Whitby Free Press, 1 Dec 1976, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, DEC1-EMBER 1,s 1976, WHITBY FREE Free Press E.nporium - (Contlnued) Miscellaneous ] Henry Moore Limiled Edition ETCHING - on solid sterling silver. A beautiful work of art & an ideal collectors item. Only $850. Cali 723-0722. LAWN MOWER - needs sonie repairs, $15; Cali 668-7323. 71/, B & D PROFESSIONAL SKILL SAW -- neyer used, $60; Ladies long leather coat. size 15-16. rcdidish, brown, $75. Cal 668-5486. SELECTrIONS OF CLASSICAL NIUSIC - The World's Grealest Waltzs, Rap-;id!y & Bine, Album of Conserlo by Beethovan, Down Menmory Lane. Musie by Joe Strauws. $2 per reeord. Cali 728-3297. Gravely Lasvn 1-aclor Equip- nment - 30"~ Rotary Mower, $200: 48" euirved Snow or Dirt blade. $90: 42" siekle mow'er, $275, ail itemns ini good condition. (ah 655-4995. Kin-t ELECTRONIC SCOPE $1.800. (aIl 668-8125. BABY CRIB baby carnîage. $15: %with child's chair. 655-3511, LEATH.R Ladies, O.K. ?ip-out linîn. 655-4995. $20: Lloyd baby bu lier S20. (al JAC'KL i brown, ike site 16, S25. niess Calit GOALIE 1EQUIPNIINTF - will fit ages 12 - 17, $55( including 2 pairs oi' Bauer skates, site 8' $20 & size 10, S30; ail in A-t condition. ('ail 655-34 10. HOC-KEY SKATES- new, size 5, $15: prlabte SINGER sewing machine, $35: Cai 725-1211. - Round TABLE & 4 ('l I RS- $50: armchair, $5: single mattress, $3; ladies winter coat, size 12-14. $10: smail record player, $5-, books, gamnes & miscellaneous. Cali 723-2426. POWER HAND SAW Craftsman, 7" 1 4 hp, like n1ew. $30. Caîl 668-4743 after 6 p.m. Late model UNDERWOOD MANUAL IYPEWR IIER -$S125. Cali 66840O76. BICYCLI-.E EXE._R(ISER $80: clotIiing size 16 jc 18. Cail 668-607 8 or 668-4377- 3 outdoor F-LOOD t.II I'S suilable for pool or patio area. I500 watt eapacily, $30 cach. CaIl 668-2832 afler 5 p.m. ANTIQUES - Victorian setee, -cameo back, veivet, $500: pressedi back nursingrocker, $65: two antique wicker chairs unpainted, $1 50 pair: single brass and iron bed, $1 50; odd plants in antique cracks; chandelier, $25: Cati 668-5830. GM INFANT CAR SEAT - $15; Ford Top Guard Chitd's CAR SEAT, $20. Cali 655-4157. SKI BOOTS - size 8, $10; size, 9, $15; double BOOKCASE BED, -compiete. $35; Skates, Bauer, 91/2, $10. Caîl 668-0704. TWO - Two singte box Springs & mattresses, good condi- tion, $15ea; CatI 655-3411. Tilt BOX TRAILER - ideal for skidoo, 6' x 8', depth 18", $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4295. STEREO - Electrohome con- sole, garrard changer, wainut cabinet, $1 25 or best of fer. Cati 655-4295. TWO FIGURE SKATES - size 7Y and 2, $3 dach; one pair -of boys skates size 6, $3; one baird cage & stand, $25; waf fle iron and sandwich grill, $5 each; toaster, $5;* bissell corpet sweeper, $10;- bathroom lght fixture, $20; pressure tan k,$1 0; Cal 668-9404. WATER I[MATER -new, .vrused, giWss iined, 40 U.S. gai 0" high, $75. Cali 655-4995., Canadiana sinai1 primiÎtive ROCKER, $30; 6' pine benchi, $35; fiax eutter, $50: Pille t0ol bo x, $10. Cali 683-5671 Greensvood- STEýEL DOUBLE' GARAGE DOOR- in poil condition, $200. Calil 668-8310. Conivertibie STROLLER $25: circular playp)cn, $15: baby walkcr, $3; maternily :iýothles, smnali size. Calil668-1969 aft'er 4 p.nî. USED TV ANTENNA $20. Cali 668-8943. B & W TV- Console, $65 Oshava Cathiolie 1-igh Sehool skirt, like nev, $ 10. Cali 725-1211. HIOCKEY EQUIPMENT - shin pa ' ls, $15: hockey pants $8: shouilder pads. $8: coopet gloves, $10: hielmnet, $10. ai equipment in excellent condition Cati 668-6761 ask for Steve. BOYS SUITf- ize 16, as new. $8: sehool desk. $3; chirisima'.i lights & decorations, $3: TV. B & W.,riot working. $5: racîi-,wet. $1 5; barbexqîme. $2. (Cai] 668-50)60 after 3 1.m1. ('OVIRT eoei. %'ln foot. round, $2-S-.1 o w oodt i stcps, $3 & S5.