Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRES Br~kin ~ Byiries The North Ward and Brooklin Comnuunity Association meeting called last week to discuss the future of Brooklin drew a paltry crowd of thirty-nine (39) persons. Yes, I counted them! Approximately haîf of those were interested townspeople as far as I could ascertain. lsn't this Association being taken seriously? Doesn't anyone care about the issues at stake? 1 can't figure it. 1 leave it to you to draw your own conclusions. The Brooklin Square Dancers are issuing an open invitation to join them on Saturday May 14, 8 p.m.at the Oddfellows' Hall on Bagot Street in Brooklin. Corne out and learn to Square dance. This lively, fun-loving group will make you welcome. There wilI be no charge and refreshments wili be provided. FISHER REFRIGERATIî Repairs ta Ail Mal Freezers - Refrigerators - 0 We Recharge Automobile Air1 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO BROWN'S ON SERVICE kes Alr Conditioners Conditioning 655-3233 Group '74 who are organizing the Spring Fair parade invite you to join the fun - enter a float, large or small. The therne of the parade is "Happiness '-s". There will be four $30,00 prizes, one in each of four categôries: Best Representation of Therne,' Most Beautiful, Most Humourous, and Most Original. If you need more inforrnation regarding entry forms, please contact Linda Tripp , at 655-4993 or Write to her, Box 48, Brooklin. Brooklin Horticultural Society are providing a terrific workshop experience or flower arrangement on Friday, May 6 at 1:30 p.m. at the Comrnunity Centre, Brooklin. This afternoon workshop will also feature techniques in grooming your houseplant's for showing. Join Doris Marlowe, the able conductor of this session, downstairs at the Comnmunity Centre. Bring along your own flowers and assorted equipment you think you rnay need. Check with Marg Davis at 655-4825 if you are flot sure what to bring to this do-it-yourself learning experience. Brooklin Scouts paper drive for May will be on Saturday May 14. Could you secure paper bundles by tying thein on ail sides please. A single wrap around them does not hold too well. Newsprint only please, and the boys will be sure to get themn if they are out before 9 a.m. and in full view of the road. lst Brooklin cubs will be holding a garage sale on Friday, May 13 at the home of Fran Schell on Vipond Road frorn 4 p.m. on. Dorutions will be gratefully accepted and if they need to be picked up this can be arranged by callirig June Martin at 655-3222. This group always manages to assemble a great variety of bargain items - don't miss this event. The Spring Flower Show being held Saturday, May 14 and Sunday, May I15 at Scarboro Civic Centre should be a great chance to see the very best in spring flowers. Visitors are urged to corne out and see the many exhibits which will inelude houseplants and arrangements as well as spring ALE 6e1h ond 7th RIIS ;TS.18â :UT- JUICY $1*28~ flowers. There will also be Society Competitions tor beautiful and innovative dish gardens, terrariurms, arnd mixed baskets. If you wish to.enter an exhibit or to attend this spring show please caîl Marg Davis at 655-4825 for further information. The show will be open from 3 pa. until 9 p.rn. on the Saturday, and from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the Sunday. Brooklin Kinsmien will be holding their annual election meeting on Monday, May 9 at the BrookliQ Legion, 6:30 p.m., Their last meeting was "Campaign Night" where various candidates promoted their own camnpaigns. Ahl members are urged to turn out and vote for a new siate of officers for the corning year. Brooklin Legion will be holding their annual Birthday Dinner on Saturday, May 14, at the Brooklin Legion Hall, 6 p.m. Ail members are welcome to attend. .Sunday, May 15 is the day to elect. new officers for the Brooklin Legion. It is hoped that allmembers will participate in thi s important event. Lt will take place at the Legion Hall in Brooklin at 1: 15 p.rn. Have a goôd week. Valeric 655-4317. Friday, May 6 - Play euchre at Ashburn Community Centre. Lunch will be served, 8 p.m. Friclay, May 6 - Brooklin Horticultural Society work- shop - ail welcome - Brooklin Community Centre, 