Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1976, p. 16

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PAGIE 16, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24.1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Fre.e Autos. 1976 DODGE VAN- 318 automnatic, chrome wheels, compteteiy done up, sink, iridge, e te. Cati 6 55-3149 af ter 6 p.m. 1968 CIIEV IMPALA - recent paint and body wvrk,good fainily car, low miteage, askin g $850 certifiedi Cati 668-2485 af ter 6 p.m. .1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped, $4,000. -1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, paver steeril1g, powver brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXHALI. PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Cati 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON --ekellent condition, xviIi certify, 36,000 miles, $1,650 or best offer. Cati 668-0307. 1967 MUSTAI TIBLE - 302 I body goad, certifie 579-3648. 1971 MAZDA standard, radio. $500 or best offer. sIG CONVER- 18 automatic, ed, $695. Cal - 616 CoVpe techome er, Cati 668-0463. 1969 FiAT - as is $100 or best offer. Cati 668-7614. 1974 DODGE CUSTOM many extras, 52,750. 683-2968. VAN Cali 1973 VEGA GT HATCH- BACK -- autoînatic, good condition, asking $1.495. Cali 725-1174 or 668-8928 aftcr 5p.m. 1966 FORD - convertible, recent paint and body ssork, newv top, runs goad, askinig $650 or bes t offer. Cali 668-2485 ai'Ier 6 p. m. 1967 DCDGE PALARA tsvo door hard top, very dlean. in good running condition, $250 as is. Cali 668-9870 after S pin. 1972 OLDSMOIIILE 88 good condition, $1750; -1972 FORD, $750: 1966 Econo!Une Van, $550. Calil579-0233 or 725-7449. 1963 RAMBLER -- vhite stationsvagon, certified, $300 or best offer. \lust Sdi. ('ail 668-5745. 1968 COUGAR $ 200. Cati 668-6068 or 668-7852. 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. Cati Tom ut 668-9860. 1972GRANTORINO SPORT - power steering, power brakes, 351 V-8, am-fm radio, asking $ 1,975. Cati 668-980-5. 1964 BUICK SKYLARK two door hardtop, 4D,000 original miles, excellenît condIition inside & out, certified, $925 or best offer. Cali 668-0082 afler 6 p- in. 1964 -1/ TRUCK - miles, good be seen at Whitby. TON GMC PICK UP new motor, 6,000 for parts, $250. Can 1201 Brock St. S., 1976 CHEVETTE --53,000; 1976 PACER, good condition, $4,000 or best offer. '_CatI 725-7139 evenings or 668-8549. 1973 FORD -- power stedring, power brakes, V-8, air-condifioned, radio, rear defogger, 50,000 mites, wilt certify, $1,650. Cail 668-1382. 1972 PLYMOUTH SATEL- LITE - two door hadtop, V-8 automatie, p/s, p/b, radio, bucket seats, certified, $1 ,595,wiiI accept (rade-mn of 1963-69; CatI 683-5503. 1975 BUICK SKYLARK - -15,000 mites, hatchback, power steering, power brakes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Caît 668-.5767. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyt top, $1700 or best offer. Cati 655-3406. 1967 DODGE POLARIS - 2 door hardtop, very , dean, in good running condition, $450 as is. Cail 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE- 4 door sedan, 289 V-8 mkitor, in, fair ,"unnlni; condition uncortlfied, $115 or best oflei' CaU 668-9167. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC- V-8, as is, $ 100. Cali 623-2043. 1974 BUICK APOLLO- power steering, power brakes, low mileage . ith safe ty check asking $3,200, owner selling because he needs a i½/,-taon truck. Calil985-339. 