Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1977, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1977, PAGE il Wo should pay for rescue, service council1 asks Who' should puy for rescuing boaters on Lake Ontario, off the shores of Whitby, was a subjeet of con- cerni to memibers of the town's operations comnmittee last wee k. The City of Oshiawa Marinie Rescue Association (COMRA) has asked the Towri of Whitby for $1 ,500 to support its rescue service in '1977, and the commnittee has asked for a meeting witli the representatives of the association.- Last year, Whitby did flot contribute any înoney to this volunteer-ope rate d rescue service. Councillor Joy Tliompson said rnoney sliould be spent to provide a boat for Whitby, since by the time the COMRA boat arrived frorn Oshawa, the- person in trouble would have drowned. Councillor Bob Atterslcy told the cornînittee that the use of pleasure craft is increas- ing and lie wanted to know what facilities the townlhad for marine rescue. He was informed by Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau that the Whitby Sailing School lias a boat and will respond to emnergen- cies, but if the sailing sehiool hiears that COMRA is on the way, it wilI not send its bout mit. There are sonie difference ofopinion whien Mr. DeVeau said that last ycar Oshawa Mayor Jirn Potticary told the Whitby bounciI that a great percentage of boating accidents occur off Whitby's sh1ore., Councillor Tliompson replied that Fire Chief Ed Croucli las a log that proves there are very few accidents in the Whitby area. Mayor Jim Gartshore said the town does flot have the funds to buy its own rescue boat, and Councillor Atters- ley reported tha t town money could',iiot be given to the sailing sehool because it is a private enterprise. Councillor Thoriipson sug- gested the town could equip the sailing sehool boat and have it manned by volunteers, 50 tliere- would always' be a rescue bout in Whiitby 'and the town would flot have to depend on COMRA. Mayor Gartsliore said there coLld, be resentrnent if the town gives $1,500 to COMRA when some group ini Whitby is doing the' same thing for nothing. Councillor Attersley suggested it would be better for the. fire department to operate a rescue boat. The mayor suggested further that rescue patrols should become a provincial1 responsibility. COMRA presently patrols the shore of Lake Ontario froin Newcastle to Whitby, and last year received $1,500 from the Town of Newcastle. No more grants from region With tlie exception of two, organizations, no more grants vi il be mrade to regional groups by the Durliam Region Council after 1 977. The regional couincil voted 18 to il on Tliursday to get out of the grant-giving business. The agriculture offices at Bowmianville and Uxbrîdge, liowever, will continue to receive $500 apiece as mandatory grants carried over from the old country system. Councillor John Aker, ch airman of the finance comrmittee supported the argument that grants should b e given out at the local Industrial seminar is today A number of local industries are sending representatives today to a seminar on industrial acids, sponsored by the Durham Region's Planning and Development Department. The seminar is being held from i1:30, p.m. to 4:30 p.irî. at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. A number of industries in tlie region have been hav- mng problems with industrial acids, and the result is this seminar, says Richard Spence, Whitby development officer. level orîly. Whitby Mayor Jim Gart- shore said the issuing of grants could hiave a "snowball effect" and easily get out of hand, while Councillor Jov Thompson contended that by giving out regional grants, "youi are taking away thle incentive and ambition of people to raise their own fun ds". Motor bikes annoy councillors Some members of the town council want to see a firm crackdown on the use of motorcycles and motor bikes in town parks. In a recent debate, Couin- cillor Joy Thompson said there is a $ 1,000 fine for running bikes in toxvn parks, and Councillor Bob Attersley suggested a few charges should be laid. Mayor Jim Gartshore agree d that noise is the major prob- lem, but Councillor Thonmp- son also expressed concern that the bikes and their riders xvere endangering chldren in thc parks, by driving at high speeds. Mayor Gartshore suggested an arrangmnent be made with the owner of a local go-kart tracK to provide a place lor riding motor bikes, since there was no place the town could build aàpark for themn where people would not be disturb- ed by noise. Cancer donation@ Anyone who wants to sencl a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society, and xvas missed during the recent cari- vass7, can send a chequc to the Cancer Society c/o Johin Visser, 506 Stewart S t., Xhitby, LIN 3V4. Mr. Visser reports that the