Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, VEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRES Special news this week about the Miss Brooklin contest - at the last count there were sixtcen entries -- every one of themi attractive and personable. This year's contest (Thursday, June 2, 8 pm.) 'will feature the 'Sweet Adelines' who will sing during the contest as well as 'Bey Smith and The Individuials' withi vocalist Phil Trudelle. Most of y ou have'heard about the 'Sweet Adelines' and lknow that they are always a deligit. Phil Trudelle and the Bey Smith group will also provide fîrst rate musical entertainrnent. IVve heard Phil sing - he's good! Gail Walthani will provide a very unique interpretation of the classic "belly dance". There are also two girls, Mary Roney and Anna Davis who plav guitar accomnivnent BROWNÀ'S FOI BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DJELIVERY AT - 'NOMINAL 3BIDA CHARGE 3ui D Thurs. June 2 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF iIflRT RhI ORDENS TAKEN ONU FOR FRIEUR Perf ect for the Barbecue - Whole MAPLE LEAF Pork Loins Lunch Meats CHICRIN SOLOGNA ,P",'KE 12 t0 14.Lb avg. CARPMENT. LUNCEON-MA Cutan Wappd e W lb ..d CIOESE 202 PACKAGE C Frozen Imported New Zealand MAPLE LRAR -cZEP A CKAE HA MAPLE LIAF rGOLDEN GA."RTCCOI Lamub Legs SAU SGE aed $b.9 POLUSH osaeb orTL 21 HOL 3m LLIAEIKSeacb$1 .98 wHa 9bý iPEL%-Ati K 0[-ezsf R EALE MON LEMON JUICE 24FLO0Z BOTTER 69ý Scoft Towels 2 ROSI. PACKAGE 83c ROB(RITSON' - IMPORTES O2 FLOZ JAR JAMS Marmalades75< We Are Agents For -.&1SCOUIING PACKAGE M 18 THE S.O.S. Pads 77c PEOPLE !j 1EPACKAGE f 1.0 24-1Ooz. Diet - 2.29 KITCHEN Remis 69c 24-10 oz. Regular- 2.57 12-30 oz. Regular- 2.99 Ref undable DeposÎt for Bot ties & Case 3.00.. ss t0 their owil sonigs, Ail this plus sixteeni beautifuil young girls- sotîe contlest! T'he admission to this event is $1 .50 for- aduits and $1 .00 ['or those under eighiteen. Thiis charge admits teenagers to the dance wlilch follow (at 9 pm.) as wel. Amie Celsie of CKLB Oshawa wiil be one ofthie guesi judges of' (he 'Miss Brookllnl Contest. lI,îlly 've got details for Sunday's Bcd and Batlitib race foi, you. There are thirty-four en.tries .- can yoo believe il? 'This race kIs imited 10 people eighteen and over. Tea-mîs maremade up of four pecople. The teamns will micct with their entries at Irown's Foodniaster at 11:30 at.ml. (June 5) where tlîey ,will bc judged for dlesign originahity. The racc will begin one o'clock with hieats being runl and comipetition narrowcd down. Thc race course is on Baldwin Strcet frorn Way St. te the Emporiumi. The prizes for thc event are really good. A cash prize of $50,00 will be awarded for original design and a $50.00 cash prîze wili go to.the winner of the race. Second and tlîird place winners oif the race will win $30.00 and $20.00 respectivcly. To add a littie hoopla 10 this evcnt we will be entertained by the Whitby Sea Cadet Band (situated in Grass Park). Clowns wiiI be in attendance andi refreshncents will be available. Gary Young has donated a trophy to be given to the winner o 'f this race, the first of nany 1 hope il really sounids as if it will be great fun. My only query is - where are ail the spectators going te stand? 1 can sec thc whole town plus surrounding ,village people turning out for t bis. Don't miss the quarter hiorse show the fair grounds, 9:00 a.rn. Sunday nîorning (Jonc 5) and the hearty pancake breakfast hosted by te Whitby Rotary Club. It is patently obviouss lunie that a trernendous aniount thougit , planning and liard work lias gone mbt this year's Spring Fair. Thîis ana ual even t brings a fresh vitality 10 Ithe town and liitîs cveryone's spirits. To tuie Fair B3oard people and ail of tiiose cent ributing timie and çffort i1d like 10 say Tiîank you ! A coming event of int&rest te many is a young people's vocal and instrumental group from the Florida Bible Collegç. This group 'Fils Ambassadors' «'iII present gospel i music at the Mcadowcrest Baptist Church on Tuesday, June 7th at 7:30 p.nm. Pastor Foley' issues an open) invitation 10 the community t0 attend their special prograrn. The Saturday after the fair, June 11lth, 10 a.rn. to 3 p.m. there wilI be 'The Greatest Ever Garage Sale' -- s0 the organizers tell me! If il rains, the