Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29î1976i,WHITBY FREE PRESS [OTBERI Major changes- expected atpsychiatrie hospital Ken Sheehan, Administrator of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital since June 1, reports that two major decisions will soon be made to the provincial government, to define the future role of the hospital, and to decide wbether to replace or renovate the existing buildings. Free Press Photo Soine major decisions about the future of thc Whitby Psychiatric Hospital are likely to be mnade by the provincial gpvernment ini the near future, according to the hospital's new administrator Ken Sheehan. The province is 'oing to have to define the long-terrn- rote of the hospital and then decide whether to replace the existing buildings with new structures or renovate the old buildings, he said in a recent interview. Two charged for -beating wc re founîd heM e: i i ii ll West Lynde area Oct. 5. David StuuileV Archer, uo' 507 Dundas St. W. i churged with two counts of ussault caLising bodily hari and oine courit of consurning liquor while a miinor. lie is in custody at the Whitby Juil. after bail was dcîied lasi week. During the past few years there bas been speculation as to wilether the provincial governmcnit wotild continue to operate tlie hospital, turn it over to a private *board, or turn thie property into a provincial park. Mr. Sheehan sees a long- terni role for the hospital in its present location because the catchmnent area which it serves is becoming more urbanized and the pressures of life are increasing in urbanized areas. Author Leslie MeFarlane leaves Town of Whitby Leslie McFarlane, author of stories for boys and girls, inlu ding the famous Hardy Boys series, is'- leaving Whîitby for the last tirne. Mr. McFarlane was a resident of' this town on two occasions, from 1936 tô 1943, and frorn 1961 to 1976. ,In August he purchased a homne near Minden Ontario, where he will reside in the surmnier, and in thc winters lie will continue to live ut Sarasota, Florida. On Octoher 14, lie lefi Whitby for Floridzi. During the week of- Septemrber 20 tu 25, Mr. MeFarlanc made a successful promotion tour of New York anid Boston, beinginterviewed for radio, televisiont and the press about bis uutobiography. "The Ghost -of the Hardy. Boys". *'Tl. Ghost of the Hardy Boys", in which Mr. MeFarlane 'outlines bis literary career, and tells how he was really the seemningly immortal Franklin W. Dickson who wrote the Hardy Boys stories, was published in April and Mr. McFarlane had plans for a promotion tour of the United States from coast to coast. Mr. McFarlane's plans were cut shiort when li suffered a heart attack early LESLIE McFARLANE in h':ay, out lie las made a full recoverv. As lie approaclies his 74th birthday, Mr. McFarlane is still actively writing, and has a Toronto publisher interest- ed in a new novel. -INOV EMBERI Patient burns down hospital barn in $252,000 blaze A spectacular tire which -ould lie seen for miles levelled the 57-year-old main barn at the Whitby Psydhiatric Hospi- tai Thursday morning. Aithougli the cause of the fire is under investigation by the Ontario FTire -Marshall's effice -and- DuïWiaWRegini Police, Whitby's,,Deputy Fire Chief Ronü < Hawkins reports. that a -16-year-old hospital« patient admitted to setting the fire. "It was definitely arson", said Deputy Chief Hawkins. Aithougli he declined to discuss any details about the patient's history, Assistant. Hospital Administra tor Gary Ainiay said Friday the patient is in a security treatment prtîgrani, under close observa- tion in a locked ward. "We are taking aIl pre- cautions we can that he is not in danger ora danger to any- one else", said Mr. Ainlay. He reported that he has dis- ctissed the, matter with the Director of Psychiatric Ser- vices' office at Qucen's Park, and lie and the lîospital's director of nursing have dis. cussed the situation with hospitul staff. Mr. Ainlay said the fire was discovered ini the west wing of the barn by the hospital's gardening- staff about 9:30 a.m., and within 10 minutes the Whitby Fire Department's three pumpers and aerial truck were on the scene. The fire spread rapidly, and there was little tdie tire figli ters could do to prevent the flines from spreading. "There was no way to save it", said Deputy Cliief Hawkins. The building was totally destroyed, with the exception of. two concrete silos. t)eputy Cliief flawkîns said, the loss of the barn amounted to $250,000 and there was $2,000 damage to contents whidh consisted ofrnattresses, qld furniture, hay and straw. Council designates downtown improvement.,area- Town administrators, area which is the first of that council niemnbers are not kZevitalization of Whiitby's namely counicil and staff, seemn to unanimously support rejuvenation of Whitby's downtown core. One indication of that came last week when al council memnbers voted in favour of designating the town's central commercial district as an improvement many -steps required bel ère actual rejuvenation can take place. But, possibly more impor- tant than the actual vote were the comments made by the council members before the show of hands was duly recorde d. The comments proved beninu thedowntovn business people whowant rejuvenation., they are along side as well. Further proof thut towni council and staff fecl as rnuch a part of the plans for rejuvenation as tlhe business people themselves can lie found in a recently released Policy statement. on "The' Downtown <Jore Area". The purpose of this policy statement, written by town staff, "is to show council's desire to encourage and actively support, wlierever possible, the revitalization of Whitby's downtown core" DECEMBERI When Prince Andrew comes to Canada on 'Jan. 6 to attend Lakefield College School near Peterborough, his roommate will be Donald Grant, 18, of Brookiin. -BILL MANNING HONORED AT RETIREMENT Veronica and Bill Manning admire a framed painting of the old -Ontario County Court House, presented to thiem at a testimonial dinner Thursday. Pickering Mayor George Ashe. nt let, makes the presentation. FreePress Plwto Mayor Gartshiore defeated bis only opponent, Dr. Keni Hobbs by 2,718 votes, having built upý a definite leadfrom the very beginning. Donale, son of Dr. Guthrie Grant, is a close friend of Prince Andrew, and the only studen.t at Lakefield College the prince knows personally. Suicides concern province A dranîatic increase in suicides at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital over the past year may - result in a provincial Soverment investigation. Any such investigation into the increase in suicides at the hospital from two in 1975 to I1O so far this year would attempt to de termine whether there is an assignable ca 'use sudh as lack of supervision, dhangein treatment methods, greater freedomn for patients or whatever, according to Minister of Health Frank Miller. Responding to questions in the house fromn Durham West MPP Dr. Charles Godfrey on Monday, Mr' Miller said "Whitby. had a higher number of suicides in the year' 1976 to date than it hasn.1 think, in any previous year ini its hlstory tt. - l 1 - <ý ýýý'1 Dir. Ken Hoblis At 9 p.m. Mayor Gartshôre was leading Dr. .Hobbs, 270- to 130, and at 9ý:45 'p.,. when Dr. Hobbs conceded the electio n, Mayor Gartshore was, leading, 3,571 to 1 ,853. The final unofficial totals- are: . Jim Gartshore, 5,752;'> and Dr., Hoblis, 3,034. Gerry Emm and Joy Thompson will be Whitby's - representatives at the Durham Region Counicil, along with Mayor Jim Gartshore, for the next-two years. Mr.'Emnm led the tally by, 679 votes over Mrs. Thompson anà Mrs. Thompson edged out veteran politician John Goodwin by 208 votes. *, Unofficial L'ota1s are: Gerry Enm,ï 5,002; Joy Thompson,1 4,323;- and John Goodwm ,4,115 Wtitby's l ongest-serving politician -Tom- Edwards defeated his'nearest rival by two to one -in the Centre Ward and Bob, Carson d1d thé'- Jim Gartshore wins election over Jiîîî Gartsliore received' a clear mandate Monday for a full terni as mayor of Whitby for the iîext two years. Prince Andrew's room mate

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