Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1977, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30.,1977, PAGE 9 "'You are mraking the Difference" was the message to the delegates attending the recent Cancer Campaign Conference in Toronto. Pictured at the conference is Mr. John Visser chairman of the Whitby Branch. $2 1,000 is this year's goal for Whitby Cancer Society's Fund -raising Campaign From April 1 to 30, I1,500 volunteer canvassers will be going door-to-door throughi- out Whitby, collecting donations for the Canadian Cancer Society. April is Cancer Month, and the Whitby branch's goal for 1977 is $21,000 says Carnpaign Chiairman Johin Visser. Last year, the Whitby branch successfully mnet its goal of S20,000. More people are living in Whitby this year than last, requiring a need for greater effort by everyone involved to ensure the success of otîr campaign", said Mr. Visser. "With the same dedicated effort and tearn work we are certain we will again exceed our goal". Mr. Visser rerninds Whitby residents that the Cancer Society symbol, known as Caduceus, is the sword that will neyer be laid aside until the fight against Cancer has beeri won. One of the dedicated groups which has been partici- pating in the cancer fund campaign for many years is the Whitby Kiwanis Club, which will be canvassing part of the town this montb. Mr. Visser poinIts, ont thdt S2 million given to the Cancer Society by the Ontario Provincil lottery recet ly. was for i spccif'ii: eovernmettt- supported resezirchi projeci. and lias lot bino t (o \witlb the local canupai-1n. NOTICE TO RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO'MUNICIPAL BOARD by The Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of a By-law to regu late land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 452-77read a first, second and third timne and finally passed on the 24th day of January, A.D., 1977. A copy of the By-Iais furnished herewith. A note givîng an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also f urnished herewvith. Any person interested mayvithin fourteen (14> days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk-Admiîstrator, of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said By-lavv together with a statemnent of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing co support the application for approval of the By-law may wvithin fourteen (Il4> days af ter the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby notice of his support of approval to the said By-law together with a request \for notice of any Hearing that may be hetd givîng also the narne and address to which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve o> the saîd By-law but before doîng so it may appoint a tîme anîd place when any objection to the By-lavv vilt be consîdered. Notice of. any Hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have fîled an objection or.a notice of support and who have left wîth or delîvered to the Clerk- Admînistrator undersigned the address* to which Notice of Hvaring is co he sent. The last date for filing objections wîll be the 1 3th day o> April, A.D., 1977. Dated at the Town of Whîtby thîs 3Oth day of March, A.D. 1977. Wm. H. Watlace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. CLER K-ADMI NISTRATOR 575 Rosstand Road E., Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 C-ORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY BY-LAW NO. 452-77 BEING A BY--LAWV TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2585 WHEREAS, the Municipal Councîl of the Corporation of the Town o> Whitby deems it advisabte to amend By-law number 2585; AND WHEREAS the amendrrents to such By-law as hereinafter set forth, in the opinion of Council, conform co the general intent of the Off icial Plan of the Town; NOW THEREFORE, be ct enacted and it s hereby enacted as a By-laiw of the Corporation o> the Town o> Whîtby by the Cour.cîl chereof AS FOLLOWS: (1) That Subsection 114> of Section 6 of By-lavv Number 2585 lPlanned Width of Street Allowancel is hereby repealed and the foltovving substituced therefore; 6(114> PLANNED