sale will be held the foilowing Saturday June 1i 8tlî. Many attics and basemrents have been cleared cf rnemorabilia especially for this sale. Coi-ne 10, 9 George St. in Brooklin. Refreshrnents will be available. At a sale at this place last year 1 managed to0 gel two 'treasurers' - a super spice rack and candy dish 1,1 neyer part with. Can't wait 10 see what they'l1 have this year. In the mearitime - see you at the. fair! Valerie 655-4317. Rouler skating starts The Whitby Recreation Departiment in conjunction with Rollavila Enterprises is pleased to announce the start of another roller skating sesionl at Iroqluois Park. Roller Skating on Thursday evcnings is geared toward the teenagers% iu the area, 14 years and eIder, both novice and experienced skaters. DDMASTER YS PHONE 655m4521 STORE HOU RS OPEN SIX OAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FR1, NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.nî.. *CourtoeSy\, value 11loi to Sat. June 4 * o.i lrid a Cucumbers King Size 29c ea. Ontario Home Grown Green Onions 3 Bunches C 49C Arrid -or Cont-85c Arrd -1.cot.$129 Soap 3 bat pack 69< TOOTNPASTE 50 &I. TUBE Ultra Brite 1694 WILKAINSON S STAINU.SS SIttE RAPI SHVI R§ &MOntOl OZCONTAINER Shave Cream 79C SHIRRIFF INSTANT MASHES T2 OZ PACKAGE POTATOES 619C VARIETY Poick 89c CAT Foods 40'99c KRAFT - EADO 7Il * Z PACKAGE DINNERS 29C CLOUER LEAF- MEDIUM RED COMOL T' * OZ TIN SALMON sl.19 Maxwell House ROASTEO Coffee 8 BAatS 3m79 ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 1 2 0 PAG I G WELCHS - CONCORD GRAPE JUICE 24 fiSO2 TIN SCOTTIES Facial Tissue Whte 00ly 2w . 7PLV PACKASE Cocktail 45 Parkay Margarine 7 LR PACK 1.19' STRETCH -N -.-SEAt PLASTIC W RAP "TFOTROSE -149Ç HOUU4E0OU CLEANER LESTOIL 15 FI.Oz.65 SESPOSABLE IAPERS . TODOLER PACKAGE of 12 PAMPERS $1,059 F. S . Fa wi . -Fi e , A..n s ,ted AOS BISCUITS 1 ""'m89 FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs to, Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BRQOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-323:3 The .$2.00 admission fée includes skate rentai in the event thiat one does net have their ewn skates; a chance on a draw for a T-shirt and 3 heurs (7:30-10:30 p.m..) of well supervised skating. Refresliments are also avail. able during the skating pe riad. The Monday evening roller ý(ating session for adults, I18 ..cars aind older, will com- In1nce---June 6. The evening s.-arts with instruction at 7 p.m. for ail interested and fînislies as the adult skating begins at 8 p.mi. Instruction is S 1.00 and skating, $2.00. The price cf admission includes skate rentai, a draw and 3 heours of uninterrupted skating. Heber Down master plan is approved The Heber Down Conserva- tien Area is well on its way te becoiming a regienal park, followving ceunicil approval of a master plan drawn up by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. CLOCA lias already allo- cated $60,000 for upgrading tie area's facilities Ibis year, and funds for additional land. acquisition. Cur'ently the conservation area is the largest ila tue region, consist- ing cf 578 acres. Aînong the new facilities apprcved are a maintenance centre office, says Bob Allen, Assistant General Manager cf CLOCA. Mr. Allen hiopes te maintain a natural envirennient in the I-leber Down Area while seek- ing to accoinnodate education- al and recreational demands compatible withi the natural environnment. CLOCA is hoping te acquire the Ilarden and King gravel pit on the east side of the conservation area for park- ing and buildings and te pro- vide an access t0 the Lynde Creek val ley. In addition, tlhe conserva- tion authority is planting trees in the trailer camp off Coronation Road te make the 5O-trailer camp -site more priva te. Treces are also being planted on tie in terprovincial pipe- line patîit ulirough the con- servation area last year, and ROST9l.Fish Sîcssl3 110ASTSorange Ja'c. 3889 CUT FROA4CANADATeE Î -A- "affles fORE MFbqB E a lcad e BLAI j lbl-- 5 5 S t e a k kg<TE A K lb SU NSPU N Roues 7c cl fom 8 1 NABUSCO SALAD MAPTE LOAF swEEtiPICREERh e d es D tE S N COTTAGE ROLLS 1 *2Qc Shj-dd 24o DRESSING SSTS.O.B'4 2lAg 14nt oi 202if 9 P a%.AG (E SI CORNED BEEF u~119 79 5 ( JOLLY MILLER DOLE.FANCY FROZEN FOODEl Li m

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