Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1976, p. 17

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1976',PAGE 17 ]Free ]Press- lEmporium Autos 1976 DODGE VAN - 318 automatie, chrome whicels, compietely done uip, sink, fridige, etc. Calil 655-3149 after 6 p.m. 1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body Nvork,good family car, Iow mileage, asking $850 certified. Cali 668-2485 after 6 p. m i974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, Sower steering, power brakes, 400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. ('ail 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON - excellent condition, sill certify, 36,000 miles, $1,650 or best oller. ('al 668-0307. 1967 MUSTANG, CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certified, $695. Cati 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techometer, $500 or best offer. CaIl 668-0463. 1974 DOI)GE CUSTOM; VAN many extras, $2,750. Cati 683-2968. 1973, BACK condition, 725-1174- 5 p.Um. VE'-GA CT 1IIATCII- au tom atic, Lguod asking S51,495. ('al or 66 8-892' after 1966 FORD - convertible, ecent paint and body w.ork, nes'. top, runs good, askin" $650 or best offer. Cai 668-2485 a1ter 6 p.m. 1967 DCDGE- PALARA - two door hard top, very dlean. in good running condition, $250 as is. ('ail 668-9870 after 5 pm. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econo!ine Van, $550. ('ail 579-0233 or 725-7449. 1963 RAMBLER- white stationsvagon, certified, $300 or best offer. Miust Sli. ('ahi 668-5745. 1968 COUGAR $- 200. ('ail 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1965 FORD MERCURY -VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. ('ail Tom at 668-9960. 1972 GRAN TORINO SPORT - power stcering, power brakes, 351 V-8, am-fmn radio, asking $1,975. ('ail 668-9805. 1964 BUICK SKYLARK two door hiardtop, 45,000 original mites, excellent condition insîde & out, certified, $925 or best offer. ('ahI 668-0082 after 6 p.m. 1964 3/ TON GMC PICK UP TRUCK - new motor, 6,000 miles, good for parts, $250. ('an' be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitbv. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS- automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very iow mileage, $2,900. CatI 668-1134. 1973 FORD power steening, power brakes, V-8, air-conditioned, radio, rear defogger, 50,000 miles, will certify, $ 1,650. Cali 668-1382. 1972 PLYMOUTFI SATEL- LITE - two door hardtop, V-8 automatic, p/s, p/b, radio, buckct seats, certified, $1 ,595,will accept trade-in of 196 3-69; 'al 683-5503. 1975 BUICK SKYLARK 15,000 miles, hatchback, power steerîng, power brakes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Cali 668-.5761- 1972 GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. ('ahi 655-3406. 1967 DODGE POLA RIS 2 door hardtop, very dlean, in good running condition, $450 as is. ('ail 668-9870 aftçr 5 p.m. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 door sedan, 289 V-8 ;TVitor, in faim unnirig conditioti uncertified, $175 or best offei ('ail 668-9167. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSîC - V-8, as is, $100. Caîl 623-2043. 1974 BUICK APOLLO - powver stecring, -powver brakes, low 'miileage wittî .safcty check asking $3,200, owner seîîing because lie needs a !/2 ton truck. ('ait 985-3393. 1964 CHEVELLE SS- six cylinder, bucket seats, floor console, good tires, body and interior ini fair condition, $200 tirm as is. ('ail 728-3992. 1971 TOYOTA 1600 - engine rebuilt, 2000 mniles, transmission & clutch new, brake system oh, good f'or parts, $150 or best offer. CatI 655-4610 after 6 p.m. 1967 PONTIACPARISI ENNE- four door, fouir new radiai tires, in goodl condfitioni, $550. Calit 655-3043. 1970 ('IILVNELLIE V-8, automnatic. A-1t condition, S$1,480, ccrtificd, ('ait 728-2581). t967 VW BEE1'LL $310 as is. ('ail Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4 185. 540W TIR i-S 2 almtost ne'.'., .\78- 1 3, tnbess belîed s! S20-. Cati 668-4743 :îttcr 6 v.i 1972 REN AULILT 12 excellent condition, cerrified, compie tely overlian led, radio, cassette deck, radiai tires, S 1,400. ('ail 723-0985. 