Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS uJ Voice of the Cou nty Town Mil The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and opee SERVUNG OVER 28,000 READERS Comniunity Editor r Pubîished every 'Wednesday Contributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promotional by M.B.M. Publishing. Manager aand Pbotography Ine. ÇîassÎfied Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 Circulation Manager 121 Brock Street North, - Better Business Bu. keBurgess, Publîsher- Managung Edlitor P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamber o -Brian Wiflter -Jim Quail -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyot' -Marlefle Byromi -Sharon Lyonl t No. 460 rof the., ireau ot Toronto ofComrce _ Saysreader: Salting of roads destructive! Dear Sirs: t is a sad state ofs affairs that prompts thiss letter. The situation oft salting thie roads in winterc to meit the snow, is at seriouis detriment to ouir environment. The damnage that it does is severe- trees, grass, flowers, shrubs are poisoned, andi we ail sit back watching1 the destrîAction becomne increasingly worse year after year. Each year it becomies more criticai. Millions of dollars of the tax- payers' monley are spent by the Departmient of Transport, suipposedly to make. our higlivays, avenuies, roads and streets safer duLring, the cruicial winter nmonthis.. These millions of' dollarsý in sait destroy r-nuich of ouir natuirai beauity and aiso ruLst ouir cars. damage footwear and ciothing. We are very qutick to cast asper- tion on the car mianufac- turers whiie t le real villain is SA LT uised excessiveiv and need- lessiy. A car is stili a Iiuxury iteiîl for the mnajority of Lis, but in as mlany cases it is a necessity. The cost of repairs or replace- ments is pheinmenal. What hiappens to the uise of SAND'? (t more thani served the purpose on slippery roads and there were sufficient sniow ploughs to clear the roadways before sand was spread. No damage was donc to the auto- mobile. The siush and muck caused -when the snow melted from the sait did not exist with the sand. Snow boots were flot as wet or stained anc pets could waik outside withouit the pads of tlii feet being harmed. r After we sit back quietly and (et tlîis destruction of property and pollution of Nature continue, or will some sensible person ini Govern- ment have the Courage to speak up for the people - corne forward and put a stop to this wastefîîî practice? We have good Public Transportation, thiat can be used by the car driver on especially bad days, and if' it is too trcacherous that the normal driver should be (ff'the roads; clearing the way for. those who are more eiperienced. With Iess attonulobiles ()n thle road s a ecl-t pope rat ion would he expended. W ici nj 11jor Siow stornil is -ini effeet, it should be Iaw to prohibit traff ie to ail butj emergelcY 'ehicles until the roads are cieared., After the badl stormns this 'e winiter Mien vnotorists died frozen ini their cars. and in somne cases were niot founid for days. we have ail the proof' we neecl that cars should be kept off the roads at such critical tiîues. The dleani-up or clear- up coulIc be a smoot ber. more rap-,id operationi wvhere the snlow coîîld be re îuovecl fro iu pave- inenits. and with nio sait there voulid be nio inelt- int. , vlich îin turn would eluinilate free/i Ingè, ice whiiciî crcates the îlaiger- ous, slippery cotîîditionis There are so înany argil îulents agrainlst the Luse of' sait that 1 \vonider wlv the Govern îuen t persist s in ulsing -it! One smnall voice create.s lhttle rnoise. but manly sinal voices cani be tii-j niltLî'is' LET'S BI-.1 I il--ARI) Let's spcak up l*or oitr righits. Sav\e mir COIIIîiiuIIItieS our cars our pets our lanidscapc ifroîui the destruction of sait! - Yours truly. Herb Visser 60 Years for Gledhill P. S. Dear Sir: GLEDHILL PUBLIC SCIIOOL, located at 2 Gledhill Ave., in the east end of Toronto, is celc- brating its 6th Anîiiver- sary this year. Plans are uinderway for the week long celebratioîî, which wiii culmimiate ini an Open House on Saturday, May 14, 1977. In order to niake this event a success, we are tryirig to locate al former students and teachers and ask theni to contact the school at the above address. We feel that maîiy of these people we are trying ta find have moved out of the Toronto area, aîîd it will be through your help that we wiil be able to locate them. f you could find space in your weekiy publica- tion to make mention of this event, it wouid bc greatly appreciated. Thanking you in anîtici- pation of' your assistance, 1 reinain, Yours vcry truly, Arthur Bl. Kelly,' -Publicity Cliairrnnnil Charles Gdry.ýoplis Funds desperately needed for arban transport To The Editor: 1 nlote wit h pîcaisure that \Alr. Norian Ca'ik lias takcîî a lîi-h intcrcst in the problei of* water anid sewcr rates ini Dur-liaini Region. This is. of' course, a provinicial anîdnmunici- pal inatter. .a11(l aIt hoLU-gb blis ttood advice is wel- coic p ossib!y lie is \vasting lus windi. t wotild be far more appro priate ilf lie addlress- cd hiiiiiself* to jrobleîiîs wlîiclî are Federal ini nature. Onle of' these is thîe iatter Of'iîrban transport. We dlesperately need fîînds to imiprove oiîr urbami tranisit syteininii thIlec Oslîawa Toronto corridor. .An extensioni and c up-gradiuîg of GO Trainu servic!.s to ()shawa should be onie of the priorities to whicli the Federal Government should provide funIld S. l)urin-" the recent Federal electiomi, suIcI *li fds were proiuiisedl. bUt the lira- luise lias beeîî brokei, and (GO passengers con- tinîue to suffer froiîî a seconîd rate service. Pro- vision of' a fi rst rate service with f req uenilt trips WOîUld be a great saving ini fuLCIas the llitO- iîuobi le il river wou Idi rapidty switcil over to GO Transit. AiniChler problem to \v1- l~i M\r. (afik coîîld ail crcss îI i w s l:r 1telicli- niian's Bav.- Thlere is ample evidenlce. as f'or- warded to the Fedieral ( ovcrn nlienit trom lil office, t bat F ren ch mlai s Bay is urtider Federal jurisdliction. If we wishi to salve thle present impasse. the Federal Covernrnenielt should uise aIl its powers ta expra- priate the nîud on ttue body of water. Yours truly, Charles Godfrey MPP for Durham West New Deinocratie Party Dear Mr. Burgess: Re SPOC-W A.G.M._Panel Tlbank yoîî very îîiich for taking part ini the painel preseiîtatiori at oîîr anîîiai imeetinîg. Thie d is- cussiail certainly was lively and iîîteresting. We were very pieased with the way it went. Whle we didn't solve any problernis riglît tliere, I liope we nîay find it casier to comnîunicate about possible areas of ca-operatioli in the fut 're. Tliat lias to be an acivan- tage gailie(t. Danu Duerdini at Cable- cast i10 lias advised nie tbat the reruins were Mardi 9tb at 2:30 p.m., and March 1 5thi at 9:30 p.nî. We have rarely liad such good press coverage. and i ami sure this is, to a good ilîlasure, due to the invoivemnt of the Chaniber of Commerce. We appreciate you taking this tiîîîe ta assist ils in bringing the public's attentionu to soi-ne of the social needs of our co mmnunities. Yours trulv'. Roberta Adamson, M. S.W. (Mrs.) Executive Director Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby ,,.ySerd lertters ta Letters to the Editor, Whitby free press Box 206 Whitby Thanks go to publisher rated by Whitby residents for Whitbyresidents.

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