Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS whimtby F), JT- Voice of the County Town The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and SERVING OVER 28,000 READERSf Mike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor operated by Whitby residerîts for Ihitby resident Publshe evry Wdneday Assistant'Editor - Blake Purdy Publshei cvry cdncday Conimunity Editor -- Brian Wînter Contributing Editor - Jim Qu',.*d Production Manager - Marje Burgess by MBM uls n Display Advertising Manager M...Pbibn-oi yf ladPhotography Inc. Classified Ad Manager - RbnLo Ma.rlene Byroni Circulation Manager -,Sharon Lyon Box 206, Wlîitby. The Free Press Building MiigPri o 6 121 Brock Street North, Miigemto 6 Whitby, Ontarjo Phonc 668-6111. Baby Durham___ __- Li disowned?0 How often have yoti heard ,a mother sp)eak disparagingly of hier niew-boril baby? Not very, right? Even more rare is to hear a miother disoNvn a recent addition to the farnily. When either situation occurs, it is anl oddity worth noting. That is the purpose of this p)iece - to note what appears to be the disowniiient of a recently-born babe by its inotiier. It is a sad taie, oie whichi is sure to jerk tears from the eyes of the lieartiest of cliild care workers, especialiy silice it is being told so close to Christmnas, an occasion which nornialiv tends to bring far-nily mlembers dloser togethier. Be forewarned: It is lot for the fiaiîît of ie.art. The story goes soinething like this: On January 1,i1974, a child. mnmed Duirham Region, xvas boi. The chiid's moth.er, mnmcd Ontario, wvas, like ilost ilothers, p)roud of lier iiev baby and reiieved that Durhiam was big and, therefore, seemingiv iieaitlîv. It caile as nlo surprise that Ontario Iîad giveni birtli b a big baby because, you see, Ontario 'vas a big miother. Since birtii, Durham lias beenl a craîîkv baby. crying often. But, the,î agaiîî, isil't thiat ty'pical of niost babies? That, though, is so,îîethiîîg whlicli îîîotlîcr Ontario seenis to have forgotteîi. I app)ears that she has had lier fi of Durham's teinîper* taîîtrunîis to the point wliere slue is nîo longer callinli the child by its proper last mainle. In a recent mlessage, or niews release in the biz, from Ontario (Ministrv of Culture anîd Recreatioîî), she calis hier child Durhamî CoLînty. Yes, COLJNTY. Does this mean that unother Onîtario is about t() abandon baby Durhîam? If so, will baby Durliam stop crying? Stay tuned... A "6than kyoU" from Cable TV Dear Editor: 1 wouid like to take this opportunity' to express a sincere thanlks to ail the people wiîo heiped provide good community programming over the past year. The recent election poil tcirn out and the attendance at the Whitby Chamber of Commerce Ratepayers Assn. sponsored political forums was in rny opinion, testimoniy to the f tat that residents stili view Whitby as a very distinct and viable comn- munity. Thanks to the Chambgr of Commerce throttgh the liard work of Gord Hianna anid coinî- mittee for the excellent organization of tlîe forums anîd to Charlie Rycroft for the very capable job thiat lie did as chairunan oi aul the foru ms. Electioti Nig htCoverage was exceptional because of the effort puLt forth by Mike '3Lirgess, i3îake Purdy and Do"n Lovelock. Their expertise macle the evening bothi highly informative atnd enîter- tainingi. I woLIî Id aISOlike to add tlîat Cabîecast 6 anid most inport,,nttly the coninittnity, lias benefittcd greatly by the close relationsh ip that lias developecl over the years witiî the sti'f of tlîe Wlîitby Free Press ianci I hope tliat it wiiI ContinuLe to grow ini the vears to couîîe. i reîiaîîu. .... Siîîcerely yours, Daln )uerdcîî Whitby Cablecalst Directors, Piîîe Rîdge CalIc VLId. Jim Quail's u)nce uipon a tUnie tlierc was ai i t(Il boy n mc11d 1I brace wvlw \Vas very pi ecttc1mls. wvlicli iiieiîs lie .1IN ativeittiiotis like iost lboys. anîd Ihere \vas :m old iiaii îî:1iiied \11. Dcliiton ii vwS ... \Vcl I et 's juistsay lie was a- recluLse liicli iîcalns lic didii'î iincclîcarc f*0r tIlie ioU i[lie vor1d or tIlic