WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY1 OCTOBER 27, 1976, PAGE 17 ]Free PrE AutosII J 1976 DODGE VAN - 318 automatie, chroine wvheels, compietely donc up, sink, fridge, etc. Caîl 655-3149 after 6 p.n. 1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body %vork,good family car, low mileage, asking $850 certified. Cail 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, powver steering, power brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXHALL, PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Cail1668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON - excellent condition, will certify, 36,000 miles, $1,650 or best offer. Cal 668-0307. 1967 MU STANG TIBLE - 302 V8 body good, certified, 579-3648. CON VER- au tom atic, $695. Cal 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio,"- techometer, $500 or he.qt offer. Cali 668-0463. >1974 DODGE CUJSTOM VAN - many extras, $2,750. Cal 683-2968. 1973 VEGA GT HATCH- BACK - automatie, good condition, asking $1,495. Cali 725-1174 or 668-8928 after 5 p.m. 1964 CHEVELLE- six cylind!'r, standard, in running condition, uncertit-ied, $150. Calil655-4498. 1966 FORD - convertible, recent paint and body work, new top,' runs good, asking $650 or best offer. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p-m. 1967 DCDGE PALARA - two door hard top, very dlean, in good running condition, $250 as is. Cali 668-9870 after 5 pm. .1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econolineý Van, $ 5 50. Cali 579-0233 or 725-7449). 1963 RAMBLER - wvhite stationwagon, certified, $300 or best offer. Must Seil. Cal 668-5745. 1968 COUGAR - $200. Cali 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. Cal Tom at 668-9860. 197 2 GRAN TORINO SPORT - power steering, power brakes, 351 V-8, amn-fm radio, asking $1,975. Cal 668-9805. 1964 BUI(:K SKYLARK two door hardtop, 45,000 original miles, excellent condition inside & out, certified, $925 or best offer. Cali 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1964 3/4 TRUCK - miles, good be seen at -Whitby. TON GMC PICK UP new motor, 6,000 for parts, $250. Can 1201 Brock St. S., 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow lires, very low mnileage, $2,900. Cal 668-1134. 1973 FORD --power steering, power brakes. V-8, air-conditioned, radio, rear defogger, 50,000 miles, will certify, $ 1,650. Cail 668-1382. 1972 PLYMOUTH SATEL- LITE - two door hardtop, V-8 automatie, p/s, p/b, radio, bucket seats, certified, $1,595,will accept trade-in of 196 3-69; Caîl 683-550)3. 1975 BUICK SKYLARK - 15,000 miles, hatchback, power steering, power brakes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Cal 668-.5767. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. Cal 655-3406. 1967 DODGE POLARIS - 2 door hardtop, very dlean, in good runrîing condition, $450 as is. Caîl 668-9870 after 5 v.m. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 door sedan, 289 V-8 în1itor, in fair ruring condition uncertified, $175 or best offe, Call 668-9167.. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC - V-8, asis, $100. Cail1623-2043. 1974 BUICK APOLLO power stecring, power brakes, low mileage with safety check asking $3,200, owner seling because lie needs a 1/2 ton truck. CatI 985-3393. ý, 1971 CHEV - two door hardtop, V-8 automatic, powver steering, radio, as is. Best offer Calil668-5368. 1964 CHEVELLE SS - six cylinder, bucket seats, floor console, good tires, body and interior in fair condition, $200 firin as is. Cali 728-3992. 1961 FORD FALCON - 2 door, automatie, 6 cylitider, good running order, 31,0001 original . miles, $500. Cali 668-5815. 1967 PONTIAC PARISIEINNE- four door, four new radial tire%, in good condition, $550. ('a]l 655-3043. 1970 CHEVELLE- V-8, automnatic, A-i'condition. $1 ,480, certified. Cali 728-2580. 1967 VW BEETLE-* $300 as is. Calil Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4185. SNOW TIRES 2 alimo,0 new\, A 7 8-I13, t uble ss bue1ted \v/w$20. ('ail 668-4743 ai'ter 6 p.m.- 1972 RENAUILT 12 - excellent condition, certified, completely overhauIed, radio, cassette deck, radial tires, S$1,400. Cali 723-0985. 