1967 ML'l'L'OR FORD new pain I aud body work, runs good, asking $400. C'ai608-2485 after 6 pin. 1965 PONIA,(' WAGON - automatie, 283, powver equipped, $250. ('an bc seen aI 1201 Brock S t. S., Wii by. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. CaI 576-6592. 19(j8 \VOLKSWA\(;ON VAN I2.000) cc dune buggy, nceds ,oine wo(rk, $200) or bes ofter. ('all 6-55-3756. 1970) DOI)(;I-('lIA Li-N(*,I R ý- certified. $895 or best ofl'er. ('îll 668--i745. 1966 Bt.i( K SI>E(IALI $75. ('aIt 725-4-3-39. 1968 1ORIM GALAXY V-8, Issu door. autitrnatic, pis. p/b. radio, asking $451).('ait 668-4355. TWO TI RES 560-13 Bridgcstone, for I)atuin, comiffte with rirri, $66. ('ail 668-7907. 1974("l1 EV 1/2 'lON P'K- UP - 350 automatic transmission, tour barre], 41,00J0 miles, rustproofécd, rap, bcst of'1er. ('ail 649-5443. 8 hp MOTO MIOWER SNOW SHARK 8 SNOWBLOWE-R used four imes, $450. ('ail 668-1815. TIRES- 4 ncw, Goodyear, D70-14, biackwatI, $120, for compac t or intermediate car. ('ait 668-8544. REAR BUMIPER -- for 1975 ('hev Van, painted, excellent condition, $30;PAINTED GRILL, for 1975 Chev Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM 'UNGS, fît 14'" wheels, new condition, $20. Cali 655-3183. Four L78x1 5 on Fordfive-stud RIMS - $20 each; one Cooper MS offroad tire on a white mag rim $50; anceN4yers plow mouiiting kit for F101), $100. ('ail 668-6081), P>ONTIAC' BLAC'K BU('KE' SEA'[S- gond shape, $10 O cd. C'aI l 655-4610. TIRES - J78-1 5, Goodrich belted, $10; tire & rin, 825-14, Goodyear Cliry.sier rini, $10; snow tire & rim, G78-14, CIhrysier iim, $15. ('itl 655-3860., Ccli 668-6111l NOTICE TO READERS Advertis6YREE in thie FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY w.hen you sdIl! Thieme wilt not bc any charge to advertisems in the FREE P>RESS EMPORIUM uniess thie item advertised is. soîd. When thé advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustratcd betow. Ail advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with te WHITBY FREE PRESS ':rdru n at least one mn)nth if not sold. RATES (if article is soîd):' 5% of advertised price up ta $4 00.00 2% of balance over $400.00 -EXAMPLE: Sotd item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (miinimum commission is $ 1.50) Private advertîs,,ig onty! Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Picase notify the Whitby FretPress immiediately whien itemi is soîci so that sve may detete it froti the fottowing issues. Services, tîetp warnted, clothing, real estate and personat message type ads can onty be hiandted onl a prepaid basis. Il' in doubt, catI 668-611Il MAIL,. ALL ADS 'lO: FREE PRif.SS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whiitby The deadlinc for eniporiumi ads is the Monday at noon. Furniture C'O L('II recy two suat, very goud condition, $ 75. ('ain be seen aI Il14 Greeni St. or ('ait 608-5541 afier 4 pi. 1; tec trohumiie l & W -IV $50; vanliîv sînik wîtlîl aps. $10: wat 11 n s1iink. $5; portable i.Icctrolîume Ic liditivr. S 15 kitchln ink laps, $5, electric (Iesýk cal11cutila t(o r. $1I0(; aundrv tub1 pu iiip:, S25; 3 luiliine li\tîîres, $2 each:ý appro\. 23 chirurme kitchen cupiboard knobs. S.8 greeii file(] livmnrom ndrapes. witil track tluft lit o 16' watt. S 30. (':11 725-807 9 a! 1er 5 v ni. dalily. D)R i SSIS Ritli three long, dIra\%crs, $55. chest trser.S 30: tus o living rooini chairs, or rec rooin chairs, $ (10 1I5.ztwu hedroom tam S. 5: 'ailt 608-9009). R U( 9 % t12, goid sliag. pcrfect condition, $10t0. ('ail 668-16 18 afier 6 p.m.ii Uphiotstcrcd CHIAIR tunfinishced, $ 2.5;('ail 7 25-1211. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. t)U.NE I BI((Y 36 Ill. suth féiIedrs, S 1t-St).('a 1t 6 68-t16 73. 21'(CA BIN ('RUISER 4 cylinder, 60 horscpowecr, inbound, compictely redone inside & outside, ready for iauinching, $3500 or best offcr. ('alil668-1252. i5' BRUNSWICK IBOAT 18' WISCOOT TR AItER, 50 lhp. iohinson motor, asking S2,000, mnany extras. ('att 728-3297. 