Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1977, p. 3

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WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1977, PAGE~3 A nderso>n teachers have hir.aries named in their honor Cunt'd from P. 1 forces. Fro I 1952 to 1 963 he wvas Assistanit Chief Iinspector of Caniadiani Arnîiy Bands, recruiting bandsnîcnn froin arourid tlie world and travelling to niany coutitries witli the Canadian Forces bands. 11) 1963 Mr. Quick retired fromn the arniy aînd qualified ais a tea cher of mnusic ini thie Ontario Schiool systeil. 111 1967 hie came to Anderson Collegiate as hiead of die depautnienit of music, wvhere he wvas responsible for coiiductiing thiree concert bands (Juniior. linteriiediate and Senior) mnd a stage bauid Nvichl played thie "Big Bauid" dance miusic of thie I 940s. Wile at Andlerson. MNr. Quick se t lUp Inunierous exehianges withi scliool bauids iii Niontreal, Ottawa anid Boston. and produced twvo records ofprofessiona.,l cuality. Tiie Anderson Bands, uîuler his direction 'woni dozens of rirst prizes at thie Oshawva anid Toronito Kiwaniis Music Festivals and were regularly invited to play at Onit.:rio Place. A numnber of first prizes \veunt to0 soloisis il) Mr. Quick's bauds also. NIr. Valiquet, a French Canadian bon i i Ottawa in 1911, has specialized in lauguages for inany years. flu 1932 lie received his BA degree ini psychology and econoi-nics froin Queen .s University ini Kingston and was a nedalist in psychology. In 1933 lie received a special- ist's certificate ini physical education froni the Ontario College of Education in Toronto, and in 1934, an M.A. froni Queen's in psychology and econoinics. From- 1934 to 1940, he was senior science miaster at Greygables School at Welland, Ont., and assistant headnîiaster from 1936 onward. Froni 1940 to 1955 he wvas education officer fo r tic Royal Canadian Air Force, and from 1955 to 1961, supervising principal for the Department of National Defense Dependents Schiool at the RCAF Station at Bagotville Quebec, and lecturer in English at a school in Chicoutimi. Before coming to Anderson as head of the modern lauguages departmient in 1 964, he was assistant head of the French Dcpartment at O'Neill Collegiate in Oshawa. During his xork with the air force, Mr. Valiquet was chief examniner for French speaking Canadians at the RCAF school of English. and staff officer in charge of selection of F rench speakiug personnel for the R('AF Trade Selection 13oard. After the Second World War he was officer in charge of this school. staff off icer in charge of qualifyiig exaina- tions for air force liead- quarters and staff officer ini charge of instructiollal tech- niques. Fromn 1951 to 1954 Mr. Valiq oct was RCAF screening o flice r for the Canadian Embassy in Paris, in charge of screening aircrew candidates for RXAF training fom al NATO couintries, and advisor on Englisti language training t(> ai] NATO air forces. Much of bis work involved settîng up language courses for the air force and NATO tu meet mnilitary standards. After hiý arrivai at Ander- son Collegiate in 11964, Mr. Valiquet for 10 ycars arranged exclhanges and offer- ecl prizes t o outstanding studenIts witli the assistance of large Canadian industries. He set tip regular exclhangc visits between Anderson Quebec, andi annmal visits to' the Quebec Winiter Carnival. At least 300 students took part in tis prograin, a pioncering venture in the late 1960s. stu.dents and students in Mr. Valiquet, frorn 196.5 mentsin this Charter grew out of my NewYelar's message as amplified in ouirThrone Speech and recent Budget. It de scribes how a Progressive Conservative Government will lead Ontario in the yearýs immediately ahead. 1 believe it refleets -in understanding of the wa.v to 1968 was a rescareni today. This representeci a inoted in the late 1 960s a associate fo r flc Royal change from ich former series of Gerr-nan language Commission on Bilinguaismi theoretical approachi to teach- programs, whereby 70 Ander- and Biculturalisn. igFeci re ogv son graduates spent a year in In 1971 lie pioneered iin Canadian students a second Germany working and learn- Ontario a general level French language. ing the language. Other course which is followed in In addition to his work in sehools also copied this many sehools in the province French, Mr. Valiquet, pro- program. of life ani the hurnan needs and aspiration,, of 1)eople thr-oughout tis Pr-ovince. Lt provides a plan t() keelp Ontario strong and dynamic-a place in which the need to preserve the best of the pacstis bialanced with the need for friture growth. Tfhe Progr-essive Conser-vative Paî'tly is committed to the se goals. 1 ask you to join withi me in translating this Chlarteri into action by voting Pr-oglrý-\essve Conservative on June 9Ithri Willim Davis, IPrennew?: YourfutureYour dic. -1 .& ma. a IV IL~ qq-.e a qLýv nLir w IV IV %..e IqL~ IL.-e a w X..e a qIL7 a qiv %.~ quoe %--r %-0' JkAw m le-P 'q

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