WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977, PAGE 3 Newsletter receivedfrom Whi*tby,-New Zealand Did you kîiwv tliat thle re is a Whitby ini New Zealaiid? We didn't tiîitii we rceivcd a riewsletter eiîtitled -News From iWhittby. The New Coinîîiuniity". publislied ili Deceîîiber I1Q76. Wlitby iii New Zoalaid is a mîodernî tow~ii develo1iet by Conînîuîiity Deveicpiits ConIsort itIn. Like li it b Onitario. it is rapidiv deveiop- ing residetîtiai conîniiitlity. with pleîîty of lewv homes beig but. Newvs cf Wlitby New Zealand imcludes construction of homes and sew ers, the possible initroduction cf natural gas mains, and the cOUSIltic tioti Of a teniils andi squaslhcli. 'w1(it hy lias a1 Lions Club, cita rtered iii Apt-il, 1I976, Seou t and Guide t roops, a nd a bowlIing grecin uow undcî' construction. Thie Scouts semii Io have thie saine prob- leis as uls iii ohtaiîîîng niew leaders. anid bottie drives, like cone recenfiy hield in Whiitby Ont ario, are a nmajor fuond- The niewsletter states that Wliitby, New Zealand was iatinched as a niew town in 1965, and work is currently proceeding in the develop- nient cf Stages 10 tlirough 12 cf the community. Stages 14 to 18 are about to begin. First sections will be available for salë about t he enid of' the smier corI1978. Plans cati for the Coni- structioli ot intermiediaîte anîd seconidary schools on a 3.5- acre site, and a major sport- ing complex and shopping centre. Fromi the pictures in the newsletter, Whitby, Newv Zealand is located in a couintryside of roling hilis, with large nmodern subdivi- siens. In the last quarter of 1976, 30 familles teok up residence in Whitby. "BecaLîse of the sii.e of Whitby now, it has becomne impossible to rnaintain the degree of' perisonal contact needed to assess wlether all I'anilies have children", te newsletter reports. it docs îîot say hoW large the coi- mnunity is. Anyonc interested ini Icarning more ahout Whitby in New Zealand, may writc to Community Developments Consortium, P.O. Box 5412 1, Plimmerton, New Zealand. Wage roli-backs threatened for Croven Ltd. Both union and naiage- mîent officiais appear te be onited ini their opposition te a wage rollback for 130 enployees cf Croven Ltd. by the Anti-Inflation Board. Last week the AIB ruled that a 13.6 per cent wage increase in the first year cf a two-year contract be rolled back te eight per cent, and an increase cf 6.34 per cent in the second year be rolled back te six per cent. The Ontario Labor Rela- tions Board infornied Croven that if the contract was rolied back the two parties should retorri te negotiations at the point wlîere they were when the coîîtract wvas settled on Jonc 2, 1976. Steve Ninigcon. internation- al representative for tue United Auto Workers Union. said he interpreted the ruiing te mnean that the co'ntract was void if there was a roil- back, and the union wouild have te consider negotiating a one-year settlement. The rolback, he said would cut the average worker s pay by 20 cenîts an hlour froml S4.48 te S4.28, and each employee would have to pay SI175 back to the company. wnten the union first heard cf the roliback it h1ad coin- sidered a strike. but notiiing deveioped wli ltilie Onîtario Lîbor Relations Board de- clinied to give a ru ling on the Imatter. Croven Ltd. on Beecli Street,. is d mîanutactutrer of' quart.! crystals. Three lîundred and fifty Junior Farmîters froii across Ontario represented 8,000 nienîbers at the Junîior Fariner Annîua! Meeting and Provinîcial Conference at tic Prinîce Hotel1 in Toronto, Mardi I18 anid 19. Reprcseîîting On t arit Couinty Junîior Fariers were George Soîîley R.R. No. 2" Whitby, and Wiliiia Gutîtrie R.R. No. 2 Whitbv iiîeiîher-, of' the Brooklin club. Thîis year 1s conferciice iookcd at te role of '"Yotu'.h ini Societ". Witlî al series of' speakers îalkiiigon Young people's roles iincd ocatioli. cnergy conservat ion, constini- er- lawv. iuiîaî kinetics and [tie faîmily unîit. delegates broadened tlieir view cf wviat ilîcir noIes coid bcein our socictv Pinewood Derby Winners During the first two weeks cf March the Cubs cf Whitby District have been holding their Aîînual Pinewood Derby. This year 12 Packs in the District cornpeted in the îîightiy run offs. Saturday, March i12 was the "BIG" day for tiîat is when tic finals were, ron. The winners for year were: Speed: It Mlike Gores Brooklin 211d Rodney Nichols 4th Wlitby 3rd Mike Wilde Port Whitby 4tlî Grant Harding Whitby 5th Greg Dawsoni Whitby 6t li Darin Berger Whitby ___ 1 st Speed: 1-4 3rd 3rd Design: lst- Kelly Kane - 1 st Whitby 2nd- Tony Scheuffler - 2nd Brooklin 3rd Colin Moore - st Brooklin 4th - Peter Melipa- 3rd Whitby 5tlî Robbie Tran- 3rd Whitby 6t.h - John Freek 4th B Whitby This year the leader had a chance to participate as wel and the 3 winners were 1Ist Warren Berger - Whitby 2nd David Stocks - Brooklin 3rd Pao Kopsala -- B Whitby. I st 5th "The shoe wit h the magic solepf See our windowsjfir tme la test in Spring fas/zions. Collins Shoos 119Uckk St.i OWUOWN WHITBY Open En" ,Daq Until 6 p... Fnidai Until 9 FORD LEASING E-100 CARGO VAN $145. COU GAR XR7 *1393 F-UNi STYLED SUDE PICKUP143. MERCURYS $148. MONARCHS 11119. LINCOINS '*259. COUGARS $129. MRKV$275.36MNHNTLAE-4,0 REMLS 4 DUINLML.AKFRRYFJLN PRICES APPLY ON STOCK UINTS OR FACTORY ORDERS 683-5541 683-5540 68-54 lulu L oe~U0 1 KINGSTON RD. F., PICKERUNG Annual Meeting for Junior Farmers