Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977, WHITBYý FRIEE PRESS Br~k1in. ~ Byines No more excuse after thîs Saturday to be drivînig 1îîond in a dirty tcar/truckfvan beLause the 2nd Brooklin S.otits wiIi be washiing every vehîie thdt is broughit to Croxalls I-ardwdre between twelve noon and six pan. Take yours there eariy while the boys are stili bright and energetît.- no telling how tired they* will be by 5:30. They wîII do za first-rate job of washing your car and are certaînly worthy of your support, Thev ar.e trying to raise funds to send ten WESCO WEEDSPRAYING& LAWN MAINTENANCE Weed Spraying Lawn Rolling Fertiizing Seeding Aerating Socddïng Avoid a long wait. Make an appoîntment now for a beautif u1 Iawn CeUl 655-3932 - M. N. Sinith Brooklin ___________________________________ w BROWN'S boys Pluts oncielea de r to t lus ya's( alan JIll orc wh ichI will bchld i Cahot Provinicial lPark, PI Ci-ou p '74 mcimbcrs arc - reninided of' t heu- regular regtîiar mionltlily mleetinig oni Monacay Api-il 41 h. 8 p.m. utm Brookliin Conîmuîu iity Centre. Meadowcî-est Parenits' Croup will hiold an openl meeting on Ttiesday , Apiçu'il Zhat8 linai (Meaýdowcrcst Schlool - Those teachièrs ind Iparents iii tcrestedl are învited (o a ttend an d heu r guest speaker. M rs. Bu nia ru I lube rt, Ian Osha iwa- teuchei-, disctiss the Purenit Vol un teer Progrunu - !t, is interestinig 10 observe lîow parents and t-icchers ini other cil jes are coinitted Io programns of' mtual co-operat ion and support. Ifyou have children uat Meadowcrcst try to at tenid luis meceting. Parenits antidteýachers shure a coninioni responisibility to provide the very besi educatioii lor each and every child and the Parent Voluntteer Pî-ogram miiighit bc a valuiable resou rce ini mir commun tiiity come Io (thc meeting and leurii a little more about il. Huave a good week. Vale rie 055-431 7. Friday, April i st - "Aprîl Shiowers" 'luashion show sponsorcd by Brooklini district Kiniettes. 8 p.m. ut Meadow- crest School. Sunday, April 3rd - I)tirliuînl Trail Riders Sniowmiobile Club ineet. 8 p.nu., euh 055-4422 f'or more iimforimatioii. Wednesday, April 6th - Kiniettes ined ut Kedron Delis, Wednesday, April 6th -'l st und 211d Brooklini Guides are hiavinig a Swim n iighit ut roquois Park pool. 1hursday., April 7th - "Lunielcon is Brookin iUnitcd Chlurch.I, 1 iî Ticke ts arc Sunday, April lOth - Eaitr breakfa.-st United Church, 8:30 a.m. Tickets are SI1.0O. Served" ut S2.00. ut thîe Myrtie Whitby Chamber of Commerce -well on way to goal of one hundred member increase! The Whitby Chamber Commerce is weli onl its m lo rcaching ils goal of' nîeîbership increase of' I milenmbe rs. Through personal calls local businesses, Preside Gord [ianna signed t approxiîately 90 new mei bers iin February, thus dou 'ing the ('harnber's 1 9' mienmbership. TheChaîîîber office in tI YMCA office ut the Cente niai Building, lias a coînpl library of' out-of-town ci directories, javaiIable to t' nmcmbership for referen purposes. In addition to increasi the reference material f business people iin the tow the Chaînher is planning sici uctivities for the memibers. A meîmbership dinner ai dance wiil be heid April ut the Regal Roomi in t Ceuitennial Bilidinig. Tick( will be availabie early in Ap FOODMASTE R BROOKLIN, ONTARIO PHONE 65-4521 NORTH- WHITBY STORE HOURS DE'<"~" ATOPEN SIX IiAYS A WEEK DELIVRY AT8:30 arn. - 6 p.m. NOMINAL 3BGD Y EXCEPT THURS & FR1 CHARGE 3BG A S NIGHfS 'TII. 9 p.n. Thursday Mar. 26 to Sat, April 2 *ULT MEAT Cut from Canada Grade '*A" bref ROUNDliç STEAK 1.10 FULL SLICE WeAr CUT filou CANADA GRADE .A- BEF - TOP ROUND PROM BIEF IS ~ROUNDSTEAK 1,44VA F5155 MINCES - MOEIJM ~GROUND BEEF e78, BEADPRIE-EALLNESSBACON 1.29ea DEVON SAUSAGE -78 ï MAFLX LEAF61-4Z PACKAGE 1 FR55 AND TASTY Cooked iHaii,9 rd vr 3 PEUH - POR SWIMT Spoerbsi 1ibWIENERS 691, CREALM of SSi,,"5cE CHIEF BOY-AR-DIE MMNIRAVOLI 09 FS FL OZ IN SITH BAND ONTARIO BEEFARONI 4 9 No. 1 TABLI OTATOES SEL MONTS -FANCY -SUCES $1" 206h en PEACHESWI Or 73< NCELLOCO'S 1"<Z PACKAGE SPECIAL 'k' sl.09 HONEY SW§fT CALIFORNIA SALADA PACKAGE Of N SUNKISI NAVEL DRME* TUA BACS sl.15 8'91 IFF. -INSTANT MANSM) 1..01PACKAGE '<'POTATOES 89C CRISPY FEESH CALIFORNIA KU sOPAAG me. 1LETTC MB CE EMASZ àl yR L 93c FURINA 2-4 PACKAGE DU Chowsl,.39 WUOMPI NSOAIF P,&.