cancer drive is in its concluding stages, and it looks like the Whitby br-anch will meet its $21 000 goal. Benny's Photography WIIITBY Cail Eirie, Hudson 668-0404 PORTRAITS WEDDINGS 24 HO UR SER VICE ON BLACK & WHITE PROCESSING US RUNNING AS AN INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE UN DURHAM WEST BULL LESLIE IS CONVINCED THAT: -WE ARE OVER GOVERNED *WE ARE OVER TAXED *GOVERNMENT IS SUBSIDIZING INEFFICIENCY AND IN EFFECT DISCOURAGING ENTERPRISE AND EFFORT -BIG GOVERNMENT IS USURPING INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY BILL LESLIE HOLDS THAT: *PRIVATE ENTERPRISE IS BY FAR, MORE EFFICIENT AND DESIRABLE THAN GOVERNMENT ENTERPR 1SF -NO ONE SPENDS, SAVES OR INVESTS AN INCOME AS CAREFULLY AS THE PERSON WHO EARNS IT. FOR WHAT, ARE WE PAYING 45ç OUT 0F EVERY DOLLAR TO G-OVERNMENT UN TAXES? 813 Westshore BIvd. Pickering - 839-427,4 THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S .0., 1970 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER oi the proposed expropriations ai lands by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, BEING PART 0F Lots 4 and 5, of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Township ýof Whitby, in the County af Ontario) for the construction af the extension of Regional Road 36 (Consumers Drive> and a trunk watermain. NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Application has been made for approval ta expropriate the land described as follows:i NAME 0F OWNER Donato Guarini' LOCATION 0F PR0PERTY In the Town ai Whitby, in the Regional Muncipality ai Durham and being municipally known as Thicksan Road South, R.R. No. 2, Whitby, O ntbrio. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part ai Lots 4 and 5, Registered Plan 589 in the Town ai Whitby in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly Township ai Whitby, Cou nty ai Ontario) and being more parficâîarîy described as Part 10 on a Plan ai Survey prepared by H. FIim Limnited and deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (Number 40) as Plan 40R-31 67. A capy of the plan of Survey A copy ai the Plan ai Sur vey bearing Number 4OR-3167 may be seen in the Office af the Regianal Solicitor, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby. ANY 0WNER ai lands in respect ai which notice is 'given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking ai such land is far, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement ai the objectives of the expropriating autharity shal50 notify the appraving authority in writing. (a) In the case ai a registared awner, served personaîly or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or when he is served by publication, within thirty days aiter the i irst publication ai the notice; (b) In the case ai an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days aiter the first publication ai the notice. THE APPROVING AUTH0RITY IS': The Council ai the Regional Municipality ai Durham, 605 Rossland Raad East,. Whitby, Ontario. L'IN 6A3. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM "C.W. LUNDY" C.W. LUN DV, CLERK NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act, R.S0O., 1970 provides that: (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shaîl be canducted by an inquiry officier appointed by the Minister ai Justice and Attorney General; (b> -Theî (i) inquiry off icer, Shaîl give every part of the inquiry an opportunity ta present evidence and argument and ta examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his caunsel or agent, and (ii) May recommend ta the approving autharity that a party ta the inquiry be paid a fixed amnount for his casts ai the inquiry not ta exceed $200.0 and the appraving authority may in its discretian order the expropriating authanity ta pay such costs forthwith. 2. "Owner" and "registered awner" are deiined in the Act as f ollows: "aowner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a persan entitled ta a imited estate or interest in land, a committee ai the estate ai a mentaîly incampetent person or ai a persan incapable ai managing his aifairs, and a gUardian, executar, administrator or trustee in whom tland is vested; doregistered awner" means an owner ai land whose interest in the land is defined and name is specified in an instrument in the praperty registry, land titles or sherifi's office, and includes a persan shown as a tenant ai land on the Iast revised assessment rail; 3. The exprapriating authority, each owiîer who notif ies the approving authority that ho desires a hearing in respect ai the lands intended ta be exprapriated and any awner added as a party ai the inquiry off icer are parties ta the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 11TH DAY 0F MAY, 1971. DATE O AT WHITBY, THIS 1 1TH DAY 0F MAY, 1977. BILL LESLIE I

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