Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1976, p. 5

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Il confessioni is gied for die seuil, thien hultir mine. t bail île idea onth de morninig of tie eveit dttanf evil crime miight have taken pilce, but 1 was presetut,,Lit the climLuectic monment -- and l'Il neyer forget it. It appears two nmec were scen mnaking thieir wvay inito thick weods off a lonely country reLtd on a cîîld Decci-eber afterniion. The location was "about '2,500 miles fromn Whitby -- but the same thing could happen liere. One inîn was tait Land stringy, the tîther short aned stocky. Both, it vas reportedl Lt the lime, muist bave strodc soin 'e five mîiles into the icc-bouind thickî'Is, because it mas atmiost fouir bouirs before they retureclte their parkcd car on the lonety sidc read. Thie shorter of tie two tells fhic story. "'My partner was 30 te 40 yards abicad of mce wheni 1 biearil the cry tif" the victim. 1 rue with beaîtingg beart Latd burst tîptir the scete. Oh nei! The victim, poor sut was bottnd upside clown witbl wide open cycs. They ruilleul Laed Lis1 caime close Lin uineLrthly sceain picrîced the colît wîuîîceî silenice. My pLrtrier wLi5 grapptinig witb the poor fellîw Lied it soeemed 1- was trLinsl'xed te t he vcry spot onl wbich t stood. 'Quick', lie sblotitcd 'give mc a club'. StilI t coutl net iove. J lîiw coul 1«? A livinig breatbing craLture was aboutt te be cluiibeit antI sent te biis maker. Ile tolîl miLater that lie shouitei t Line'îlItrecelnes, bu t I COîUPld et niake the imove. 'Wbal Lire yott guiiig te do'?', Y' FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1976, PAGE 5 1 mumiblecdc, knowing what the answer was te tbc. (Club him', hé said. Now the vidtim was rolling and twisting, and oh he was yelling, ne crying., But, with piercing crics, ali-ost, ie faut, like a baby -- yes a ba,.ba '()! No!' 1 shouted, 'don't do it. Don't club him-...' Tht, ,all one 11a<iJ lifted the club -- but stopped short at the tpitiful appeatl. 'Wha t'?' 'Don't do it', 1 said". And do yeu know what? That tall man lay aside the club and tîîrned te the prisoner with an understanding for such things, and said "if it means that much tii you -- we'l release bimn". le seconds the victim was unfasteeed and, scrambling te bis feet, he dasbed rapidly into the wintcr woods, neyer te be seen again. And may 1 say that report echoed around the area and iany mrade jest of the seft-hearted mari who pleaded for (ie lfe of another. B3ut this reporter was that man strîîng, touîgh, and filled with life's experiences. Biut have you ever listened te the pitiful cries, and gazed into the eyes of a snared rabbit? It was my first expérience -- it was also my last. And se shaHl it always be. There always is a first time, l'm told, in ail things. TodLty,.I am'wovndering xvhat will happeri te Quîcbcc anid eveitually. tote resl cf Canradxt Lfer Parti Quîcbecuîis' stuinning electiori victîîry with Rei.e Levesqtte :t tîte belm. Thie loss cf power fer the cerrtîpt Quebec Liberats is already tellîeg bis someîtbing aboutI tbe rixt federal electitîns. Oeîy a miracle coutd save Trudeaui andl his fclloîw LiberaLs. I say the Liberal Party et' CLnaîla is about lui a t tnd ils îwr pecetully arranged fuinerLil. on:y lte date renliaies Ie he se t. At crie tiîue. twas Lt resitîet cf Quchîce. I livedt un MeetreLtl for îbrce years at the time wben Boura.ýsa andi bis fcllow Lilîcrats we re doing quite well-p(uliticLittlyaiu otlberwise. Buit, t cîîtld sens' .