Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1977, p. 7

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Brian Winter's -Hilstorical ~:Whiýtby BROOKLIN CHURCHES Brooklîn, since its earliest days lias been a village of' churches. 50 much su that one early writer was led to commnent that the village wvas ut' somne worth because it had more clînrches than taverns. The rirst clîurch in Brooklin was bifft by the Meîliodist Episcopal denomnination in 1 845 at a cost of $ 1,600. It xvas a large framne building locatedi near the site of Mitchell Brothers lumiber supply shop of today, and wvas known as the "'White Church". Jacob Cronk, Johin Campbell and Moses Bartlett eacli provided $400 towards its construction. The White Church lîad its own cemnetery, the fIrst and only cemnetery in Brooklin., It had a strong and nroiminent Corridor, * Capers Hope everyone sUrvived the Spring Break. For nie. it was an opportunity to have the tln vhile our daughter was here to keep the homne fires burning. Welconie horne to ail the sunburned Florida vacat ioniers. Fromn the exciting news I have been rcceiving, the \veaher in the Sunny South wvas exceptional. The reception for the Mayor and Mayoress of Whiîby Engîand wvas a delightfuî affair. England lias îîut beeii mie Ou my dream vacation areas. but sirice ineetin,- aîiid cliattîngl colîgregation , tîîanks inîaýiiîîy luto lie piesence ou' Rev. Phlîander Smithb, D.D. , Bisliop uf'tthe Met hodist Elpiscupa I Cînuircli in Caniada, wlîo bail ls lîc-admnarfers in Bruoklinl. Hle lîad onie ut' the first brick bouses in flic village. .[le was boni in Scliohairec Cotnty, New York April 27, I796, aiîd died' al Brouklu Mardli 28, I1870 a! Ithe age uof îiearîy 74, iin the SIst year ut' Ilis inisf ry. I is conigrega- tionî ra ised $1I,500 l'or a mienîîorna I st unie pla ced on ii s grave. ['lie Episcopal M etlîodists, WesleYaii Method)(ists anîd hue Bible Clîristians united iii 1884, an d the Wbite CILînrch wa'1s iakeit uver by thie Saîvatlun Arîîî1y. luthec I890s if was cunverted inito stores. Il ite I1920s it was deîîîlislied tu mîake way l'or a bank building. After flic White Chur-ci1 ceased lu be nsed, thie graves ini its ceîietery were îîoved tu Groveside Ceînetcry, soutlî uf Brookl in, whicli had been establislied by Steplîeîî Mead Tioiasuhîi 1874. 'Flic Bible Christ iaîis, wbiclî were inivulvedi in thîe union utf I1884, bUilt a brick cluoircllin 1 I876 on l lie cornier uf' wliat is nuw Cassels Road and Clîtrcli Street. Il) 1884, thie Baptist congregation 01n the seventh concessionu, founded by lsrael Marsli in the I1840s, muved ilito the Bibîle Cliristin Cliorcli and lueld services' tliere tli f hev c i ç a Il le d l 1î() <1 6« witlî these two lascinaling peuple, I an convince(l that ut least Wlitby, Frigîand will be a mîust. The twinning with Ibis littice towî sbouîld prove tu be very enjoyable. Calîs received froîii Courtice anîd Brookîiîi area residents leads îîie f0 believe Iliat aIl is nul welIin parts of Durfiani Regioni. Massive developienit enceruacling tlîe areat, leaves residenîts dist urbed. Draistic bylaw chianîges lu accomodate developers' proposaIs seeini lubce b lîîîan cry. Lack of coîiîmunicatiîi it b local ('ouicils is antier concemn. Tlîey feel thie changes will îlot better flic cuiiîîniuniity,.buit wvilI creale n nnierous prolîleiiis and luardslips l'or tbe existiîn. resideîits. Tluey \eîcoîîe new developiet. but woiîld prel'er il bu ble d n t o thle existiîîg