Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1976, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,,1976, PAGE 7 Corrid'or dl:Capers Whitby Towne Estates bylaw was approved by our Council on Monday, September L13, 1976. The following is a summiary of the reasons for each councillor's decisions:- Councillor Carson expressed no opinion of his own but stated hie would abide by the recommendation of the Town solicitor. Councillar Edwards stated that the passing of this by-law would be a benefit to the miuncipality as a whole. Councillor Thompson said, because the majority of the citizens in the area expressed no opinion, she would bave to assumne tht the silent majarity were pleased with the subdivision. Councillor Hobbs stated that lie wouid have tu çupport the by-law because hie felt the town, the developer and the ratepayers were at an impasse and suggested that the association would have more opportunity to resolve the problemn by taking their objections lu the Ontario Municipal B oa rd. Mayor Gartshore supporled the by-law because tie lot coverage on townhouses had been reduced froni 40% ta 35%. Counicillor Loveluck said that it appeared the Ontario Cabinet's Order contained a typograp'iical error inii is reference to'reducing densities, therefore he would support the by-law. Counciilor Emin was the lune abjector. le is ta be congratLlated for his foresighit and honesty . il is refreshing ta learn, in this day and age, there is a paliticiani with the courage to stand up for the welfare of the people. As our Regîinai Councillor, hie realizes the OfficiaI Plan was prepared for the purpose of protecling the people of Ibis Town and not for the purpose-of being tîsted ta benefit the large developers. He reatized that the Officiai Plan allowable population shouid be spread uniformnly through- out each environnientai area if the smnall landowner is ta relain his 1roperty value. lie tried to protect the rights of every laxpayer in this Town. The-residents of the Corridor Area, especially those with two acres or more of property, could be hurt the niosl. Il appears that our local councillor m-ay be counting on the apathy of her constituants ta gyet this by-law thî oughi. By the timie they realize the affect this subdivision will have on their property value, it could well be taa late ta do anything. You, asresidents, can continue ta show apathy with the hope that a higher government body will have the foresight ta protect your interests or you can stand uip for your own rights NOW. The choice is yaurs. There witt be a workshap at the Dr. Robert Thoriton School between 4 and 9 p.m. tonight to examine the possibilities of severing lots in the Corridor Area. This is an important mnatter su plan ta attend. TFhe senior citizens and handicapped persans in Whitby still are in need of some kind of affordable transportation The sulent majority demonstrated they do nat want publii bus service. Only about 1 50 out of 30,000 peo ple taaT Advantage of the triai bus service. Need 1 say more. Corridor Capers dance will be on Friday, October 22, at Heydenshore Pavillion. There is stili time ta reserve your tickets. That's ail for this week - M. McEachern My first coiumn of Ibis season made mention of the seemingly unsafe conditions pertîining ta the ptaygrouind equipment at Centrai Park here in West Lynide. The follow- ing week 1 reported that the' Recreation Departiment hiad installed guardraiis on some of the equipment, and hiad taken whaî I described as the necessary first step in miaking the playground safer for the chiidren. In the mail ffhis week wvas a tetter fronm Ted Watts. National Sales Representative for WEGU Canada Inc. Ted, who iives right here in West Lynde, enclosed a brochure dealing with Securiton Tule, a new produci lu be used at the base of slides, swings, rîonkey bars. etc. i haven't yet spoken ta Ted about the produict, but his letter says tht ite product is used extensîvely in Europe. From the brochure, it wouild appear that the tiles. when placed under and around