peopJle iin il. lIon 1raccailnd r. lituî dîii't liavc iiitîcli in comnnîuîi cxccpt Iliai IHoracc ived in a dilaîidated oldîd biliig iiear tllc lntigct)IdIimiansion wlîcrc INIr. l)entoiîlîad dccided b rciiiain ajooutbrouni Illc rcst of' tllic wiirltln. \iIitî aiowgli Nir. Dentoîî \vds iîifei n t liîuofly \vitIi iliose iet)ple nccessa ry b lieli pfhlit su rvive sn ch 'aslh s law~yer a n d -a t 'v ollhcrs like I lic grocer and 1'cil oilnman, \0lîat lic' (l1(lll, kîiow wvas iliat lic and I oracc's iai h \wotid. ais (lie sayiiig goes, cro)ss. 0f' course, luis oiliîhave Iîleased Nu. Dcliton olie lîîîic bit but t,,tc doesliî'tchianit~i's iiiîd and so il was tuioiec day, as i Ilpi~dbgaeota uiuiîr flotîr indowv, dirly witlî grillie anti covered iili c bxve bs, lie nolticcd a inove uni n t()fliCt)or ne r olf tllie tihc garden. [lic wipcd Illie in dtw vit h h is slccvc for1 at lict te r look .'hie rc it was aga iin - a niove ieniiiaild a sha pe tlha t ce rta itniy a ppcarcd to0lic lin niani Ctursiiig and grtnibling, NMr. l)eitoiî imade his \way tlwti fairs a nd l)ont tlie ba c k doo r wiî t ha gri iec r iii iii a- tion o f tea cli ig soin cbotly on:ce anti1 7t1r all t ha t h is yard anid liomîsc wcre privale. lic crelît tp o)i Uic siiaîc, suiddcii y iiiade a i ige anîîd gra blbcd a hi;l i o f' iiaterial ,,011! please si r, doii t hurt ni1e nîcut îno liarni - titti't eat nic! ' Crions, NMr. Deiitoii icaxet iils gril) on t lie totsle hiairedc ch ild , baie iy six yca rs oId , a nd a skcd 'Wlii a do you iîieal îîu îî' al yotî'?' , vlîy w\ iid 1 va iii it)cat yt) n ?.' 1I doîi'l kiow sirbunitIlle botys i tsclool tolti micil' aiîybotiy veniit o yt 'r yard ti o wiîldcat l lleîîî "Wliy slîitiidiit 1 caf thiin?, if 's îny yad id ni îy prvcy'su a ppcd the lenIcinman. The ie 11e boy sta i cd tIo Christmas tale sliaike wîvi i ear aud tit en ofI,!t M Dciiion n ot îccd i iot ber f n toIiiilie busiies 'ra t ica Il y thig i 'lî a t 'sin ii t ie e' lie dleilnitetl. "Oh . îiease sù. t(loîî 'tihiani iii iî. iCts oîîiY uiiv dtîg. [le goi loose andt rail iii youir yard anid got luis leaisliî igld p inii c i be rry buislies". The dog wvas jusi like tlic btoy iownsic lia i rcd a îî ti Unl ot' I ifle buti aftraid of thîe old iia. \Vorkimitý a lit le rongh iy [but c f'f'icieifly, the old mian f'recd tIle tIog aunt! iaiitietlIlthicboytIlie ie-asliî. Youn iean yonCr 'ne iol i o Ioig cat ius'!"' asked thle boy. "Wliy sliould i- c plîed M r. l)cît on. "I cal eroce ries .1ust I ike voi'". "Do you cl lîoiiieiîiade cotkies'?«' asket H oracc and . witli UIc ( iUesIi bu .sud t .!cî Iy reniioved soniie frnii liis pocke t ai il ci Il ciii ou t t t) tlie oIdnii u. Takei a back auntit ouclîed by thle. yu boy's r-efueslîîîîg geiierosity. NIr. Dcnîtonii iexplicably loka Cou pIe anid pojpeti oie ilito hiis îîîoutilu. \VeII. as iîiaiiv tf' t hese stories go. fliectitikies wvere delicious tiecatîse I iorace's îîtîtlier liat IirLuiy learuicd thle l'ie icrt of' cook i îî a i I Horace andîtiNI r. Dentoniiimaide 'i ieîîts i lî:ît tay. I n tact, veny sccretly, iHorace rcturned title of'ten iî vli more home baking f& MNir. Dentoii and ai strauîge buti \voiIîel'I* 'r-ie ndIs1ltt ok lace. Failled i o w'iiiter anIitlic visits cou liniied unulil oiîe tlay ini Nov'eiiben lucre Vas no Ilorace. 1île simiîplec tid n't showvnp. 'Flicold mîani ticith't worry buiit a iiioiîtIi wciît by andîtil no lt) ousle liaireti boy. 1île decitîccIto do soineiciiig. lie weiit to thli village grocers aind Ic grocer ncarly tii of f'riglit. "Whly Mir. l)ei fou. is lucre stnîîctIliîîticl niaitter, didn't tIlie boy deliver your groceries îlîis ioitli?*" "Yes silaîpped the nid mîai), it's Iîîtîlîiîî fo d(Io vitli Ilizit!" île tlîeîî toldtihte grocer 1 lorace's firsî inaîine aiuil tiescribetliîîî aiiind askcd wlîcre lie lived. 'Flic grocer. u, s surpriset ait illeet ion, toltl tAt M r. Dl)itcu Ille anîswer anîd aitdetiliait he boy mvis ait hîomeîc un \vais cit icaîliy ilI witlî siallpox aînld waîIsîî't Coitinuted Page 5 Àdvý ýj jý

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