Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS THE COMMISSION ON *Freedorn of Information'anid Individual Privacy The Commission on Freedcm cof Information and Indi- vidual Privacy by authority vested in it by the Govern-. ment cf Ontario will underteke an enquiry ta examine: 1 . Public information practices of other Iurisdlictions n order te consider possible changes which are compatible with the parliementary traditions of the Govemment of Onteriao and complementary ta the mechanisms that presently exist for the protection of the rights cf individuels; 2. The individuel's right cf access and appeal in relation te the use cf Government information; 3. The cetegories cf Govemment information which should be treeted as confidentiel in order ta protect the public interest; 4. The effectiveness cf present prccedures for the dissemination cf Government information ta the public; 5. The protection cf individuel privacy and the right cf recourse in regard to the use cf Government records. One aspect cf the Study will include the acceptence cf written Briefs and the Receipt cf Submissicns as well as a series of public meetings thrcughcut the Province. Persons or groups wishing ta make representetions tc the Commission cn any aspect cf the Study are re- quesled tcwrite tathe Counsel, Commissionof Freedom cf Information and Individuel Privocy, 444 Wateroo Street, Locndon, Ontario N6B 2P3 cr ta submit written Briefs with the undersigned not later thon Augustl1, 1977. Public hearings will be held et times and places in Ontario tc be onncunced later and thcse filing Brefs cr leffers whc wish tc appear personally will be advised os to the time and place when they will be heord. Please address ail correspondence to: Counsel, Commission on Freedom cf Information and Individuol Pivacy, 444 Waterloo Street, London, Ontario N6B2P3. D.C.WiIIiai choirman ams, Ph.D., LL.D. WR. Poole, Q.C. Counsel McMANUS & STRONACI OPTUCAL COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW LINE 0F FASHION FRAMES AND SUNG LASSES MANAGER BOB JOHNSON The Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association finished off its 1 976-77 season with four banquets at Heyden- shore Pavillon during the first week of May. he foilowing are the awards presented tô ffie wîn- ning teamis and personnel in the association 's varjouis divisions: MAJOR BANTAM - NINOR MIDGET B/W.M.l1.A. trophy for league champs - U.A.W. Coach Mike Toth & Mgr. Don Allain. Welchi trophy for play-off champs - Algomia Orchards, Coach John Flemning. Cainadian Legion (Whîtby) trophy for, M.V.P. -- Dale Baxter of U.A.W. MAJOR MIDGET - JUVEN îLE B/W.M .HLA. trophly for league champs & the Jake Bryaiit trophy for play-off both wvcnt to Bell Cýaiada. Coa ch Danny Silver.ý Dunniie trop)hy f'or M.VI. -Keni Collic of Otteoibrites Menswcar. Cassandra C. Morrison Meni trophy - Keeper (lonated by Duitch Morrison- for the niosi valuable goaltender - Ros! Taylor of Koke Shiel (Major Atoim). ALL STARS NOVICE Opseu *'Warriors, Mgr. Charlie Guest, Coach Bob Sachko & Asst. Coach Allan Haissell, played 75, won 55, lest 17, tied 3, entered 7 - tournaments - 'B' champs once, 'A' champs once and were finalists in the remaining five. 1-ighest point scorer Greg Roberts, 44 points. MINOR ATOM Brooklin Concrete Produets Mgr. Jim Johnston, Coach Bob Petch & Assi. Coach Neil Petch, played 6 1, won I18, lest 36, lied 7, were Sth in leagueentered 4 tournamnents & were 2nd in 3 cf them. Lest out te, Ajax in 1Ist round cf play-offs. MAJOR ATOM Whitby Mail Florisîs, Mgr. Jerry Point, Coach Benny LaHayne, Asst. 'Coach John Muir & Tramner Richard Pigeau, played 56, won 44, lest 9, tied 3. Won league & play-off championships. Enlered 5 leurneys & were "champs in 3. "MINOR PEE WEE Aqujaline Pools, Mgr. Mrtin VanKessel, Coach Les Sdeni & Asst. Coach Bob Winneck, played 58, won 3/, lest 18 and tied 3. Second place in league, wQn Lakeshore chamipionships but lost to K.T. in Ont. Y4 final. M.V.P. - Paul Neuman. MAJOR PEE WEE Lasco Steelers, Mgr. Leroy Mowat, Coach Dave Nemis & Trainer Harvie Roberts, playeci 54, won, 26, lost 22, and ied 6. Second O/A & first in 'A-A' category of league - won Lakeshore play-offs but lost Lu Kingston Twsp. in Ont. V/4 final. Won twe games & lost their third (in sudden death overtime) in the Quebec touriiey. M.V.P. - Mike Wells. PEE WEE NO. 2 Bibeau Construction, Mgr. Ed Seholten, Coach Hlugli (Junior) Bowles, Asst. Coaclh Mike Roy, played 53, won 27, losi 22, and tie(l 4. League & play-off (Lakeshore) chamlpions lost out Lo K.T. in Ont. 1/ final. Teami won Sportsmianship award ut the I aliburton tourncy. M.V.P. - Ken Lynde. MINOR BANTAM Whitby Opirnists Club Mgr. Ernie Stonemnan, Coach Gord Petrie & Asst. Coachi Paul llargreaves, played 51, won 36, lost 15. Won Lakc- shore league & play-off championshîp but lest eut te Trenton in Ont. V/4 final. M.V.P. - Don Perkins. Highest Scorer - Warren Sub.