Comng vents GARAGE SALE The Whitby Jaycettes are holding their second annual garage sale May 7 frorn il a.n. to 4 parn. at 131 Brock Street North; next to the Brock The a tre. Records, books, clothing, toys and gaines, patterns, household goods, jewellery, purses, garden utensils, baby articles, appli- ances, tools, etc. will be for ,sale. BAZAAR The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre on May 14 will hold a bazaar ini their building 801 Brock Street South. There are already a lot of donations, but to miake the bazaar a success more articles are needed. Gifts for this pro- ject would be very rnuch welcoined and appreciated by the Bazaar Cornmittee Con- venor, Mrs. Ernîly Ashby. Please let lier or the centre- office know as soon as possible if you have something to, donate. (Tel. E. Ashby 668-4659 or Centre 668-1424~ The' bazaar is open from 11:00 a.m. tili 3:00 p.m. Lunches are available for only 35 cents. Mrs. Mary Bowinan (tel. 668-4608) would like to hear from any niemiber who 'vould bake for her Bazaar Bake Table. DANCE RECITAL "Syrnphonic Blossomns", a dance recital by ladies from the Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped will be held at the recreation hall, Durhamn Centre, May 14 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., to the accompanirnent of the Oshawa Symphony under the direction - dl 37M of Roy V. Cox. The public is invited to attend. HERD GROWING A talk on hierb growing and herb uses will be given by Christine Orlob a t the Whitby Public Library May 12 at 7:30 p.m. as part of the library's Garden Month program. MOTHER'S DAY '-RBQUE The Whitby Council No. 4895 of the Knights of Columbus are having a Mother's Day Filet Mignon Barbeque Steakr Dinner May 8 from noon to 7 p.m. at the Knights of Columibus Hall, 133 Brock Street North. AI- though the barbeque is out- side under a tent al nîeals will be served indoors s0 thaL weather will not interfere with the event. AUI proceeds will be used for various chari- table, sports and community activities. NEWCOMERS' CLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Newcorners' Club will be having a pot luck supper May 1l at 8 p.m. at the Consumners Gas Building. For further information caîl Joan Weir at 579-3636. SENIORS' ACTIVITIES A May Bazaar wîi be held by the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre from 11I a.rn. to 3 p.m. May 14. This includes a lunch for 35 cents. Ail donations will be accepted at the centre office. At 7:15 p.rn. the same day, a bus will tîake senior citizens fromn the centre to the County Town Singers' Concert at Iroquois Pa rk. A bus trip to Reeves Green House, Woodbridge will start at 9:30 a.m. May 26, and on May 28 at 1 :30 p.m. there will be a men's lawn bowling tournamnent for the Clark Trophy. DANCE RECITAL The Midge Sm-all School of Dance, a group frorn West Lynde, will present Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at Ajax High School, May 7 at 8 p.mi. WEST LYNDE DANCE Tickets arec110W on sale for the West Lynde Coni- rnunity Association's "Swing into Sommer" dance to be hield June 1 7 at 8:30 p.ii: ut Heydenshore Pavillon. There will be music by a disc jockey, bot buffet and door prizes. For tickets, cal 668-2244, 668-5096 or 668-9691. ÀNNIVERSARY CONCERT Tlie Counîiy Town Singers will stage their 1 Oth anniversary concert 'Take Ten" at the iroquois Park Arena, May 14 at 8:15 p.m., featuring the Singers' kits of 1967 to 1977. Tickets are 5available at the arena box office, Middleton's Book Store, Russell Travel and Rousseau 1-eritage House. SPRING DANCE, The Canadian Scottish Club will present its final dance of the çeason May 13 at 8 p.m. at I-eydenshore Pavilion. Thiere will be a live band for dancing, and ente rtainment by the Ajax Pipe Band. Tickets may be obtained by calling 668-9722 or 668-9103. ,CONSUMER DEMONSTRATION St. Margaret's Guild of Al Saints' Anglican Church will present a consumer demon- stration evening May 5 at 7:30 p.nm. at the Consumners Cas Building ai Consurners Drive and Hopkins Street.- CHIIDRFINS MATINEE W W SATURDAy ONLY THE FLINTSTONES 1:30 P.M. GOOIJ FOR ON E FR EE ADMI1SSION TO CH1LO R EN'S MATI N EE BROCK THEATRE with one paid admission ONLY ON DATE BELOW Saturday, May 7, 1977 BONNI THEYIU FUN WITH DIÇK&JANE" 6DAVS ONLY 'May 5-10 Nightly aI 7:05 & 8:50 p.m. ADULT ENT. ______- CLOSED .WEDNESD AYS Ait seats 668-9722 For Further Informatio.n 668-9103_ Nutrite's Happy Gardening with Marc Listen to CKLO 1350 Con odian Scottisi, Club Final Dance of the Season Weaccept Chargex, Mastercharge American Express 668-8000 75uffu S G L 0 BMAL opposite Brewers Retail 668-3618