Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1976, p. 5

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WHITBY 3 tablespoons melted butter 2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms (8 ounces) 1/2 cup melted butter 1/4 cup chopped anion 1/4 cup sherry OR: 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup (about 1 1/4 cups) 3 ounces grated Parmesan cheese (small can) On one slice of bread place a slice of turkey. Cover with second slice of bread; trim edges. Put sandwich on silver platter or broiling pan. Cook mushrooms in 1/2 cup butter until tender, Add onion and saute one minute. Add sherry. Prepare cream sauce by blending melted but- ter with flour, sait, and pepper, then gradually adding milk and cook- ing until thick, Add ta mushroom mixture and heat through. (Or, if mushroom soup is used, add ta mushroom mixture and heat through.) Pour sauce over sandwiches. Sprinkle the grated cheese aver sand- wich and sauce. Place under hot broiler ta meit cheese and serve im- medîately. Makes 4 servings. YOUR WEEK AHEAD By DAMIS GOURMET GOBBLER SANDWICHES HELP POST-HOLIDAY BUDGET The holiday festivities have came ta an end and înevitabIy you hve leftover turkey. And -inevitably -you are dreading those traditional questioning graans af, -turkey sandwiches again ?" This year. why nat give your turkey sandwiches the French "touch- by combining theni with a mushraom and sherry sauce and a geri eraus sprinkling af Parmesan cheese. A few minutes under the brailer will change your "inevitable" turkey sandwiches inta an ele- gant but econamical lunchean dish. This gourmet sandwich, the crea- tian of a famnous Ouebec chef, has universal taste-appeal, practicality, ecanamv. and most imoartant. the nutrition that cames from eatinq whalesame paultry and bread, enriched wîth B vilamins, thiarnine, ribaflavin and niacin. Serve yaur family Gaurmet Gabbler Sandwiches and their groans wîll turn ta welcaming cries af, "Wow, turkey sand- wiches!" Joan Fielden, the Bakery Councîl af Canada's Nutrition Consul tant, says it's easy ta rrake thern Here's how: Gourmet Gobbler Sandwiches 3 tablespoons ((aur 1/4 teaspoon sait dash of white pepper 1 cup rnilk 4 slices white meat of turkey :1 (4 ounces) cup thick cream sauce: EdamCrab Cups A luscious, moist fillng of crab, cheese andi carrai filîs these easier-than-pie crisp toatst cups. For shoestring entertain- ing, tuna can be substituted for the crabmeat, giving a slightly different taste and texture to the mixture. The recipe below was developed with Edam cheese from Holland, and ai- though you can use Dtitch Gouda insteaid, it is always preferable ta use the recom- mended product for best re- Suits. 1 (6 mirnce) can crab meat. drained 1 cup shredded importcd Holland.Edam or Goudai 12cup shredded carrat 'A3 cup mayonnaise I* tablespoon lemon juice 1toastoonpsua 1teaspoan curry powder Flake crabmneat; mix with shredded cheese. carrai. may- onnaise, lemon juice. sugar and curry. Spoon filling int toast cups. Serve as is or warm in 350WF oven for about,5 min- utes. Makes 18 snacks. Suibstitute 1 (61'/2 ounce) can tuna for crahn3eat if yoti wish. Filling is excellent for sand- w iches. To make toast ctips - re- move crtists fran3 thiti sliced bread. Press bread mbt weIl- butîered muffin tins. L.ightly brush with rnelted butter. Bake in 375'F aven for 10 minutes or uintil golde*n. Tiny toast cups make excel- lent party hors d'oeuvres. Enough filling for 1 8 regular sized toast ctips or about 4 dozen tiny cufis. Op"w 7 doý,s o week RESTAURANT 120 BROCK ST. M. WHITSY - TEL.: 668-'9461 Doiciouas Camadioenad' Itelie D i mhes co-o Tl .e New Y*ecr thcxt specicti Fashion )rdnatted by Tomorrows Fashions Today Sizes 5-15 6-16 WIIITB Y Chargex 668.966 Masterchargo Hours: 9-6,,Mone-Sait. Fr1e. 9-9 ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-JuIy 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 Forecast Perlod: Janhlary 2 t. January 8 Mars in Taurus in your second house of Finance should stimulate financial affairs. New bÙiness enterprises could bring handsomne rewards. Physical energy 15 11gb. Channïel- it into worthwhile endeavors rather than restless inactivity. Tackle diffîcuit tasks. Get started on those imnportant matters you've delayed tili after the holidays. This is a favorable period for big accomplish- -ments. Hope and wishes are fulf illed with littie ap- parent effort on your part. Favorable for attaininig ambitions. Discretion 18 called for in professional matters. Use the "kid glove" treatment in contacts with superiors. Seek no favors. VIRGO You have an abundance of energy for Aug. 23-Sept. 22 adding to your knowledge. Enlightened - understanding brings deep satisfaction. LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN De. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Establish credit standing. Reserve assets may be reduced but not for long, It's en- tirely probable they will be replaced soon. It's a time to share-the good things of life with your partner. Avoid discord. Tact- fully handle your own affairs. Routine matters should be handled promp- tly. Be alert to changing trends, and your relationships with subordinates. Pleasurable of romance encouragesi chance. days ahead. Maybe a bit as your emotional nature exciting response. Take a Take care with people you bring into your home, and don't get embroiled in a domestic conflict. A good housecleanmng lets off steam. Mental pursuits are favored. Natural brillance shines forth. Be discriminating in making your travel plans. Keep your hair healthy and shining throughout the holiday season with regular visits to your hairdresser. A good. eut, set, permanent or professional straightening can add tife to duil hair. Pro fessional hair coloring can highlight or change your hair for a totally new look. LA. CONTESSA BEAUTYLOUNGE 119 Green St. 668-9262 ~ "WE'RE LIVING OFF FRED'S RETIREMENT INCOME. I'M WORKJNG." CROSS WORD DA0c %v o S Eu PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Ecstatic review 5 Withstand Il Eager 12 Show 13 Las Vegas table items 14 Synagogue singer là Tavern tap 16 Tel Aviv airport 17 Attila, for one 18 Ecstatic joy 20 Pitcher's statistic 21 Famed fan dancer 22 Hebrew measure 23 Soap or horse 25 Impover- ished 24 Tammany tiger cartoonist 27 - horse (2 wds.) 2SIlvy Leaguer 29 Potpourri 32 Youngster, 33 Mining find 34 Cap 35 Forin a thought 37 Not on tape 38 American jurist, Shermnan- 39 Prayer ending 40 Whole 41 Tuesday - DOWN 1 Elecfronlc sentinel 2 Spanlsh province 3 Hannibal Hamlil was one (2 wds.) 4 Nigerian City 5 Popular newspaper naine 6 Circumnvent 7 One is original 8 Ad interim (3 wds.> 9 Cleansed 16 Groupedi threes 16 Moon (Lat.) 19 Pastry itemn 22 Greek mountains 23 Former (hyph. wd.) 24 "Have Gun, Will Travel"l name 1 -,w DECEMBER 29, 1976, PAGE 5 25 African river 27 Placid 29 Drive 30 Judge's sidbol 31 Correct a text 36 "IlIl be back -" 37 Statute .A 1i-MORTGAG ES 1 T E 0 1sf & 2nd Arrango.d; Bought opd SoId at Prima Rates calIPeter Kade 668-1556 AN)UBUS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 Urock st. N., Whltby ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE MUSIC COMMITTEE 0F ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WHITBY FOR THE POSITION 0F ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER. PERSONS APPIVINO SHOULO STATE EXPERIENCE IF ANY, QUALIFICATIONS AND SALARY EXPECTED. APPLICATIONS SHOULO BE DIRECTED TO DR. J. GILMVOUR 304 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY. 126 BROCK 668-926.2 119 Green St.

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