Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1977, p. 5

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WHITBDY FREE PRESS, WEDNESD AY, J ANUARY 19,1977, PAGE 5 The animal worid must have a pretty sharp press agent. NowV i know that seemis like an astounding statemient to mnake but just think about- this for a minute. Alinost every Province, State, City etc has a week designated as, "Be kind to dumib animais week". l'miflot sure. if they eall it "dumib" animiaIs any more but we used to refer to animiais as -dumib". So I ask you, how durnb can an animial be that gets a whoie week deciared in honour of it?? Hlouse pets in particular are reaiiy the dumibest. Oniy a house pet couild be so stupid as to lie around the house al day on cumify shap carpets or maybe even the couch and sleep. Oniy dumnb animiais have to mark imie between mneals by rolling their eyes dutifully at -the miasters and comling iaout w fth the odd littie "cuLe" meow, woof or cheep. It's flot fair! Humans should have equai righits. Can you remiember the iast ime you were able to sprawl out on the couch and 'have your back or beliy rubbed for hiaîf an hoiir foliowed by your favourite snack treal? Somiebody tell nie the part again abouît how animais are duinb. [Iven In My Opini 1on by Norm Mealing "The service in GO bas gone" The last few days have seen probably the worst winter storms seen in Soiîthern Ontario over the last ten years. These stornms have created havoc for ail formns o['t ranspor- taion, be it public or private. road or air. One of the miost severely alïected formns of' public transportation was, as those of us who conin -ute bcîween here and Toronto wili îestify, wvas the GO tiralin sysîeiu. The 7:30 a.mi. westbound train left 1Piekein"it Station ai a quarter past eighit. and thie 10: 13 a.ni. castbotund train left Union Station at 2:20 p.m.. and arrived ai Pickering ai a quarter past three. What with tthe prubiem of e\il ing the nortlr-parking lot, 1 arrived ai hiom*e in Witby at 4:3"0 p.m. after having 1eft my office at Cullege aind Uiniversity shortly after noon. There is no dloubt that last Monday preseîîted extremne weather conditions. There is certainiy no doubt thait suich extremne weather conditions hiad tu disruipt normal. scheduied GO train services. i would submiiît, huwvever. that the general perform-ance of the GO train service at, and from, the Pickering Station is suich that an aidnittedly bad situation was transformied mbt a disaster. Consider, if you wili. the parking ai the Pickering Station. Notwithstanding the fact that adequate parking does not exist at the station, the parking arrangements create problemis at the, best of imres. Entry Lu flie north A i MORIGAGES im1 T E 0 1sf & 2rîd Arrangedi Bought oapd Soid cat Prime Rtes cou Peter Kade 668.1 556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 *rock st. M., WhItby the lcwly tropical fish is so, dumb that when lie sees your huand nea ring the top of the aquarium hie irm'ediatelymakes a rush for the surface se as te grab he food ail that much quicker. A wild fish in a streami wouid shy away from anything near the surface large enough Lo make a shadow in, case that somiething tried to catch the fishi. But nuL su with the lowly guppy. le sodn figured.out bis aýquiariumt- is Vaihaila -and you are merely his fiaithful servant. Ail he lias to do is eat, sieep, and hang ýaround the watercress.ail day. If the master shows up he just flits across the aquarium a couple of imes showing his plunimage and everybody is impresscd. Need another exampie cf how dumb animais are?? i used to have trouble with the local wild rabbits eating my trees and especiaily mny ledges. If Lhey girdled the bark the tree would die and a couple did one year.'The houseowner, namiely mie, couldn't bring himself to shoot his hungry furry friends right between their twitching little cars and insteaà he painted (lhe irce trunks so the ralibits wouidn't like the taste of the bark and leave themn alone. But that wasn't enough. He then proceeded to keep his iawn shoveiled off in spots in the winter se the rabbits could eat the grass and accompanied this with the odd batch cf scraps froni the kitchen which inciuded nice fresh lettuce and carrots. Telllnme again who'se the dumb animai and who is the super snmart homo sapien. l'Il neyer forget going through a zoo one day and coming across a cernent pit fulil of raccoons. Inside the large pit was a'simil duplicate uof a woods with trees and grass and even a litile streani. The raccoons were obviousiy quite concerned about being captured and put in their, artificial woods. They openiy dispiayed their concern by iayin- abouit in different positions sound asieep and parking lot is froni Liverpool Roud. If' you'rc travelling south hof Liverpool, youu must nmake a left tomn just north cf' the bridge over the iracks whichi is in turn jus( norLh of a set of' traffie ligits. You have, thoen, tu negotiate a left Lurn either in a break in tral'lic, or in the face of acceierating traffic. And fihe latter is more ufleni the case. ExiLt froin flie nurth parking lut is by imeans of a turn un io Liverpuol Road as wei .I. hihecvening rush, with