WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, M4ARCH 9, 1977, PAGE..13. HELP WANTED Flexo Press Operator Clerical help required for area office'supply firm. Should be required by major paper familiar, with1 office work converter for a uni- including bookkeeping, typing tron f lexo press minimum and dealing with* the public. 2 yea rs experience. Please reply in writing stating Excellent salary and experience, salary required and benefits. Apply in person other pertinent information to: or cail M r. Bieber, Dickson Printing & Off ice, Denniso Manufacturing Supplies, 218 Harwood Ave. S.,' Company of'Canada Ltd., Ajax. 200 Baseline Roicd East, -- Bowmanville, Ontario. eaofc up'fimrqrs 416-623-6311I.Araofcsupyfimeurs experienced help for inside work. i. Should be experienced in dealing BUSINSS OPORTNITY with'customners and f illing orders BUESuf DlPPOTUN500IpV rf or samne. Apply in conf idence to Stuf eneloes, 25.O pr Iickson Printing and Office hundred, start immediately, Supplies, 21 8 Harwood Ave. S., Free' details, Send stamped, Ajax. self -addressed «evelope to M..S.T. P.O. Box 173, Ouddas: Ontario. HARNDEN & KING CONSTRUCTION LIMITED REQUIRESI An Operational Oshawa-Whitby area. Manager for the DUTI ES: -To Co-ordinate truck and loader f leet as required to serve customner needs. The successful candidate wiIl report to the Area Manager. Experience in gravel operations is required. Apply in writing on or before March 18, 1977 to: P.O. Box -1007, Osha wa, Att: D.T. Murphy, Area Manager '76 MONTE CARLO LANDAU pis, p/b, radio, white walls, ralîy wheels, 16,000 miles Lic. KTV 388 CalI Phill 668-6873, 683-6300, 668-1495 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE 650 square feet or more 214 Dundas St. E. 668-5 12 services Highest Prices Paid for Gold and Silver coins old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTYY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramice Tiing Drywall, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 DRESSMAKINGà AND ALTERATIONS very reasonable prices Caîl 723-8889 BOOKKE EPING SERVICE for small businesses Cali 668-2597. FULLER BRIJSH CO. FOR VOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 FLASH FORESTRY SERVICE - Trio Experts - Walnut Trois - Flashtastic Firowood Calil655-3654 dentraiiy Iocated for y( BARGAINS e "SPRING INVENTORY CHANGEOVER", * ALL PRESENT STOCK MUST GO! SE S TIS WEEK FOR A GREAT DEAL ON A QUALITY i USED CAR 81Duuust. w : IRqA BL'ET >10TORS 668-1542 NEW1 OAK HALL TREESý Suitoble f or Off ices or Homes 668-8649 AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 1 2th at 12 noon. Sale to be held in Brougham Hall on Brook 'Road and Highway 7. Sale of f urniture, antiques, dishes, coilectables, inciuding nine piece walnut dining room suite, Mason & Risch piano, two empire sofas (one excellent), oak round table with Queen Ann legs, brass bed, oak dresser, drop leaf table, rocking chairs, vanity, Jacobean parlour table, arrow back chair, Thomas pump organ, brass fire- paeset hump bpck trunks, sealers (beehive, beaver, King, etc). nine dlocks inciudîng Pequegnant Kingston waii dlock, two school dlocks gingerbread wall and man- tule docks, confedleration type repro furniture 948" pine round pedestal table, butternut dry sink, 4 chicken coup chairs, arrow back arm chair), carnival glass, washset shaving mugs, orange crush bottie, ohi amps, corner whatnot, f lower stands, three washstands, crocks, buggy wheeis, Decoy's, oid tools, copper kettles, bed warmer, cast school bell, copper bolier, old pressed back chairs, miW botules & cans, tea tins, couch lamps, oid wooden teiephone, brass bell, old advertising, plus numerous other articles. Terms cash, no reserve. John Annis, Auctioneer 985-3477. iou r convenience. CARPENTRY GENERAL REPAIRS Specialize in finishing basemnents, ail types of interior & exterior carpeting. FREE ESTI MATES Caîl 668-6196 I 1975 CHRYSLER NEW PORT 4 dr. Sedan, p/s, p/b, vinyl roof, Lic. JHC 291 low mileage, $3888 1973 BUICK CENTURY 2 dr., p/s, p/b, factory air conditioning, vinyl roof. Lic. B RE 607 $2888 1974 FIAT 128 4 speed, radial tires, defroster, gas saver. Lic. HMN 173 1972 DODGE POLARA 2 dr. hdtp., p/s, p/b, auto, radi very dlean car. Lic. ARE 795 low mileage, $1888 io, radial tires, $1788 Send Ietters to Box 206, Whitby DOG GROOMING SHIRLEY'S K9 KLIPPERY NOW OPEN t 124 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Ont. ALI BREED GROOMING NO TRANQUILIZERS USED .668-2721 Want.ed WANTED TO BUV dishes, oIass, china, dolis, dlocks, jewelry, etc. Muist be old. Cali1 668-0055 days and 668-6519 even ings. WANTED Tenant for apartmnent for 200 Mason Or. to also act as superin- tendent. Ca,l 668-9391 between 9 & 5 ask for Mrs. Fruhner. TYPING WANTED Experienced in a variety of fields, including legal & marketing. Cali 668-1 688. WANTED Light & Heavy Duty Towers cash on the spot Caîl Norm 668-6901 WANTED BROOKLIN HOMES Since 31 Cassels Rd sold we have requests for three Brookiin homes. I'f you , vouIld like to seil your home privately. Cali 655-4492. WANTED HOUSE TO RENT for family of six, for first part of May. Cali 668-9870. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F SIDNEY PERCY HARDING CREDITORS'and ail others having claims against the Estate 'of Sidney Percy Harding, lato of the City of Oshawa, who died on or about the 2nd day of February, 1976, w ho operated a Business under the firm namoe and style of "HARDING'S JANITORIAL SERVICE", are roquested to send full particulars of such dlaimns to the undorsignod on or before April 22nd, 1977, aftor which date the ostato wiII be distributod. according to law. Stephen M. Zubkavich, Trustee, in the Estate of Sidney Percy Harding 54C Centre St. N. OSHAWA, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F LORNE VERNON MATTH EWS CREDITORS and all others having dlaims against the Estate of Lorne Vernon Matthews, late of the Town of Whitby, who died on or about *UY'AT REASONABLE PRI CES us n&m 4> QîL WH-ITBY 668-3381 CLASSIFIEDADS I SALES MANAGER'S SPECIALS BUY - SELL - LEASE 200 DUNDAS ST, W. WHITBY a - -MR-@Md