Whitby Free Press, 1 Dec 1976, p. 5

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Brian Winter's H istorical 0f ail the buildings in downtown Whitby, this brick and stone store on Dundas Street West is the most outstanding architectural landmark. The use of stone to highlight the brickwork makes it without a doubt the finest example of mid-l9th Century commercial architecture in the town. Fortunately for present generations, the facade above the first floor hias remained intact for more than 11I5 years. Originally known as Bigelow's Block, it was constructed about 1 860 for a general merchant named Joel Bigelow, whose wife was a daughter of James Dryden, one ofWhi tby's most influential cîtizens of that time. Mr. Bigelow called his business "the People's Cheap Cash Store", and sold school books, stationery, dry goods and groceries. His was one of the few Whitby business blocks to be portrayed in the pictures surrounding the noted Tremaine Map of Ontario County, printed in ; 860 1Mr. Ripelow disappeared from the scene by the end of the 1860s, and the store was owned by another grocer and dry goods merchant, R. H. Jameson, in the I1870s. Mr. Jameson listed himself on his buis as an "importer and dealer in family groceries, wines and liquors, etc". He was one of the town's leading merchants and made înany innovations in hîs store In 1876, Mr. Jameson was the first merchant in Wl-iîby to have his store lighted by gas. "The light is equal to the best coal gas-one burner giving as rnuch light as four coul WHITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1976, PAGE 5 oil lamps", a local newspaper reported at the ime. The gas, calîed "Canadian Air Cas", was suppîied to the burners through pipes leading from a gas-making machine and air pump. The entire system was installed in four days by: a Toronto firm, and was said to be 50 per cent che-aper than city gas. In 1880, Mr. Jameson moved to the new WatsonBlock on Brock Street south, and it is believed lie was succeeded in his old store by a taîlor named- John Ferguson. It is interesting to note that when Gerrie's Block burned down in I1873, (see last week's column) the fire was stopped from spreading up Dundas Street by the brick wall of Mr. Jumeson's store. In the early 1920s the Bigetow Block was occupied alternateîy by two jewelîers, J. M. Hicks and Richard Bassett, who exchanged stores und r-noved through several locations during their years in business. Richard Bassett, Mayor of Wlitby in I1923-24, was the father of Mack Basse t, who carnies on the business today. After the jewellers left, the store was kept 's a bakér by a succession of owners. These inetuded Sain Murdoch, Albert Sturgess, Chartes Sturgess, and a inan namned Allenby. Since the 1950s a restigurant has been located in the Bigelow Block. Recentîy the restaCl(fiant now oeeupying the building has been calted the, Whitby Village to recupture sorne of the town's nostalgie past. Anyone wlîo takes tlhe cure to look carefully ut the oîd Bigelow Block will sec that the originial Corinthian cust iron colurnns which separatecl the plate glass windows on the first floor, are stilî intact, as is also the original door to the stairs leading to the upstairs apartrnents. The original wvindow sashus are still intact on tie third floor, and the fucude ut'the building is'unicîue in downtownC Whitby. Whien urbani renewal conies to downtown Whîhy, every effort shouuld be inade t(> preserve this buiilding, nuit only for ils archtiectural beuuIty, huit ulso becau;se il lias been su little ultered by tinie. BIGELOW'S BLOCK This wcek, l'Il focus on the contests for the position of trustee on thie Board of Education and the Roinan Cutholic Separate Schooî Bourd. Althouugli the îwo systemis are different, the issues fueing both are relutivelythie saine se that what follows can be applied equally t0 candidates fer eithcr board. The first and foremost eoneern that wVe Sfiould have andl that should be reflected in the suceessfuul candidates is the quality of education 10 be provided. Very recently, the province has indicated its intention tu retnrn the edu;Icutionat system to more traditional values. At the clernentary leveu. this means a greater emphusis on the Ifirce R's and ut thc secondary level a core curriculum featuring nîore stUdy of Englisih, Science