1967 METEOR FORD- new paint and body work, runs good, asking $400. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1965 PONTIAC WAGON- automatic, 283, power equipped, $250. Cari be scen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. Cal 576-6592. 1968 VOLKSWAGON VAN 1 2,000 cc dune bgv-necds some \York, $200 or best offer. ('ait 655-3756. 1970 DODGEC"(IIALLI-'.N(;I-;R - certified, $895 or best offer. ('aIl 668-5745. 1968 PONTIAC' eiglht cylinder, Parisienne, good for parts, good tires. uncertifie d, $100. ('al 683-7360 after 6 p.rn. 1969 MARQUIS cati be certit*ied, good condition. $400: King electrie scope $ 1 ,800. ('ail 668-81 25. TWO TIRES - 560-13 Bridgestonie. l'or l)atsu n, conpie te witlî rim, $66. Cali 668-7907. 1971 FORD1 STATION- WAGON ncev brakes, exhaust, good running order. as is $250. Cal668-8973. 8 hp MOTO MOWEý,R SNOW SHARK 8 SNOWBLOWI'.R used four times, $450. ('aIl 668-1815. TIRES - 4 nevw, Goodyear, D70-14, bîackwail, $120), for compact or intermediate car. and power tilt & trim), 2 -5 gai. cru ise tanks, speedometer, tacko- meter, plus new custom made canvas mooring cover. AIl extraj boating accessories included, excellent showroom condition, used approximately 40 hrs., asking $3,500. Cali 668-4862.I NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sedi! Thiere wilt not be any charge to advertisers in the F'REE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Whien the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertiscments must bce laccd on an exclusive basis with thc WIIITBY FREE PRESS -rdl run at least one miinth if-'not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5%7 of advcrtised price up to $400.00 2%7 of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50> Private advertmstig only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiscr. Picase notify the Whitby Free Press imnmediately when itcm is sold so that we may delete il from the foliowing issues.1 Services, heip wanted, clothing, real estate andpersonai message typc ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, ealu 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: rREE'PRLSS EMPORIUM l.O. Box 206, Whitby The deadline for emporiurn ads is thc Monday at noon. Furniture COUC'l grcy, two scat, very good condition, $75. ('an bc scen at 114 Green St. or ('ail 668-554 I aftcr 4 p.r-n. Voldint- PING PON(; TABLE - $20; 1-lectrohiome B & W TV. $50; vanity sink witlh taps. $10; wvatt hung sînk, $,5; portable Electrohloie humidifier, $ 15. kitchen sînk tal)s, $5. electrîc I (esk calcula tor, $ 10: 'rundry tub punlp, $25: thrcc lumniline li\tuires, .$2 cach; approxiniatciy 23 chromne kitchien cu-pboard knobs, $8: green lined livingrooni drapes wvith track to fit to 1(' %vall, $30. CaO25-L79 aftcr 5 p.m. daily. DRI;SSI.R \%jiti thrcc long dra\vers. $55: clîcst dira\vers, $30. twýo livingr room chairs or rec room chairs. 510 & S15. two bediroom lamips. $5:. ('ail 668-9009. PIANO UIpriglit Bell, good condition, $300. ('ail 655-3653. Upholstcred CHAIR - unfinishcd, $25; Cal 725-1211. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. DUI: NL 1.(1G(Y 36 hi). with fcuders, S 150. ('ail 668-1613. 21' CA1B1N CRUISER - 4 cylinder, 60 lhorseposver, inbound, completely redone inside & outsidc, ready for launching, $3500 or best offer. Cal 668-1252. 15' BRUNSWI(CK IIOATf 18' WISCOOT I'iA Il ER, 50 lit. Johnson niotor, asking $2.000, miany cxtras. ('aIl 728-3297. 16' [-ibregîasý;s covercd RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD gas tank, battcry clectrie start. as is, bcst offer over $350. ('MI 668-8957. 1973 RUPP I-USTLER - 12" wheels, good condition. asking 5250; 12' plywood boat. made Iast year, semi-V bottom. asking $100. Ca1l1655-4616. 