comuninity ilisteadi of* swa Ilu wiîî i t. Dues t lus suuid l'aimiiliar'? Sonlewvlie re thle me i us t[lie a So l ut ion t o thle niiiv colîce ris f'aciîug local residenits. \MzYb)C if' bhc developers \vere 1,' rcc d nu live in tbeiî -f)' townu iionise creait ions, t bey wuuld t hiîl iCk twic e ~l Oakuî thlerS bu SUrvive iîî snclu crowded TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1977, PAGE 7 liiI1922 tîtl'c()d echurcîn b)ecîiîc flic W'hitby Township mlunlicipal office, and was rcplac d. h yla new building in 1965. Siîîce 1967, the old Bible Clîhristiàtn Çhurch lias been flic Bruuklin Cunîiîiunity ('entre. 'Flic Wcsleyan Metliodists, tlîc third group in the union uofI1884. fiui If a rouiglîcast cliurch un tic souh side of the six 1h conîcessionî iî the J1850s, wlîich was replaced with a fine brick cliurch with a steeple in 1867, at a cust of $0,000. This is the Bruuklîî United Clîuirch uof today. Rev. Dr. Woud, the Suiperiîîîendcnt of Missions ý ur Canada , laiid he cornier stone on1 May 24, I1867, and the occasion was mai-rcl witlî a bazaar- and an evening concer't. Tlhe cîturcli, which scats 700 peuple, was dedicated on De c. 22, 1 867. Rev. Dr. Nelles, President of Victoria College, tlîe president of the Methodist Church Conference, anîd Rev. W. Pollard preachcd îthe opelîing sermons. A collectionî was taken Lip, amouîîîing, to $78, a considerable suirn ini tlose days. A tea" was held thie foluwing Monday afternoon, at wîîiclî $70 was raised, and subscriptions pledged to clear the clîurch of ail] debts, amunfi ing tu $1 ,400. On New Year's Eve., the unitet choirs of Oshawa, Whitby, Brouklin, and Columbus Methodist churches presented a sacred concert ini the new church. (con tinued next week) conditions. Lvenîthe Mayor of Wliitby, England 'was finîpressed witb Itie spacious ground surrounding our homes as conîpared lu crowding in lis horîîeland. We should learn by other nistakes. From Westminster United Cburch Palmn Sunday, April 3rd. Good Friday Service, April 8th, Il a.m. at St. Mark's Cîîurclî, Wiîby. Easter Day, April I Oth 7:30 ani. 'SUnrise' Service aItbe church followed by an Easter breakfast. 11:00 a.m. Easter Worsliip Spring is here, anîd witlî il will' corne Lacrosse, basebaîl aîîd uthier spriîîg tinie sports. Lets hear from you so that 1 niay report the sports scliedules. hiave a good weck. M. McEachern 725-8967. Should yuu receive mail. %vlîat us the first îhi,g yoîu look for? As a business person. prohably chîcques a Ild orders--but as a lay persun. l*1l bet YOLI watcîî for personal letters. One of 'the simple pleasures of lite ilst he in receiving'a personal letter -- band w.ritten. Frorn tle momient tlhe envelope is in Vyuur lancîs 01)il yuu open il up yuu are tilIed witb anticipation. Anlyolie with experience uf a stay iii hospital will recaîl \vliat 1 mean: su will people wiîlî relatives and fricîids overseas. particulary in truubled spots. 1 lost miy patience anîd sympathy with'postal delivery ser-vices severail years ago -- but 1 do believe that lu deliver a letter foi- thelieiowv increase rate of 1 2 cents Oirst class mail -- is a pretty good deal. The sad part is, it appears letter wriîiîg ik becoiig a Iust art -- foc art is surely is. Wby write (we are bold ini <ommercials) it's quicker lu phonie. WelI. if we du twiuîs STOVES 1951» 219-w Un Stock Less 10%/ During The Month 0f March MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin, 655-4991 ofrteni ouglu t Iîev