trains arriving alItwenly minutie intervais. cominuters are required lu ciiîb a fairly steep) hili. and t hemi attemlpi cither a lefi uor righî t trn. Lefitomurs sutih un Liverpuol .are cx-ecuted ini spite u' t'as-luwiîig traffic ini citiier direction, and righiltburin nrth on Live rpool in flic face of acceierating traftic coîuing uver a sligh t risc created by the aforementioned bridge. Ail thîs againsbthie backdrop ut' rushing ,îurnuaiiy assucia ted witih guing home afier -a day at %York. And ihis situation hias existed l'or ai least a vear. Mix in a lit île snow. anid you have chaos. LasI Munday. tlle situation delïed descripin. Once pasit lhe ard s ent ry tu the nîurth parking lut, mne filien parks unie*s car. Sîiow f'ails., iih comes. and une airrives to run the gaunt ici of* cxiii in thie parking lot. B3ut, inIllte ilerinii, nuO plows have pluughied the snuow. nu sait trucks have sai ted Ille hili. ini faci , îithing hias been dune. Retturnti lic l'oliusviig day, anîd n othiîîg lias beeni donc. Mlaybc, lusti maybe. and unly if nuoîmore snow lias l'allen. four or f*ive days iater the lots wili have been plurîlglie d. Yuu nuote dia t 1i say piuuighed. nul dca red becanse cleared iliever hiappens. Aîîd duîs sîîow reinovai! I)lutgliîîg prublenli lias beei aronîid for years as those offLIs wliu) coinimLte svill testily. Wc remieniber tflie sniows of April 1975 anid Mardi 1976. Tiios i resi niy case. A bad situation iniade disasîrous by the elemeîîts. A bad situatioin which il' il liaci been rectified would have iesscnced the disastrous eft'ects. SEND Letters to the Editor to Box* 2O6, Whitby or deliver LIN 5S1 to 121 Br'ock St., N. compietely obIivlous to ailt the dangers of bcing captured. As 1 sto'od there watching them i decided to take a picture of the cute littie rascais and noticed rny camera was out of film. 1 dug another film out of my 'gear bag and as i was taking the plastic wrapper off the film it made that kind of rustling noise somethinig similar to a candy bar wrappcr or a potato chip bag. Before 1 even got a chance to load tu new. film something amazing happened in the raccoon pit. Each and every raccoon had heard the plastic wrapper rustling and now they were ail standing up against the wall with their litLle arms extended and obviously begging for food. i was amnazed and feeling a littie guilty. So guilty that the smart human went over to the snack bar and paid Lhree times more for peanuts than it would cost in a supermarket and then promptly fed Lhem to the dumb animais. Dumb animais are alI over the place. Was it a human who saved Hioilywood when it got in trouble?? Nope - it wàis a dumb animal named Won Ton Ton' Was iL a picture about a human that was just remade and will gross more than any other previous picture?? Wrong again - it. was a dumb ape called King Kong. Lt is a dumb animal who has to sit at a typewriter each and 'èvery day in order to pay the grocery, fuel, mortgage, eiectric and phone bis?? You guessed it - the human gets it in the left ear again. As you're reading this there's a good chance you are petting one of those dumb animais. Dumb indeed! 1 should be su dumb. 1 think l'il get me a long haired suit and start walking around on ail fours. Some "smiirt" human will look aft.er me for sure! Next ime, more cf the same! (Words frcm W'jst Lynde is, as you know, no more. This colwimn does not replace iL, but rallier represents an effort on mny part Lu provide, on a more or iess regular basis, my opinion on a variety of items that interest me. I hope they interesl you.) Police are recruiting in Oshawa and Ajax The Durhaia Regionai Police are holding recruitinig sessions tlrughouL the region Llîis montlî for peuple whio are inîerested in a career opportunity in the police fo rcc. Applicants slIOLIld be 11 Lu 3.5 years of age, Canadian citizens. with Grade 1 2L dipluîîa or equivalent. Tliey iLisI be meîiltally and physically fit, have a good moral cliaracter and no crimnal record. Maies must have aminimnum hieight of five feet eiglit inches and minimum weight cf 160 pounds. Females must be at ieast five feet four inches tali and weighi 110 pounds. Police recruiting stations will be open Jan. 20 fromn I p.mi. Le 9 p.m. and ian. 29 froin il a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Eùton's Square in the Oshawa Centre; and Jan. 2-1 and Jan. 2.7 frcm i1 p.mn. te 9 p.m. at Harwood Place Shopping Centre, Ajax. OPENING ANNOUN( CEMENT THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 163 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 579-8752 H ours Mon--Sat. & Evenings by Appointment 0nMY .4., ..L4. t' * t' j' ' -, t, 't 't :'. 4 j ' 4' "t, "J * '~t~ ~t'~ ' ' ' 'J <> A good eut, set, permanent or professioflal straigFtening (:an add life to duil hair. Pro lessional hair coioring can highlight or change your hair for a total1>' new look. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green .St. I 668-9262 ffl -FRIf 1614 Charles St., Whitby. b668-O JaltrT(Bsein SALE CONTINUES! 7ùmnorrofwv Fashions Today Sizes 5-15 6-16a 126 BROCK S- ,VHITBY Chargex 668-1966- Mastercharge Hours:96.MnSa.F1 99

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