Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1977, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Junior Fire Departmentstarts June 27 Interest iiu the Junior Fire Departuiient prograrnl for 1977 isý runining hiighi, but thieie are stili a few openings available lu the course. Thie Junior Fire Depart- mîent, now in ils fifth year, urider the direction of Tony Vandoleweerd, is runining lu two sessionis--Jue 27 to July 8, and July 11 10 July 21 , %vh 40 children lu the niorl1ing and 40 chiildren in the afternoon for eachi session. Thiere is stili roorn for 20 children lu the afternoon session of July 11 10 21, says Capt. Vandoleweerd, and aioplical ion forrus are available at local elenientary scliools or at the fic hall on Brock Street., This year, 160 children will be participating in the course, wldch provides a basic knowledge in rire pre- vention and ri r e Fghting techiques. I t is a unique course lu Canada, for it enables the children to uise real fire fighiting equipnent througliou t t he progra ni. Onîe of the hlighlights of the Junior Fire Departmienît programn is the prac lice session at the Oshawa fire bunker, where the children actLîally extinguishi fires, under carefu I supervision. Another highi- lighit is the waterball compe- tilion. The film prograni k being changed this year, and special enîphasis is being directed towarcls the- first aid ,nd resuscitat ion portion of the couese. Aniong the features of the Junior- Fire I)epartnien t, are first aid, arlificial respiration, tise of fire extinguishiers, life net jumping, tise of saws and other equipnienl to cul wood and cul apart a car, denion- stratîins of how suioke travels throughi a bouse, stretcher drill, and hose prac tice s. Children aged five to 14 will be taking part under the direction of five qualified instructbrs. According to Capt. Van- doleweerd, Ajax is considering the formation' of a Junior Fire Departrnent, modelled on Whitby's exaniple, and a number of municipalities enquiries on gram works. other Ontario hav e nade how the pro- Residents want creek cleaned Twenty-fouir residents of Port Whiîby have petitioned the town couincil 10 dean up Pringle Creek, which runs behiind homes ln their part of towii. The residenîs have asked the coI!ncil to approach the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority about cleaning up and possibly drd tghe lower portion of the creek. The petitioners say the flow of the creek is almost blocked off at the first bend cash of the Brock Street bridge, and due 10 garbage, car tires, cernent blocks, etc., and othier "4pollution" the creek bcd is covered with dead fishi. A solution they suggesh would be dredging the area from directly north of the Watson Street bridge s(oýth to the Brock Street bridge. A private developer is b,rg sued by the conservatiot; authority for dredging a portion of the creek without permission, and has been bold that no work can be doune Lintil an engineering shudy of the creek has been eompleted. The residents' petiion has beeni referred 10 the town's operations cornrittee. Quite A Game Dependable Date entered his neighborhood bar and found it empty, except for the bartender and a dog sit- ting on one of the barstools. The pair was engaged in an unusuczl game of chess. The dog, watchîng the board in- tently, wagged his tait when he made a good move and on occasion would bczrk to in- dicate, "Check." "Hey," Dale wondered aloud, "that's quite a dog you've got there." "He's not that smart," the bartender re- plied. "So jar, I've beaten him two out of three!" TD QUESTION: Whiy (id TI) introduce QUESTION: MVlo is lwuiiiiig froni QUESTION: Would it be more profitable to No-Chiarge Chequing? NO-Ch<irge(leiî? keep the $200 in a Premniurn Savings ANSWER. We're trying Io gel votir ANSWER: Accotun t? business. (1) Our records shlow that îiiauv <of our 1>CA ANSWER: If you write miore than 7 cheques QUESTION: Whiat d<>es No-Charge cuistonivrs aiwa skt'ep <i $20(0 balance. during a statemient 1)eriod. we can show you Chequing off er? (2) Soîiiv Il) ctstimers îîou, plan ahead and that No-Charge Chequing is a better deal. ANSWER: l)urinig PCA sialiiielli periodfs keeî in e xtrat $2(>0 iii flheir <Wc<>iiIt Mhin QUESTI.ON: lsn'l No-Charge Chequing in whichi a customevr's ii iitnu balance iIivyiiieiid 10 write i l<>t (ofchequets. realiy jusi 'a littie extra'to nmake T!) more is $200 or miore. TI) caîîcels tliv <noml (3) Some 11 ctitniiers )ccitsiona.illVt build upi competitive? 16e chiarge per cheque. tb al '200) iiiiiii1tiiiil 1y chance. ANSWER: Yes. We want youi to bc a T!) QUESTION: Why ik there a iiimiinimum C a aili;îc o-larectsoiir balanceQUESTION: So it's tot al big deal' ANSWER: TI) invests die $200)Io liellp ANS WER: No.- But it's al good deai. You offset the expense of processing the shoid look into it. ctistomner's cheques, STORONTO DOMIN.ION HI THEREI We are interested in YOU. We need peopf-. to volunteer with the retarded. Day and Evening programs. Cali 668-7745, Ext. 435 between 8:30 a.m-. and 4:30 p.m. Babysitting available!

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