1964 CHEVELLE SS- six cylinder, buecket seats, loor console, good tires, body and interior iin fair conidi tion,. $200 firtn as is. Cali 728-3992. 1968 REBEL- 2 dour lhdtp.. 6 auto, snov tires, eertified, $800. Cuit 5ý79-0486 afler 6 pi. EiGIiT- 14" GM RIMS, iwo siîh snoxv tires, $20 pair, four sith suminer tires, $15 pair, two bare, $10 pair: 12" whecel %vith snosv tire, $10;('alit 655-4437. 1967 PONTIAC PA RISI ENNE- four door, f'our ncss radial tires, iin goa(I condiition, $550. Ca--1O 655-3043. 1970 CHEVIiLLE - V-8, au tomatie, A-1 conifition. $ 1,480, certified, Cali 728-2580). 1967 VBEETLE -$300 as is. Cal Rcs. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4 1 85. SNOW TIREFS 2 alinost new. A 78-i13, tu bless beited / $20. C'ali 668-4743 i'4er 6 pim. 1972 RENAULT i12 - excellent cotidition, certified, compltey overhaulcd, radio, cassette (teck, radial tires, S 1,100. Culit 723-0985. 1967 MIiTEOR FORDI)--new paint au(l body work, runs goori, asking $400. ('alil608-2485 aftcr 6 p.m. 1976 l)Oi)GI.DART standard, 4 door, likve\%"w $3,260. ('ail 6S5-4820 after 5 pin. 1966 IhONDA S90 -, set rip as trait bike, in -ood ru n n me!- conîdition,%$1 25. (':ill 649-58 1Il. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. Cati 576-6592. 1968 \'OtKSWA;ON \'AN 12,000) cc(lu ne bugy. ncedINsonutu work. $ 200t)or hct ofler. ('all 655-3756. 197(0 DOD('(IIALFI-NG;IR - certfi ed, $895 or best offer. ('all 66, '745. 14r)6 BUI('K SPF'iAI $75. Cati 72-5-4339. i968 1lORI) GALAXY V-8, two(> l(or, afiioniatic. ps. p/b. radio, askinL, $4510.('aIl 668-4355. TWO "RIS 560-13 lridgstone, f*or Iatsin, comipiete sith rini, $66. ('aIl 668-7907. 1969 ('lilY lANI.L 6 cylinder standlard, radlio. window curlains, extIra lires, excellent condlition, $1 ,45(0. ('al 576-3034. 8 hp) MOTO NIOWFRZ SNOW SHARK 8 SNOWBLOWEý.R used four Mmnes, $450. ('ail 668-i1815. TIRES - 4 new, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwail, $120, for compact or nterînediate car. Cali 668-8544. 1966 '-BIRD - 390 V-8, p/bucket seats, air conditioning, AM1 radio & tape deck, body in fair. condition, safety checked, $700; 1967 CIiEV '/A VAN, 283 1966 BUICK 725-4339. $75. Cal1 Two G 78xI15 S NOWTIR I- mounted for 1973 Plymouth Fury, used 2 seasons, $25 paiî or nearest offer. Caîl1668-7627. TIRES - new (5) 1178-15, btk/wati off van, $175 set. CaI 655-4610. PONTIAC BLACK BUCKET SEATS - good shape, $10 each. Cail 6 55-4610. TIRES - J78-15, Goodrich beited, $10; tire & rim, 825-14, Goodyear ChrysIer rim, $10; snow - tire & .- dm,, G78-14,.,l ,.hrysler rlm, $15- Cait 655-3860. Ccxli 668-61.11 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FRESE in the FREE' PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY whien you selI! There will flot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless tlhe itemi advcrtised is sold. Whien the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated beîow. Al advertisements mnust hc placed on an exclusive basis with the WI[IITBY FREES PRESS 'r run at ieast one m:înih if n tot sold. RATES (if article is soid): 5% of advertised price rip ta $400.00 2% aif balance over $400.00 1E-AMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due, $2.50 (minimnumi ce-:nmiission is $1,50) Private advertis5.ig ontly! Ileasc notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Illease notify