-P. IR( ACKAGK of 3 SUNLIGHT 57C FEMME PACKAGE Of la KOTEX w-s 85c ANTMEKFM 915e COUPON fN PAGI latMsIP OZOTLE rAgents For LISTRINEsl.59 SCUICKIU.ds98C eUSO TEWE Moxwell Nos. ROA STE O COFFEE 1L teA0 3.19 Laura Sec<>d A SSOR TE D Puddings 4 . 02 ,TINS 79 c Dole SLICED or CRUSHED Pineapple Bonnie PARCHMENT Mrgarine N taPACKAGE K ELLO GG'S CORN FLAKES 16-O PACKAGE 69 c Il fL Z TIN 49c M1A oIGTASBU 28 FL -OZONm HABITNTs«49e BA L A D A SIR E N "tSFL O Z KA MIRACLE wnur 66C FLAVOUN CITITALS 41 31,01O PACEAGE TANG OirANE s1.09 FLOU R 748 LAD e2 BAGU L - m»sd- mEAt OmR mS om I-F i& I AR SPAGHETTI Sue55C BÀU ootD InSUE 2IND 1 EL AID DELSET TISSUE 57C ING MI -4E-Bm OXYDOL ht.rg.nt s2.49 mma -GiPACIEO SPIC & SPAN $11929 BON EL ESS RUMP or BOTTOM ROUND ROASTS COr PROM128 LOIN STEJAKS Sirlol,, T-Roi , Wing PERCH FILLETS 1,1. PACKAGE BIRDS EVE 1 -Litre Cont. COOL WHIP 89c Supreme - Whoie 2-Lb poly bug KERNEL CORN 79c Country Maid - SIiced 15-oz Pkg STRAWBERRIES 69C SWEETHEART PINK LIOUID 32 AI Oz. Cotainr79c AERO- WAX 1.10.110 WAX 27 KI O0& Ù@uim S 1.59 TEi ()I ,ay on nt Up. n- b- 76 be ty he ng for vnf, ial ind 23 by calling the Chamner ofllice ut 668-4506'. The Chiamber has sent letters lu its inuenhers, inform- ing themn of. the efforts of the Ajax Chamnber of Commerce to i-neet -with regional officiais to discuss the inipuet of flic water and sewer bills on industry. Chamber n-embersattended the industrial seminar spon- sored by Ontario' Riding MP Norm Cafik, in Oshawa, March 9, ACCORD, (The Association of Chaînbers of Commerce of the Region of Durham) co-sponsored this event. Block'Parents Celebrate first anniversary lie Af ter one year of ope ration, ets Whitby's -Block Parents pro- ui gramn has a membership of 900 Block Parents, and has I-plaved an effective noie in jhelping chiidren of the town. nThe Block Parents report that one observant Blck Parent contacted the police to report a vehicie which repeatediy passed a schooi bus that wvas stopping to uno:îd passengers. The flash- ing signais on the bus were operating and ptolice issued a wurning to the notorist as a resuit of tlîis report. A frighîtened eight-year-old boy sotîgit heip and comfort frtm- a Block Parent after being foliowed homie by a ni in a car f or severai nîghts in a rowv. The Block Parents re- ported the incident and the car's licence numben 10 police. Snowbail injuries, buily- ing. itst childnen. twisted ankies and wet feet were ail reported and cared for by Bltck Parents ini the past three nmon ths. Arrangemients hlave been nmade in most Whitby schoois to contact parents of absentee stîdents to ensure that the parents are mware their child is îlot ut school. Parents are being asked to notify schooi.s by nîotes if tiîeir chiidren are going lu be absent for appoint- inents. etc. A rea conînittees of Block Parents are presently wvôrking on felt hourd and puppet showv prodLictions 10 present ut scliools to assist the schools aild police department in educating chiidren about the Block Parent Prograin and safety ini genenai.' The Block Parents wiii be holding their first annivem-sany dance 'Aprii 30 ut 8 p.m. at Fantasy Land Park, on High- way I12. north of Taunton Road. Tickets are available froîn unea chairnien. Reduction in blood donations attributed to winter break The winter break contri- buted to a reduction in flice nwimber of donations ut the Wlîitby Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic Mardi 23. but thie ciinic vas "quite satisf'actory"*. Mr.%. Joyce Cox reports. Mrs. Cox said 341 people attended the clinic. and there were 31I7 biood donîationîs. lIn November tlîe ciinic liad a record 376 donations. Tlîe uext Rked Cross blood donor eliiiic wilI be Jitly (i t the Legion 1-Jil. Et) WHITE, FOO STOR .Mod

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