( ail 668-8304. Run around with your wife again. PiZRTIILP7ÊTG you can help through OXFAM SHAREPLAN For information contact: OXFAM Working With People- Who Are Helping Themiselves P.O. BOX 18,000 STN.l"A"t TORONTO M5W MW Whitby Plaza 668-6922 Services NOW! Have your chester- field steam cleaned by professionals- who care. Woodwork is specially waxed & polished. We steam clean your carpet- ing with commercial equipment - there is a difference! Free estimâtes. DURHAM REGIONAL CHESTERFIELD & CARPE T CARE 668-7989 NUMEROLOGY The science of numbers have character, aptitude and expecta- tions, analyzed and explained through your personal number vibrations. Cali 985-8559. WANTED VALVE TROMBONE C'alil668-2945 Pets & Supplies~ *ro- maie BOSTON BULtL 1'! RRii RS- re-,istercti withi paliers, 2U, înonjth% l()d, iwýr in timefintorChri%rmias, S1i5o) eachl. (kill 579-10I5. .\RABiANS i OR SALI. Seven *Arablhail \ irc. hrce Illire hred'K fouir part lired(K. CIha ili pioni (j uai1 il t. sihosv or breedingimare,,. ai iow prices. ",250 up. k-nN availaille. (ail 986-4925 .111cm(i pin. or 579'-.5935S. i'R RtI Ki'l"i'lNS iviu~ck olii. coioti r cîimI fl!e. geyvanmil '~ ue.îahS .and I ort0i-ýe sue il. i)tgî'nipe t%. Cati 6618-(01)( allter 6(iîîi. 81iRD )CA(;I good condih li, 655-3i-57. Iloor stani, S40). (aIt G ERNIA N Sll(RTIJAIR POINTER I 1year old. mak, doghonse inclnded. $35. ('ail 576-8667. Studcd We,-.tern SADMI)iL ini good condition. $75.(ail 668-71>98. l-'\tr; large CI I<lIL. (AGI. %witItacccssîieN. 56. ('ail 728-6 169. Trained D01.1- IOUND %60). ('ait9852985. ANIERICAN SADILL'BRLI) G:U L LII N(; 16 tands, 14 years nId. wseil trained and schooled, saiddie and bridile ineitidcd, $30 or heýst offer. C'ail 655-3840. ATTENTION FARMERSVI IBUY AT REASONABLE PRICES -. 9 sDIESELFUEL -' Imrm oitw,'v "866-3381 Now! Look Naturally Good W. go ctong with Nature tu brlnq oui the boit in you and your huit. W. cut it the way il grows ... - nd slpo il to, suit your face.. -z Higbest Prices Paid for Goid and Silver coiw oid guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes fumniture, crocks, oit paintings and sealers Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramie Tiling. Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio.Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 SECOND MORIGAGES " Nobonuses, brokerage or finder's fees " Borrow up to $1 5,000 e« 14.9%/oon amounts over $8,000 0 15 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whiîby Mail Shioppîing Centre 723-8101 Sec your plione book for an HFCoffice nlear you. Hot water heuîing purnps serviced & repaired DOMIESTIC PUIMP SERVICE 668-9915 PRIVATE SALE TIIREE B E1) ROO NI CON DOMNIN1NI. grotid loor. waîkint? dis- tance to GM. close parking. Cali 576-4730 afler- 5 i.nî. Keep Laughing * Wth the feari ut strarn that is on me night and day, il 1 did not laugh. I should Abraham Lincoln Bikes Girls UNIROYAL BIKElt'orp ages 8 - 12, gold in colonr. wvhite banana sea t. higli han diebars, in 41o0( condition. $35. (Xiii -728-9777. BI('YC-'EPART'S -forks, $5 or Linder. traîne'.. $3: pedais, Si ecdi: ha nd le lars. $2 each:; seats. $ 1.51); sisybars, $1; rinms, $1.50); tires. 75 cents; tubes, 50) cents; valves. 25 cents, accessorics. $5ý or less. Cali Greg ai 668-6790. 