ïolilie poli licaLitChanges in (lie offiîîg. The word "separa-ztisitu" was frequeritly ilicitîiied iin the miedia anid resiclents tif' English backgrounîtd werc oftcii sîîbjccted te sekte rciuiarks andI very suil¾le lirassitleet. Many establishmnen is choîse te ignoere ntc, if I de:îlî'ito Ltise Englisbi for business. Eveit Lt smal thing like ordcring a cuîp oif coffee ii Eeglisb ctîtld tuirîtittto an îrdeîl . Frenichu laiigtiLge wvas a inut evei fuir itose whuî coutld net speak English very velt. le tither words, the infutence of Rene Lcevcsquîc's Parti Qutcbecuiis was tibere, long before L.ibcrat dcfceat. As w all know, t.esveîîue advticaies separai' isiu wicb, I1hiel icve, frin the business peint et' vicw. vit I îcrribty lbtîrt the people of' Qtiebcc. '[lic latter could becomieaLtîtiy Bariana Reptîblie. but-Frcncli speakiiîg. Il w~itt foret ils ew i iidepeitdenit govcrrtmieet anîd visirors, say fruîn Ontario. witt rcîîtirc pLsspuîris tt VKIsiMii o ;elîr Quebec(City. Actuatly. I eau sec uio real liarn nucluîete CLaa.if' Qucbec decided te pull eut of' Cenfederatien. A Iess et' one proîvince will be tike a drep ini the bucket. l'in sure Canada will be able te sur,,ive (qutite weIl) without Quehec. For years, iiosi Canadians frem other provinces have beeri leriding financial support te Quebec and its peeple. Millions oif dollars have been poured inte this province te kecp Qucbec's ecenemy alive. Trudeau, fer ene, has htclped Qucbec in cvery possible way te keep the Liberals iii pow.cr. Weil, tbat's ail gene now. Reite LevesqLie, te my mmnd, is a very likeable chap, but bis politicat thiriking is ratherdangerous-to his ewn people. With the possibitity of Quebec separating from the rest ef Canada, the standard of living (seener or later) will ge down. Anîl for the business cemtrnunity te do any kind ef business wiîh people who have ne money te spend will net mLtkc mnuch sense. Who wants te trade with peor peeple? But. att this cati be aveided if the newly-elected Premier tf Quebec will understand that his province can only heriefit froint tie Englishla knguage business establishments. Timie will tel] Quebee's future., 1 was doing a lit tic windew si îppîing ast week %tien iuv eyes feil on a littie inik balleria skirt obvimnîslv nade te01.a budding Karen Kane . G aiing a t t t liI tle w isp t ina 1te al gave mie an emnba rrassing twinge as 1 ieealled myv n ac days of faine and red fa-ce. 'The en tirebHaine of' cou irse fat k r o 1nv n nlie i \l1n insisted tht lier son \Va5 te be a fam110Iis daîîce i and weiîld learn the graces of'tii t ting a hou thtle stage lik e eer Paît instead of Durmbo wliichi is abott hew I ineved in t tose days. Shie decided in lier mot herty wisdlom lta 1 Wnutd be daL11) dancer --anothe r Don aId 0'('onorii(i. 0f cou rse. Iliait different thouglîts on the mat ter bu it w1mîilesiklL~ P. Barker D.T. i s pleased to announce the opening of his practice of Denture Therapy for the provision of a COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE aitysvav'!? Ii îst. D)O Veut have aiiv idea lttew liiitliatiîîg t is tii aitemlpi tari il cîwiith a i ooitn luoýI o gggy glI!Ati11v piesenit age 1 îîîigtoli mtîI(l iîo 1 t1ld1tbe se ef îîsc:sbut tIleii I was ely t1t1eto. I loweveî ittetilet inîsiste(], (SIte bail a uoeat i iulit tnîîîk ;aiîîtbiceps like 0(harles I\Las) 'llie \week"ý,s iteicîtediliiitoit lsandt I emntiitiei t testick witltitie tap daii:ii,!