lte base of playgrouiîdequpîiient. provide a cushion in the e,ýeit of a fait fromn the equjipment. t seems a goad idea, and une which mierits investigation by aur Recreation Departîment. WEST LYNDE CALENDAR: September 23rd - Generai Meeting of tlhe West Lynde GREENWOOD NURSERY SCHOOL Grei.n\%od Conmn Cy(entre (jree.nwood 1 1:. i30 in 2 ycars, - 5 year,, PHONE %,lRS. KING 683-8564 4 Conmmunity Association in the West Lynde Public Sehool beginning at 8 p.m. Ser.tember 29th - Exhibition hockey at Iroquais Park Arena, beginning aI 7:30 pm., Dallas Back Hlawks (CHI-) vs. Whitby Warriors. ITENIS F INTEREST: Ando Luik (668-3545) is organizing a Men's Sports NiQht. A ni2ht of basketball or volleybali beginning Septemnber 20th and running wth e end of Novenber Monday nighits in the Wcst Lynde School Gym fromn 8:30 to 10:45 p.m. Registration fée is S7.00 for 10 ights. Lynn MeCrossan (668-6467) is organizing a Ladies' Sports Nighît. A I 0-week progranli featuring exercises, yoga. volîcybal. etc. Registration is tonighit. Septemnber 22nd at the West Lynde Public School. l lie Caniadian Club of Oshiawa-Whiitby is looking for miembers. The Club., vhich hloids mecetings and invites well known people to address these meetings, lias as one of its main objectives a uiîied C'anada, and aimis lu fèster uniderstanding u'Cnd by promuoting knowledge through thlese speakers. Furîher information is avitable fromi Mr. Westney at 683-171)5. COMMENT: 0f interest. or conflict of interest. is the foliowing tale. lt seenis the Cubs liad ruade arrangements for the Lise oftie fuit gym ai West Lynde Public Schiool on Wedinesdty inights, and, based on these arrangemients. aniticipaited an eniroinent of somne 40 to 50 boys. it also sceenis that cither the Guiides or Brownies were slated for Monday nighits itirhe schioot . but that nighit vas not sa tislactory lu their leaders. A I MORTGAGE"S j M i r E 0 lst & 2nd Arrangodi BoUght 00d Sold at Prime Rates conl Peter Kaide 668-1 556 ANUBIS INVE5TMENTS Ltd. 149 %r*ck st, N.. Whilby Sa, the Brownies or Guides applied to the School Asoryte Comieeorwhicharlihed afteouschom- muitoy useof itte he ch o, o ai the gye-ouscm-o Wenesaysenighthe sAdvîs ory Cfofmiteagredon split the gym in haif for use on Wednesday nights. lu 20 to 25 boys; and, in the process, will be unable ta accept any new boys, and may have to refuse boys who rnay be entering their second or third year of Cubs. The decision of the advisory commrittee is being appealed, and we hope the appeal is successful. To be successful, however, and here's where the conflict enters the picture, they wili have to defeat the votes of the Brownîe or Guide leaders who sit on the advisory com- mnittee, and who voted in favour of the splitting of the gymi in the first place. Neat, eh! Bye for now. See yau next week. FOOD SENSE... What's the best way ta make lunch lime fun and nutritious for the whole family? Sandwiches - prepared creatively with any of the tremendous variety of breads and rails avalilable f rom yaur local bakery sheif. Combine your awn fillngs with fresh ingredients, and design your awn shapes and sizes. Your imagination is the limit. Children will love praducing their awn -special" sandwiches. For ihase wha eat away f rom home, packable desserts are easily abtained fram the bakery shelf at yaur local supermarkei. Make lunch time the highlight of every busy day. DAVIDSON, SMITH AND CRAVEN CHARTERED ACCCUNTANT5 110 GREEN STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 4C8I TELEPHONE (416) 668-7788 DOUGLAS A. DAVIDSON, C.A. PARTNER H. HOWARD SMITH, C.A. PARTNER KENNETH R. CRAVEN, C.A. PARTNER REGISTER NOW FOR FALL POTTERY and MACRAME CLASSES MACRAME - BEGINS. SEPT. 27 POTTERY - CONTINUQUS COURSE CALL EARLY COME AND CHECK 0OUT OUR Craft Works ho p CRAFTED POTTERY MAC RAME. HAND 11DrckS.S WhtbCDt 668-9511 SIDINO Coo! f or f res estimates VUNYL ALUMINUM COLOBLOR MITCHELL BROTH ERS Building Suopple Ltd. Brookhli. 655-4991 McMANUS & STRONACH OPTICAL 1 )nt.

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