Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1977, p. 1

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Lou aiuet and George Quick Two Andlerson teach'ersý are honored on redirement 1 TAIT VAl JflTT By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer Two long-termi teachers at Anderson Coliegiate wero honored Saturday with the establishnment of buirsamies in their namoes. Loti Valiquet, head of the modemn languiages departmnent, and George Quick, the school's bandmnaster and hiead of the music department, are both retiring from teaching after long and distinguishied careors. Studonts, teachors and parents gathered Satturday at the scliool to honlor thoso mon with the establishment of the Loti Valiquet Bursary in modern languiages and tho George Quick Bursary in music. Lst Wednesda.y ,Aniderson's Music Night '77 was a personal tribute to Mm. Qtiick, with the prosentation of a solid walnut baton anld a poom set. to munsic, entitled "Vilandelle", with mnusic by Grade i13 studenit Nina Bykiv and words by teacher Donna Dennisçn. Eighitecïi past niombers of Mr. Qffick's bands joineci the present band in an "instant concert"' in Mr. Quick's honor. Mr. Quick lias had a long and distinguiisling careor directing military bands in Britain and Canada. H-e was born ini England in 1910 and in 1927 he joined the British army as a band boy. In 1936 he becarne an Associate of the Royal College of Music, the following year lie became a licentiate of the Rgyal Acadenmy of Music, and in 1938 hoe gra,:duated froni the Royal Miiitamy Scliool of M usi c. For 24 years, fromi 1938 ,tô 1952, Mm. Quick was a bandrnaster with the British Army, rising to the rank of dimctor of music fo r British Arrny Bands. H-e served in England, Gemmany and India bofore coming to Canada in 1952 to buiid up a series of bands for the Canadian armed Cont'd on P. -3 wfiiCby Voice Vol. 7, No. 22 Wednesday, June 1, 1977 20 Pages Brooklin Fair opens tomorrow The Brooklin Spring Fair this weekend is bigger and botter this year wîh four days of fuîn and gaines. Defails on the fair have been outlined in tie past few weeks iin our Brooklin Bylines Columîî. See, this xeek's columnn for the latest news on the faim. The following is a conicise program of events for easy refemence: Thursday, Evening iuiie 2: 8: 00 'p. m, Beauty Contest (to enter caîl Stue Iloloduke 655-41 57. Officiai Opening of Fair by Mr. E. A. Star Sec. Ont. Assoc. of Agricultumal Societies 9 - Il1 Teen dance Friday, June 3: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Exhibits to be placed in Aena. Midway Open. Kinsmnen Beer Tent 5 p.m. - 12 p.m. 6:30 p.mn. Harness Horse Races - Pari Mutual betting privileges Dog Obedience Slhow 8:00 p.m. Old Timne Fiddlers Contest - Entry Fommis 655- 3679. Satumday, June 4: 9:Ou a.m. Aena Open to vi si tor s 10:30 a.m. Parade to enter cali 655-3196 or 655-4353) 11:30 arn. Presentation of Parade Prizes (Fairgrounds) Judging of halter classes (Light & heavy horses) 12:30 a.m. Kinsmen Boom tent Open 1:00 p.M. Cattle Judging, Harness Classes (light and heavy horses) 1:30 - 2:30 Squame Dancing Judo Demonstration in Aena 2:00 p.m. Horse Draw . el -Y à £* -'Il de YV"T. 7 e D:3iving C oeSi g alQ( 2:30 p.m. o Sawng NiSl4tilt fe ty V e î 8:30 - 1:00 p.m. Dance in Mrena - Oldtiîne, Modemn Thie week of June 5 to the voived with "Water-Safety" and aiso and Square. Phone 655-4635 Il is "Swim Safety Week" iii in a Swini Safely Poster 2) froc for ticke ts. W hv' it i alsRod Cross Con test. The con test winne rs dtîring tho Sunday, June5:, 9:00 a.m. AQIIA H-orse Show C.O.R.B. Club. Pancake Breakfast (Whitby I Rotary Club) 1:00 p.m. Bcd Race anid Soiqp Box R'ace Wa tom Safety Week. In accordance with' the them, "Swi m Safly", iroqumois Parmk îis offorinig evemy Grade* 1 to 8 student ini Whiitby and Bookliin ah oppotunity to becorne ini- (a girl anîd a boy froîn ecdi grade) will rocoive: (16 prizewininers) 1) a frc swinîinig pass for thîe sommner nonthis (Juily & August) to Iroquois Piark pool; Regional govermment is not a tax cuiprit says PC candidate Ashe "Regional governi-nent lias îîot been t ho tux culprît that soineie iuniicipalities anîd Newv Demiocratic incumibent s have nmade il otut to hoe", says1 Dturham West Progressive ConservaI ive candidate George Ashie.j Ashie says that a sinîple comparison of tlîe costs between thle old countyi systemi of governmiient and the rogion showvs little inecase between 1972 and 1977.