~. hIlsecetited it ueiiviteiîiiieiti was all t:itiig lxi1t.I eg;îîil cîthii viusctîliiiily an uistop ti c eiusiteî tî:îtit -eali -oltey desit ave a tteek etl al lot e1t inascttliiitit\ to do tîht. t>,actisilitgaI teii whomsp ittI e le[liiibt oItînCtiI 1witt atways renuenîber aiid ha te with a venge ii ce te lt tay Illie t1itecalleLIt. 'lIte S iteepated t (eCk*'. Il Wt te lta i record htaI liad it e) dtie a\, ali tel îav itt\ iap datiing iroutine. îat ier. beîîwalitit ppet i itisi . blok advaiit ave (, et iiat toit aitit plîtggeî tlte receid îlavet do wlutiti s iii :lt- baseitueiti . Ilis siegsticit \\ a i t t piactice dowit itere se ais io(t le .tist i tivbedyels2 iii Ilie liouse.,lie aIs() 'uit appeilto mii tenitienit tîttai aslong as I was piactîsiiug iowitst ails anditis tlte celieiti iletrîiiii htitttIlli îe ttttii.ce \ sablest 101- ractis1ig 1t lîlt ý1ts wel sttivet andilstoke Ille Itil .,.ce wvle 1I was ttîieîe. We hait a citaI toînace iii titse (tays tnt tit titihave alitaitti)111a1ic titaili anditsic. ifiuîi te Ito ilte. Iie fui aceliîad iii have AàIMORIGAGES 1M1T L 0C ist & 2nd Arrong*d; Bought anid Sold ot Prime Rotes cou Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 Sro<k st. N., Whhtby Keep your hair healthy and shining throughout the holiday season with regular visits to your hairdresser. A good eut, set, permanent or professional straightening can add life to duil hair. Pro fessional hair coloring can highlight or change your hair for a totally new look. LA CONTESSA. BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green St. 6896 mor0le coat shovetted int it and il had to he stoked to make tthe d.. ad asiles faIt down into the catch pan ttius allowing tlie tive coats moire air and a better chance to ignite the new coat. [or a white in my life il was a tossup as to wMIether 1 coutld look lorward to a. gloriotîs career as a tap daneer, lkinous oni stages and inaybe even screen ahl across the nti to, or whe the r I1svotild sind Lip as a coal stoker on onie ()f Itle biýI take freigbhter boats. Botb possibitities seemied sti eng the second more likety iin case t faileit as a dancer. llie dancing \vas bad eneugbi but the cîtstutmes were evn wo rse. Becaustistby svere costumes and xveren't made to be woi as Street clothes thiere was atways lit ttc bits and pieces f'at ting off o r needing a "t ocb"li wiîb a needle and thread. Lvery lune I enitered ibe building where the dancing was tamgbt 1 gtaiiced around thc street to sec if any of rny fIriends \vou Id "discover»" îy horrible secret. 0f course, eveniially, tbey did andt the kidding was terrible. There wais always semne crecep who wanted to find out how ptîysical ttue tittte dancing kid was and thie odd timies 1 obliged tîtein. Thte word spread that t was just a bit toucby about Ille dancing antd tinatty the "wtiy don't you knock the block olitnuy sîitulder" testing si opped. Continued Page 6 DELOITTE , HASKINS & SELLS Trustee in Bankruptcy Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre Telephone 579-8202 F. Alan Lawson, C.A. Vice-President P. 0. Box 800 Oshawa Ll H 7N1 Fashions ForWomen lAI have a wide veselection of V SHoliday'& Cro use Wear .......... PO Large selection for Christmas Use our lay away pian Sizes 5-15 6-16 Vir~iiiibis CrismsrWp o omen. -1J26 BROCK S- WHITBY Chargex 668-1266 Mastercharge0 ~MON-SAT 9 6VRI9.9 111 D undas St. West, Whitby 668-1464 il 668-9262

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