 862. I ive piece KI(I NSET liglît grey' $35; tLloyd stroller iticaînops', $1;4~sieme cuait rack on casters wvith liait& slioe racks. $14. ('îill 576-7737. BI'.l) CIIESTERFIELD - 3 niontits old, Bcverley mattress, plus chromne framne, tinted glass end table, bouglît for $500, wit selI for $300. Cati 655-4 101. C\ ce )tioli al ly riice, %von pri/.e aI a turnîture shiow, bail castors, cuuld bc used laies tailie, S1 75- 668-3679 9 arn.-5 evenings 668-692(.). fi rs t lias as ai Caî1 p. i. ('RYSTAL CIIANI)I-*LIE-R - witti 24 liglîts, $100;, LANTERN, $25; GLOBEl, $20, *ail good condition. Cati 668-0524. Kingsize BEI) & STEEL FRAME --îîattress, $1 75; gas primas 3 bur- r stove, for camping, $50. CaI 579-0757. Upholstered CHAIR - unfinished, $25; Cal 725-1211. Beautiful, antique tati CHINA BUFFET - large glass front, mediunm Ioneywood would match, colonial, $500 firni. Cal 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. COU('I- $20; pote laîxîp, tiflany style, ne\v, $25; air condi- tioner, 10,000 BTU, works, $50; seven picce nmelon pattern silver tea set, used twice, frorn irk's, $200; copper craft, tîlonaco mirror set, witlî saîh sconces, new, $40; back & white, large Clicerrywood console TV, $20, not working; twvu an tique waslîstan ds, $60;, snail portablé Bi & W TV, workinv, $20; Cali 668-6567. Victorian CHAIR- set of 6, in good conîdition, asking $70 cach, wooden stove, $50. Calt 668-8376. Swivcî ROCKER -green-blu'e colour, $55; one bueket CHAIR, leather, orange colour, $20; one sectionat kitetien SUITE, leatherette, one ycar oid, $1~55. Caîl 668-9520. Junior 13E) - witîî mattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, everything incIuded but tining, $ 300 or best offer. Cati 6 55-3 583. RUG - 9 x 12, gold shag, perfect condition, $100. Cati 668-1618 after 6 p.m. CANE BOTTOM CHAIR - refinisheci, $35; also a smail cane bottom chair, $25, Cati 655-3768. I Appliances $25;ge awnmws, $10MA&HINE $25orniiders, rg, brad ew $25;n cairpeiglfrg13,stcps, geen, undcrpadding, $25. Caîl 725-1211. -STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Cati 668-6750. WASHER & DRYER - apartment size, $100; cernent laundry tubs with stand, $45; dehlurnidifier, $75. Cati 668-1 134 evenings. BALL BQ - eKcllent condi tion, $15; Lawnmnower, $25. Caîl 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. WASIER, DRY ER, ERIDGE, S'fOVîi -- alrnost new, asking $1,100. Cati 668-4652. ADMIRAI, BLACK & WHITE TV -- loor model, excellent reception, picture tube & perfor- mnance. Ideal for rec room, bcd- roorn, second TV etc., $50. Cali 668-9771. AUTOMATIC WASHER - $250;, Frigidaire, $250, both are in excellent condition. Cati 668-0270. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - *$6; PORTABLE IIAIRDRYER, I$4. Cati 723-0855. Oshîawa Cattiohie skirt, like new, 7 25-t1211. Iligh School $10. Cati Singer SEWING MACHINE --' with stool, $165;, STEREO* ýomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. Cal 985-3393. IIEýAVY DUTY SPACE FIIEATI-.R - $45. Cali 579-0757. Westinghouse DRYER - clectrie, reccntly recondition onty $8(f. Cati 723-0722. 1LRSu:', TV SET- %.ith radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Caîl 668-7446. MINI WASHER, used twice, $49, bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cati 668-6078 or 668-4377. STEýRF-,O - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioncer turnitabte, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cal) 723-2351 any time. White SEWING MACFUNE - zigzag, bu ttontîoter, tike new, $70 firm. Cali 723-1 P02. