Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 22

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Anô'ther good week for- hockeyteamis I Local alîstar hockcy teains Ini miner atomi 'play, Mark Underwood scorcd for first, Bill Morrison recordled goals by Scott Rowland, I THE had anether excellcent wçek Audrew Muirilead lest lus bid the locals. luI a 3-2 setback a shutout as thec C.B.C.'s Pringle, Terry MacDlor CORNERSTONE liast week as they won Il Of l'or ai shutemît withl 1:0.3 re- at the lhands of Markhami, blanked Bramalea 3-O on two David Bate and Don Pye. GI T SOP19 aties lid ourau let aîuug ut his tem;1 ar Underwood and Todd goals by Dan Kerýnp and elle Family Kartway nipi -.four. Brooklin Coilcrcte Products. Cotton scoed for Whitbv. bv Scott Morgan. They then Red Wing Orchards 6-5 lu a novice exhibition contest, Opseu Waî-iio-s (le- feitted Port Perry 4-2 on goals by, Blair 1laslamn, Glen Sachko, Billy 0'Meara and 'Jeff Page. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 163 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 579-8752 A Complete Denture Service Hours Mon - Sat Evenings by Appointment HE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY REQUIRES CHIEF ACCOUNTANT This is an excellent opportunity for a persan interested in local government in a rnpidly expanding municipality. The successful person will be in complete charge of the payroll and accounting function, prepare al tinancial statements and accounting returns, budget contrai and progress reports ta Cauncil, and analyse the accot-:,:.ting system and make recammendatians f or improvements. The persan applying should have a recagnized accounting degree. Some municipal experience would be an advantage. Salary range $1.4,000.00 ta S20,00.00. Apply in writing, sending complete resumne of experience and educatianal background and references. AIl applications will be caf idential. For bes N. McEwen, Treasurer, Town of Whilby, 575 Rossiand Rd. E., Whitby. Ontarïo Telephone - 416 668-5803 trounced Cobourg 7-1i on two goals each by loin Clark aicl David McWhiirter and singles by J ason Bruneau, Kevii l-licks and Billy Kellestiine. Wliit by Mal I Flerists trotitced Lindsay 14-2 iu major atoîn action. Johin Allaii scored f'ive goals aiid pickecl up two assists, Gairy Roberts had t wo goals au d seveni assists auid lave Sachiko, two goals auld tour assists. Raymnud Ryan. l)avc West- cet t, Billy TCllak.in oey Nictiweiudyk zaud Jbey McCulloughi added singles. TMie Pecwcc Numrber 2 Bibeau Colustruc tien Beaivers split a pair of' gaines. losiuig 4-3 te Oshazwa aud11l defcaititut Port Perry 0-3. Ilu thli loss. Todd 1'rai . Pauil Slîalibel anud Ke i Lyiide scorcd lIbu \Vhiti'v. Ili Itheir vic tory. Itle Beavers ge l ti rec goals l1w Paul Shaubel anld silngles by Kelvini Mask. Mairk Peine aiid Keii Lyndce. 'lle Major lI)cexvee Lasco Stececrs \voli eue gazinie anld lied amiot ilier. Ili .a (-lI \viu ovCI Aja x.- au ( ;a rra rd scorcd tixvce xvhiuc Larrv Wlîyic. Pao 1 Riîch. ('harie NLISMI aild lDon Nmioxad (ded Siîules. Ron Magoîire scorcd rIlie Sicelci s' oily gliiaI-i(cLlc ,ithl ('(otorg.C Ladies Aux ili;iry hlanîked Lixhiidgc 2-0 lun:-iBautnkn 2 cxhibiti oni coutest. Ili imaor h'ii tatin play Wlînh byToyola lied oiic.îl lest once. ln a 2-2 draw witi Oshlama. Hernie Plegut 1cr and] mad murray announces THE BOXING DAY -SALE of unbeotoble bargains starts MON DAY, DEC. 27th at 9:3Oam SHARP UNTIL EVERYTHING REDUCED NOTHING HELD BACK - brand name furniture fromn SKLAR, KROEHLER, SIMMONS, etc. SAVINGS 'UP TO 63%/ OFF over 60 sofa sets - 20 bedroom sets - 12 dining rooms 100 mattress sets - 1O0Moccasio na 1 tables FOLLOWTH1115MAP TO PICKFRIN(;- AND) SAvI N(S '.hess Sets, Canister Sets 122 Brock St. N., - Whîtby MON-SAT 10-10 FRI 10-() ;ifr s.for, People %who carL> Minor midget action saw Mary Browu's win, lose and tic. Ili a 5-2- victory ovcr Linds.ay, Mary Brown's got goals froni Paul lluîît, Nuel Catterait, EH Dcrks, Mikc Pihio and Jeff Fleming. Scoring flor Whiitby in a 9-1 exhlibition loss te Orillia was Deiîs Jacobs. Ili a 2-2 draw withi Mai khan, Gilbert Nicietvdyk aind Patil l1int scored tor tIlle lecais. Uc rrco linginecrinig puit.on imipressive offtensive displays in tIwo major i dgc t vîctories. They 1'irst dct'eated Sioiiff- ville 7-5 onl two goals by James Reacli aud siti!e cs by [)ave Seynîiîr, Keri DeMille, Pceter i-e an. Randy Gal las and Derrick Miniaret t. Dave Scymotiur. i aines- Roaclh arid John iWaddel eaclh scorcd tvice aud .Jack Cooperiiiad leter Foranl once iii an 8-2 dru bibii t f'Lin dsay. The Consoiidated Buiildling( Corporation i îiveu iles woe tw.