Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1977, WHII BARATONE SOLOIST GEOFFREY RUSON Sonci Leader Ross Metcalfe .Sunday Marchki 3th 4 p... ST- MARK'S UNITED CHURCH 201 CENTRE ST. S. A Fellowship Time Will Follow le!UNCIi W LINCOLN M E R C U R Y'--! GET AQUAINTED .&&&. ýý M& M& MI AMI Amam IMM am smam %am afflamam Ham as 995& ÎsépM& îqaplm maam %Mffl affla-ffls amm ffl am %RK maam affl NM mm @W mmamam m âsm affl& -%SN %mm MW as. MM as%àsuw 9M.Égîs fflMW% Sm Sm 2295mam For a limited time'only, we're offering a 14 point Service Special for only $15,95 HERE'S.WHAT WE DO: CHECK: OIL 4 FILTER CHANGE For an Appointment Phone: 683-5540 1 KINGSTON RD. (at Church St.) PICKERING Y FREE PRESS *Cheap land inOshawa angers Gartshore Mayor Jim Gartshiore is flot happy with a proposai by an Ostiawa councinor that landi in the. 'Slevenson RnarI THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 163 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 379-8752 Hours Mon--Sat. & Evenings by Appointmont DnIy (OiU & F ilter 1 nctuded> Plugs Points Air Cleaner Fuel Filter AIl Belts Battery Hose's (Rad & Heater) Tires Lights P.C.V. Valve Differential Level Transmission Fluid WA TED ý 'OREWARD" M "REWARD"', I PLATES CB Radio I MUTPRESENT POSTERI * « ....ncD112% A ni '.l hIm T m AI iiiViUtPUflIflMtEJIM -UWlZtUUIIM/AIILAFE mm mm- - - - - " - -M- M Tii e low, lw prices mustbe acrime DEMO CLEARANCE 76 MERCURY BOBCAT.. auto., radio, w/w, electric defrost, body mouldings. KOV 475. $3199 76 MONTEGO HDTP. ... 8 cyl., auto, p/s, p/b, radio, w/w, electric defrost,wheel discs. KHH 927 $4218 76 CAPRI, V6,-..-.......---*' hatchback, radio, electric defrost and more. LMN 230 $4858 683-5541 m m - - m USED CAR SPECIALS 75 MUSTANG GHIA .... 8 cyl., auto., p/s, p/b, radio, radial tires, lots of extras. JEZ 450- $2599 73 PONTIAC VENTURA HATCHBACK ........... sporty sprint model, 8 cyl., auto., p/s, lots of extras. FAA 129?? 71 MUSTANG HDTP...... Rally red, reatly super sharp! A0S 585 OFFER PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MARCH 15 /77 683-5540.. 6 83-5840 éVNu7I K.piumRd tI i srs~ W. ~. m~u Industrial Park in Oshawa be sold at a cheaper rate than land iri surrounding municipalities. At a regional planning and developme 'nt committee meet- ing last week,Mayor Gartshore said that selling public lands that were purchased- with public funds by undercutting prices 0f surrounding industrial lands in "unconscionable". Oshawa Councillor Bruce McArthur had said he wanted land in Oshawa sold at cost to entice industry, and agrued that it was the only "legal" ®WHO, Ontiario SI -> You cannot be usefut. - We thjnk you CAN. - Training provided to work as a volunteer day or evening with the retarded. - Cali 668-7745, Ext. 435 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. - Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped, Whitby. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION B3Y THE CORPORATION 0F' THE TOWN 0F WHITBY' To dispense with a vote of the electors respecting reconstruction of Garrarci Road and an outfall sewer on Forest Road. Take notice that:- 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the reconstruction of Garrard Road, including granular base, storm sewers, curb and gutter, hot mix asphait from Manning Road to Westwood Road, and a storm sewer outfall on Forest Road for a distance of 700 feet east of Garrard Road at an estimated cost of Two Hundred & Eighty Thousand Dollars ($280,000.00), and that the sum of One Hundred & Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) shal be raised by the sale ofý debentures payable on the General Rate over a period flot exceeding 10 years. 2. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an Order to Dispense with the 'Assent of the Electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the- grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statutes that the assent of the electors shall ot be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objection will be considered. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 9th day of March, A.D., 1977. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk-Ad min istrator, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. mcentlve the mnunicipality can provide to br.ing in poteritial buyers. Mayor Gartshore replyed that the cheaper rate could put the rest of the region "out of business". Mayor Gartshore's remnarks were made following acomn- mittee debate on the distribu- tion of.$1 .7 governmenl an that has been allocated for the Oshawa-Whitby industrial arca. Mayor Gartshore suggcsted that the regiori needs pro. fessional industrial developers to prepare land for the region, as the municipality cannot do it alone. Dayton seeks truck hero Do you know a truck driver who, in the course of bis work, has saved a life, risked bis own life, or other- wise been a hero? Then tell Dayton Tire Canada Ltd. Lt could be worth $ 200.00 if the driver you nominate is selected for the 1977 National Truclç Hero Award. Thomas J. Reese ,President of Dayton Tire Canada Ltd., last week moved the search for this year's Hero into top gear with the distribution of several thousand reward posters offering $200.00 to the nominator of the 1977 National Truck Hero. The Award, now in its 22nd year, is endorsed by the Canada Safety Council. "We are proud of our sponsorship of this Award", said Mr. Reese, "because it allows us to focus public attention upon those men whose many .selfless acts of bravery might otherwise pass unnoticed. I refer, of course, to professional truck drivers who, in the course of their every day work, are exposed to situations involving serlous injury or, alI too frequently, death. This award recognizes thieir miany acts of bravery performed without regard to their personal safety while taking action to avert more serions accidents, or in saving lives. We consider it 'a privilege to fui this robe and, at the sarne time, encourage safe driving practices by al road users" - The selected Hero wilb receive a trophy, a $1 ,000.00 cash award and a V.I.P. al expenses paid week-end for two in Toronto from Dayton Tire Canada Ltd., plus an inscribed Rolex watch. Nominations, accompanied by a newspaper or a witness's statement as evidence, should be sent by October 7th, 1977 to: Dayton National Truck Hero Coînmittee, c/o Canada Safety Council, 1765 St. Laurent Blvd., OTTAWA, Ontario KI1G 3V4. The act of bravery must have been performed during the year ending September 3Oth, 1977. Ail entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of Philip J. Fermer, Execut 'ive Directlor, Canada * Safety Council; Frank S. Hammon, Senior Public Relàtions Officer, Ministry of Trns,-

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