16' librcgtass covered RUN- ABOUT 25 hip QUTBOARD gas tank, battery clectrie start. a% is, best 6ffcr over $350. C-,* 668-8957. 1973 RUPP HUMTER - 12" wheels, good condition.1 asking S250; 12' ptywood boat. made tast ycar, semi-V bottom. asking $100. Cati 655-4616. 15 foot HOUSE TRAI LER - 1968, complete with reese hitch, seep, .6, lots of storage, .portable toilet, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent, included, $1,500. Cati 1-705-277-2790. Woods t1971i TENTT'RAI LFIR - stecps six, $300; frigidaire dryer, good condition, $50; 1 97C T'empest, 2 spced automatit transmission, $50; Volkswagoni guod f'or dune buggy, $75. Cal 655-4788. ROUfI OOM FOR VAN OR ('AMPER TOP-- whi te fibregiass witlî sereen undernicath, 14 x 14" withi roll of seater putty, neyer usedc, $ 12. ('ail 668-3943 after 6 p.m. CAMPER TRAILER AND BOAT STORAGE 6 miiles nortli of' Whitby reasîiale.Cail 655-4.335 Kingsîzc B3EI) & STI--.1 L I-RAME- ma!Iress, $175; gas prinmas 3 bur: ",r stove, fur camping, $50,).('ail 579-0757. Antique O )N('AL.- S$125; tour Reinington R adial 'IIlRU-S, F'R 7(-l4, 6-ily' dyîiacur ray on. $81). 'aIl 668-t 862. Five piice K'i'('IElýN SEl' lighit grey. $35; 1loyd Nt.roller. sith caîîupy. $21): 48" wide metal coal rack on casIers sittî liaI & shoe rac ks, S$14. ('att1 r%7 4 SOI-A 3 sct, burgunnty leather, sturdv constriieti of>. guod conditlion. ideal ('or rec ruom etc. asking $61). ('ail 725-5753 at'ter 5 .mi. DRESSER - withi six drawers, and mirmors, $45; four 'RAWI-R ('H iST, $35; contînentc:j dBED, 54" comipîcte with headboard, boxspming, mattrcss, $60; auto- matie radio conîbinatiomi radio 8-tralk car sterco, $45; ('aIl 723-7147. ROIAîAWAY 131'1) 30J" wide. $8:. ki tctien or bar stool, 24"- hiIi, ancemîetal. $7; beige mgt '4' x l). îcdsclcain, g, S35; 2 humner slave, electric, 221) vol t hîeavy duty '25"i igh wi ti sd!'f, îno aven. $ 15; studio coici, 900o1 couditlion, b)eige tapestry, ())esta dfonuil e I.d ;uso lias storage door & thîre toose tushiions, $45. ('ail 655-386>0. Beautjftit antiqnc tali CHINA' BUFFET . large glass front,' mediu.)m hîoney wood would matchý colonial, $500 firm. Cati' 668-9792 af ter 2:30 p.n C'OU('CI1- $20; paie lamip, titffany style, nesv, $25; seven piece melon pattern silver tea set, used twice, l'rom Birk's, $ 21)0; copper emft, monaco mirror set, sithî.'.vall sconces, nesv, $40; black and whiîte, large Cherryw.ood console TV, $2<), not svorking; two antique washstands, $60; smnaît portable B & WTV, svorking, $21). ( "ail 668-6567. 3- 8' leniglits of' PINE SIIE-,Li"ING stained dark, $4 eachi, brackets la lit, 50 cents ecdi; glass shîcîfs, 41/' long, 4 & 5 inclIes widc '.itlt brackets and standards, $10; 3 eîtgthis of' drapery tracks siliî runners, $2 cadti. ('ail 668-I1063. Junior BED - with nîattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, ,ýverything inciuded but liîîing, $300 or best offer. ('ail 655-3583. POOL TABLE- 4 x 8, $200). ('ail 655-3027. DUN(CAN PIIYFEI, TABLE seals 8 peuple. good condition, $67. ('ail 723-8934. B3Y ('RIB3 $20; Lloyd b)aby carniage, $15; baby huIler with chîîtd's chair,. $20. ('ait i Appliances Wringer washing MACHINE- $25; lawnmowers, $10 & $15; room divider, large, brand new, $25; éarpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25. ('aIl 725-1211 STOVE- 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. .Cali 668-6750. Singer SEWING MACHINE - wîth -stoot, $165; STEREC bomponent set, with wooder stand. $210. Cali 985-3393. HEAVY DUTY SPACE HEATER - $45. Cal 579-0757. BALL BQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmnower, $25. ('ali 728-0664 after 6:30 pa. WASHIER, DRYER, ['RIDGE, STOVE - almost new, askinî $ 1,100.(CaIt1668-4652. ADMIRAL BLACK & WHITE TV -' 'loor model, excelten reception, picture .tube & perfor- mance. Ideai for rec room, bcd- ron, second 'I'V ece., $50. ('ai] 668-9771. AUTOMATlIC VASIIER $250; Frigidaire, $250, bath ai iii excellent condition. Cal 668-0270. SCM EIX,'TRIC BROOM - $6; PORTIABLI'. IIAIRDRYER, $4. (Calit723-085,5. SEWING \A'IN Seamistrcss, witfi cabinet, excetteni conîdition, $75. ("ail 668-5447. EE(T RiC S'FOVE used, ii wurkinu, order, 22" side, $30. ('att 728-2484. sTV0\11E.l- vo humner, & oveni S$25; onec new MOPLU , good shapc usc;d lwice, SI 001.