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - différent attach- nients for polistîing, shanmpooing, vacuuming, etc. The cost wss $399.50 wvilI seli'for $200. Cati 668-8957. TV CONSOLE' -, good condition, Adniral,' B & W, $50. Cali 668-8580, 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fcdders AIR CONDITIONER- 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 71/2h p, 1974 outboard motor sea;smodet new., $250. Cati 985-3542. STOVE -- sv;ter tank, cotndition, $ witL oven.OaDbo wite oenanedhod A25. CatI1668-3630. aDRSE mirrors, $45 fo r ~awers CHESTrr, $5; cotne';.'iRABED 54"T $5 copc winead,.àboad, 54boxsprigmttss $60: auto- matsi r adio onîbinatitrdo -ticraiarotco, $45; Cn aît 7-7147.rstro,$5; Cl 72 ay3 uty.7C1H4TR. wih 45 g t SallonHEum fel reservir, $3;llpitireuu-ontro FLYrviG M30DEL AtirPLA-cNE, used nce bu stiL asnew, 0 Caîl 668-7014. OIL SPACE MIATER -- witlî 45 gallon drum, $50; fruit juicer, ncarty new, $15; twvo bear traps, for chain Ioading, ioads on truck, $10. Ca11 723-3164. STEREO- AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, buiit in amplifier, cabinet sîze, 53" long by 181/2" wide by 27" high, $150 com plete or $100 wltlîOut 8 track. Cati 263-8145 $75 8 tr2ck ca r REO , 0 $75;R8 trntkar Ee toe,.0 $30;R mernsble s ituteather C30AT, se 40, $40; DaVhe PORT. brnd ew0,uxe;do te'4 PORT beige olefin,$90; aisitem in ecellen conditionmutes, best offer accepted, cati 668-0856. Kenmore automaticWASHER - in good condition, moving to an. apartment, $125. Cati 668-5745. AGS STEREO' CASSETTE TAPE - 129 volt recorder & player, $75. Cati 668-1297. WlHITE SYLVANIA STOVE - four burners, good condition,- $60 or best offer. Cati 668-7546. DOUBLE BED - tike new, box spring & mattress, xith royal blue velvet headboard, steel frame & bail casters, $175. Cati 668-3679 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., evenings 668-6920. 1îtectrohome, Combination STEREO - am & fm radio, record player and btack and white TV, $150. Cai 668-3679 9a.m. - 5p.m., evenings 668-6920. TE LE VISION - Zenith back & white, new, cabinet model. Cati 728-9921. PROPANE HEATER - new, neyer uscd, $45. Cati 728-2280. DRYER - INGLIS, $150. *Cai723-8414. TWO RANGETTES - $35 for one, $30 for the other; table and six chairs, $15; fridge, $30;, coteman tamp, $3. Cati 655-3961. COTTAGE STOVE - $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duffie bags, hockey pants, .$25; bcd, good condition, new .mattress, single, $125; rug 1cleaner, $15. Cati 668-0920. Portable WASHER/DRYER- in good condition, needs sonie repairs, $25 or best offer. Cai 668-7323. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition,. $25. Cai 683-6638. SPEED QUEEN GASDRYER - 18 months, nesv, $175;, CatI 655-3776. Servel REFRIGERATOR sitiî cross top freezer, Kenmore 30" range with lift off door, $125. Cati 668-3889. Musical con, 8 ohms, brand new, actua' pricý3 $18 onty $10; BOW & ARROW SET, Ai condition, re tail $15 onty $8. Cai 668-6790 after 4 p.m. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER- Guitar is a copy of Lasp.t,1 custom. Amplifier is a Sonax 720G with two 10" speakers, asking $225 for pair. Cali 668-4730. PORTABLE STEREO COM- PONENT STAND - on casters, $10. (Cait1655-3167. -Dual 1218 TURNTABLE - base & dust cover included, bas automatie shutoff & antiskato, audio technica cartridge, only used for two months, $230 ftrm. Cali 668-3015 after 5:30 p.m. TRANER GUITAR MADE AMPLIFIER - in good condi- ion, $200. Cati 655-4120 ask for Dave. SPEAKERS - two large 16", approximately 3/2 high, con taini in black leather casing, $45 or best offer. Cati 668-2860. French Riviera four piece DRUM SET - ý1ue sparkle finish, hi-bat sym bb1, very good condition, $150, CaiI655-3205, P)ress I .I 1 UI Y Y Lý0 MIN Z a "t% 1 A JL JLàIVA JLPM-J&% - j * à,, .-..Mâmmwjuwwý

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