1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 7 - lst and 2nd Brooklin Cubs and Scouts - Trees for Canada planting Saturday, May 7 - Kinsmen and Kinettes garage sale, beside Don Vipond's house - 12:30 p.m. Monday, May 9 - Brooklin Kinsmen holding annual elections, Brooklin Legion Hall, 6:30 p.m. FOO*DMASTER BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 3 uoeu DAYS Thurs. May 5 ~MEAT&S curFROM CANADA GRADE "A,, a£ F PRIME RIB ROM CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "" SEF -THICK C SRI! STEAKS, Cj CAfFOuCANADA A LED -A-I LIf SHORT RB Rocob~cBOO SHOIJLDER Steaks à, 88c SAUSA 1 MAPLI LIAI* si puai MAPLE LIAIF SHEADCHEISE.>88< DUNNI MULE ulA»16-OZ PACLACA MAPU UAP SKINLB WIENIRS 79c HAM S CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A" BEEF SBLADE STEAK We Arej PHONE 655-4521 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX IDAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1 NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.rn. 'N 4. Cu rte Value atsfctionl Wednesday, May 13 - 1 st Brooklin cubs garage sale, home of Fran Schell, 4 p.m. Saturday, Mfay 14 - Brook- lin Scouts paper drive bundles out before 9 a.m. in clear view of the road please. Saturday, May 14 -Annuai Birthday Dinner at the Brooklin Legion. Members welcome, 6 p.m. Saturday, MLy 14 - Brook'- lin Square Dancers open meeting, Oddfellows' Hall, Brooklin, 8 p.m. No Charge., Saturday, May 14 & Sun- day, May 15 - Spring Flower Show, Scarboro Civic Centre. Sunday, May 15 - Brook- lin Legion holding annual elections, allruembers are urged to attend, 1: 15 p.m. Park improvement A total of,$37,500 worth of improvemnents will be made this year to Central Park in the West Lynde subdivision. Council has approved the expenditure of the money, which cornes fromn develop- nient levies. Amiong the improvernents will be a water fountain con- structed near the tennis couIrts, along with a tap for flooding an ice rink in winter; 109 trees to be planted in the 8.3-acre park; an asphalt ývaIkway; and 10 lights to be installed along this %valkway to tlmvart vandalisnî. Discount dropped After several weeks of debate and chianging of minds, council lias decided to aboiish discomnts for early payrnent of taxes, starting in 1978. Thîe abolition of the discounts will save the town $14,000 a year, says Treasurer Forbes McEwen. Mr. McEwen recommiended the abolitionof the discounts, stating thiat lending cornpanies were taking advantage of the eariy pay- nient to get a discount. GARY YOUNG PLUMBING HOT WATE R TANKS REPAIRS __ & INSTALLATION s Emergency F- Service -C FREE ESTIMATESL 655-4936 53 BALDWIN ST SuNHiN- FF-s PRDUC Florido White Grapefruit 8 for 99" Fresh Green Onions Produce of U.S.A. 2 for 29' Crisp Fresh Produce'of U.S.A. Lettuce No. 1 Large Head 391 eoch lADN 7O 3 P cAG OHERCI LIQUUD sl oATA &GE tw & m a-79< c lAPONS RIGUiAg SMOEOBOTILSU lb 1. V- KOTEX Pi f 12 85c ER Should.rs $ .9 14 LM lt!((ý$N% STEAKS 99 TAME 8-0~1.(o l29 88TRAC 1Il 01 SHORTEMNN 1-LB PACKAGE 5 C TANG Orange Flavour Crystals 9 C 2 x7-os envelopeC CHEESE SINGLES RO KRAFT LUNCHI 2/ 3-az SUCES ME3 1.LB Package m 9120Z CORN OIL1 FANCY PEAS di Hi UPERT HADDOCK FULLETS I-p< k sl$.49 Orange Juice 29c FAIMu Kousi 1201 I&M Cream FPies 55C KETCHUP HEINZ TOMATO 11 -OZ DOTTLE 49C POTATO CHIPS HOSTESS Z50-grm Package 7C ST. l HONELYSPO v$ RICE KRISPIES SCOTTOWELS LA RNEH N YP D 0KELLOGG'S Regular or Coloured S-LO ot14OTO -3500-grm Package 9 C Package of 2 9 C tuE s i ME CLEANER is-OZ CONTAINER 48-Z TN u ~ LYSOL Basin 99,t ASSRTD IRANE 4 * z JR 11 D inks 49c LADY SCOT55c DEODORIZING CIRÀNER Un-oz CONTAINER HEINZ Foods 2o.43< S-EET.*OESAUCE lB-FL Dz SUE ClIIEBE 000BISCUITS BOz PACKAGE L YSOL 1.09 RUULts fAr é .9CHINA LILY 49cVILK oe..cRIUS 4O OTIE BARS CAMA.ORALAS"DI LSUUV LYSOL asmuor83c Agets orWIENER no& 49c MIRACLE wé 1.19 DG ood3 l LYSOL sp..y s *49N 24-10Ooz, Diet -2.29 24-10 Dz. Regular- 2.57 12-30Ooz. Regular- 2.99 Ref undable Dfiposit for Bot îles & Case 3.00 Watch for next week's Anniversary Sale, strting Wed. May 11lthe HeIp us celebrate our lOth year in this loaInwiIh lots Of extra specials for this ~oSione i I to Sat. May 7 >T -ALL MONc ZTIN 6 gdgddLd&dKdg6d6od

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