PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin ~.:Bylnes Asbburn Comrnunity Centre elected thieir Exectitive for this new year at their arntual meeting. Two honoured guests, Mayor James Gartshore and Regional Councillor ;oy Thompson were made Honorary President and Honorary Vice-President respectively. The President is Barb Forsyth; Vice-President is Fred Daw; Secretary is Sam Hollingsworth; the Treasurer is Bill Burgess; Hon. Chief Advisor is Jean Johnston; Diane Michael will-handie Publicity and there are two Board Members, Joan Fleming and Ethel Rutledge. The community of Ashburn received an invitation from the Mayor to tour the new Municipal Building. Interested community members will meet at Ashbumn Community Centre on Feb. 8th at 9:15 a.m. 'Transportation will be available for the assembled group. For further information, caîl Barb Forsyth 655-3360. Area Boy Scouts will hold their monthly paper drive Sat. Feb. i 2th. Please tie bundies of newspaper securely and put them out before 9 a.m. to be sure -they are flot missed. A reminder to Group '74 members that their next meeting will be Mon. Feb, 7th at the Brooklin Commun ity Centre at 8 p.m. BROWN 'S BROOKLINI ONTARIO DAYS l'lieDIirlhami Trait Riclers Snowmiobile Club will hold thcir next meeting Sunday, Feb. 6th at 8. p.rn. Caîl Mr. Johni Darling at 655-4422 for further information. The Ladies Take.-A-Break will hold an Open House on Wed. Feb. l6th frorn 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Brooklin United Church. The guest speaker will be Mr. Burtinski of Burtinski's Florist Shop in Whitby. Floral arrangements crafted during this presentation will be raffled off after. If you've been curlous about the programs offered by the 'Y' during Take-a-Break sessions this will be a great opportunity to corne and see for yourself. Excellent child and infant care is available. The Brooklin Womnen's Institute -meet once a month, on the 3rd Wed. at 2 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. Visitors are welcome to join this group for a pleasant afternoon. Interested women may cal 1 President Mrs. Ruby Sonley at.655-4158 for further information. Brooklin Legion will be hosting a Bingo on Fni., Feb., 11 th at 8:30 p.m. Ail interested aduits are welcome to attend. The prizes will be 'players' choice'. If you do not be!ong to the Legion and have neyer had occasion to venture inside the Legion building this will be a great opportunity to do so.. I've lived in Brooklin for eight years and always admired the handsome exterior of the Legion. Only recently 1 had business there and was favourably impressed with the inte'rior as well. Unless you are a member of the Legion you may have few opportunities to see and appreciate the fine job that has been done in maintaining this Brooklin branch of the Legion. Brooklin Kinsmen will meet for their next regular meeting at the Brooklin Legion on Mon. Feb. 7th at 6:30 p.m. Will someone please caîl and let me know who won at the Public Speaking Night? Anderson High School are hosting this year's Great Pine Ridge Regional Debating Tournament on Sat. Feb. S.. The events will begin at 1 1 a.m. and continue throughout FOODMASTE.R PHI ONE 655-4521 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX IDAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS IL 9 p.m.