15 foot HiOUSE TRAILEU - 1968, compîcte with reese hitch, sleep.r.6, lots of storage, .portable toilet, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent included, $1,500. Cal 1-705-277-2790. Woods 1971 1 *î.NTT"RAI LER - sleeps six, $300; frigidaire dryer, good condition, $50; 197C Tcmpest, 2 speed automatic transmission, $50; Voîkswagon. good for dune buggy, $75. Cal 655-4788. ROUI'* DOOM FOR VAN OR CAMPER 'fOl> - white fibreglass with sereen underneath, 14 x 14" with roll of sealer putty, neyer used, $12. Cal 668-3943 after 6 p-m. CAMPER TRAILER AND 1BOAT STORAGE 6 miles north of Whitby reasonable. Cali 655-4335 PAIR 0F, LINI'D GREEN IDRAPES - size 150O x 9f excellent condition, $25. Cali 668-6779 after 5 p.m.. Antique WOODEN ('RADLE - $I 125; four Remington Radial '['IRE'-S, FR 70-14, 6-ply dynacor rayon, $80. ('aIl 668-I1862. RUG - 9 x 12, gold siiag, perfect condition, $100. Cal 668-1618 after 6 p.m. Five piece KIT('I-EN SET' light grey, $35: Lloyd stroller with canopy, $20; 48" wide metai coat rack on casters witlî hat & shoe racks, $14. Cati1Ç'7-'77 .SOFA --jiseat, burgundy lea tier, sturdy construction, good condition, idcailt'or rec roomf etc. asking $60. ('ail 725-5753 after 5 p.im. DRESSER - with six drawers, and mirrors, $45; four ZARAWER CHEST, $35; continenL*,.,l BED, 54" compiete with headboard, boxspring, mattress, $60; auto- matic radio conibinatiomi radio 8-traick car stereo, $45; Cal 723-7147. SLT OF' WOO)EN BUNK BEDS 30)" wtit foam m1attres-s's, $25. ('ail 655-3222. Pair of lined roorn DRAPES 170 x 95. orange & gold colour, guood condition, $20: Stainless steel kitclien sink, $7: Enam-el kitclien sink, $5: inside Jours. assorted sites, $250 eachi. ('ail 668-81 25. Kin size t 'D& STEEr l"RAMfi n-îatress, $175; gas primas 3 bur: ',r stôve, for camping, $50. ('ail 579-0757. Beaut4fui, antique talI ChIINA BUFFET - large glass front,' medium lhoneywood svould matcIl( colonial, $500 f irm. Cail 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m.. COUCII --four seater, witl miatchînig chiair, green nylon materiai, $ 125 or best offcr. Cail 668-6986. C'O U(CIl-$20: poleliînp), tit'lany style, nesv, $25; seven picce melon pattern silver tea scet, uised twicc, fromI irk's, $200; copper craft, mionaco inirror set, sithsvwail sconces, new, $40: black and wliite, large Clicrrysvood console TV, $20, not %vorking; two antique waslistands, $60; sm-aîi iportable 1B & WTV, svorking, $20). Caîl 668-6567. 3- 8' Iengthis of Pl>N E SIIE-ýLlING stained dark, $4 eachi, brackets lu iit, 50 cents ecdi; glass sheifs, 41/4 long, 4 & 5 inchies wide witli brackcts anti standards, $ 10; 3 lengtlis of drapery tracks Mvth ruinners, $2 eaeh. Cail 668-I1063. Junior BED - with niattress, $20; chromne TABLE, with four. chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL,J everything included but lining, $300 or best offer. CalI 655-3583. Swivei ROCKER - green-blut; colour, $55; orie bueket CHAIR,, leather, orange colour, $20; one sectional kitchen SUITE leatherette, one year old, $155. Cail 668-9520. SECTIONAL CHESTER- F"IELD -Browni, 2 piece, Kroehier design, ini good condition, $130. Caîl 668-9458. Wringezt washing MACHINE - $ 25; lawnmowers, $10 & $ 15;. room divider, large, brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25. Cal 725-1211, STOVE 30 inch, good C011- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Cali1 668-6750. Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stool, $165; STEREO bomponent set, with wooden stand. $210. Cali 985-3393. HEAVY DUTY SPACE HEATER - $45. Cali 579-0757. BALL BQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cal 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. WAS[iER, DRYER, FRIDGE, STOVE -- aimost new, asking* $ 1,100. Ca11 668-4652. ADMIRAL BLACK & WHITE TV - Aoor model, excellent reception, picture tube & perfor- mance. Idecal for rec room, bed- rooîn, second TV etc., $50- Cal 668-9771. AUTOMATIC WASHER $250;, Frigidaire, $250, both are in excellent condition. Cali 668-0270. SCM E-LECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. Cali 723-0855. SEWING MACHINE - Searnstress, with cabinet, excellent condition, $75. Cali 668-5447. ELE(T-RIC STOVE - used, in working- order, 22" wide, $30. Cali 728-2484. STOVE - two burner, & oven $25; one ncw MOPED, good shape, used twice, $100. Cal 723-6201. Gas fired commercial