Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Varietywas theme of Brookin springfower show- Variety was the theme of ln addition to tHc Show, Modcrator, E. R. Pope and were weîl chiosen andl their attractive. His talk though Mary I-Iousego'S- reportc "Srn lwrSo" itsclf, there was a discussion the othier panel miembers message camiie across clcarly brief, was interesting and Civie beautification made a] d by the Brooklin 1-orticuil- by the panel from Hie Ovie based their discussion on the on how to hold antI/or hurt innovative. of those present aware of jt ýa Society on May 25. Garden Centre Toronto. Their joint topics of Fertilizers and your garclen at this particular The J u dges for the Flower how hard work and time Insecticides.. These suibJects season. They answered Show was Mrs. Russell- Littie given to ths project by tf Offices C.- 171 King Street East, Oshawa 22 Walton Street. Part Hope J. Roberts, c.a. charte red accoun tan Is B.K. Madge tt, c. a. RAPV Boler, c.a. Telephones 579-5531 885-2335 Introducing.the NEW......- STEAK HOUSE Corne dine with uis 0.0. and SAVE RECEIVE 12 FREE DINNERS JOIN THE GROWING NUMBER 0F EXECUTIVE DINNER CLUB MEMBERS AND SAVE UP TO $1 43.OOOFFTHE REGULAR LUNCHEON AND DINNER MENU AT ALL ALI BABA STEAK HOUSE LOCATIONS BRAMPTON, CAMBRIDGE, LONDON, STRATFORD, WHIT8V, WATERLOO. Here's How It Works: Witt your Executive Dirnner Club Card you reccive erne (1) cîîmplimentar y dinner vvith the purchase of ai least one ot her t ho higher rircer ta bco pard for. Example: yok ordcr a% an enftre- Surf 'n Turf Si10.95 and a Mînkiller Steak, $9.95 You pay orrly $10.95, the Mankiller Steak is F REE You ,;avie $9.95 (litte iii' dîwcnner per card fr.'r vi-otî 11 rr.îîrrî.sgît/r ni0sî t o e or ,iîcohol, PLU(JS M AN Y M ( R1F'L' ftf 1 1f !î -use your cai cf ,î:AI IAILI1HA I>:î ii' foi I-L.JNCIIEON or Di NN EH -You nmay usO yOUI car d 1 2 IlM S, Iwithin 1 year) rnot I mi ted to urwc" a mur ith iifi iq Pla fl ot for use on SaturdaLys, Mot fier s (1y, Vl: u' Day, New Year's Eve, or special y pi ic:ed menu day s. - Friends or Business its may use, your card. - Executîve Dinrer Club Cards r-ake deal ail occasion gifts. SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS CAN BE YOURS WITH AN ALI BABA <'EX ECUTIVE DINNER CLUB CAR D" YEARLY MEMBERSHIP FEE... $30 TWO CAR DS S28/c. THREE OR MORE $26/c. DON'T DELAY! ORDER NOW - THE FTRST 100 MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE 14 FREE DINNERS -A BONUS 0F 2 DINNERS Mail this coupon in today - dine in style! Y ES'; vrulr i lke an "EX ECU TI VEDI NNER CLUB CAR D" 1 ur'rfrrtarid 1 wili recreive 12 complimentary dînners for the .jnrual membershîp tee, of $30 ($28 or ÎP26 if applicable). NAM E E..... ... .... fpeserriflt) ADDR E 5 CITY POSTA L CODE NO. 0F DID YOU ENCLOSE CARDS REOUIRED CHEOUE OR MONEY .... ORDER MADE PAYABLE TO ALI BABA STEAK HOUSE 'WFP' EX ECUTI VE » DINNER'C,.. CLUB WITBY, ONT. LIN 4S6 questions readily and sorne- timies hum-ourously. Paul, young son of Vale rie l-undert, one of our Society miernbersga.