%o gaines, lied euie and lest eue. Ili t heir 1tirst (gaille et* the wecek. t licy lIbugli t to -a 5-5 stanldoIt Vîvih Xîy Ridges oun t\v-i*i l efiits by Blair G;ibsoi and lDan Keminad_ sîmîles l)y Scot t Morgan id( Briaiî \Vard. Tlîey tHen en cîed I lle Belleville Yardiiîcnl lLivcuilc Touirnainciît xvlîcre tiicy splitIwi~o gdiles, lu1 tlîcir Mînistry of Energy Pa ul nald, pped on three "goals by John Sheli, two by Dean Van Dolweer and one by Jerry Valluer. MINOR BANTAM 'MeNamara edged Rotary -3-2, on goals by Tom DeMille, Fergus Morrissonand Mark Smnith. Kiwanis doubled the score on Mercantile, winning 4-2 as John Rahme scored twice and Stephen Cote and Robbie Chiapman once apiece. MAJOR MIDGET - JUVENILE Whitby Welding dumped Ottenbrite 5-3 on two goals by Paul Gibson and singles by Mike Edwards, Mike Rice and Scott Ravary. Scott Edwards picked up a shutout as Bell Canada blanked Stu Jenkins 6-0 on two goals each by Tom McPherson and AI Simnpson and singles by Derek Robert- son and Barry Harding. OXFAM ... a détergent? For information write: OXFAM Working With People Who Are Helping Themselves P.O. BOX 18,000 STN. 4"AO TORONTO M5W 1W2 Darlingion Generati ng Station Ontario PUBLIC NOTICE Ontario Hydro has submitted ta the Minister of Energy, a proposai to construct a nuclear generating station in the Town of Newcastle near Bowmanvilie. The proposa'i outlines -station details, an assessment of the potential environmental impact and the steps taken ta discuss the station with the public to date. A Community Impact report has aiso been submitted ta the Minister of Energy. This study examines the socio-economic impact that the proposed generating station wili have on the area. The Minister wishes ta be assured that ail citizens have had an opportunity ta comment on the proposed generating facility and therefore, is prepared to receive comments on the reports up to March 1, 1977. Ail submissions should be mailed to: Hon. Dennis R. Timbreli Minister of Energy 56 Wellesley Street West TORONTO, Ontario M7A 287 It is the Minister's understanding that these documents do not vary substantiaily tram the preliminary proposais which were distributed by Ontario Hydro in the local community during October 1975. Anyone wishing to review the proposais may do so at the Municipal Offices of: the Town of Newcastle Bowmanvi île Hampton City of Oshawa Regional Office of the Municipality of Durham Public Utility Commission Offices of: Bowmanvilie Newcastle Oshawa Public Libraries in: Bowmanville Orono Newcastle and McLaughlin Library in Oshawa Copies of the report are also available for public review at the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, the Ontario Hydro Bowmanville Area Office, and at the Ministry of Energy Offices at 56 Wellesley Street West in Toronto. Those persons who have questions regarding the public review process may contact Mr. Andrew Frame iat the Ministry of Energy, 1-(416)-965-3051.* Anyone who has questions regarding the content and clarification of the reports may contact Mike Machacek, Project Engineer, Ontario Hydro, 1 -(41 6)-592-5216. Dennis R. Timbreil Min ister of Energy l £ 10, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRES!, lost a 3-2 overtime decision to Peterborotugh despite goals bv Dean Sevîneuir and Dan Gallogley. Keturniug te regular seasou play, they edged Richmond [tliti 6-5 on two goals apiece by Terry Whyte, Brian Ward andl Jeel Gangerni. Rob Delong scored four goals te lead first-place Munn's Press te a 7-1 victory Overi Totten, .Sims andl 1Ilubicki in a reccut Brooktin- Whitby Minortlockey Associa- tien Ilise League minor atoim gaune. Mark Daview scered twice and Scott Powell once f'or the winners. lu au(>ther iner atom con test, I)uff's Tewing upset Victoria and Grey 5-3 on twoý goals by Michael Oke and sirigles by Danny Love, Dale Anthony and Plhilip Kapuiscinski. MAJOR A1'OM Koke Sheil and Mercury Autobody played te a 1-1 tic as Ken White scored for thie fermer and Mike Bauitz for the latter. Mowvat lusurance ,edged Whitby Firefighiters 5-4 on go0als by Frank Ignazitto, Mark Farrell, Wade Blac- quiere, Mark, Bazzarin and Mike Belich. MINOR PEEWEE Whitby Warriors squeeked past Dodd and Souiter 5-4 on worehouse 683-1 06-1 g' m

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