WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1977, PAGE 3 YMCA expands-in name & program When the Whitby Famnily YMCA changed its namne to Durham Region YMCA last year, it expanded its prograru and increased its membership. The Y'S annual report, issued at the annual meeting Town fire fighters get two platoon system Whitby fire fighters have obtained a new contract from the town which provides themn with a two platoon system instead of the three platoon system they have worked up to this time . Last fail the fire fighters said morale was low because they wanted a two platoon shift systemn which was used by most fire departments in Ontario but remaîned on the three platoon system. . îhe new system went week. two platoon into effect last The Fire Fighters were unhappy last faîl also because the anti inflation board rolled back a wage increase which left themn earning less inoney than members of neighbouring fire departments. The new contract gives a first class fire fighter a salary of $l7,iSSO compared to $15,300 last year, but this isj still subjeet to the approval of the MIB. The raise is 13.5 per cent. The new contract has reduced sick leave allowance and overtime pay, but starting in July there wiIl be a disabiity plan in the event of termtinal illness that will pro- vide up to two-thirds annual salary. A dditional pay will now be granted for holding temporary ranks, and service pay of $120 a year will be added as a bonus after five or more years of service. The one-year contract expires at the end of 1977, and has been formally_ approved bv council. The fire chief and deputy fire chief are flot covered by this contract. lor 1977 Friday, states that rneibership increased from 2,801 in 1975 to 3,006 in 1976, and registered non- memberships increased from 1,511 to 1,710 making a total increase of 404 participants in one year. Four play schools were established in 1976 to help meet the needs of pre-sehool children, at which 267 chldren were registered. Kindergym had an attendance of 977 children and 942 paients at West Lynde School in Whitby and Southwood School in Pickering. The 1976 Olympics created a great interest in girls' gymnastics. In October more than 1 25 girls' were participating. A growing variety of children's and aduits' pro- gramns were carried on by the Y in 1.976. Twelve teams competed fromn October to April in'the Industrial basketball league. The Y Badminton Club had over 100 ijiembers and hosted a Central Ontario Badminton Association tournament. The Y had an attendance of 1 ,986 at the Iroquois Park pool for its swimming pro- grams, and the various summer camps operated with bus service from Bay Ridges, Ajax, Whitby and Brookiin. A cold wet summer lowered attendance. Through a special LIP grant, Project Pre-Fit tested more than 1,200 students in fitness by mean.s of the Ergomneter test, and 300 aduits were also tested. The LIP Project 'By and For Women' presented parent- ing, working toward employ- ment, and life skills, while the Royal Bank tutoring program assisted 95 children. Fifty studentsregistered for odd job employment in the ýummer. Although- the main emiphasis of the Durham Region YMCA isý in Whitby and Brooklin,-there are play schools in Oshawa, South Pickering, and Ajax, and Mom and Me Afternoon Fashion A garden of Spring delights - the first of the seasoxi Get yours. up to 50% Savings on w inter stock. IPashtoRi 1126 Tomorrowvs Fashions Today> Sizes 5-15 6-lBa 126 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-1266 chargex Haours: 9-6, Mo n.-Sat. Fi. 9-9 Mastercharge drop-in program in Ajax. Y Sehool bsoard, St. Andrew's ment for the Y last year, anci area development is projected Presbyte rian Churcli, Brooklin a storage shed was provided for, Pickering, Scugog and United Church, and Church for day camp equipment at Uxbridge. of the Holy Triiiity and St. Heber Down Conservation Many agencies have assisted Paul's United Churches in, Area. the Durham Region YMCA Ajax. With a budget of more in the maintenance of its The Whitby Rotar 'y Club than $1 15,000, the Y had a programs, including the provided a new gym equip- deficit of only $621 last year. recreation departmnents of Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and ---M REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE Your Final 1976 Water & Sewer Bill Wh itby-Brook lin DUE'DATE EXTENDED Final 1976 water & sewer bis in Whitby and Brooklin range from a low of 76 days to a high of 150 days. Since in most cases this represents more than a normal nineiy (90> day billing period, payment will be accepted without penalty up to and including Aprijl 11, ý1977. à mmmmwý