PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Due to an oversight on my part 1 neglected to tell you last week about the "Spring Tea and Bazaar" which will be held THIS SATURDAY at St. Thomas' Anglican Church hall. Sorry flot to have given more advance notice. The tea and bazaar will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will feature hand crafted items, delicious home baking, and some fine "White Elephants". This is a great opportunity to join your friends for a pleasant cup of tea. Everyone is welcome and the Anglican Church Women extend a warm invitation. AN WESCO WEEDSPRAYING& LAWN MAINTENANCE Weed Spraying Lawn, Ro ilng Fertilizîng Seeding Aerating Sodding void a long wait. Make ati appoinitment nnw for a beautiful lawn Coa.Il 655-3932 -R. N. Siiiith Brooklin BRO0WN'ýS Br®kin. ~I:Byines Sunday, April 17 - Brooklin Custom Coaches Van Club i'old car wash - Edward's Shell Station 12-4 p.m. Wednesday, April 20 - Local Association for Guides and Brownies meet at Kinsale home of Mrs. Ruth 1-ooker, 1: 15 p.m. Thursday, April, 21 - Brooklin U.C..W. packing a bale of used clothing, Brooklln United Church, a.m. FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT CHARGE 3uewDY PHONE ,655-4521 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS AWEEK 8:30 a.m. -.6 p.mÙ. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGFITS "FIL 9 p.rn. Thurs. April 14 to Sat. April 16 500W Nom00- >14 nS PACUIO rCAKE $ 01 MIXE S l IN Toffio AIO UCI 144w02u m umr's 39 HONEY 9.69 INSTANT $398 COFFE E COFFE E 42M MATE 1019 OSPOSABUI DUPONS <N. )I.p ., PC » NEWION 9$ 9 CGUO - BONlUS 0ACit N (tIRA BAC") MG of 34 KITCH EN Cg CATCH ERS7 CGAO IH«" DoU" ..- lsd> f 00445. .2et GARIAU E $9 0<000142- COMPLEiON £Sm Reg. lur Zest kaup 29C Mr. Muscle sl.39 Mr. Clean sl.29 We Are Agents For TEi IVE ROSES AU. PURPOSE FLOUR S-Lbc "g 9 Tender Green Heads of Lettuce Large Suze 49't each Prodvct of U.S.A. Ontario Waxed No. 1 Rutabaga CUUfslUSIILPOLUM j BOs-oPACUAGE * C=u r*SY Value1 atiston BUYS 0F '~ THE WEEK! KLEENEX ABCOEFLAKED 111 HÉIÉlm mASAUCE0 1OWELS T U N A Spaghetti 340LL PACKAGE 6>j -FL.OZ YIN U.UZTUB 89c8939 Del Monte- .Assorted PUDDING IVORY Green Giant ' CUPS DETERGENT FAC4 5zTrsPEAS - 4 x 5-oz Tins 32-FL-OZ Conainer FNY-1-LO I ~79c $1.09 3$1 OL OU TH ETIJIR -10(0 CONCCNTRATED 13,0Z CONTAINER PEMUININE PACKACE oU Il Orange mJuc. 59c Kotex Napkins 83c HOIJU UNIR 580 B LIE 1402PACKAGE 50 .-1 >USE Fish in Botter 99c Aim Toofhpaste 651 1540à BOX POAMT TOz CONTAINER Tide oes.' s4o89 Shave Crearn89c Fish STICKS $2.19 ShaMPOO 99c I CUT PROM CANADA GRADE 'A" BEEF CtJT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF Short RIb79 R@ASTS__9~b EANCN STYLE BOLOGNA By The t e481b CUl fiROM CANADA CRADO À.agBir BLADE Steaks 8l CUl Flou CANADACRJADE -A REF AIShoulder Steak 8 PORKBRACK RIS$1.69' suDE VuON SUSAGE 89 Boels Bode R@ASTS- 98 swimT 4"02PACUACE COOKED HAM ej99 fat"4 - MiNCto BISOCum GROUND BEEF 841b TASTY PORK LIVER lb~ PORK BUTT CHOPS 981 SIIOULDER ROASTS. - -g. The Durham Region Science Fair will be held Thurs. April 14 and 15, at G. L. Roberts Collegiate in Oshawa. The night of the 15 will be very special as Mr. John Fowles from the Ontario Science Centre wlll provide a unique presentation on light and sound., The exhibits are open to the public from 9 a.rn. until 5 P.m. on the l4th, and from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. on the i Sth. Friday night awards will presented; the evening's program will commence at 7 p.m. Many Ioczql yourig people will be competing in this fair. Try to arrange a visit'to see these fascinating and interesting projects. There will be an open meeting of the Local Association for Guides and Brownies on Wednesday April 20 at 1: 15 p.m. the home of Mrs. Ruth Hooker in Kinsale. AIl interested mothers of Guides and Brownies are asked to corne out and support their leaders. Looks as if there is a gene