- "In 1972, it cost a home-1 oxvncr. xith a home assessed1 at $20,000 in Ajax $61 ini taxes for county governinent1 and $52 for policing"., saysj Ashe, "for a to tal of $1 13". 1 "For regionul governmiient in 1977, whicli incîtîdes costs1 for policirig and the cost of regional govennent, includ- ing aIl the fornmer fonctions of the county pluis the additional services offered by the region, the average taxpayer ini Ajax paid just $101 as decrease of$S12." Ashie says the reason hoe is using the 1972 costs is tliut in I1973 miany municipalities juggled thecir budgets iin pre- parution for egional gove rn- mient. 1le also says that the différences in costs for Pickering and Whitby are ulso1 nn mimal. "Pickering residents, on an ave rage assessnien t of $20 ,000, are now paying $131 compared to $130 ini 1972 and in Whitby the cost lias gone froni $127 to $133 on a homne assesscd at $5,000", says Ashie. "Tiiese virtual 'stand pat' amnounts ïare in spite of a flive year period of higlh inflation",1 increase in taxes, over the last five years, is niuch iower than the inflation rate ini the sanie period, according to Ashle. "In tthat context, one reali:'es what a ýommnendahie job the local miuniicipa-ýlities have donc ini naintaining the current, and in some cases imiproved, levels of service despite mninîial incroases", says Asile. Ashe also says argunments based on the dlaimi that xvhen provincial grants for the start- up of the region are remnoved, tax bills xiii rapidly increase, just don't bear out when you look at the facts. "Mos t of the start-up grants for tlhe local municipalitios have already ceased and the increase in the local portions of the tax bills.Jiave not been that severe in 1977", says Ashle. Ho also says that when the last of start-ul) grants to the region run out, there will be even iess impact because the increasod costs, if any, xvill be spread oi over the larger population of the region. "Whien you examine the actual costs of the region, it becomnes apparent that region- ai governmnent is provîng to be a financially viable forin of governiet". "And as an J ed officiai on a local, coL and regional cotîncil Siî.- 1970, 1 can't imagine xvhat it would be costing us in taxes withotît regional govenienýit", says Ashe. "The facIts bear this out" irîdicates Asile, "Contrary to the negative, twisted inaccuracies put forward by others". features poster con tesi swirming lessons miontli of Jtly or P~ool. To enter, simipiy' desigil a pioster depicting the "Swvii Safcly" thomile. Impact' composition and ,,Ïtstic'flaýir will bo considemed Mvhen the posters are judged. Any aspect of Water Safetyiniay bc pro- sented;, boating, watemskiinig, skin & scuba diving, diving, swiinîiing ulone, witlh frion ds, ut the idoor Pool oirItle thlt ottdotr pool, or huck- yard pool, collage, beachi, etc. The iiqtialic staa u Iroquois Park xiii judgC e posters ;dur-iing theo xveek of Jonc 12. The contesi it r along xvit h 211d, 3rd, .4trh 5th and 6thl. place gii V and boys liom e ach iratixviil mceive a 1iilîbon t1a':ve itheir lutilmes t(111ispava(Irhoquîois Par dîînglhe/7' season. CANDIDATE'S COFFEE BREAK Ontario's Provincial Treasurer Darcy McKeough took a morning coffee break Monday as lie visited Whitby with Progressive Conservative Candidate for Durham West, George Ashe (left). Mr. McKeough is talking to ioy Grant, a resident of Brooklin. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess

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