Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1977, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS "How The Other Haif Loves" Theatre Companypresents wittyfrce Ma 26 "How The Other loîlf Loves", a farce, by Alan Ayckbourn, is the Whitby Theatre Company's final play of the current season. Director Morion Dennis, doing hier first directing chore for the Theatre company is stepping up the pace of rehearsals with her cast for this very funny play. .Ther.e are th-ree couples invofved ini the stctry, the nmen aIl workifg lfor tHe sa me Comîpany. Onîe of the yuunlgcr, mlen is having an affair with the wife of the oldest couple. Whien eacli returnis home suspiciously lte une niglit-- or early une mornling --they invent a story about having to spcnd somle time smiooth- ing a domiestic problei i the homne of the third couple. 0f course, the third couple have to show up at the wrong NOTICE, s& HEREBY 'IVEN. TMAT- Applicatio exprppriate tke tand iescribed as f ltaws: NAME 0F OWNER -Dompto Guarini LOCATION 0F PROPERTV In the. Town of Whitby; in the. Regional Munlcipality ai Dwrbm aad being municipally known as thklkson Ro ad Sauth, R.R9. Na. 2, Whitby, 0 ntario. finlie, w1lichi really puts the f4at In thc t'ire. But tua t littlc complication only adds Lu thc f'un of thiis irnious farce. For sure, the audience could walk into the theatre stone- cold sober and corne out a couple of hours later drunk- witli laughter. This play shiould prove to be a refresh- ing change for Whithy theatregoers. Four of the six people in the cast are has been made feor appovM LEGAL DESCI9IPTIO»..., Part oif Lots 4 and 5, IReglstemd Plan 589 in the Town .5et iitby In tht Regional Mwiicipality af Durhffl (f ormerly Township ai Whithy, Ccunty of Ontario) and being more particàltly detcrib.d as Part 100on a Plani oi Survey prepared by H. Flimw. - Limited and depasited in the. Registry Off ice for the Registry Division ai Ourham (Nu mhr 40> as Plan 40R-3167. A copy 91 the plan of Survey A capy of the Plan of Survey bearing Number 40R-3167 may be seen in the Office ai the Regional Solicitor, 605 Rossland Road East, Wtitby. ANY OWNER of lands in respect of which notice s given who desires an inquiry ino whether the taking of such land is far, saund and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shal w natify the approving authority in writing. (a) ln the case af a registared owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days atter he is served with the. notice, or when he is served by publication, wlthia thirty days af ter the f irst publication of the notice; (b) In the. case af a.,wner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days at ter the f f si publication ai the notice. tHÉ APPROVING AUTHORITY IS: The Council ai the Regianal Municipaity ai Durham, 605 Rossland Raad East, Whtby,GOtario. L'IN 6A3. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITV 0F DURHAM "C.W. LUNDY" C.W. LUN DV, CLERK NOTES: The Expropriations Act, R.S.'., 1970 provides that: (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shaîl be conducted by an inquiry afficer appointed by the Minister ai Justice and Attorney General; (b) The inquiry officer, (i) Shaîl give every party ai the inquiry an opportunity ta present evidence and argument and ta examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personaîly or by his caunsel or agent, and (ii) May recammend to the approving autharity that a party ta the inquiry be paid a fixed amount 1d'r his costs of the inquiry nat ta exceed $200.00 and the appraving authority may in its discretion arder the exprapriating authority ta pay such cQsts forthwith. 2. "Owner" and "registered awner" are def ined in the Act as f ollows:, "awner" includes a mo rtgagee, tenant, execution creditar, a persan entitled ta a imited estate ar interest in land, a committee ai the estate ai a mentally incampetent persan or ai a persan incapable ai managing his affairs, and a guardian, executar, administratar or trustee in whom land is vested; #"registered awner" means an owner af Iand whose interest in the land is defined and name is specified in an instrument in the praperty registry, land tities or sheriff's affice, and includes a persan shawn as a tenant ai land an the Iast revised assessment raIl; 3. The exprapriating autharity, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended ta b. exprapriated and any awner added as a party ai the. inquiry off icer are parties ta the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 11TH DAY 0F MAY, 1977. DATE O AT WHITBY, THIS 11TH DAY 0F MAY, 1911. M aI)pearlng in their first Whitby Thcatre Company production:* Betty Belling- hotu, Eric Gareau, Lesley Summilers and Gwen O'Regan. Also in the cast is Bert Kirkhamn who has appo aredc on the Whitby stage before. lHe and Gwen'0'Regan have appearecl in plays for Oshawa Little Theatre. Gary Hatton reappears. af ter a long absence and is a welcomç addition to the cast. .Understudy for the Ieading role is Carol Rhodes, a pro- mising new member of the Theatre Company. Th 'e ProduoerisJudith Edmondson. Director Mari('*n Dennis brings niany years of dircctitig ..?n.d acting experience to this plây.