Toronto 'media support set up fund for bis legal Free Press Columnist Alex hospital, Mr. Kainins has' newsmen in'Peel and it is Kainins has received consider-> become something of a catûse attitude that needs changiî able coverage and support celebre for the media, having says the editorial. from the Toronto-area media been interviewed by CBC and "For this precise rea ina ofonionwiheee CTV television reporteis, and fellow newsmen in egOnan ol. r an the Globe and Mail, Toronto Brampton, Mississai Ons ane. ail M r. aiin Star, Mississauga News and Toronto area are ban( wihasaetdnd apched Canadian Press have reported together to assist Kaînin:, officer with the intent to the story. . theedti al cotue resist arrest, and The Brampton Daily T imes the etalishninueasf police, after he was told to centred out Mr. Kaînins' case new smen hnt tofa stop photographing the for an editorial on police- oesnthgltor inocencef arrivai of a mental patient media ~relations, a subject Kaînins, but to disp at- the Mississauga General, which has bothered the soidarity of purpose , Hospital. Toronto-area media for some focus on police-media r( Police subsequently time. tinintspaiclreg charged Mr. Kalnins with . The editorial says Mr. The fnwi ll be riclanchedi assaulting police and causing KaInins' "unfortunate -mis- aTnetion-wil e calie en1 a disturbance by shouting. understanding with the aid confirms that it will1 Last week, Mr. Kalnins police will cost . him both cover Kaînins' expenses cc laid counter charges against professionally and financially". pîeteîy. Kaînins' cam, the two officers who arrested 4 equipment was also dama! him. These included theft "Whiie there lias been a in the incident ati over $200, wilful damage, top level effort to co-operate hospital". assault causing bodily harm, with the area media and The editorial points oi intimidation and unlawful boîster public relations, the "What police have seizure. incident is a clear example of appreciate is the realitv t] Since the incident at the how rank and file policeview FUNNSûDE Il o "I CAN EASILY SEE YOU'VE WALKED HOME WITH THAT PRETTY MISS MAYO AGAIN! " YOUR WEEK AHEAD By DAMIS Forecast Period: February 6 to February 12 ARIES Push efforts for winding up matters that Mar. 21-Apr. 19 have been hanging for too long. Removing roadblocks brings mental peace. TAURUS Partnership matters caîl for the velvet Apr. 20-May 20 glove touch. It promises ta be an exciting time. Cooperation is the keynote. GEMINI May 21-June 20 Dissatisfaction with routine calîs forth surprising reaction and results in a change for the better in working conditions. MOONCHILD Get reacquainted with the young peo~ple June 2-Jily 22 and keep yourself open and available to their needs. LEO July 23-Aug. 22 A disruption in family affairs proves beneficial. Statia conditions are broken up bringing in a fresh new perspective. VIRGO . Unexpected happenings in the neigh- Aug. 23-Selpt. 22 borhood find you involved in much travel. Keep your mind on what you're doing. LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARJUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Heed the sound financial advice that cornes your way. With your heightened initiative and drive, you turn it ta good ad- vantage. Others seem ta be drawn ta you by your magnetic charm. Your unexpected actions appeal ta their sense of the unusual. Be sure of your ground before gettîng tôo involved with new groups. Old f riends prove ta be best f riends. Friends and organizatians -bring appo r- tunities for financial improvement. Be alert ta helpful hints. Surprising* develop- ment occur. AQUARIUS A surprise element causes tension with Jan. 20-Felb. 18 one in authority. Catch up on unfinished businiess. End results are very favorable. PISCES You' have the reformist drive at this tirne Feb. 19-Mar. 20 and would like everyone ta see it your way. Intuition is high. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1977. PAGE 19 Kainins; this L5Ofl the .iga, ,ding is in tc.," 'und ')cus e of play and rela- on. 1on ,gal not era ged the )ut: ta that ýxpense s a newsnian is likely ta be present at the scene of any happening and that a hasty, yet friendly and firm explan- ation would be more welcome than the officious borderline hostile attitude sa frequently encountered. Media identifi- cation cards have been suggested and promnised by the police for many months now, but to, date nothing has materialized". The editorial concludes that the public interest as well as that of the media and police would be better served by dropping the charges against Mr. Kaînins, as "'everyone has learned a lesson here". Mr. Kaînins said previously that if the police had explain- ed ta him that the persan he was photographing was a mental patient, he would have " &stopped taking, pictures right away". HAwH RF615 579-1822 UITBY MALL Dun des E. WHITBY COUNTRY - NEW 4 bedroomn raised bungalow 30 miles forth of Whitby. Fireplace is finished famnily room on 1'/z Acres. Askîng $62,0001 COTTAGE LOT - BUCKHORN LAKE Prestige area, hydro & phono on road. Sioping well treed lot wth sandy beach. Asking $26,700.1 Dawa Mcà QUAY 1OUNDAS ST. W., W1HItBY 668-5868 PRESTIGE RESIDENCE AND INVESTMENT PRO PERTY 7.7 acres of choice property zoned residential at north-eà st intersection of Brock Street North and Rossland Road West in Whitby - 2 road frontages. A custom built six bedroomn bungalow with completely finished lower walk-out levei high on a hilI overlooking the Town and Lake Ontario. The 4475 square feet of living space features spacious roomns, ail with a magnificent view. Four bathrooms, two f ireplaces, air- conditioning, 2-car garage, many built-ins, a truly family home. The residence is located in one corner of the property wtiich wilI allow full use of the balance of the acreage for future development. Value at $395,000.00 with excellent terms. PIONEER LOG HOME Circa 1810 11/z storey, with board and batten 1-storey addition, totalling 1775 square feet of pioneer living area, with two fireplaces (one with a working bake oven), cathedral ceilings, built by a master builder of pioneer log homes as his own residence, set on 8%. acres of beautifully treed and scenic land <900' frontage on paved road> with a spring fed crystal clear trout stream, plus trout pond. New board and batten 2-storey pioneer -design barn of 2600 sq. ft., plus heated workshop 19 x 24 with loft. Only 5-miles frorn Uxbridge. $185,000.00 Evenings cal Jack Fudge 1 Jim Speers 1 Don Mcfluay 1 Personal service in Whitby end1 668-3071 668-5920 668-6743 Durham Region for 23 yearLý 101 Brock Street South Whitby 66808865 Village-Living $49,900.00 Lovely 3 Bedroom sidesplit ground floor family room, garage. Wal1k aout fro m 3rd level to patio. Laorge lot 100 x 150. 20 Miles North East of Whitby. Great Value here. Cal Margie Aukeme 658-8865 or 655-4248.