Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEI)NESI)AY, JANIJARY 19, 1977, Wtt1 A b A A ALA 'Kbb Br~k1n ~ Bylmes Tite Laies-Ttke-a-Bre-zk, sponsorcd by He Wliftby 'Y', started a new ten week session iust week. This group mleets on Wedniesda,,y nmornings fromi 9:30 until 11:30 at the Brookiîn United Church- excellent child and infant cuare is available and we understand thit new meiers are sti11 welconme. A speciai 'Open Ilouse' is bcing planne.d l'or early in February. Vll have more details next week for you. The irooklin I iorticultuirai Society illi meet ut 8 p.î ut the Brooklin United Church on January 26th., The leatured speaker wil belOr. Peter Rice of the Royal Peter Barker D.T. Denture Therapist 111 Dundas St., West Whitby 668-1464 IBROWN 'S B otannicai Gardens. lie wili ho>ld a plant clinie incorporat- ing un illustrated discussion along with advice on outdoor plants. This meeting will be open to, ail interested persons, not just Society members. It sounids like a good opportunity to solve specifie problemrs youi may be having with your plants. The Tuesday afternoon discussion group at the public library in Brooklin started its new session iast week. lntercsted aduits are welcome to join. K pre-school story hour is availuble ut, the same tirne but enroiment in that is limiited so pieuse caîl this week if you want your pre- schooler to go with you on Ttiesdays. The time is 1 p.ni. until 2 p.mi. For further information pieuse cali 655-3191. An unusual incident that i witnesseciluLst weck coupledl with isolated reports of mysteriously ciéýaned driveways have lcdl me to wonder if Brooklin has ucquired its' very own superhero. One day iust week i saw a 'Masked Man' driving a tractor with ail attachied plough-blade. Ile pulied into a driveway where, a citizen was shoveiling snow andi as the citizen stepped aside thîs 'Masked Tractorm-an' neatly plouighied out the driveway. lie paused only brictly to say a few words anti mioved off clownt the street to the niext driveway., Who was thut 'Masked Tractormun?' Those of you who are fiamiliar withi the super heroes on TV know thatIthey somectimies work in pairs -- this one works alone it sccmis. Aithough, 1 have scen a young man on a sili snow remiovali machine thiat is able to leup sniowbanks ini a single bound AND turn very rapiclly on the sp)ot. 1 lowever, in reui life if appears fliat he is iegitimalkteiy emlploycdl in flic snow remloval business. That leaves us wiflî mne lunie 'Muasked Mri.Wloever yuui are, yuui arcef ruly a nea t worke r andl must bc a very neighhuurly lcellow. We tned ail ' the lpl we can gef with flic snuow we've 1had( lafely how cornle you iniissed iîiy dIriveway? Vitl 655-4317. Mon. Jan. 24th - Brookliin Kinsmien menet ut the Brookiin Legion, o:30 p. Wed. Jan. 26th - Brooklin Horticultural Society meet everyone welcome, 8 p.l Brooklin United Church. Fni eJh. 28th - Euchre night - Ashburn Comrflufity Centre, 8 p.m. Sat. Jan. 29th - Ashburn Community Dance, Thunder- bird Golf Club, 8 p.m. Next election wil be a ehoice of lifestyles cial election will provide, a choice between two parties and two very fundurnentul types of lifestyles, says Frank Drea, MPP for Scurborough Centre., Speaking ut the annuai -meeting of the Brooklin and -District Progressive Conserva- tive -Association, last week, Mr. Drea said Ontario resi- dents wiil have to inake a chioice between the Conserva- tive Party, "government to speak for ail the people", or the New Demnocratic Party, "tha it is financed and support- cd by pressure groups and affiliateci withi groups who break the Iaw". Mr. Drea said thut the NI)P wouid provide a govern- FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO PHONE 655m452 NORTH WHUTBY STORE HOURS OPEN SIX IDAYS A WEEK DELIVERY AT ~ ~ ~ v 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. NOM INAL ~ DI FI EXCEPT THURS & FR1 CHARGE3 81G D Y NIGFITS 'TIL 9 p.m.. Thursday Jan. 20, to Sat. ian. 22 1Cut from Canada Grade A Beef HINDI SUDES $1.