Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1977, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY Il. 1977, PAGE 7 rBrian Winters E,~Whitby cal BROOKLIN HOTELS in its early days, Brooklin, like every srnall cornrnunity, had its share of hotels and taverns. Travelling fromn one town to another often took a niatter of days by horse and wagon, and therefore hotels were needed every few miles to cater to the needs of travellers, especially during the harvest season when fariners took their grain to Port Whitby for shipment. The original centre of Brooklin, Mien it was known as Winchester in the I1840s, was what is now Queen Street, and here were two hotels. One was the Winchester Ilouse, located at the north-west corner of Queen Street and Cassels Road, which burned down about 1 872. The lot xvhere it stood wvas knowvn as "the commions" for many years after the fire, and served in the 1 880s and '90s as the village green, whiere football gaines wero played. On the corner directîy south of the Winchester flouse wvas another hotel buiît of dlay and straw bricks, whiich wvas later converted into a house and eventually demiolishied. M the centre of Brooklin mnoved to Baldwin Street to the west, the hotels mnoved also. One of the largest was the Globe Hotel, located where Grass Park is now. It was buiît in the 1 850s of wood, and burned down in the 1 880s. Among its proprietors were Clemment Dawes, James Powell, Ben McQuay and Thomnas Chinn. The entire park block was occupiedby the hotel and its stables. In the early 1 880s, a brick hotel was but across the street, which served since 1970 as the Brooklin Legion 4-all. In 1883 it was kept by George fi. Henderson, and known as the Brooklin Hlouse. A traveller commented at the time that "the travelling public evidently appreciate the Brooklin flouse. Mr. Corridor e Capers lt's Colurnn time again. To thc mnany miothers in our Community, 1 hope you enjoyed your Special Day. Mother's Day should be every Sunday; you have carned it. Whitby Police Station It would appear that our Police Station will remnain open between the hours of 9 a.m. until 5 p.nm. The identty of Whitby is slowly going down the proverbial sewer pipe. Please take this with a grain of sait instead of a glass of water - its cheaper. However the wisdomn of our past Councils, Iocated the Police Station on Rossland Road, and not in the down town area of Whitby. This factor, more than any other, is probably why it was necessary to have the station remain open only during the daytime. Our present Council didn't appear to want 'people participation' at the Region, in order to help save the Station. The action, taken by the region, effects ail the residents of Whitby. Something good may corne of it yet. Maybe we will see a more visible 'police presence' on the beat instead of manning a slightîy used station. Maybe the station will be eventually located in the core of Whitby where it would have more use. Maybe our Council will rediscover that people would be willing to heîp, if given the opportuni.ty. Sidewalk Repairs The Town Staff and the works departmient are to be congratulated for their prompt attention to the broken sidewalk on Green St. Less than twenty.four hours after explaining to the deputy-clerk the hazardous condition of Peter Barker D.T1 Denture Therapist 111I Dundas St., West Whitby 668-144 A I MORIGAGES i m 1 T E 0 1-st& 2nd Arraflgedi Bought apd SoId at Primoe Rates cau Peter Kade ANUBIS INVESTMINTý Ltd. Henderson lias been a long timie in the hiotel business, and hias neyer got fined, and understands how to get and keep the goodwill of his customiers." After the Globe -ouse burned, MIr. Chinn took over the Brooklin House, and was succeeded by Oliver Sebert. Norman Colwill was proprietor when local option came into force in 1906 and the citizens of Whitby Township voted that the township be dry. Since that time, the hotel was known as the "Tenîperance 1-louse", and changed from the sidewalk, the work's crew were on hand to repair the offending section andi other areas they feit needed their attention. The residents, who must walk that street are grateful. Many thanks. Bradley Commiunity Association Best of luck to your group now. and in the future. At tin1Cs, Ratepayers and communfity groups becornc discouraged, however. don't despair. Without concerned people and associations such as West Lynde, North Ward, Corridor Area and your newly formied Brad ley Associa tion, things could bce much worse. It is the awareness of such groups that kecp poliicians as honest as they are. Stay in there. Thte Town needs you, but most of ail the polit icians need you. Jovial Dvelopments Located between Bovmanýii Avenue and Elizabeth Crescent. Last wveek at the Municipal Building, it wvas the unaninlouis decision of the Administrative Coniittee mnembers that Jovial Paradfise draft plan of subdivision not be approved. SomieI150 area residents, who took the timie to attend the meeting, wvcre a little disturbed wvith the overaîl plan. The Commercial developmienl vas oniy one of the displeas- ing factors. AIl in ail the area deserves a little better plan of subdivision than the developer and Planning Departmient have suggested. The developer was requested to possibly corne up with a plan that would be more pleasing to the residents, thus avoidinn, a delay and costly O.M.B. hearing. Monday May ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I serving whiskey to offering chicken dinners and a place to stay for the night. This was quite a change from the days when the village had several hotels, each with a bar, and the whiskey flowed freely at five cents a glass. The Brooklin House once had a cupola on the roof, which was removed before 1900. There was a small enclosed porch on the front, and outside was a pump and a trough where horses could get a drink of water. 9, Jovial lnvestments have requested a deputation before Council, so we shaîl see what happens then. Jovial is almost like a serial with new and exciting goings-on, going on every week. Stay tuned., Dorvis Developments The Dorvis Developmient application will be co!isidered at a meeting to be hield on May 30, I1977, at the Municipal building. This subdivision is located adjacent to the Bell.Applewood area. Westminster Unted Church - 1lier Majesty's Jubilce Celebration. Monster Bar-B-Q and Giganric Bonfire. Saturday June 4th at 5:45 p.m. at the Manse. S 1.00 per family - Fireworks (??) - Kerygma Bible Study - Afternoon, May 19, June 2 at 1:30 p.mn. Evening, May 26, June 2 at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Mcllwain would be glad to give a 'catch-up' session for any who miissed the first Kerygmia meeting. Suýgested timie 2 p.mi. Sunday, May I Sth. - Bible Socie ty Annual Walkathon - Saturday May 218th Note change to Spring date. Have a good week. M. MIcEachern 725-8967. apoepavrng ld f Paving - Excavating - Haulage l39Harwood Ave. North, Ajax, Ontario. Tel 683-1661 ( siential Induial -Comrcial~~ 655448 j» PTE BARKERi EU______________ I BROOKLIN HOUSE (NOW LEGION HALL) 1 1892 MIN'S HAIRSTYLING HA! RCUTTIN G AND STYLINO FOR MEN Whîtby Plaza 66ý-6922 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHýITBY CONTRACT W-il-5 LANDSCAPING - CENTRAL PARK Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 18, 1977 for the landscaping at Central Park. Specifications and tender forms are available from the Municipal Office, Treasurers Departmeflt, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 668-5803, extension 37. Lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted. R.A. CLARINOBOLD, Dmputy Tressurmr, T,ý'own of Whltbv. Nutrite's Happy Gardening with Marc Liston to CKLB 1350 Saturday Mornings 9:30 Live Phono Un Answers Ail Questions Marc Thiebaud Prosidont of ]H A Oshawa Gardon IEDRDE I Service Lim~itod I~R î j ~CEIN#MAL GARtDEN c0wmÈ7 mmd a

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