îe a demnonstration on sand landscaping in a clear plastic pot for the purpose of making, cactus planting more of Little Britain and Mrs. Elliot Harrington of Carn- bray, who are recent graduates froin the R.B.C. Judging Course and First prize for Best Specimen of Tulip, donated by Florence Affhton was awarded to Alice Dodd. T HAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668 - 7797 Hours Mon--Sat. & Evenings by Appointment Oni y Consolidated Building Corporation COMMUNITY CONCEPT CENTRE. at the corner of Baldwin and Roebuck Sts. inBrooklin We wiIl be talking about water and sewage services. HOW IT CAN HAPPEN IN BROOK LIN We are open Tuesday afternoons tram 1 p.m. Ln 6 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday evenings tramn 5 p.m. ta 9 p.m. During the Brooklni Spring Fir the Centre wriI be open on- Friday evening from 6 p.m. ta 10 p.m. and Saturday 1 pro, tM 8 P.m. Rot reshments vwill ho served. Drop in arnd pay us a visit or cali - <655-3391 73 PLYMOUTH FURY Il 4411 Ful Price $1299.00 ver ceai trouhat.Cost $ 287.96 very JDea 568ou.hutI nterest 13.5% Lic JD 58. mthly Over 36 Motnths FOR FAST 1 HOUR CREOIT APPROVAL If Yaul Qualffy 683-5541 CAIL NOW [0W RATE JERMS AVAILABLE 1 35% OVER 36 MOS> NOTE $1,000 $ 1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 COSI $221. 48 $332.40 $44.-32 $553-88 $664 .80 MONTHLY $33.93 $50.90 $671.87 $84.83 $10 1.80 683-5540 SPECIALS 73 MAVERICK, 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto., radio, 2 yr. wvarranty. ASA 277. $1499. 72 FORD County Sedan wagon, fully recond., very sharp. APF 229. S1 299. 73 CAPRICE, V-6, 4 speed, Terrifîc jite car. BAF 266. $1 899. 75 MONTE CARLO, fac. air, vvire wheels, lots of extras. HTE 027. ?? 74 CHEVELLE Malibu, 4 dr., 8 cyl., auto., tully powvered. AOW 360. - $2499. 13 0 New & .Used Cars Io Choose Frorn PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 7/77 1 KINGSTON RD. E.., PICKERING on ill ist is he Society Members. Grace Coe then thanked the panel and' President Margaret Davis extendee lier thanks to Paul Hundert and Mary Hoûsego and added a note of appreciation for the enthusiasm shown by mnem- bers and visitors alike. Maltese present telethon donation Chevalier L. Darmanin of 'the Grand'Priory of Europe ini Malta, presented the S-second half of the donations Scollected in the telethon that was held, in Toronto by the Canadian Priory, Kniights of Malta. The presentation xvas made at Villa Papa Giovanni, part of the Villa Plrovidenza comptex ini Siggiewvi, Malta. Monsignor Michael Azzopardi, the director of this honme for the handi- capped, accepted the cheque of S2,200. ln his letter of thanks, Mous. Azzopardi stated "this noble gestuire by the Prior Joseph Erendo-C umbo and the Kniglits of the Canadian Priory is yet another tangible proof of the genuine wvay the Order is following to keep up the charitable scopes for wlbich the Order of Saint John was founded many centuries ago." The local Malta news miedias covered the presenta- tion and Kt. L. Darmanin on behiaîf of the Noble Frendo- ICumnbo thanked aIl those in Toronto for their gene-ouis Icontribuitions. The Prior of Canada is a resident of IBrookliu. C olleetin g for Cobalt The WVcst Lynde Girl Guides are collccting articles to assist the residents of Cobalt. Ontario, wbo suffered in a recent disastrous flr', Anvone wlo lias clothing' or oîlier articles they wvould like to dlonate. may caîl Jeanne DaNwson ai 668-9856. RENT A CARI No mileage charge 668-8000 G LItDB'- opposite Browers Rotail the hel tur. boler &c WA.D. Se/lby, C.a. C. W. Marlowe, C. a. EXECUTIVE DINNER CLUB C.ARD1 Alilta

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