Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS SERVING OVER 28,000 READERS r Publishod cvery Wednesd 1ay ~whUby ~by M.B.M. Put anldPhotograp The Free Press'Bui Voice of the CountY Town Mike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor 121 Byriotet The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whîtby residerits for WNhitby resident Whiby, nma" Asslstant Edjtor - Blake Purdy Community Editor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - im Qu--.il Production Maniager -,Marje Burgess ~lsigDisplay Advertising Manager - blishingRobin Lyon phy mnc. Classified Ad Manager - 'o Marlene Byroni Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whitby. I, ilding Mailing Permit No. 460 N4orth, - Phone 668-61 11. A time to reme m]ber Tomorrow is Rememibrance- Day, the day when we as Canadians, stop for a moment to remember our fellow citizens who died in two world wars, which for rnany may seeni to be. a long time ago. As the years pass, there are fewer of us left who remember the First and Second World Wars and what impact they hiad 011 our couintry. In fiact, tliere will conie a day. barring another holocast, when there will be nobody left who personally wi tnessed these wars. Anybody uinder the age of 35 is iîot likely to have any tangible memory of the war years, but fortunately there a number still arotund whio can tell the youinger generation what it was ail abouit, and what Remembrance Day means. One such person is the Rt. Rev. Allan A. Read, Anglican Bishop of Toronto, who wil be speaking to the children of Whitby on the meaning of Remembrance Day tomnorrow rnorning at Al Saints' church. He will tIien Iead the children in a parade froni the Church to the ceno- taph for the memorial service. It is most important, as the tangible memory of world war diminishes with the years, that the young people growing Up, leamn what a tragedy war is, for it is they who will be tlhe guardians of peace in the years to corne. This year's Remembrance Day has a special meaning for Canadian veterans, for 1976 marks the 5Oth anniversary of' tIe formation of the Royal Canadian Legion, an organiza- fion whichi provides financial and social assistance to veterans and their families. Whiitby's Branch i 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion wvas formied 50 years ago, at the timie the national body wvas founded. and succecded the Whiitby War Veterans' Club, started in 1919. In 1 929 Brooklin hiad i Legion branchi, wllh i folded after a few years and wvas not revived until 1 966. Bothi Legion branches arc flourishing today, eachi with a hall, and a variety of progranis and sJ)Onsorshij)s of local sports tearns. During the years, thet Legion in both Wlitby and Brooklin, lias been an integral pa rt of the community. The comnradeship) and comimunity work of the Legion hielp to inake (>ur town a better place in wwhichi to live. This month the Legion wiII be hionoring meinbers who have been active ini the organization for 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years, remnembering the motto for their fallen cornrades; "They served tilI deatlî: why îlot we". This year, Remnembrance Day lias a double meaning: to rememiber those who died in war, and' those whio serve the veterans of these wars ini peacetime. Trucks as well as cars parked on sîdewalks irk local residents *Dear Editor: I agree with Mrs. J. Cassidy re: Cars on sidewalk (Whitby Free Press - Nov. 3). A business beside me repeatedly park their trucks . on the sidewalk, how many having to walk on the road because of this. I have their trucks ini front of niy house as well as one side, its a tw.o-man operation- to get a car from rny drive to the road, one drives, one guides. 1 have been in contact with the By-laws enforcemnent office and various other Depts. for over four mon ths trying to get the mnatter put right as I live on what is supposed to be a residential block.1 Free enterprise by ail means but keep it in the commercial zone. David W. Pearce, 606 Athol Street, "Wliitby, Ont, Undesirable shift system and pay denial bring department morale to "»rock bottom"9 Dear Sir: rnonths later we again Aflh1-1fla in ianuary 1974, the approachied Council and asked then refe, Whitby Professional Fire that if no mionetary adjustment committel Fighters' Association, Local could be made, we would the det& 2036, signed a three year con- accept the shift change that Details w tract with the Town of we had requested in January. explained Whitby. At that timie we Again we were turned down. Council atternpted to negotiate a Finally in April of this year, occasions, change of slîifts, fromi a thiree both sides mutally agreed that that: the platoon systeni, consisting of sonie adjustment to the still worl eighit hours on eachi of days, collective agreement was a forty evenings and nighits, to a two necessary if we were not to required platoon systeru, consisting of lose sighit of at least partial power an ten hours on days and fourteen parity with other area depart- as a "n( hours on nights. The later is ments. The resuit was a motion committe the system worked by 97/ of by Council to grant the Fire resultedi the tire departmnents in the Fighiters a $ 1,000.00 increase, us down. Province of Ontario, including as was reported earlier in this years of every full time departmnent in newspaper. This proposed reports ai Durhami Region. When it be- increase was then submitted are still w camne apparent that this request to. the Anti-Inflation Board shift syst was falling on deaf ears, we where, after coin'-lying with worked decided to drop it for the several requests for more departmce time being in lieu of a reason- detailed reports and consider- and arei able salary increase, in an able correspondence, the behindi effort to at least bring that entire amount was denied. We ments wl portion of' our collective returned to Council to again ing theç agreement into line with othier request the two platoon been unal area departments. A high rate systemn in lieu of the mnoney of inflation and substantial we had been denied. Councils' Th e rE annual- salary increased to first response was a request for brought other area departments soon a joint appeal to the Anti- efficient nullified the increase we had Inflation Board, despite the group of been granted and we once façt that we had already in- bottomn. again found ourselves in the formed thern that the Anti- back seat. Feeling that Inflation Board, our local Sincerel, Council had been sincere in Member of Parliament and their intention to make this a Representatives from the The Exe "&catch-up"' contract, we appro- Ontario Professional Fire Whitby1 ached themn in December Fighters' Association, well ,AssocJi 1974 abou 't rectifying a deter- versed in Anti-Inflation Board LOcal 2C iorating' situation. We were negotiations, told us empha- Internât, told that nothing could be ticatly that no appeal was Fire Fig] doe~a'this Aline". sblwf'nethe terms. of the ation Act. Council erred the matter to a ee of three to study alus of our request. which we had already 1in great lengths to on several previous Sincluding the facts ie two platoon system ,ked on the basis of y-two hour week, no increase in man- nd could be init iated to cost" item. The ees' report to Coun cil in them again tumning Now after almost two f meetings, letters, nd more meetings, we N'orking an undesirable tem, unique from that by any other fire ent in the, Province more than $ 1,000-00 neighbouring depart- iho are already work- shift system we have âble to acquire. resuit of ail this lias the morale of an and conscientio-us ffire fighters to rock y yours, ecutive and Members, Fire Fighters' ion, W365 ional Association of ghters I M Àdmý m -4-: T-4:1-

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