becoliie iabi ts. 1elepîIioîuilig c'Ili becoînle alh expenlsive habl*it -- anîd I soîîe.tiîies -eltIlle feelingf it's îakiîîg tlie easy way (ont. Letters do lion have to be long to ctlivev :i totoglit aind tlîev.arc lastlnîg. Reîuîetber Ct ouclîo Mlax of [lie Nlai x I3rtîîeîs? Nlanîly f' lus let ters have beconîie cul Iec bu s iteni s anid soîîîe ct >îî 5ht olf less than six hiles' Readei< I)igest wmote a stîor(i Grotuclio andId ls letters soute \e;drs ;JCt>. I C:înilott Ltîtte f rîoil lilîcîbut i (Io ieccaî1lile \vas .1ý iliaster at oîeliîe etips (sviitty cîîîiîi;-ilit f):and ii:îî\ ttf lus l.'.îuers irle teastîred anid iîî tact hiave a imairket u ~iun t(lie 1 turfigrerange. t lave vt n eve r owrutcît1e ce ive d a love leot tel ' Ah. tlî:î awakeîîs îueîîîtrics. Most pemstîîal letters are ini tact somne fornii of' lo ve le ttc rs -- d ivicde d by grade s otft leel1inigol)id yotueveî senîd (Ir.rec-eive a let ten sviît liese let bers uil Ie eîivelope f Iap: S.W.A. L.lK. oriî10 . AN.) Tliey licaîl 'SeaîIed Wîtli A L.oviiig Kiss" auil itHope ()ur Louves Lasi s anud Neyer Dies-'. No doît iiimillion s tif, sîci addressed eniveltîpe flals were excliaiged I)e t sveîi swec t- kae:rts anîd lxreIli duîîiîîg Wtrld Waî Il. Anid l'd .alst bet îiani vire.stîill t easuo cd anid tllie fende r thIiugh t s aln id i pes ctiainied i n lîeîî--pecious ttî tlîeir owniets. Less tîiani 40 ycars agît nlle art val tuf a citer svas a spcîial event . Famuilv îîeîîîleîs gatlieed ut;geu lierlunliteur ie\vs lroll lii rla tive s a nid fr i-e ds. I kîîie\ a nid wu r kecIsi n [i a yo unîg îîîaî woitînu bis ea lv tsveîîbies was a residenut ini a Jesuit ('tiIlege. île wrtlte lis tit le i once adî îonithluinibeautitil coppempla te sr uu.I lis Icitcers %vere îîsîally sinîgle spaceti andi. a t I cast .'0 pages in le ng tIi -- onue page (lie said ) fotr each, day uf the niontli. I lis miother treasured miose letters until lier cîcaîli. After lier death they were returnedtîo her son and froni si-Olic u the content nîauter 1 have Iiad read to nie, 1 believe thlî c) lble cîassic letter writings. 1 retainletters i-eceivcd 10. -'0 iaîî more years ago. 1 love 10 write people wbuh love tu receive letters. One persun I write to 1 have nul seen l'or a quarter of a century -- and others for almost '0 veýars. 1i nay îîever see tbemi again (on this earth) but receiving 00en anotber's letters span tlhe years and the mîiles. SU vrîe Someonle yoL love a letter and soread a littie liappiîiess --il costs so hitle. FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE 1Repairs to Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning [20 7QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3233 NOTIR~ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY EMPLOYMENT WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR and WARBLE FLY SPIRAY OPERATOR Applications wiII be reoeived by the under- signed until April 6th, 1977 for the following part time postio)ns:- (1> Warble Fly lrspector (2) Warble Fly Spray Operator These positions involve a perîod of employment of approximately f ive (5) weeks commencing în April ta spray cattie in the Town of WVhi-tby for warble f Iy grubs. A knowledge of farm animais and the operation of -a- tractor considered an asset. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk-AdministratQr;', The Corporation of the Townu of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario.

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