WIDTH 0F STREET ALLO WANCE (a) For the purposes of applying the provisions of thîs By-law wi(h respect to "Front Yard" and "E xterior Sîde Yard" requirements, where a lot abuts a street which is designated on Schedule "A" co have a "Planrîed Width of Street Allovvance" groater than 66 feet then such provisions shaîl consider the front lot mie or the side lot mie, or both, as the case may be, to be located alonq the limit of the planned width of street allowance. (b> Where the zone provisions o> this By-law do not otherwise require any "Front Yard" or "E xterior Side Yard" or both and notwith- standing that such yards are not otherwise thus required, no building or other structure shaîl be erecced, used or maintained wvithin that portion of any lot lyîng between the limit of the planned width o> street allowance as designated on Schedule "A" and the limit of the exiscing street allowance. (c> For the purposes of applying the provisions of Subsection (a) and (b> above, the centre- mie of the planned wvidth of street allowance shahi be deemed to be the same as the centre- mie o> the existing street aîlowance. (2> That Schedule "A" to By-law Number 2585 is hereby amended as follows: (il So that the portions o> the streets su designa- ted on Schedule "A-1"- annexed to this By-lawt shaîl have a Planned Width of Stieet Allowiiiici of 86 f eet and not as heretuf or desiîjnated oin the said Schedulît "A"; aînd, (i il Sc t hat the streets su designated on Seîidu tt? '-A-i1 ' aritiexedIo w iis By-Iiîw shl have tliîv "Plaîid Vidî h <ofSt reet AI Iowai icî:" eh inl (3) That u (iaq phli> of îara(înîaph ((>1 fsîuîse:tin (2) of Section 1 7 ot By-laivvNtitnîx!i 2585 (Distaiice [r <rn Lot Line i s bt Iti!ly i epea led anud Ilt h! 1(11 lwii sub)si tte t b ereloi:» 17 (2> ) (îli FRONT YARD AND EXTERIOR SIDE YARD (A> Where a building or structure has a height in excers of 45 feot, a front yard or exterior side yard, or both, as the case may be, of a distance equal to one-thir d of the height of the building or .;ructure shall be provided, and (B> Where a lot abuts any o> the streets listed here- under, no portion o> any building or strucutre under, no portion of any building or structure shaîl be located thereon dloser than 43 feet to the centreline of such streets, namely: Mary Street Coîborne Street Green Street Frances Street Byron Street Perry Street (41 That thîs By-law shaîl corne into force on the date it s passed by the Council of the Tovvn of Whitby subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board, BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TH DAY 0F JANýUARY, A.D., 1977. W. H. Wallace Cler k-Administrator Gartshore Mayo r SCHEDULE A-I 'i , IdleiI- " y TO BY LA 4' 4 c Du,, .Iil of t4To-en cfi hii'> IY/7. 2' 0 tW PLANNED WIOTH 0F STREET ALLOWANCE REOUCF.O 1TO1 Ap 86' ON THOSE STREETS MARKED THUS.. t(H) PLANNEO WIDTH 0F STREET ALLOWANCE DELETEO ON ON THOSE STREETS MARKEO THUS.. SCALE- "=800' EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFF ECT 0F BY-LAW NUM BER 452-77 Uhe pipose t! iti h eet (if By-lavw Nuilibei 452-77 is to amend Resti-izted Aiea lZotiiiîq> BSy-law 2585 to reduce the pîanned widch i sieet alluwance oin certain streets covered by By-law Numiei 2585,. w i vdel ,îtî t [le pirovisions of Section 6 (14), "lnîdWidt b of Sti net Allowîance" and co estabîish a înîîîînîîîn se!ttiiiek h in certain streets for non residential uses iii t he C-3, Cvilital Commercial Zone. Ali intei ual concernîng thîs application is on file and open for puLblic inspection at the Planning Department, Iocated at 575 Rosslarid Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Tt!lephonie: (416) 6d8-5803 No h oi "fut;Iduorex teloi 1Si(li'vald 1 S I i!(tt l i exc:ept,- s's PýupOels Th1e original Barefoot Comtort Shoes Sec our w4indows for the latest in Spring fashions. COLLINS SHOES 119 9OCK ST. S. Downtown Whltby Opel Diý il 6 M. bWl Nutrite's Happy G;ardeniflg wihMarc Listen to CKLB 1350 Z Saturday Mornings 9:30 Live Phone Iii . Answers Al A n Marc Thibaud President of Oshawa Gardon Service 0Pr,,o

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