WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY-, FEBRUARY 9, 1977, PAGE 9 ,e<ta m'y assi atl to. But it hasn't a hav eci a treat to huy. Aller ail. there are literally thousands oU, pieces anZII lanv have been recorded hlunîLlreds et ftimes. So il* votu*c like to sanliple solnie. the questionw nattvallIvarises: -Where dto vou staivtY) Wel.stail me now . the-iinsw\er- is Dominion1 Becaiuse Dominion is ltrodutcing ,.Funk & ,Waugnulls Faîuil\ Librar' (ot Grveut Nluic. FÉor vour listening pleasure: Each stCrC() recording is manufacturcd hy RCA Customi Records. lt*s Ilibrairv oil* 22 albunrs coniplete \w th 6W) (ol the classic select ions ot cassculmuic h\-the ecau . e \ý o)*lds* iliosi popular conliposers. inicludinig Bach. Beethoven. Chopin. Mlozarl.tc, ios\Vagncr. andil îany nmore. And to insure tlle îuality of the eetIon llte imusic was selected h\ a bourd of renowned experts, inIihe'worl /1 o! clussical îmusic .lI ncludîne \V niord Iaiiicw fsn2Ishconductor îr 1John Y lialrirol h. lcgenîlary cencei \ îohlinist 'i'chidî inun aînd S ir \\i l ianî \\alto n . Ilhe eninenclt /~ "'Sic. o t Adlretalbumvll he onl sale Cach week. sold ut ithe r1 r o pieoÀst6v lums touh22 wiIl he zt\vailaible tèr j-.llst S2:89 cadi. For your reading pleasure: "The Great Corn posers' ý collection plus a free hinder for it in Album 2. l-ach alhiii cotntainis a chiaptcr of The Gi3reat (olnp -)sers with somie \\ ords ,aboLIt the mlusic \ i eari. t he coi pcv. hi sliu - i lvunîfrends. atnd the pilaces, lie I ive d anid woirked. So thc ne \t ti i ie \ iirein Ioin i0i.No(u ll tînld Bchvn Fcak\s\. uti M.ozaîl. etc.. arc ;v, eas,\ ltebhu ishr-Cad . t tîkey~. aunît mozzarel la. etc. ALBULJM N01 "With $3. Food Purchase ý le Beethoven Symphony No. 6 Albums 2 thru 22- lb 2089 each Funk & Wagnalls Family Library of Great Music 6< Nîtcrpicîc..shy 17 Gret i Ceînposers: BACH - BFIL VIHoVE--N - BERLIOZ. B3RAHMIS .CHOPIN - )VORAK. GREHG .HAN)LL.- HAYDN. * tISZT ý. mENI)ELSSOHIN- ,MOZART - RAýCHMNIANOFF. SCHUBERT-'.STRAUSS . i TCH-AIKOVSKY . WAGNER ecch timle Nvou shop. FREE BINI)ER ý% ilI litCIIM2nAlbum ni2 jiiail 22 clupieis of -ONl11 IOS1R . We made price #1 And price did the same for us. 0 for (I limitMadl im ne OI ly (i .. e ~ non e Z14 -1 '7:.