deep F:RYER - twvo baskets, $225; Domestie SEWING MACHINE, $50. Both are in good condition. ('ail 579-0840. EMERSON TV SET- Nvith radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Cali 668-7446. RANGETTE- $30; Table & six chairs, $15;, fridge, $30; colemnan lamp, $3. Cali 655-3961. STEREO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioneer turnitabîe, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cali 723-2351 -anytime. CRYSTAL CHANDELIER - with 24 ights, $ 100; LANTERN, $25; GLOBE, $20, ail good condition, Cali 668-0524. White SEWING MACI-1lNE- zig-zag, buttonholer, like new, $70 firm. Cal 723-18002. Airsvay sanîtizer VACUUM CLEANER -- different attach- ments lfor polishing, shampooing, vacuuming, etc. The cost w--s $399.50 wili sellifor $200. Cali 668-8957. TV (CONSOLE condition, Ad-nirai, B & W. Caîl 668-8j'80. good $50. 36.0<00 BTUJ 3 ton F-edders AIR CONIIONER- 3 phase powver 21.)8 volts, $375; 71/z lhp, 1974 out'board motor sea-smodel new, $250. Caîl 985-3542. WRINGER WASIIER- in A-i condition, $50 or best offer. DI:Sl, modern 30" x 60", two file drawers, one box drawer, $50. ('ail 668-7832. VAC'UUM CLEANER General liiectrie, \vith aIl attach- inents, like new, $50; Cal 668-0721. ELE('TRIC STOVE- two 1burners, oven needs sonie repairs. $30. Caîl 668-0721. ROLLAWAY BED - 30" wi de, $ 8; kitchen or bar stool, 24" Ihigh, metal, $7; beige rug, 11'4" x 10', needs cîeaning, $35; two burner stove, electric, 220 voit heavy duty, 25" high with shelf, no oven, $15; one carpet sweeper, $5. Cali 655-3860. STEREO - AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, built in amplifier, cabinet size, 53" Ion by 181/2" wide by 27" higb, $150 compiete Or $100 withiout 8 track. CalI 263-8145. or 723-2426. Espana ELECTRIC GUITA R - with Darius 1001 amplifier, music stand, $325 complete; 41" Jumbo Fiat Top GUITAR, with case, brand.new, $45. Cal 668-4744 after 4 p.m. 19" B & W ADMIRAL TV - asking $30, new tube. Cal 668-5459. Kenmore automnaticWASHER- in good condition, moving to an, apartment, $125. Cali 668-5745. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cali 668-1297. WHITE SYLVANIA STOVE - four burners, good condition, $60 or best offer. Cali 668-7546. McClary easy electric clothes DRYER - good working condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $30. Caîl 728-9737. FOUR BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE - excellent condition, 30", $85. Calil 683-7360 after 6 p. m. Heavy duty SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drumn fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but still as new, $0 Calil668-7014. Westinghouse DRYER - electric, recen tly recondition only $80'. Cali 723-0722. GAS DRYER - Inglis Citation, excellent condition, $125 or best offer. Cal 668-0224. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition, $20. Cail 683-6638. COTTAGE STOVE- $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duffle bags, hockey pants, $25, bed, good condition, riew mattress, single, $125; rug cleaner, $15. Cail 668-0920. Late Model Underwood Manual TYPEWRITER - $125. Metal desk, 60" x 30", ideal for home, $25. Cali 668-1076. POWER HAND SAW - Craftsman, 7" 13/ hp, lîke new, $30. Cali 668-4743 after.6 p.m. SPEED QUEEN GASDRYER - 18 nionths, new, $175; Cali 655-3776. Serve1 REFRIGERATOR - with cross tpp freezer, Kenmore 30" range with lift off door, $125. Calil668-3889. Musical BOGEN CHALLENGER P.A. AMPLIFIER, $100; Harînony Sovereign guitar sith case, $15; Wehcor am-fmn sterco« record player with twvo speakers, $70; 2 Shure microphones, $100; AIl items in excellent condition and ail are subject to best offer. (7aîl 655-4740 after 6 p.mi. SPEAKERS - two large 16" ipproximately 31/2 highi, contain ni black leather casing, $45 or best offer. Cali 668-2860. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER - Guitaqr is, a copy of Laspý.,tA cone, 8 ohms, brand new, actital pric8. $18 oniy $10; BOWSPAlR & ihvze ARROW SET, Al., condition, rotait $15, only $8. Cal 668-6790 after 4 p.m. ".', I Appliances orss Ema orium CaII668m6lllý