Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1977, p. 5

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WHITAY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977, PAGE 5 if you were going to Fiorida and you were the onty driver you mright think twice about a 1 700 mile drive especially if you only had a week. two at the mnost. The probiern of the timie consumning drive wasn't rcally a problem- for mie because there was a group of us going ýand 1 knewwe wouid be doing our driving in shifts. I didn't know the other two iivers were addicts who refused te get out frorn behind t ewheel te lot mie take miy t1m. At first 1 was grateful for the rest in the back of the van because the*week before going on holidays was hectic with ail sorts of last minute detaits te clear up. But after 24 heurs rest on the road I was ready te do a lit le driving te reieve the boredon. Driving in a van is super if you have a group of people willing to take turns driving. There were five of us in our van and there were ttiree vans. 0cr van boasted a 30 gallon gas tank. But G.M. you l'ergot one littie important detail. The van nay well go l'or five heurs without stopping to fi up but the passengers definitely cannot go for that long %vtheit stopping te unload. To make things worse in the states nmany of (the gas stations seli coid beer and that mneant we often stopped after using oniy a 1/4' of a tank of gas. We ail feit sornewhat foolish in Georgia Mvien. alter driving ail night, we pulled into a (las station about 10:00 a.ni. and hopped eut te be greeted by a bewildered pas, station attendant trying te figure eut why we werc alI wearing ski jackets, scarves, toques and the like. The teniperature, even at 10:00 i.ml. xvas clese te 70 degrees. We just explained it by saying. "We're Canadians!- lt's surprising how înuch nutty behlavier yec can explain aivay in the U.S. with that line. Anyway the trip down went wvell and before we knew it we had found a campsite in Fort Lauiderdate. set up the tent traiter and were settling back for a nfigtît's sleep. Except for me - somethîng happened to miy sidle of the camper and in my sieep 1 alr-nest relled downhitl and ou't of the foot thing. 1 ne seoner got rnyself tiedI back in Mvhen 1 noticed it miust be raining as 1I ceuld hecar il octside eveni th')ugh it didn't seem te be hiitting the reofoet the camper. 1 aise noticed a neighibeuring traiter liad the loudest alarmi dlock 've ever heard in nmv life. Il ti(edod ike a tinme bomb it ticked se bcud! Great' 0cr first nighit in Florid. I'm kept awvake by an alarm dcock and it's raining. The next morning 1 stepped OLu t Othe1Cam11per "gingerly expecting te have te dodge puiddles but the ground wvas dry. After a quick loek around the svhole thing becamoe stupidly clear. The ramin heard was the water frein the sprinklers of* a giant nursery that backed ente the calpgroLititd The A I MORIGAGES 1 M 1 'r E 0 1-st & 2nd Arrongod; Bought an'd Sold at Prime Rates c.uu Peteir Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 101 Mary St.W. WHITBY ground et ofli nuise ry mis coed witti plastic sîîootiiîg, ionce thle noise olet' ho'ram" w as a nipli fied. l'le tickitug alar i c teck was acitcally tfilet icking et. tlie gi aiit comime rcialI .Sprinkler closost te tlhc touit traite r. Upeni disceveriiig aHl th is t wo wiId, pa rr t s iii thelie urse ry sta rted a iisy ligli) t I wis clos1e te cIiscoeor iug hew i lii lie ille au d jail senitenice was fer, demeilishilng a nurse ry, leck, stock, sprinkler and parrmts. As i0 hirtiedouot our gietip didnut lave aiîy "radi c' exce1ît fer tflie nursery kind. WMite aIt ihati particut-ar traiter camîp wo neticed t(liai we wcro tlic only ltint trailer iii thie wheole park aund we were alm se o ouy burnch eat itg aîîd cookinig ou tcdoors. Wo wcrc aIl rogarded withl a certaini amcnt of suspicion by thec tocats wtîe were we;tring their wvoIlies wîîite we we re oct iin our short-sicoved shirts aic pan ts barbecu1iiig hiot dogs alid hiamburge rs anid roiîiarking about I.