( NORTH WHITBY NOMINAL 3 BIG Thursday Feb. f E AI CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" 81 SSHIORT RU' cB".! b. I89 c STEWING BNEF '013c ~.,SNOULD sema &i131 LMB CHOPS &89c FS A AEL 155*1- SOUfUSfOU m- PSEvioUS lom505 TENDIRLIN $.0 ~ UVURWMET $1.091 mm f1- m m m IA GREEN GIANT PURITAN GIANT eigZE - FANCY okRF or 1RS SAYLMER (HOCE QUAKER OATS' BRUisor 2TAXQUICK 7 14-FL.OZ TON 2 " IANTM W. Are AVnts For 02% FLOa .49C am WMU-IMWUPTPAU M RhSé 19 to Soto Feb. 5 Value Iýzctioi MARGARINE ULUE BONNET SOFTc Z/ 8Bos SIefve Pack sC WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUES 2w x Z-ply pko 5 C MACARONI or SPAGHETTI SPLEN DOR REAOY CUT c 2-LB CELLO 4 LADY SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUEc 2-ROLI ..e5 SKIPPY.CREM JA 1.49 IUDS PA=K- 5415 En"5 FIVE ROSES ALL PURPOE FLOUR U&- &q $3.49 cSm CM 1.39 METS wIFL0& ro 294 A% »"CI 0o SEllAI lm c*oemos 8& POTATOIS 29C P-LUMS«»&45. WAM I .m PmU a mmiSam -. MM IFAR UmmC uns 01.59 the day uintil 5 p.rn. There will be a special 'show debate' at 4 parn. when the top six debýatérs will formn two teams of three people each.' This last event will really be worth attending. These young people have put a great deal of effort in preparing for this day - corne out and give themn your support. 1 know you are out there Brooklin Broombail teamn - how corne 1 have neyer heard from you? How are you doing this season? Have a good week. Val 655-4317 Sat. Feb. Sth - Great Pine Ridge Regional Debating Tournament, Andersoni High School, il a.m. - Sun. Feb. 6th - Durham- Trail Riders Snowmobile Club regular meeting 8 p.m. Mon. Feb. 7th - Brooklin Kinsmen meet, 6:30 p.m. at Brooklin Legion. Tues. Feb. 8th - Ashburn Community invited to tour Municipal Bldgs; meet at; the Community Centre in Ashburn at 9:15 a.m. Fni. Feb. 11lth - Play Euchre at the Ashburn Community Centre, 8 p.m. Aduits SQ0 cents, students 25 cents. Sat. Feb.-12th - Scouts Paper Drive. Have tied bundles out before 9 a.m. Wed. Feb. l6th- Brooklin Womens' Institute meet, 2 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. Wed. Feb. l6th - The 'Y'sponsored Ladies-Take-a-Break inyite the public to their Open House 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Town appoints committees At its regular meeting, council made its final appointments to boards and committees. Members of the cemetery board are: Russ Batten, John Batty, Alfred Jackson, William Manning, J. Patterson, and A. Wilson, ail for one year. Members of the committee of adjustment, to serve for three years, are Joe Bugelli and Robert Heron. Fenceviewers. are: W. Appleby, John Buchanan, Joe Worona, Ross Law. W. R. Bryson, C. Lee and Charles *Broughton, to serve for one year. Game Preserve Committee members for one year are: Richard Agar, F. Ashton, William H. Dennis, Tom Henstock,- Harry Inkpen, Harry Jermyn, Patrick Shannon, James Vail,, Joe Worona, and P. Wicher. Ralph Stratford - was appointed to the library board for three years. Members of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, to serve for one year are: Mrs. R. M. Chambeî, Mrs. Marcie Cope- land, M ; Catherine Schell, Melvin P !t and Brian Winter. Council oppose@ store proposai A proposal by Peter Van Hoof Construction Ltd. to build stores and offices on the west side of Athol Street south of Dundas bas met with opposition froni council. At a recent meeting, the administrative committee recommended that a site plan be brought forward as soon as possible, but Councillors Tom Edwards and Joe Drummnwere not so sure about the develop- ment. Councilor Edwards said the developinent would create a lot of future problems for residents of the' town, and Councillor Drummn did not like the way it was presented. Council, with theexception of Gerry Emm agreed to refer the matter, back to the administrativýe cormîttee. M. $éA.LA"uuamu MOG .s 3isl (AT Fm0m6419 nu"85. %.", e 1184115 suS11 SACCHRIN 99C COLGATI 99 SIIMPO 12S*tema -Sf &*oe "C Av -4----- BRo.ts 79! k cul PROU CANADA au< A. BLADE toats k 79c "Nua me - fl GROUND Beef k $1.49 ECMOMID NA-m ~ MAPlL IF -, b r~S~o STEAKETTET $198 MÂPLE LEÂF SAUSAGE lb. 99C WIpAcU S 0" %-I u AA AUA MIMA LuI LUNCH MIATS 12o 93.Wcj I 005A-MA cim m a UY~~S O H q1i f4-f l %.dik ý 1