Whitby Free Press, 1 Dec 1976, p. 4

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" à â,%lm AA 'VnL--CURIPU 1i1076- WH-ITRY FREE PRESS I>AU 4,WI±NVMATi - SERVUNO OVER 28,000 READERS r Publislied every Wednesday hitby ~by M.B.M. Pub and Photograp The Free Press Bu'i Thein ______21_____ Stee Voice of the County Town Mike Burgess, Pubisher-rManacg.ng edito 121Bytriore Teonly Whitby newspaper independefly owned and operated by Whitby resîde',ts for W.Ahitby residen hty nal AssistatEditor Blake fy 1 CommuflitY Fditor - Brian Winter Con tributing Editor - iiQu - production Manager -- Marie Burgess Display Advcrtisiflg Manager- iblishing Robin Lyon ,liy Inc. Classified Ad Manager Marlene Byroin Circulation Manager- Sharon Lyon B3ox 206, Wliitby- agimg Mailing Permit No. 460 North, hoe66 61 . If the turnout at the Advance poil Saturday is any indication, it looks like a record numiber of Whitby residents Will be casting their ballots ini Monday's municipal election. t Returninget Officer Bill Wallace reports that 234 people voted ini the Advance polI this year, comn- pared to 1 47 ini the ast major ehection in 1 973. This represents the- heaviest turnout at an Avance poil in nmafly years. Citizen interest in the election lias been hiighi. This is particuiarly pleasing, for the people we elect Monday' will be guiding the future of our town for the îîext two years. 'These will be critical years as far as industrial and commnercial developilieflt, and Whitby's place in regional governiiient are concerned. We need strong representatives in tthese tinue- of financial constraint and sweepilng c1hanges in the developmeflt patternls of tie Durhiam Region. 1%Titby's voice inuist be hear a hergioli.and careful managemrenit and planning mutst be exer- cised at the local level. ln the past two weeks we hiave presented all die candidates' electioli platfornms in tthcir own words, and have reported in deptli on thie al-canldidlates' forums. We have done otir part, the rest is up )ta VOUI Let's see a record turnotto0 elect<>fl (ay. sa that the candidates who win, truly represeit fthc wishes of the majority of the residents of ilie Town of Whitby. In a democracV it is a righit as muitch as a privilege ta vote for the ca#ndidate of yauir choice. Those who choose ta be apathetic and stay homie on election day are forfeiting their righit ta determine the destiny of their conmmutnity. Thase who vote are eusuring that Whitby (lacs caire about its future and are helpiug to shape thiat future at the ballot box. Let's see a record turnouit on Mlonday; it's your chance to see that the right pepple are represelitiflg you in 1977-78 Trustee takes issue with candidate D'Costa's statementS Mr. 'Cosa sems-t Dear Sir: 1 feel that 1 must take issue with some af the cammeuts made' by Mr. D'Costa in an article, pub- lished in your paper of Dear Separate School Supporters: For many years we have gone ta the -polis and chaseil an experieflc- ed, capable and dedicated Trustee, Morgani O'Corn- nor. UnfortuflatelY Morgan's namne wili nat be on the ballot this year. A .ïetious illness bas robbed us, tempOrarilY, or his leadership. We Nov. 17 (Separate School Electian Explained). He states that priar ta 1974 separate sehoal representatives were ap- pointed ta the Board af honour of working with and learniug from Margan as a fellaw Trustee. 1 know 1 speak for ail of you when 1 say: "Thank yau, Morgan, for a job well doue. Our hapes and prayers are for your speedy recovery and retVrn. Your enviable reéo'd of service and a'chievemTent is an inspira- tion to me, to Al of us, in aur efforts to realizc the best in a'Ç.atholie Education for ' Our hiducatiofl. This is coi- pletely uîntruie, since separate school1 trustecs have been elected ta the public board for a numnber of vears. Thanks to Morgan O'Connor for job weII done as trustee As you study the can- didates and consider your choices, take' a minute and affer a prayer that Morgan is back soan. There is no better way ta, show aur appreciation ta a great trustee and even greater friend. God bless yau Morgan O'Con nor. Sincerel y, Chtick Roche, Brookli, Otario. Mre Dcfstas ta thet ae that he rsegina sara hteshaal rLlstee represet1le shaoo tud taersnte aflte fat hat thk teof he a rck is ahesownpart aftheregkin ta t ofrepeedb thet îseprste schao trustees. However, what can- cerns me more than the above errors is a state- mient made by Mr. D'Costa in his campaigfl literature. He states "A thoraugh understaflding of Curriculum is necessarv if one is ta be an effec- tive Board Memnber". In my opinionl, this is an alarming statenient ta niake.-. ls lie îimplying t1iat only educators eaui become effective board Mianly of 1the ie boards af educatiOn are naot educatarS and have littie expertise in the area of curriculum. The Board of EducatiOn have their curriculum experts in their superinfendeflts, consultants and teachers. the raie of a sehool trustee. Yours truly, Incumbent Trustee Gerry Noonan, Ajax. Election coverage receiveS praise 1 have just finishied reading yaur latest edition featuiring "L Uection t1976". Thie questions and answer technlique used to draw out the 'canldi- dates on issues is excel-, are quite reveliung. Congratulations for implementiflg tis geffec- tive idea. Yours truly, G. P. Cox, 804 centre stcS Whitby. m I m m m

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