thc Whiitby Free Press immediately wvhen item is sold so th-t we may delete it fromn the following issues. Services, help wante(i, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads cani anly be hiandled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FkEIi PRESS rEMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby The deadline for emporiunm ads is tlie Monday at noon. Furniture ('OU('1 grey, twu seat. very good condition, $75. ('anlbe scen at 114 Green St. or ('ail 668-554 I after 4 pa. i teetroliomie 1 & W *1 V S50; vanitv sink with lap)s. S$i0. w'.ail hutng ink. $5: portable i ilectirohoîn le humnidifie r. SI15 kitchen siink ;lps. $5: electric de.sk tcalcuilailor, $1i0t):lau ndrv tub1 pumnps. $25: 3 luitîine fixtures. $2 caci: ap)pro'.. 23 cliroiiic ki ichen cuplboirdl knohs. N 8: Lreen li mcd tîvîîrouinidral)e,. wuit Irack fo filtri up 1 6' ssall. 'S30l. (îlt 725-8479 afier 5 pin. I)IZ1.5511<*» s \itît t'lîre luneL (lrasers, $. 55: cliest drase rs. S3(): Iwo living ~rom ichairN or rec rouiticar.Nil :two I)edlrom la in p S5.: (al 668-90109. RUG - 9 x 1 2, gold sbag. perfect condition. $100. ('ail Sý68-1 618 aiter 6 p.in. SU ITE witil (10 11le - bcd(1 t ach1ig tripile dressor, cvi th mîirrur. $1 25: uîe table, end table, IFrench Proviniciail, . n truiîss oud. $1I00-: tarLe oit pain îing on canvas Si 0.('i 668-0033. IL lilIlR Vik nii ecelleni coihiti(iil, suii s' :ier wlieel, etc. Irice $51>. Appty 121 Palace St., \\hli t', Or telephjone 668-2822. i t(T I('ZOOM V ik ing. $8: Bissuli I our ('arpet S\veepier, $4: GE.Electric I loor iolishcer, $10. Ait in vcry god( condition. ('il 985-2621. Trailers, etc. REAR BUMPIIR -'or 1975 Chev Van, painted, excellent, condition, $30;PAINTED GRILL, for 1975 Chev Van, $30; 4 chromne TRIM à<INGS, fit 14"-. wheels, new condition, $20. Cali 655-3 183. 21 ' CABIN CRUISER - 4 cylinder, 60 horsepower, inbound, completeiy redone inside & ou tside, ready for! iaynrching, $3500 or best offer.'. Cal 668-1 252. 15' BRUNSWICK BOAT 18' WISCOOTi TRAI LI'R, 50 hp. Johnson mnotor, asking $2,000, many extras. Cali 728-3297. 16' Fibreglass covered RIUN. ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD gas tank, battery electric start, as is, best offer over $350. Cv.l' 668-8957. 1973 RUPP HUSTLER - 12" wheels, good condition. asking $250; 12' plywood boat. made iast year, semi-V bottom asking $100. Cati 655-4616. 15 foot IIOUSETRAILÉIR - 1968, comptete with reese hitch, sleeps-6, lots of storage, portable toilet, propane fridge & stove,'One. 11 x 9 kitchen tent DIU d $ -'279 :" 00-' C a t Antique \'I(TORIAN SOFA- 13(0 years ol, resLor'C(l. ike new, askine $800. ('ail 655-3523. Antique WOOIN ('RAI)LI'- $ I25: fortr Remington Radial 'TIRS RFSiR 70-14, 6-piv cdynacur ravoni. 58<. (:îII 668-i 862. F'ive picce K"ITCiIFN SET' lit-li grcy. $35: Lloyd stroller ss ith eanlopy. $21): 48"\ svidle ietl cuat rack Qon custers s'ithlihat& 'hue racks. $14. ('il S7-'" SOiFA 3 seat, hurgundy le:i lier, stu rdv constrution. good canditioti. ideail'for rec romr etc. askiîîg $00. ('aIl 725-5753 ai'ler Sp-ni- W A1,IL U'I' O1 F AT'ABLEF 39" s 22" im-n excellent conitii n.S50:. S1nussltiioile suit, miediumiii îîî:i tir large ss'onin il, tiC55 conitilion, 525. ('aIl1 ()68-5596. RO01LA\VAY Bi11) 30)" \\ ide. S8:, kitclîeî or bar stool, 24" Iii-lh. une iietai. $7: beige rug., Il r4" \ i1t'. needs cteaning, $35: 2 