Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JANURAY 5, 1977, WIIITBY FREE PRESS ç757WhÏtby s Voice of the County TownMi The only Vhitby newspaper indlepenidently owned and operatec iERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS Pr" she veryWedesaT byM.B.M. Publishing -and Photography In. The Free Press Building e Bugess Pulishr-Maagig Edtor121 Brock Street North, ,e.~ Burgess,.. J..isher-Managing Ecit-Whitby, Ontario, a Uy vvniILy r[siiUe'ULb lTor'vvnitnyresioier nt- Community Eiltor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Qu,ýI Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon Classified Ad Manager L Marlene Byro;ui Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whitby. Mailing Permit No. 460 Phone 66 8-6I111. Congratulations Mr. Twelvetrees, Mrs. O'Donnell & Mr. D. Snis! Duririg the week between Christmnas and New Year's,three Whitby residents received appointilients to important positions iii the Dîîirlarn Region. Williamn A. Twelvetrees, who lias lîad more than 20 years' experience ini engineering, wvas appoiuîted works coinmissioner for the Dtirhanî Regioiî. Mr. Tweivetrees is very famniliar witlî the works depart- nment operations in the region, liaviîig been euploy- ed by the former Ontario Coirty, anîd the new Durhiam Region in ail engineering capacity silice 1957.. He was Ontario Couîity Engineer for 10O years, and since the formation of lîe Duirhiail Region. bas worked as deputy works commissioner and director of engineering. Mrs. Marion O'Doniell, whio is kiîown to uîaîy Whitby residents for her seven years' service as a public school trustee, was appoiited to lîe Board of Governors of the Oshawa Gieneral H-ospfital. Mrs. O'Donnell has been invalved iii service to her conimunity for many years,' and served as chairman of the Durhami Board of Eduication ini 1975. We congratulate Mr. Twelvetrees anîd Nrs. O'Donnell on their appointnients and are assure(] they will carry out their dtities effectiveiy anid efficiently. We also congratulate Whitby lawvyer David Sims on being named a Queen's Counsel on the New Ye.- are's weekend. Whitby is certainly getting its share of honours in this new year.- Municipal building is a credit to a fast-growling to«wn It's that time again for "o ut xith the old and in with the new", as we start the New Year, 1977. In Whitby we are starting the new year with a new municipal building and new faces on couincil and the Board of Education. We urge A Whitby residents to turm out Saturday mornîng at il a.mn. to hear the yearly forecasts of the mayor and members of council, and especially to get a good look at our new municipal building. No issue in recent times has been so controversial as the construction of the new m-unicipal building, but we must remember that there was just as much fuss when the former municipal building was built in 1960. We tend to forget that with the passing of the years. It may seem incongruous that Jirr Gartshore started his political life as the chairman of a citizens' study groûp opposing the new municipal building, and ends up as the first rnayor to preside over coiancil meetings in that building. How times change! W.-~ Thiere are i)robably stilli-mny residents ini townl wlio question the expenlse and location of this blliillg, but the tine lias corne to put awav the swords, and accept this building ,as part of our A tour of thie building will tiidotibtedly iml)ress rnanly a residenit wl1( lias %vondered during the past years what we were a Il go 'jig to end tUp with. Withi a large area for expaniisionl, it is miilikely that we will be caughit again witli a municipal building that becornes ob)solete ini less ml nio years. CredJit should bc giveni at tlî,s time to tw() uenl wlio were the visi<)narjes belinid this projeet. Thie first is former Mayor Des Newman, who risked public outrage to try to plan a iew Centre for the Towil of Wlitby, years before the town was ready to accept it. 1l1 i1970, Mien lie first proI)osed the l)roject, Whiitby was a static communiiiity and hiad beeîî s<) for abot It5 years. The growth and dcvelopmient hie predicted was ilot believed at the tiime, but we already have the beginnings of it ini the West Lynde, Otter Creek and Bradley Farrn Subdivisions. Send letters ta Letters lo the Edîtor Whîtby Free Press Box 206, Whitby The nlew town centre probably will not reach its fruition for another five to 10O years, but we have the beginning, inl our new municipal building, the regional headquarters, and the possibility of a provinîcial registry office ini the future, ail located ini the proposed town centre. Mr. Newman led the way to the establishment of this new townl centre, wlîich will have more fiInlact on1 our children tlîan on the generation of today. We are sure that when he cornes to the opening of the mnficipal building, he wili see more ini that building thaîî anyone else who attends. The second person who deserves credit for this building is Raymond Moriyama, the architect who turned Mayor Newm-an's dream into a reality. The building designed by Mr. Moriyania is spacious, well-lit, and functional, and a credit to his skill. But Mr.,Moriyaniia has giveil Whitby more than a municipal building. He has given us a plan and a concept for the developinent of the future' town centre ini the years to coi-ne. Like Mr. Newman, he too will have to wait many years before he sees the final resuits of his work, but his imnpact wilI be seen as Whitby grows to the 100,000 population that is l)redicted for the area south of Taunton Road by the year 2000. A final word to our new councillors: We welcome back Bob Attersley with his experience and kuîowledge of town affairs, after an absence of several years;, and wish best of luck to political newcmerJoe Drumrn whose East Ward is or&e of the niost controversial developinent areas in the town. He has his work cut out for himn. To the entire council for 1977-78 we offer the wish that they may be guided by their heads as well as their hearts, for like the pioneers of old, they are building a new town with an unknown future. As Mr. Newman used to say in his speeches, quoting British author John Ruskin: "Wheil we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it flot be for present delight or for present use alone, but let it be such work as our descendents w'lI thank us for". lo 0 '

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