and Mathernaties. Like aIt other provinciul initiatives, however, deîivery rests witti the local school board. Thc local trustee must leud the way in cnsuring that administrators and leadhers cnthusiastiealîy endorse anîd support this return to quality in education. A second eoncern confronting the schot boardl nienîber is the cost of education. Generally speaking, enrolmient is decîining yet costs continue 10 rise. With approxiinîaely 80% of school board budgets going towards touchers' salaries and with enrolment decliriing, it is obvions that reducing costs means rcdueing the numiber of teachers. Whilc not a popular alternative to contemplute, it is nonetheless the only logical solution to rising costs. A third area of concern lies in the construction of sdhools. The west end cf Whitby is growing and our sehlîs are becoming overcrowded. This is not truie, as I nnderstand For Christmas Parties New Year's Eve and New Year's Day Holiday Hours Open Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Jan. lst Ail other days - Regular hours. Sorry Closed - Dec. 25th "AliLêk STEAK HOUSE iMon. thru Thurs. 12 noun 1(0I12 nudniglf F1 & Sat. 12 noon untut 1 dmai Su nday --12 nooti u nttil 0p.m. 919 BOCK ST. N, WHITIY - TELIPHOR[ 6689369 L9 U-iofwq im M . soLed... 5 wd alp q k.. - 12 noon to 8 pm - 4 p.m. to10 p.m. - 5p.m. to10 p.m. - 4 p.m. to 9p.m. it, for tlic whole of Dtirhu ni. or even for the rest of Witby. The challenge fucing the trustec is reconciiing evercrosvding with ernpty pupil pluces. The successful trnistec must fucc that challenge and rccogiic et hat hoxvever tînpulutuhle busing und portubles ure they ure the oonly finunciutly via!)'(' alternutives uvailable. Finuliy, ini case yon Iîuven't noticed, the t rnstee's rote pluces i m in îfirce ureus wvlîrc con flic t und coni'r(>ntutior! with parents ure verv rei possi bil îes. For u n y poti iciu n. a certain umnount of conflict ks inevituhte. fbnt the %tnccessntil politîiln inîtigutes sanie by dleveiop)îng aiaddniintaiffine constan t coin n Inica tien lin ks wvitl the voters. A.srepirescnl- tutives of the purent acting iniftie interest oftflic sttndent. tic school itnstee mnust huavo frequtent uand regu lur contact %viîfi paren ts. [le/sfic sets the toine, and udaîs r o nd toucher f*oi Iew. Fro >m lie/sue cernes conînînntlicut ion) frein home te scfiooi , und vice versu , uîîd this is thl todtion etf effective edncatioen. MEALING'S PICKS: Wi tii u pelgies t ait thfe canîd iduates 'foi- u lIllfe offices. tlie teollowîns' arcenîy person ut ch oces tfor Ma yor,.Region ut und Town Cinanaud fiethIllfe sc lu o tlieurd s: Per M AYOR . Juni Gartsfiere tius donc a creditubte jebfi the lust 1 2 nin is an(idose rves te lie eiected fer- a fuiltetrni. IP. Barker D.T. is pieased to announce the opening of his practice of Denture Therapy for the provision of ai COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE 111 D undas St. West, Wh;tby 668-1464 short eut f or Wear your arith fàll Iatest style with a short f geometrie eut that gives your hair body and bounce. Hair fails into place easily and looks great ail day. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green Ste 668-9262 For RIGIONAL COUNCIL, Gerry Eni is the rnost ceflsciCntious, dedicuted and sincere politician in Durham and deserves re-lection. John Goodwin has experience and siotd bc the other Couincillor. For TOWN COUNCI L, Joe Bugelli gets the nod for West Wurd Cuoinciltor on the busis of his youth and the need for fresli ideus. For PUBLIC SCIIOOL TRUSTEE, Ken Brown and Beverly Bickneil l Mr. Brown for his determination to eut cests, and Mrs. Bickneii for lier ktnowledge that the quality ol* teuchiing depends on the 'teucher and not the pupil- teclhe r ra tio. For SEPARATE SCIIOO0L REPRESENTATIVE on the Bard ()f Educutien . no vote flore. Botli Candidates, Messrs. D'Cestu und Noonun are teuchers and teachers don't hetong on scliool boards. For SEPARATU SCHIOOL BOARD, Andy Miller on the Iîusis 01'111S previoLnS experience. We'II know hiow wel t1 pick by next week. Don't forget te votc on Monduy. Dccenîber 6th. Â i MORIGAGES sM T E O ît & 2nd Arrangedi Bought card Soid at Prime Rates cau Peter Kade 668-13556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 1419 Irock st. N., Whltby

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