burncr str)ve, eiectri(', 220 soit ieavy dutt 25" iiii s'l suelIf. nu uveti. Si15: stud(ia candi. good cuondition.,tbeige tapestry. O)pcfl5toidoublhe "d alsa lias stnirage (loor & .. -"e lbuse cnisliins. $-45. (':îll655-.,"J9. Tsvo LI VING ROOM ('IIAII<Sor RL('ROOM C'HAIRS, $10 & $15:, tsso beirootni anips, $5; D)resser, $45: Telephonie desk, $15. ('aIt 668-9009. Beautilul antique tati CINA BUFFET - lamge glass front, medium hioneysvood would match; colonial, $St'l firm. Cal 668-9792 aft.r 2:30 p.in. Colone' NI) TAB3LI:- $10; anc desk, $6: portable TV table, $10; set of nishes, $10; svuoden rocking horse, nesv, $5; coffee table, $10; clirotîe table & chair se t, $15; iamp, $5; Cali 728-6204. DINET' TAI3LE - leai' & Six chairs, Gendron baby carniage, CatI 623-57 15. with $50. $35' COUCHI- $20; pole lamp, tiffany style, new, $25; seven piece melon pattern silver tea set, used twice, from Birk's, $200; copper crafi, monaco mnirrar set, with watI sconces, new, $40; antique woodstand, $60. Cait 668-6567. P>OOL TABLE Cali 655-3027. 4 x 8, $ 200. DUNCAN PHYFE TABLE - seats 8 people, gaod condition, $67. Cuit 723-8934. BABY CRIB - bgby carniage, $15; wtth child's chair, 655.3511.-- $20; Lloyd baby bu t1er Appliances Wringer washing MACH-INE - $25; lawnmlowers, $10 & $15; roomi divider, large, brand new, $25; eurpeting for 13 steps, green, rin(erpad(iing, $25. Cal! 725-1211 STOVE - 30 "inch, good cCU- dition $75; space HEATER $60. .Cuit 668-6750. Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stool, $165; STEREO bomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. Cati 985-3393. WASIIER, DRY FR, FRIDGE, STOVE --aimnost new, asking $ 1,100. CatI 668-4652. LEATH-LR Ladies, O.K. zip-out lining, 655-4995. J AC K F brown, like size 16, $25. new, Cait ADMIRAL BLACK & WHITE 'FV -'baor model, exceilent reception, pictrîre tube & perfor- miance. Ideal for rec raom, bed- roomi, second TV etc., $50. Cali 668-9771. AUTOMATIC WASHER - $250: Frigidaire, $250, bath are ini excellent condition. Cali 60î8-0270.' SCM ELEC'TRIC B3ROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAJRDRYER, $4. Cati 723-0855.' SEWING MACHINE Seanistrcss, wîth cabinet, excellent condition, $75. Cali 668-5447. ELIiCTRIC1 STOVIE - used, iin working urder, 2" svide, $30).('alil728-2484. STIOVE lsv to hurer, & aven $25: une ncss' MOPELD. good shape, used twice, $I100. Cali 723-6201. (Xs fired coniimeeiiu deep lRYER-tsvo 'baskets, $225; Ilumestic SEWING MACHIINE, $50. Bath are in good condition. Calil579-0840. EMERSON TV SET %viti radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest ot'fer. Caîl 668-7446. LaIe mudel UNDERWOOD MANU! 1L TYPEWRITER - $125. Culi 668-1076. STEREO Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioneer turnitabie, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cali 723-2351 arivime. j IUM 1 î)l R - one yearaild, $45. ('ali 725-8872 aiter 6 p.în. White SEWING MACFNNE - zig-zug, buttonholer, tike new, $70 firmn. Ca11 723-1f'02. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - different attuchi- ments foDr polishing, shampooing, vacuumning, etc. The cost w-'ts $399.50 \vilî selt'.for $200. Cali 668-8957. 36,0(00 BTU 3 ton F*edders AIR CONDITIONER- 3 phiase powver 208 volts, $375; 71/ hp, 1974 ou tbQard motor sea-s inadel new, $250. Caîl 985-3542. WRINGER WASIIER - in A-i condition, $50 or best offer. DESK, modemn 30" x 60", two file rtrasvers, une box drawer, $50. Cali 668-7832. 