Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, Well, spring is really here - the good spring rain. las the air ever grass ever been this greeni before about Our traditional spring ceti, Spring Fair. Preparations are goi Pair Board will be meeting on Commirunity Centre -at 8 p.m. Thi: everyone is welcome. To make th the support of the whole commi PPka vqrietv of different helper A Toi stA2nd Arronged. et Sold ut Prime R coul Peter 668-1 ! ANUBIS INVES1 101 Mary st. W. 1977, HITBY REE P eCstock, take tickets, lielp with exhibits and judge races and contests - there is a widc range of exciting and interesting events needing your support. Corne out to this meeting whether you arc going to, be a participýant in events, or have a couple of hours of time to spare or even' just to share L[ in i Your ideas with Board m-ernbcrs. This is your fair, this mleeting is a good chance to show personal interest and to offer input to its organization. Let Board mcmbers know what you did or did not like about past fairs. Perhaps youi .n e s cati suggcst somne new features that you have seen elsewherc. T'le fair will be hiere in oné* imooith - can you believe it? Susan Holoduke is interested in hearing from any young creis otlingquite like a ladies over the age of sixteeri who would like to compote r ens re sh i s o then for the Miss Brooklin Spring Fair titie. She is looking for pleasant and friendly girls one of whom will be chosen in ,?aTis n - setho rokf represont us in othor events during the year as woll as ebraion-- he roThen welcoming visitors to our fair and participating in the ing on everywhero.Th official opening of the fair. Susan's number is 655-41 57.-» Tuesday, May 3 at the Somo people have requosted more information about is will be an open meeting; the Bed and Bathtub races. 1 refer you again to Susan ais year's fair really special Holoduke, 655-4157, as to the age categories and the iunity is needed. le fair number of people allowed per team. Are thero going to be s - people who can handle separate categorios for males and females, children and adults? I have also heard some discussion of the Soap Box TI~A~ ESDerby for man/wornan power driven cars. To the kids and RT A E their parents out there already hard at work constructing these cars, 1 wish you lucki The romains of an old cart ought andthing (practically sacred.-1 don't dare throw them out) are out o<i resting in my basoniont - 1 wdnder if thoy have enough lifo otes in therw for just one more race. This race is open to eight SKade to fourteen year olds. There will be two categories. Cet a cart/car togother, find a big strong friond to push you. 5 56 There will be a fine trophy as welI as a cash prize to be won. rmENTS Ltd. Croup '74 are taking responsibility for the Spring Pair WHITBY parade. If you wish to enter this please cal! Linda Tripp, 655-4993. Group '74's next gener4l meeting will be on Monday, May 2 at 8 p.m. at the Commnunity Centre in Brooklin. 1Ist and 2nd Brooklin Cubs and Scouts have lately beený seeking sponsors for their Trees for 'Canada project. --Each boy will plant thirty trees on May 7th - this is a worthy conservation project. This year treos will ho planted at Camp X, and along the banks of the Pringle and Lynde Creeks. Brooklo an~cI District Kinsmen and Kinottos wilI ho holding *a garage sale on Saturday, May T at 12:30 p.m. beside the home of Don Vipond at 7 Cassels Rd. Proceods fromn this sale will go to the Cystic Fibrosis cause. Donations will be accopted with appreciation. Cal 655-3287 or 655-4124 if you wish to contribute articles. Bargains are the business of a garage sale - this will bo a fine place to find one or two or three for yourself. Note the date, it'is one week from this Saturday. Kinettes will hold their next mèeing at the Brooklin Legion, Wednesday May 4 at 6:30 p.m. A new executive has recontly been elected. The President is Heather McCrae, Vice-President is Pat Thiebaud, Secretary is Gundy Schloen, Treasurer is Marg Matthows, Registrar is Lois Robertson, the Directors are Tess Fraser and Linda Death. Karen Akers will be the new Bulletin Editor. Brooklin Horticultural Society will be participating in District 5 Spring