Whity police staton cosing beng considered a!gain The issue cf whiethler cent increase in' the share having il uperate from 9 a.m. and let the station ,'remnain the force inte the former police station, and is shocked Whitby retains Its police* which will be paid by regional lu 5 p.m. daily. open. townships cf Darlington and that such a decision would be station or net, is on the line taxpayers; Last year the police The 1 977 budget includes Clarke. The total proposed made. 'itr prpusa icreae ns1~~ ~'1 ~ ~....,. ~run il iii1 al - nna ,çitins nolice budgiet is $10,451,753, The maivur said he did not agairi. Last week the Durhamn Region Police Commission presented the regional finance committee with a 1977 budget which seeks a 23.6 per cent increase in expenses, whichi represents a 20.5 per promoted the 'finance cern- mittee to decide to reopen the Whitby police station issue by asking the commission to present it with information about the remifications of either closing the station or the Whitby I18 Division station as an economy measure and received suppottfroni regional council, but public pressure from citîzens and organiza- tions in Whitby caused the roïincil to reverse its stand on the 348-memnber police force. Twenty-five new officers would be required to fulfil an arbitration award requiring two-man squad cars at night. Another 18 officers are required to expand have been asked to contribute $6.654.252. Mayor Jimn Gartshore says he is appalled that the region should even consider a study of the effects of closing the changed their minds about the need for a police station, for they consider that with- out the station the town is unpoliced. Broolklin. study plan questioned The Donovan Pinker study for the secondary plan for Brooklin has hit a snag. -According to Durham regional staff there are "(substantial sho rtcomiîngs" in the phase one report on the financial and transportation implications cf growth. Therefore the staff have asked the region te recom- mend to Whitby th.at phase two of the plan be tempor-. arily shelved. Counceillor Joy Thoînpson, however, managed te get the region's planning and develop- ment commnittee te table the staff comments for one month, to allow for a joint meeting of the regional staff, Semer Rumm cf Consolidated Building Corporation which owns a large amount cf land around Brooklin, Whitby Council, and the Donovan F. Pinker consultants. The purpose cf this meet- ing weuld be te discuss the regional staff's criticisms cf the phase one report, said Councillor Thompson.. Phase one of the study plan was presented to the Whitby council- on Feb. 14 and the study was sent to the region, ministry of housing, Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority and the technical advisory coî-nmrittee for conments. The regional staff consider that the study's findings that growth of Brooklin to 10,000 people would not place an extraordinary financial burden on the region "is certainly premnature and possibly erroneous." The staff also stated that the study's conclusion' that there should be no unusual demand for debenturei'inaflc- ing resulting from the growth of Brooklin if present financ- ing arrangements continue, is also premature and possibly errofleous. According to the regional staff, the phase one report does flot provide a "sufficient' ly thoroughi review'" cf the impact on the region of Brooklin's growth to 10,000 people. Two areas of regional con- cern are industry and educal ion. Tlhc regional staff do) nul conisider that developînctit of Brooklln- wilI expanid thli Cont'd on P. 2 A PLAQUE FROM THE FREE -PRESS Free Press Publisher and Managing Editor Mike Burgess Mayor Hutchison, Mr. Burgess,9 presented Ernest Hutchison, Mayor of Whitby England, Whitby England, and his wife Ire witb a plaque from the newspaper's staff, on the occasion the Bests will be in town until Mo of his visit te Whitby Monday. From left to right are our own Mavor iim Gartshore. Mayoress Ellen Hutchison, Councillor Henry Best, of ýne. Mayor Hutchison and )flday. Free Press Photo by Brian Winter Witby man is charged wvith;murder A 36-year-old Whitby taxi driver was charged with murder, by Durham Regional Police, after his estranged wife was fatally stabbed Thursday on an Oshawa street corner. Charged is Benjamin Wildamar Lesniewsky, of 108 Dundas St. W. He is being held in custody at the regional police ýheadquarters in Oshawa. - Doctors at the Oshawa General HQs5pital attempted to- save' the life of the victim, who had suffered multiple knife wounds to her back and chest, but she died on the operating table at 6: 10 p.m., 40 minutes after she was attack ed. Dead-is Jacoba Lesniewsky, 28, of' 189-Cadillac Ave. S., Oshawa. Police said the attack on Mrs. Lesneiwsky began in a car which had been travel- ling eastbound along Adelaide Ave. in Oshawa about 5:30 p.m. The woman escaped from the vehicle, police said, but Was pursued by a man to the corner of Ritson Road. Despite several people's attempts to, corne to her aid, several additional blows were delivered, police said. A suspect was held by witnesses until police arrived. A post mortcm examina- tion was conducted Friday, police said, and an investiga- tion is being supervised by Detective -Sergeant Bob Brown and Detective Ed Wilson. Police said the victimn had been separated fromn her husband for about two months, and was the inother -of a two-year-old soli. Mayo of hitby England receives civie welcome GaMhoeayoaredatc Canadan Lgion,1ro-thei Whitby Ontario rolled out the red carpet for the Mayor and Mayoress cf Whitby, England this week in honor of the first visit ever made tu Whitby by the mayor cf our sister'tuwn. Mayor Ernest Ilutchisun was accompanied by his wife Fllen, who according tu English costoim holds t lie title of' Mayuress, and by Corînicillor Ilcnlry Best and lus wife Irclc. M a yo .r Jli Gartshore and Whthy's First Lody Majoric (jur1shore acted as liosi and hostess to the English visiturs, giving thein a tour cf the town, and showing thenmany places cf interest. Presidents cf local urgani- zations and their wives attended a civic reception Tuesday at the town hall where a nuniber cf presenta- tions were mnade. Mayor Hiutcliison presented Mayor Gartshure with a coat ut arins of Whitby England un an ancient oak plaque from îa church, uver 100 yeurs uld which is belng deniulishied. ie -also presc'ntcd M rs. Whitby jet, une cf the main exporîs cf the Engish town. Mayor Hutchisun presented anuther popular export item frumi Whitby England, a ship in a boittle, a model cf C 'aptain James ,Cuuk's ship, the "Nur thu îubc rl.itd". Mayor Garishuore presented Mayor 1-lutchison withi the Rotary Club sketches of Whut by, On tario, amidI own pins -and ciftTlinks. Mayor .*luteliison hroughit gifts for the Lionis Club, Rifle Club, Red Cross ind Royal counterparts in Whitby, England. Whitby, England is a sea- side resort town cf 13,000 peuple, on the east cuast cf England. Thie town lias 17 counicillurs and une iimayor, whlo is elected bythe couincil aiid nul by the towüspeop1e, as - and. Mayor Ilutchison lias been in office since May, 1976. "VVc are truly overwhelimed withtlie the ception a à d ispit*ality we lhave rcccîvcd", said Mayor lttchison. "W the namies of the places around us. He- referred to Scarborougli, ëickering, New- castle, Sunderland, Durharn, York, and Malton, al cf which are in the sanie part cf England as Whitby. Mayor Hutchison said his visit to Whitby; created miuch interest ini his home town, and nmany clubs and organizations sent badges and Icîters to excliange withi grouips in Wliitby,.Canada. -.Copt'd on P.2