îw wamuit xivas. In seîîie cases we dîdu 't have te teIt people. t wotcl tîoar t ho ii incîrihle as ttîoy watked by... "Mucst ho Cana,ýdi-i s". We didîî't care. Fer a week we toLircLIail thîe way freîîî iortlîcrii Flerida te Alligator Alley, te tlie gul f coust an d up centrat Helrida Ieo('rystal rive r te scuba dive with tthe Mat.liee. or sea co\ws. Thîe oely probtem ttat persisted tlro .iget ilite ît ire t rip was tryîiîg te finidreoli in tlie vain foi aIl theo soc venlirs and bargainduit lt'ive people kept snappiiig Lii). I ca u'î tell you how xve cid ilt bu t IxvilltellI yo lita we wverof'ive vomy inorveus Caîîddiains Miein weo ote i Caiîadian custonîis horde r iii Windsor. Now ail wvc have 10 tigcure ouit is wtîere IL) instaîlthIte "hie..d'oibm nxt year's trip se sve don 't toso se ililLuci diviîîg ti me \viî h 'rest" S toeps. 1With Early Selections To Choose From Painters Pants & Summer Slacks $1598 IPashitons 126 I'r-in 'i-u asIiuis Tu-du v Sizes 5-15 6-1.6 126 BROCK ST. S., WHITBV 668-1266 Charqex Hours: 9.6, Mon.-Sat. Fni. 9-9 Mast aercharqe THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668 - 7797 Hours Mon--Sat. & Evenings by Appointment Only im he OtawaTuli FetidTour May 14-15 TOUR INCLUDES: *Return transportation by Voyageur Bus Lines *One nite's accommodation at Holiday Inn Centre Ab *Tour of Ottawa's tutip areas *Experimental Farm featuring 1200 acres of f Iower beds 8 ornamental gardens *Admission tu OId Ft. Henry *Tour escort *Baggage handling (1 piece) *Hotel tax *Meals not included AT ES Single - $61 .00 (Twin - $49,00 pet person 'KTriple - $44 .00 per person Quad - $41.50 per person CONTACT RUSELLTRAVEL 116 BflOaSr. S.,WHITBY 668, Hours mon -Sut 9-5 A UNIQUE, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN WHITBY NEW IN CA NAD A. An exciting retait concept that'sf un and profitable to operate. Our firm -represents a proven manufacturing and retail network Li the U.S. and is part of a major growvth industry of over 2,000 stores Nationwide. The concept and products cater to the boomning do it yourself anid leisure miarkets. In less than one year we have quickly grown to i18 locations in Ontario. Our prograrn includes complete trainiig, set up assistance and continuing business guidance. Total investment as low as $15,000.00 including inventory, store renovations etc. For information cali 9 arn to 10 pm 41 6.275-7942 or 705-728-7588. Consolidated Building Corporation announces the opening of its Community Concept Centre in Brooklin on Baldwin St. at the old bank building We wilI be taîking about THE OLD-NEW BROOK LIN ipreserve the past and enhance the future rTuesday afternoons from 1 p.m. to. 6 p.m. sday evenings from 5 p.iTi. toi 10 p.m. evenings f rom 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Drop in and pay us a visit PHONE - 655-3391 - i (I \ How to We are open a nid Wednes and Thursday Frodorick B. Bogg Barry L. Evans Announco theOopening Announce the opening of their office for the practice of law under the firm name of EVANS e&qBAGG 113B Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-5200 LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that M1r. Geoffrey forrnerlv of ua Beautv Salon has joined our staff MR. GEOFFREY styles hair with elegant ease. He has the Iatest training in ail areas of cut-stylîiig & perming. L 19 Ge S. 6Ü»22 'r- hh i 'lt 1 1%:.i a à 1 1

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