rai meeting of the North Ward Community Association shaping up for April 28. l'Il gîve you further details next week. The Brooklin Broombali, team has done it again; that which they seem to do best - win. This amazing team has flot lost a game ail year. They were victorious in two all-Ontario toumnaments and have succeeded in winning the championship trophy in their own league. Last Sunday was their final game. Congratulations on a tremendous season fellas! Have a good week. Valerie 6554317. Thursday, April 14 and Friday, April 15 - Durham Region Science Fair, G.L. Roberts Colleglate, Oshawa. Saturday, April 16 - Anglican Church Women, Spring Tea and Bazaar, St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Brooklin,., 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 17 - Brooklin Legion general meeting, nomination meeting, 1:30 p.m. Sunday, April 17 - U.C.W. Sunday, guest speaker, Mrs. Marg Ferries. Plus Crackers 69< CLOUU - C05>8 1 CUl C ... S«,,. C...> NVILOPt Sauce mixes 3 o'89c LADY UCOTI 2101L PACKAGE iW hroom rluue 59C WINDW CLANIR20-MCONTAINfit Windex Luq'd 99< I. 4, GARY YOUNG PLUMBING HOT WATE R TANKS REPAIRS & INSTALLATION Emeîgency l Service D FREE ESTIMATES. 655-4936 53 BALDWIN ST mmmmý m Hospi*tal despite Despite a provinci to cut back 25 beds the Dr. J. O. Ruddy] quality of service deteriorate, retiring President C. L. Jenl in his annual report 30. Our hospital was to reduce spenc $233,000 of which $ was to apply in the yE and the balance in, three months of 197 Mr. Jenkins. "T1 achieved by taking out of service. Folio' fruitless meetings Ministry officiais, agreed that there alternative but to It is very gr.atifyingt that the hospital wa effect the savings orc service was good 1976 cutbacks ial order the Ministry". in 1976, Mr. Jenkins rqpred that Fiospital's the- hoi'pital was inspected by did not the Canadian Council on g Board Hospital Accreditation in May ikins said 1976, and in September wias rt, March awarded a full accreditatiofi status for a further three sordered years. Jing by Improvemnents in the 17 5,000 hospital included a new cool- ,ear -1976 ing system tower, installed at the first a cost of $ 10,000, two-thirds 77"0), said of which was supplied by the his was Ministry of Health.. 25 beds The hospital initiated a wing two complete laboratory service with for the- Whitby psychiatric it was Hospital in 1976, and, the was no morgue was transferred to comply. the Dr. Ruddy Hospital from to report the psychiatric hospital. s able to Another program initiated ,dered by in 1976, said Mr. Jenkins, was Sa policy to curtail smoking i n the hospital, except in the lounge and other designated area s. Steps were also taken to set up a district health counicil for the Durham Region, which has received approval from the Ontario Ministry of Health. Hospital Administrator John Kunetsky reported that the Dr. Ruddy Hospital treated 2,501 patients in 1976, each for an average length of stay of 8.3 days, all of which added up to 20,694 days of care provided. The hospital was occupied, on the average, at 79.7 per cent to its capacity, he said. Dr. ken Hobbs,chie( of. staff , was the first person elected to this position for a second term. He reported IýVI that much of the year was >î devoted to correcting defi- ciencies outlined in the last accreditation report, and that the emergency room's on-cal system has provided Whidtby< with inedical coverage on evenings, weekends and holidays. .-V Bonnetta, president.of the Womnen's Auxiliary, re- ported a mernbership of 218 in 1976. The gift shop operated at a substantial -profit, regardless of the closing of one floor of the hospital, and the Blossom Bail secured a $2,000 profit for the auxiliary. During 1976,, the auxiliary donated $1 ,965 to the hospîtal mainly for photography equipment. Donations from the cornmunity and patients serve d by the hospital amounted to $1 2,996 in 'q