Flower Show on May l4th and i Sth to the held at Scarboro Civic QIntre. l'Il have more information for you oext week. Further information may be obtained from Marg Davis at 655-4825. Myrtle United Church Women will sponsor a "Lunchoon is Served" on Wednesday May Il at 12:30 at the United 'Churchi in Myrtle. Ploase cal! 655-3540 or 655-4284 for tickets or information. A bake sale will be held after whore you cao buy delicious home baked goods. Myrtlo U.C.W. nul to lunchi! BROWN'fS FOO'DMASTER BROOKLINI ONTARIO PHONE 655-So4521 NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT NOMINAL 3BG-DY CHARGE 3 uDY STORE HOURS OPEN SIX I»YS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGFITS "'IL 9 p.nm. * ourtOsY Value, Satisfaction Thurs. April 28 to Sat. April 30 CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED 21'1 to 3-Lb. Avg. FRESH CHICKENS 69 e ib. MAPLE LEAF- SWEET PICKLED FULL SUICE COTTAGE ROu N D ROLLS sTEAF.P&K i .25 c 1.28 l mAPti LIAÇ 601 TAL IAG C ~SKINLESS WIENERS 79 COOKED HAM e$109 PEAMIAL RACK BT IiPfCE MARIE LEAF BACON LunchMat (NO POION CENTE Pnit-A HIXN tUCI A $1.59 $1 .69 TtOCH 89 zI AUSGElb 98' RUMP or BOTTOM MAPLE l[UAP , Ircv m. c ROUND ROASIS BOLOGNA 'b.69 CgFn 0IOS lO AT C .1%i LA 8,OA $1 .28 BACNec$.9lb PlidA ffl910 PAL(AI.I MEOW MIX 49C OviNé CLANIR Oi COTAN EASY OFF 7 WLCT4 S > FOZIN CONCNTTAID &-oz CONT GRAPE Juice 45c We Are Agents For i LFi LO2P HIGH LINER, BOSTON BLUEFISH l6-oL Pkgl. 79C Gaiînsb.torough - D îsh fie Shelis 12-0t. Kg. 459 NESCAFEs34 FRESHIE 1 ftli, COFFEEI-1lb, tn 3,99 RITZ amrstooos 59c T1 i T(so ASUT BeefLlverib 69c No. 1 Mexican Tomatoes Large Size Stake grown . 79c lb. Crispy Fresh No. 1 Florida or California Celery Large Stalk Luscious Refreshing No.1 Chile Red Grapes 99c lb. ASN) L oUt P PODrTS 660 Grms. Tin KOOL-AID sl.69 WITUTI SWAN101 AINBOW PACIACI UT 1I0 SERVIETTES 99C f000SAVi TTCOOBLI WAXED iPaper 651 11$)515 TAICK SUfOOT BoIu SARAN WRAP 55C I PUTIA Skg PACM AI -DOG Chow $2.69 ALLEN S PURE DELSEY TISSUE:' White Swan! TO WELS GOLD SA THUNA H OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE JU ICIE ro4..iTBATIB N 0'. Oz B APPLE JUICE KRAFT CHEESE SLICES CA.AWA4 PP( I [S 401p, 77<- NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT TIN TIE BACS McCORMICK'S COOKIES 79. &AiXl PAOS irPCF- STAY FREE 89c 1101. ON ANTI PtRSPtPANT I102O CONTAIiIER ULTRA Bon sl.09 HALO shtampoo sl.49 WLKINSON PAC#CAOL f S BLADES Ionded 99c ma. lISE 'NI SHINE ORANGE CRYSTALS 4' .0.ZE NVELOPE KRAFT PARKAY SOFT Margarine TWIN PACK - O-01TUBS 69< BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE WTITH Tîli I t 0iT 1UTTINS 59< ABC Detergent StlB PACKAGE 1.79ý .1 I Ca unters' Snae tTaining Couesnsre y Thein Cours e pnr Bg CmeAhoc Soith honavalaBeig s sin. Paiipb îa mus be ovrithe Priageto foutentroste pgeole unay cal! Car sedr aepl 655-3250 l befr May 3. aTucsday250May rd at I3.m Mr. day Cyr ayic xi! h availablo ar. theul ic ib aryinl Broki the udiecus te arin- nrkin o vegete an. ningeof a gtcance to speak wiîhe' a expert. o sea ih avexapgedretk 1-lave oVae e 655-4317 Th5s5a-43ri17. North Ward and Brooklin Coinininity Association, meeting, 8 p.nl. Brooklin United Chutrchi. Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 30 - Silont Auction -and Bake Sale, 7-9 pm. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.mi. on Saturday. Brooklin United Churchi. Monday, May 2 - Group '74 general meeting, 8 p.m. at Brooklin Com- oiunity Contre. Tuesday, May 3 - Mr. Wick to speak at Brooklio Public Library, 1 P.mn. Tuesday, May 3 - Spring Pair Board - meeting everyone welcome - 8 p.m. at Brooklin Community Centre. Wednesday, May 4 - Brooklin and District Kinettes meot at Brooklin Legion, 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 6 - Play ouchre at Ashburn Community Centre. Students are welcorne. Saturday, May 7 - lst and 2nd Brooklin Cubs and Scouts participating in Trees for Canada prolect. Saturday, May 7 - Kinsmen and Kinettes - great garage sale - beside Don Vipond's house, 12:30 YOUNG PLUMBING HOT WATE R TANKS REPAIRS INSTALLATION Ernergency FREE ESTIMATES 'MO 655-4936 53 BALDWIN ST MROKIN 1 mii op

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