15 cri. ft. REI"RiGERATOR - 30" electrie stave, bath avocado, $400 or best offer; 151/' piysvaod und mnahog(ony bout comptete with miotar & traider, $300 or best offer; 4 x 8 pool table, comptete wvith accessaries, $100 or best offer. Cuit 668-81 89. LECTRIC STOVE - tsvo btîrners, aven needs saine repairs. $30. Ca11 668-0721. 4 x 8 POOL TABLE - with accessorie s, $85; chesterfietd & chair, $185, bicycle with training wheeis, $20. Cati 723-1819. STAI NLESS STEEL KITCHEN SINK - $7; enamel kitchen sink, $5; inside ýdoors, assorted sizes, 52.50 each. Cati1668-81 25. King ELECTRONtC'SCOPE - $1,800. Cati 668-8125. STEREo' - AM-FM radio, 8 Espana ELECTRIC GUITAR, with Darius 1001 amplifier, music stand, $325 comnpiete; 41" Jumnbo Fiat Top GUITAR, with case, brand new, $45. Cali 668-4744 after 4 p.m. 19"B & WADMIRAL TV - asking $30, new tube. Cali 668-5459. MOFFAT GAS RANGE -- 30", onty used orne year, excellent condition, eye-Ievei broiler rotissery, avocado green4 original price, $650, asking $300., Cal668-1766. McCiary easy electrie clothes DRYER - good working' condition, $80; dinette arborite TABLE & CHAIRS, extension table, $30. Cali 728-9737. FOUR BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE - excellent condition, 30", $85. Cati. 683-7360ý after 6 p. m. Heavy duty SPACE HEATER - wîth 45 gallon drumn fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfîre u-eontrol FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but stili as new, $10. Cali668-7014. 72 cu. in. heaith ways TANK - galvinized finish, harness, certi- fied 4 years, $40; Sportsways wvater Iung, single hase, regutator, sith reserve, $40; Yashica D, 21/V'sq. camera, F3.5, 1/500 second, case plus light meter, flash unit, $50; Prinz pilot three 35mm, F2.8, one 2/5Oth second with case, $ 25. Cati 6 68-147 3. WATER HEATER - new, neyer used, glass iined, 40 U.S. gai 40" high, $75. Cali 655-4995. GAS DRYER - Inglis Citation excellent condition, $125 or beî offer. Cali 668-0224. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cal 668-1297. COTTAGE STOVE- - $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duf fie bags, hockey pants, $25; bed, good condition, new mattress, single, $125; rug cleaner, $15. Cali 668-0920. Late Model' Underwood Manual TYPEWRITER '- $125. Metai desk, 60" x 30", ideal for hiome, $25. Cali 668-1076. POWER HAND SAW - Craftsman, 7" 13/ hp, like new, $30. Cali 668-4743 after 6 p.m. BALL B3Q - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cati 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. Antique REFRIGERATOR- G.L. nmodel buiit in 1930, stili in warking condition, only $150. Cati 723-0722. Musical BOGEN CHALLENGER P.A. AMPLIFIER, $100; Harmon Sovereign guitar with case, $15; Webcor am-fm sterea' record player with two speakers, $70; 2 Shure microphones, $100; Ail items in excellent condition and ail are subjeet ta best offer. Çail 655-4740 after 6 n.-' SPEAKER S - two large 16", ipproximateiy 3½/ high, containi ni black leather casing, $45 or .5est offer. Cati1668-2860. STANDARD PEAVEY PA- SPEAKERS - 8"' with vlzzer'I cone, 8 ohmps, brand new, actitaiI prica& $18 oniy $10;,ýBOW'&I ý4RROW- SET, AI condition, I retafi $15 onIyl $8. Calil 668-6790 after 4 p.m. t,," ~ A 'J- -J- .J'J~ga~ ~ J'Y, Press Emp orium

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