WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 2, 1977, PAGE 9 years of service Feb. 8 at Legion Hal for senior citizens at Fairvi, w Lodge. . In the early days of the club, the Kinsinen Boys' Band played on Christmas Day at the old county home which preceded Fairview Lodge, the Ontario Hospital, and the County Jail. In 1963 the Kinsmen Club made an arrangement with Mayor Stan Martin to develop Peel Park. The club built the lacrosse box and basebal diamond, put in posts and graded the site before the town took it over. The Kinsmen were in every town parade with a float, provided school graduation prizes, and 30 years ago began hosting annual civic nights for the town council to show their appreciation for the council's work. This year's civic night was held Jan. 25 at the Legion Hall. Since the 1960s, the Whitby Club has been raising funds for research into cystic fibrosis, a district project. The major fund-raising event each year is a skatathon. In 1970, the club contributed to a national Sth anniversary project to build a centre for mental retardation at York University. The Whitby Club chartered the Whitby Kinettes, the wives' side of Kinsmien in 1957, and was responsible for the- chartering of two other Kinsmen Clubs. About 1944 the Whitby %ulub chartered the first Ajax Club, the largest ever chartered, with somne 90 mernbers. It folded after the Second World War but formed again when Ajax became a town in the 1950S. In 1973-74 Whitby spon- sored the chartering of the Brooklin and District Kins- men Club which has a strong membership today. Today the Whitby Club is looking for something to do for the comrnunity. "Everything is so over- socialized there is much less to -do, says Mayor Gartshore. "Years ago, ail you had to do was look; today you've got to search". Mr. Hewson suggests the club niight wish to start the development of another park. Under President Chuck H-ughes, it has a mernbership of 35, and meets regularly at the Legion Hall. Chuck Hughes' father, Harold Hughes was also a president of the club, just as Jimi Gartshore's father was the founder, making Kinsmnen a family affair for a number of rnembe rs. There are many highlights in the history of the Whitby Kinsmnen Club. For Mayor dartshore, one wals the club's liosting of the , 1961-62 District Convention at Honey Harbor, of which he was chairman. Anyone who knows olZpast members' of the Whitby Kinsmen Club or is a past member himself is asked to caîl Clare Hewson at 668-2500. The club is hoping for a large tuirnout on its 35th aniversary night and, members. Band past members at concert Three members of the Whitby Brass Band will be participating in the Ontario Men of Brass ail-star band concert in London, Ontario, Friday. through Sunday., They are Ian Redfearn, coronet; Randy Church, E-fiat bass; and Alan Black, on flugel. The four life members of the Whitby Kinsmen Club got together to talk over old times i Mayor Jim Gartshore's office last week. Standing behind the mayor, who is himself a life member, are Charlie Snelgrove, Gord Hawes and Clare Hewson. The Whitby Kinsmen Club is celebrating its 3Sth anniversary Tuesday with a gala dinner at the Legion Hall. Free Press Photo Whitby residents attend Parent Activity Day at Oshawa sehool Feb. 18 A number of Whitby area residents will be attending the Durhamn Teachers' Parent Activity Day, Feb. 18 at General Vanier School in Oshawa. More thah 300 registrations were received from throughout the region, 35 frorn Witby, Il fromn Brooklin, and two from Ashburn. The parents will have an opportunity on this day to tour teachers' workshops and become involved in workshops on education designed for parents. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ist ITI-i Ask us about YODý Corne and tell us what you're loo king for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. We'Il be glad to talk. And we may have just what you're looking for. But you'il neyer know until you ask.Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre mm Oshawa WEDNESDAY FEB. 9 & 23, 1977 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p-. THE' CANADIAN 4R A special offer from the Colonel ta fight inflation- feeds 5 tc 7 ........gry pe pie. ~~ttfl cheeVL OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO-SEE YOUR PHONE BO0K FOR THE ONE NEAREST VOU. , >*t 7 ý,, -»ýl - 4 "A-' ý, -4 ý ý