*22 lb. .$j 00 lb. BUYS 0F THE WEEK! STOKELYS ALMSTOKELYS FANCY HONEV POD CNP ASO TO it NvV01iABLE FANCY cREAM STYLE PEÀAS SOUPS C@RN 14-FL-OZ TINS 10-FL-OZ IN 14-FLOZ TIN 3119 3si ty.mr rIqaspteh TIDE JAVEX 98Oc2.29 98c rSUNHINmPRmuCE ICalifornii Navel 0O Sunkist ronges 79e doz. Crisp Juicy Faincy Mclntosh Apples 3 IL.bag ý89Ç n 's Value cif acti on cul èeOAA CANADA PiIAA , A Ur mB NEL SS PIM o Round Steak »nÎom R..rd ROAST Top 49 Canada Grade1,8 CUT Cu$lato~14 PàL twJACIAGA 0DEVON NANO 11.01PACKAGE WïIEERS 79 c BACON U.N" $1 .18 COTTAGE mns 1.19a. STEAKS $.9 MAfflIC il» 201PACKAGL ___________________ LUNH EATS' LUicxN wCH oM vork Liver 39' 04CXLE a PmufflO 5 W MAC a CMK(K( MLE 0.2 ACAC Beef Heurts 63a. COOKED HAM $1a09 toifAflCA MAPLE LEMrflEmvPiACt r u d e f8 SBOLOGNA I65 .rud Bf 88 KERNEL CORN 12 Fi. OzL Yin 43C GENGN O I TY - GOlEM BEANS 14 R O. rm 3 -s1 Stokelys Daik Red Or NOS.8 BEANS 2:69c 89c CM" Mir 5-m nu soya SAUCE 39c G=ilat.Super Stainls Mid«. 79c JACK Il NU Cough Syrup 100-ml bonise 99C I11=l01Z rough Mixtur@ 89e ;=te:ive CorsLotion99 N4 NIPACKAG Q -Tip CottnSwobs 39e Mim Too#hpote 1 00-ml Tube 99e pressure make right." Mr. Drea said that the media is teliing the govern- ment there is going to he an eA'ction, "and wha t the media wants it usually gets". Hie predicted that an election ~ could occur in Ontario in the fali of 1977 or spring of 1978.. Mr. Drea spoke of the Conservative Party being in power for three decades and pointed out that haif the people in thie proyince have neyer lived under any other governmeflt party. Hie pointed out that since 1945 the Conservutive party in Ontario has. produced policies which give the province the highest standard of living in the world. He spoke of the province's nursing home legisiation which is not avuiluble even in the United States, how the Conservative party industrial- ized Ontario., revolutionized agriculture' and produced a social service systemi "second f0 none." Mr. Drea also pointed out some of the toughi decisions the provincial governm-ent hias made in the past few years, sueh as approving two hydro increases, hiot capitulatiflg to a very militant teachers' strike, and supporting the federalgovernmeflt 'seconomic controls ini spite of the anger of organized labor. "\Ve neyer did anything at the price of keeping power", he said. 'We haven't retreated. We&ve niade rninority govern- ment work. Now we are at the crossroads"*. MIr. Drea pointed out how Canadians are threatened to- day *by a governiment in Quebec which threatens the existenîce of Canada, econornic conditions chreatening the verv fibre of this country, certain groups who feel they are above the law,' and certain people questioning free enter- prise andpour xvay of life". ICts a question of the lifestyle", he said. "This timie when ive go to the public tlhc stakes- for this province are realiy enormnoiS" MIr. Drea aiso said that he expected the upcorning election would be "a great deal of fun", because there are few issues except the basic choice between the lifestyles offered by the Conservatives and the NDP. "Do we want to reatain our present lifestyle or turn it over to government to tell us when and where to ;vork?" lie asked. MAcDonald1- The position of secretary ivacant, to be filled by the TISSUE 99 moASII4oL 1tROU PACKACI VIVA PAPIR lc TOWELS779 aitAVO. PLAINUzen-oz 1SM SPAG CjHE'TI77c SAUCED I B3E ET S 29 100. PAiRE VEOIAu 0"nIO nJ U-CClUT1. CReCO 1*49 IIONtM -3 VARITIMS la/ I 14o LV wIo DSSoSAUII DIAPU TooGEKU 12i *.PACEAIX PAMPERSsl.49 MIRACLE65 -. Z eN O D...d French Fries 69c orange JuIoe 37c Swam IJ- ASSOK tI .AvoO0< 34MIRECARON I CREAM $1029 lKcULOURTT IlS»I -my - PACKAGE SCOTTIES59C IVOliqrid 89C "LVoua MNAC"S IGE PACK"G BOK NE 494 M$Wz4 143 tue SOfT AIUNE 45 9

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