('al 723-62(11. Cas tircd commercial deep i-'RYIE 'R- two baskets, $225: l)omcsîic SL-WING MACINE, $50). Both are in good condition ('ail 579-0840. EMERSON TV SET witli radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nea.rest offer. ('alil668-7446. DRYER - wesîinghlouse. etcctric, 'recenîly recanditioned oîitv $25. ('ail 723-0722. SThRI'0 - Hitachi, 30Ï receiver, TEAC 160, cassette d2ck, pioncer turntabIe, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cati 723-2351 -anytime. CRYSTAL CI1ANDELIliR - sith 24 tighits, $ 100; LANTIiRN, $,25; GLOBIE, $20, ail good condition. Cati 668-0524. White SEWING MACI-HNE - zig-z7ag, buttonhoter, like new, $70 firm. ('aIt 723-1802. Airsvay sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER- different attach- nents for poiishing, shampooing. vacuuming, etc. The cost w'C $399.50 will setîlfor $200. ('alil 668-8957. TV CONSOLE - good condition, Adniral, B & W, $50. Cali 668-8580. 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fedders AIR CONDITIONER- 3 phase powecr 208 volts, $375; 71/2 hp, 1974 outboard mnotor sea"smodel ncw, $250. Cati 985-3542. WRINGE'R WASIIER - in A-1 condition, $50 or best offer. DESK, modm 30" x- 60", ltwo STEREO - AM-F-M radio, 8 track tape player, record player, built in amplifier, cabinet size, 53" long by tl/2.' '.ide by 27" high, $150 compiete, or $100 withîoit B track. ('ail 263-8145 or 723-2426. Espana ELECTRIC GUITAR - with Darius 1001 amplifier, music stan d, $325 complete; 41" Jumbo Flat Top GUITARZ, with case, brand new, $45. Cati 668-4744 after 4 p.m. * 19" B & WADMIRAL TV - asking $30, new tube. Cali 668-5459. KenmoreautolflaticWASHER- igood condition, moving to an apartment, $125. Cati 668-5745. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. CatI 668-1297. WHITE SYLVANIA STOVE - four burners, good condition, $60 or best offer. Cati 668-7546. McCtary easy electric clothes DRYER - good working E condition, $80; dinette arborite t TABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $30. ('aIl 728-9737. F~O UR BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE - excellent condition, 30", $85. ('aIl 683-7360 afte;- 6 6p.m.e CHeavy duty SPACE HEATER wi th 45 gallon drum fue. reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-contro.l FLYING MODIEL AIRPLANE. used once but stitl as new, $ 10 Cati 668-7014. SLWING MACHINE Singer -Stylist 514, straiglît, zîg-zag t and stretch stitches, 6 months oId, $160. ('aIl 668-7815 at'ter 3:31). GAS DRYER - Inglis Citation. excellent condition, $1 25 or best offer. (Cal668-0224. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition, $20. (Cait683-6638. COTTAGE STOVE - $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duffle bags, hiockey pants, $25; bed, good condition, nesv mattress, single, $1 25; rug cleaner, $15. CatI 668-0920. La te Model Underwood Manual TYPEWRITER- $125. Metal desk, 60" x 30", ideal 1,for honme, $25. CatI 668-1076. P>OWER iIAND SAW Craftsnian, 7" 13/4 hp, like new, $30. ('aIl 668-4743 after 6 p.m. SPEED QUEEN CAS DRYER - 18 months, nesv, $175; Cati 655-3776. -, Servel REFRIGERATOR - with cross tpp freezer, Kenmore 30" range with lift off door, $125. CatI 668-3889. Musical BOGEN CHALLENGER P.A. AMPLIFIER, $100; Harmony Sovereign guitar sith case, $15; Y Webcor am-fmn stereo' record player with two speakers, $70; 2 Shure microphones, $100; Ail items in excellent condition and ail are subject to best offer. CatI 655-4740 after 6 p.m. SPEAKERS - two large 16", ipproximateiy 31/2 high, contairi ,n black leather casing, $45 or best offer. Caîl 668-2860. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER- SPEAKERS - 8" with vizzcr cone, 8 ohmns, brand newv, acttual pricd $18 only $10; BOW & ARROW SET, AI, condition, rotait $15 oniy' $8. Ctill 668f-6790 after- 4 paîn.

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