- ject. Belich trophy (be st Sportsmanship & Ability) -Jeff Westenhoefer. Teami wen 'A' championship & grand championship in the Whitby Iroquois teurney. MAJOR BANTAM Whitby Toyota, Mgr. Don Johinstone, Coach Gary Thomnson & Tramner Deug Underwood, played 47, won I8, lest 25 and Lied 4, 4th in league - lest eut to Bay R. in second round of play-offs. Finalists in 2 eut of 3 tour- neys entered mbt. M.V.P. - Johin Taylor Peter Piphier wen.a 2 week schiolarship te a hockey school. BANTAM NO. 2 Ladies Auxilliary, Mgr. Jim Hodges & Coach Roger Dezan, played 36, won 16, and lied 3. Third place in league. M.V.P. - Ron Burns (Scott Dezan, Joey Vander- linde & Jamie Cane aise geL honorable mention) M!NOR MIDGET Mary Browns, Mgr. R«01 McCarl, Coach Bob Shearer & Tramner Corny Derks, WHITBY MALL 57-431Main Level of Whitby Mail 723 - 6792 played 52, won,19, lost 18, tied 7. Won Lakeshore league championship but lost out to Ajax' in second round of play.offs. M.V.P. - Jamie Tutak. Heart trophy (donated by Coaching staff for Sportsmnan- ship & O/A Effort etc.) Gil Nieuwendyk. Highest Scorer - Ed Derks. MAJOR MIDGET Ferrco Engineering, Mgr. Mike Gallas, Coach Jim DeMille & Tramner Ed Pigeau, played 47, won 27, lost 21, Second in league & won At Peel Park on May 19 the Crown Industrial teani hosîed Oshawa Rangers under the lights and proceeded te give the visitors a lesson in positiorial seccer. Whitby domninatedlthrough- oot and aparl from a bad defensive errer that cest there shut-out. That lapse came aI the 35 minute and the resultant goal came from a scranîble in front of the net after a cerner kick. This was about the only limie during the entire game that the Whitby defense had any trouble, and iL rnade the score 2-1 at that imie. Paul Hunt opened the scering in the 19 minute and George Rossler made iL 2-0 five minutes later. Johin Longmnuir at 39 minutes and Dave Cini at 42 minutes rounded out the first haîf scoring ut 4-1 ai the interval. Twe minutes imb the second Dave Cini netted his second and at the 34 minute mark Tony Albis gave the host tearn, sponsored by Crown Industrial, a 6-1 win. The Whitby Pee-Wee eam, sponsored by Carretto Restaurant and Tavern also had a ene-sided 6-1 in when Lhey took on Wexford at Cochrane Park on the same eve ning. At the end of the first hiaîf it was 2-0 on lwo goals by Warren Subject. Five minutes after the restart Jee Bryant gel his only goal of the gamne and then Warren Subject added his 3rd and 4th to give Carrette a cern- manding 5-0 lead. Jirnmy Voudours put Wexford on the scereboard after 24 minu~te but Peter Hockey stars are, honored Cont'd froni last week Beaudry repliecil'or Whitby fer a 6-1 îally in faveur of Whilby. The Carrelto schedule for the Oshawa and District League is as follows: May 24th at Peel Park (Whitby) against Peterbero. May 3lst at Civic (Oshawa) against Club Loreley June 7th ai Peel Park against Oshawa Rangers. June 14th ai Peterboro against Peterbero. June 21lst at Peel Park againsi Club Loreley. June 28th at Vanier (Oshawa) againsl Oshawa Rangers. July 51h ut Peel Park againsi Pe terboro. July 1 2th ai Lakeview (Oshawaý againsi Club Loreley. July l9th at Peel Park againsi Oshawa Rangers. July 26th at Peterboro againsl Peterboro Augusi 2nd at Peel Park againsL Club Lereley. Augusi 9th at Rotary (Oshawa) againsi Oshawa Rangers. At Peel Park on Wednesday May -1 81h the Whitby Juniors, sponsored by Marianne Developments suffered a 4-0 druibbing of the hands of the Oslwa Malta Falcons. Despite the faci that Whitby were short in players personnel they played a streng defensive game, holding the visitons te, a 1 -0 score ai haîf-Lime. In the second half hewever their numbers were furîher reduced once thro' injury and once due te the faci that one player was ordered off the field afier a scuffle. Scering for the Falcons were AI Emilie (2), Robert Wintenink and Vince Rocha. Lakeshore piay-off champion- ship defeating Bay Ridges 4-3 after losingjirst three garnes. Beat out K.T. in ont. 1/ finals but were eliminated by Orillia in semni-final. M.V.P. - Peter Foran. JUVENILE Consolidated Building Corp. Gord Kinzie, Coach Peter Warmington & Asst. Coach Rick Turner, played 56, won 30, lost 20, tied 6. Lakeshore league & play-off champs, reached ail Ontario finial but were eliminated by Riverside. The team won the Regional Orono Silverstick but were defeated in the Moore- town Silverstick. M.V.P. - Lloyd Connor Also outstanding along with others - Joel Gangemi. Soccer action hegins iin Whi*tby this month

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