1966 IIONi)A S90) sel (11)a% trait hike, ini good runnnîng condition. $125. Cai 649-5811. Girls C'CM BIKE- highirise, asking $50. Cati1668-9817. 5 spCC(i BOYS BICYCLE -- couid bc uscd l'or. parts, iess ehain & tront i'orks, $5. Cati 668-4744 afler 4 p. 1972 SL-100 HONDA must seli, $250 or best offer. as is. ('Ail668-0404 anytlime. Conitrion,, $5ndgtil n 668-3943i Wanted FULLER BRUSH CO). FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY'DRtEW 668-9915 Babysitting WILL i3ABYSII - home, Generals Place. 668-1978. in i-y (al WILL BABYSIT - daycare or overnight, $30 a svcek for daycare, $40 sveck for overnight. Chiidrcn any age. Cail1655-4741. For Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq. ft. Dundas St., Whitby Calil728-9448 AUCTION SALE i lousehold luii -iturc & antiques. At SunValiey Lsed Lumniture, Saturday. Decemiber 4th, at12 p.m. 9th hune, 4 miles north of Stouffville. Two bedroomn suites, coal oil lamps, rites, piture frames & l-pîtureNî. îrunks. blankct box, old eupboard. îiirrors, svooden tab)le, chairs, anique veivet eouch. JI)artineiit iie piano (excellen t). romnd dininu roomi table, brass lamp,. docks. sealers, wood stove, dishie-..christnîlas let.coal seutttle. fridge. tools, 1973 car certified. natiy- more collect- able items. Plan to attend. Termis cash. no reserve. l'ari Ganslin, Norin Faulkner. Anctionecvs. Sale ESTATE SALE - three heavy du ty tarpaularis, rot treated, perfect condition, 12 x 18 $59; two 12 x 5, $49 each;; ftshing tackle, box reel, net, box full of leurs, etc. $18. Cal 668-2548. AUCTION SALE Saturday, December lIth, sale of furniture & antiques. The property of Mrs. Peter Garland, to be held in Clare mont Hall. Including din- ing roomn suite, chesterfield, bed- room suite, stereo, steel desk & file cabinet, lazy boy chair, coffee & end tables, TV, chrome table, nest tables,,towvels, bedding, ug- gage, lamp, pictures, records, pots & pans, gingerbread dlock, press back chairs, tools, many other articles to numerous to mention. No reserve, terms cash. Property sold. Sale at 11 a.m. Earl Gausiin, Normn Faulkner, Auction. eers. AUCTION SALE Thursday. December 9th. l3th Annual Christmas loy Auction. games, dolîs, Li ft stocking stuffers, etc. at Stouffvillc Sales Barn, Stouffville. Come earlv get the bargains. Sale at 6 p.m. Norm Eaulkner, Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE Wednesdlay, December 8th. Auction Sale of Mlassey Harris Ponyv Tractor (good), 440 Jiohnson electric start, accessories (excellen t): disc, cultivator, plow, snow blade, cement mixer. Reet la\\nmower. dye set, assortmnent of eood tools, mnany more-articles. The property of Charles Keen, to be held at Stouffville Sales Barn, Stouffville. No reserve, ternis cash. Sale at 7 p.m. Norni Faulkner, Earl Gauslin. Atuctiorteers. DAGMAR SKI RESORT.. now hiring - general labour & maintenance - snow making crew. Call after 6 pm 649-5951, Claremont DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE REQUIRES POLICE OFFICERS A CAREER OPPORTUNITY If you are looking for a career and meet the folloMing qualifications, the Durham Regional Police Force will consider your application. Minimum of Grade XII edlucation Canadian Citizen 21 to 35 years of age Minimum Height 5"8" Minimum Weight 160 lbs. Valid Ontario Driver's Licence with good drîving record cal For further information, write or Recruiting Department, 77 Centre Street 'North, Oshawa, Ontario. Li1 G 4B7 Monday to Friday, 9: 00 a,m. - 4: 00 p.m. our I -y I. CLASSIFIED ADS I M ~ MEN'S HAIRSTYLING 1 m

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