*ý She has appeared in, and directed nfiany Oshawa Little Theatre productions. "IHow The Other Have Loves" will be 'prese'ntod ýt. the Centennial Theatre,* Wh itby, May 26, 27 and 28, Curaiii Tm~ 8 p.ni. Tickets a-re. av'.ilabte.:- at Middleton's, Book Store, Dundas. St. Whitby, or at the door or' the, theatrje on the nights of the performnanzo. The usual free performance wifl be presented for* all Senior Cîtiýý'ns May 25, Curtain Time 7:30 p.m.- - There will be "the usual Cast Party after the last performance, Saturday, May 28 in the Regal Room, ad- Mayl14 Whitby Merchants open their 1977 Eastern Onitario Basebaîl Association schedule on Saturday, May 14 at 2 p.m. at Iroquois Park. Kendal Eagles will provide t.h opposition for the league opener: They were the O.B.A. Senior "D" charbipott,.in, 1976 and are expected to be a str.ong contender again this year. The Merchants have strengthened the team con- -siderably this year with the addition 'of several players who have participated Th 'thé Wh.tby Minor system over the -years and are now ready for Senior 3aseball. . -,. Newcomers HaroldMoe, Dave SQrichetti, Campbell O'Don.nell Don B ailey and the Turner brothers John .and Judy along with last year's holdovers Mike Rowley, Robbie -Craigen, Armand 728-9448 WÉDDINGS 236 KING ST. E. OSNAWA PORTRAITS 24 BLACK Ask us about you Corne and tell us ,,hiit you're lookinq for m a joi, loi! us vwhat you are today andmii)ht yun wvarit ici je tornorrow Ask us if vve catioffer opp>rtuiiitieb *ind challengjes to match your nieeds No obligaions On eiîher sîde We'll be (ilciIt alk And wve njyncve just vvhat you're lookinq for Bit~ von'l neye! knov, .Lntil vou Isk Visit our Mobile Recruitiuig Unit Cana-da Manpower Centre --Oshawa WIDNESDAy il, 18, 25 MAY 10:00 am.-3:00 p.m. cL THE SCANADIAN ARMED FORM'S. joinaig the theatre. Audiences are cordially invited to attend, and meet the Whitby Theatre Company. THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.SSO., 1970 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPIkOVAL -TO 'EXPROPRIATE LAND.~ 28 Whitby Merchants open their season IN T114E MATTER ai the propo.sed expropriations -of lands bv THE REGIONAL MIJNICIPÀLiTY 0f OURHAM, BEINO PART 0F Lots 4 and 5, ai the Tawim of Whitby. in the Rogional Municipality af l3mtmformerly in the Township of'Whitby, in the County 'i4 -Ontario) for the construction of the extmnsion tIf R@gioniI Ro ad 36 (Cansumners I,;ivot>sida Newhouses, .-Hilts & O'Neill CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bennys Photo graph'y WHITRY CaùIl Erice Hudson 668-0404 HO UR SER VICE ON & WITE PROCESSING 1- EIt 2 p.m. Robitale,' Steve Sarginson, 'George Yates, Dave Allen, Terry T'hornpson, Blair Culham, Jim T'i'nning, Bob Purdy and playing coach Dean Keating will' provide managers George Turner *%ahid- Keith Sarginson with a wl bal1anced strong team this year. With a new pfj-àying. field at Iroquois Park ready to go" the team should have a successfut- ,ye,,r. and give Whitby fans ari - ôpfortunity to see top quatity. basebail. The team is strictly. for Whitby i-6gidE>nts with ail of the players have many yea.rs experience' in the minor .ýàsSoQiation, so corne on-out to thegne .se yester- day's boys who are 'todaYe.. young men be a credit' to tIiýmselvee and to our town. We look forwmard tg seing many of you at the gamnes" this summer. Pheasant hunting banned by CLOCA There wiIl be nu pheasant hniting allowed in the Heber DowTl Canservation Area, the Central Lake Ontario 'Conser- vation Authority decided last week. The Whitby Gaine Com- mission had suggested , to CLOCA that pheasant hunt- ing be included aniong the forrns of recreatioin permnitted in- the conservation ' aeea, where suitable cover for the birds was available. It hias been the practice of the game commission to re- lease pheasants in Whitby for a three-week hiunt in October and Nuvember and the com- mission suggested that certain days be set aside for hunting. Huwever, CLOCA Genieral Manager Bill Campbell report- cd that the Heber Down Area lias a high density of develop- mient on its boundaries, a group camiping area is inten- sively used, and the, area is used -by many hikers and picuicers; therefore restricting the use of firearnis. He also stated that it was only over the Iast two years that CLOCA was able to restrict hunting in the conser- vation area arnd îiiiîiîize Îhe

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